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We propose the creation of a Fair Price Shop in our Plant in view of the growing concerns about food
security and affordability as well as our dedication to sustainability. Through the provision of a reduced
access to basic food items, our initiative seeks to both support our organization's sustainability goals and
make sure that our staff can afford nutritious food.

The initiative emphasizes the significance of sustainability, worker wellbeing, and food security. Providing
subsidized rates for basic food products is one way to improve food security among employees. Since
opening a Fair Price Shop helps to promote long-term community sustainability in addition to meeting
urgent needs, it is consistent with the organization's fundamental principle of sustainability. The
initiative, which aims to put employee welfare first, shows a dedication to promoting their well-being
and raising their standard of living.

One of our organization's key values is sustainability. By opening a Fair Price Shop, we aim to help our
community be sustainable over the long run in addition to meeting the needs of our workers right now.
A sustainable society must have both social cohesion and economic stability, which are fostered by
inexpensive food access. This initiative targets

SDG 1 No Poverty

SDG 2 Zero Hunger

SDG 3 Good Health and Well Being

SDG 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth

SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities

Our most precious asset is our workforce, and ensuring their welfare is of utmost importance. We aim to
show our dedication to improving their quality of life and promoting their well-being by providing
subsidized pricing for fundamental food goods.

To fully realize the potential of this initiative, I am seeking financial support in the amount of 5 lac
rupees. This funding will be utilized for the procurement of necessary items.



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