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“Film Showing for a Cause”

To conduct a film showing on cutting-edge new techniques for scientific learning.

1.Conduct of film showing.

2.Simulation Activity
Last week of SEPTEMBER

 wall e
 the day after tomorrow

The following questions aims to find the answer of the film showing:

Assess the Film's Impact on Advocacy: Explore whether the film has the
potential to spark activism or environmental initiatives. Does it provide viewers
with tangible ways to get involved or support environmental causes?
Discuss the Impact on Viewers: Explore how the film might influence its
audience. Does it educate viewers about environmental issues they may not
have been aware of? Does it motivate them to make more environmentally
conscious choices in their lives?
Evaluate the Film's Messaging: Assess how effectively the film conveys its
message about environmental awareness. Does it effectively communicate the
importance of environmental issues? Does it inspire viewers to take action?
Compare to Other Environmental Films: Consider how the film compares to
other movies with environmental themes. Does it bring a unique perspective or
approach to the genre? How does it stand out or fall short in comparison?
Reflect on Personal Impact: Share your personal thoughts and emotions
regarding the film's impact on you as a viewer. Did it change your perspective
on environmental issues, or did it reinforce your existing beliefs?


Section 1: The name of this organization will be SCIENCE CLUB.

Section 2: The domicile of the fellowship shall be the SSC- from G7- G10 at TNCHS


Section 1: The aims and objectives of the organization are the following:
a. To enhance the students’ abilities and develop their interest in the various aspects in Science.

b. To use their skills and talents in science effectively either cognitively, psychomotor and in
affective domains of learning.

c. To inscribe good values and leadership among members of the club and to be one of the
God’s steward in protecting the environment.


Section 1:
a. The membership is open to all bonafide students under the Special Science Curriculum
b. Membership is acquired by maintaining a desire to belong to the organization and attendance
of every Science Club meeting.
c. No discrimination on the basis of age, race, sex, sexual identity, creed, or religion will exist
within the organization.


Section 1:
a. The members shall attend the meeting every scheduled dates.
b. The members should be cooperative and perform the task given by the adviser/moderator.
c. The members are free share their ideas and insights regarding the activities presented and
present clearly their opinion on the chosen topics.

Section 1:
a. Officers shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Business Manager,
PRO, Auditor.

b. The officers should be the one who leads the member for unity and
performances in Science Club.
c. The term of office is one year (12-month period).

d. Elections will be held in October by the general membership.

Sub-Section A: If an officer is unable to fulfill his/her duties for the designated term, vacancies
shall be filled by a special election to be held at the next scheduled club meeting.


Section 1: The Executive Committee shall consist of the faculty advisor/ moderators assigned
and the elected officers.

Section 2: Any minor business referred to the Executive Committee may be resolved through
simple discussion with the general membership and the reaching of a consensus (general
agreement) regarding the matter.

Section 3: Major business, or minor business where a consensus cannot be reached, is referred to
the Executive Committee where a majority vote will pass any business.
Sub-Section B: In the event of a tie vote, the faculty advisor will cast the deciding

Preamble: Students will engage about environmentally sustainable practices and our
implications to the environment. Through guidance of the club adviser, which is coordinated by
adviser, headed by the officers, will actively participate in every set activity (i.e. clean of school
premises, using of funds by means of prizes in every activities). The club will support the
engagement of students' for the more eye opener environmental protection by means of
awareness in protecting the environment through cleanliness of the surroundings.

Article I Objectives a. To educate and raise awareness to the students, and teachers to the
cleanliness of the surroundings.

1. Provide student with opportunities to enjoy activities while they are cleaning every
surrounding of the school.

Article II Membership

Application for membership into Science Club under SSC Program

of Tanza National Comprehensive High School

Any member may be dismissed from the Science Club because of misconduct, failure to meet
his/her responsibilities at the chosen club.
Article III Officers

Science Club shall have the following officers:

2. President, who shall be responsible for

1. Presiding over all meetings;
2. Heading all standing and special committees;
3. Communicate and discuss ideas with club Advisers.

3. Vice-President, who shall be responsible for

1. All that the president is responsible for when the president is absent or unable to
take part in activities.
2. Take attendance at meetings
3. Aid president when needed

4. Secretary, who shall be responsible for

1. Any correspondence determined necessary to maintain adequate communication.
2. Recording the minutes of all regular and/or committee meetings
3. To furnish a copy and it shall be given to the club adviser to record every event.

5. Treasurer, who shall be responsible for

1. Collecting, depositing, and accounting of all funds with the help of Club Adviser.

6. Each officer shall maintain his duties to the fullest extent in accordance with the rules of
rules of the school.
7. Election Day of officers.
8. Qualification of officers.
9. Procedure of voting.
10. All officers shall assume the duties of their respective offices when so designated by the
11. The term of office should be one year.

Article V Meetings

12. Purpose of the meetings is to discuss the objectives and goals set forth by the club and
organize fundraising events, active participation of among club members.

13. Meetings will be every second week(WEDNESDAY) of the month.

14. All members are required to attend Wednesday meetings. Vice President is in charge of
keeping track of attendance.
Article VI Finances

15. Science Club is a non for profit club, thus the fee or any fundraising and donations will
be given back to the school for the benefit of the learners. Any money collected by
Science Club will be handled by the said officers liable for this club matter.

Science club may spend money with the memberships and advisor’s approval only for the
following purposes;

1. Cleanliness of the school premises

2. Innovative and resourceful.
3. Warm and simple.
4. Awareness to the environment.

Article VII Parliamentary Authority

The actions of this club are subject to approval of school administration and the faculty advisor.

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