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Modul I BioMASTERY: Transport System


1. Label parts of the lymphatic system shown in FIGURE 2.


A : ____________________ B : _____________________
C : ___________________ D : _____________________

2. The structure and functions of human lymphatic system are related to the lipid
transportation. Complete the chart below using words given:
villi glycerol chylomicrons subclavian vein
lacteal lymphatic valves fatty acid

Biology Unit, KMJ (2013/2014)

Modul I BioMASTERY: Transport System

3. FIGURE 3 shows the cross section of a root.

a. Using different lines given show the apoplast pathway, symplast pathway and vacuolar
pathway in the FIGURE 3.
i. ====> : apoplast pathway
ii. -------> : symplast pathway
iii. : vacuolar pathway

4. State true / false for each situation given.

Situation True / False

a. Water molecules adhere to one another is called adhesion.

b. Root pressure is the pressure in the xylem that occurs as a result

of the absorption of ions and water into roots from the soil.
c. Translocation is the evaporation of water molecules from plant
parts to the atmosphere.
d. Water molecules adhere to the walls of the tube is called cohesion

e. Casparian strip in the endodermis prevent water from moving by

apoplast pathway

Biology Unit, KMJ (2013/2014)

Modul I BioMASTERY: Transport System

5. Base on FIGURE 4 and the clues given; fill in the blanks with the correct answers.


mesophyll starch hydrostatic sieve tube diffusion osmosis


water sucrose source sink water potential unloaded

(a) __________ is synthesized by photosynthesis in (b) __________ cell and loaded into sieve
tube by active transport. Thus, accumulation of solutes will lower the (c) ______________ inside
the (d) __________. Then, (e) _______ from xylem in leaf move into the sieve tube by (f)
______________. Entry of water will generate higher (g) _________________ than in the root.
Thus, this forces the sucrose to flow along the tube from (h) _________to (i) __________.
Sucrose is (j) __________ into the sink cell by (k) _______, where it is either being consumed or
stored as (l) _________.

Biology Unit, KMJ (2013/2014)

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