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 She cried immediately without shocking and asking any questions as

many other women do. Just the actors can cry immediately, this can
be seen as performance, she is taking a role as a good wife, a good
woman with all kind of bad emotions.
 Why no one follow with her? She doesn’t want other people, she want
to be alone => everything is a performance. It is her duty and she
want to turn to be herself.
 Seek for freedom, so she look for her window (not look for many
things that make her relaxed), she only wants to be outside, this is not
her comfort zone.
 Armchair (being herself and relax), just herself sit down to look out
=> comfort chair for her.
 Physical exhaustion (remind emotional exhaustion), remind reader
about another: mental exhaustion, she is relaxed, peaceful in her
 “SEEM” the reality is quite opposite, it means she is physically
exhausted but her mind is so healthy, she doesn’t have any mental
health issues after crying but just physical exhaustion after having to
 She keens on watching things: vivid and colorful picture: spring life,
aquiver trees => excited and enthusiated. she is full of live and this is
the sound of living, true sound of life. She is interested in listening.
=> She enjoys her life with all her senses.
 She cannot upset due to this beautiful scene. She is like a child, after
crying so much, she sob naturally but not because of being too sad.
 This is the time for her to have a better version of herself, fix her
mistake and live her life.
 “SOMETHING” we don’t know exactly what it is, she know (subtle
and elusive)
 From the sky => freedom => she is happy
 1/ try to swallow
 2/ try to say it (she doesn’t close her lips tightly). that word is not
allowed to say, but she also really want to say it loud => conflict.
 Scare of morality and humans
 Eyes: keen and bright => conflict
 Human beings: cry when seeing the dead body
 She doesn’t think her husband love her.
 She has 2 options:
 She welcomes everything be back. She used to live for her husband
and now it’s time for her to live for herself.
 Sometimes end. Often begins => contract.
 Self-assertion - you believed to be treated kindly
 Strongest impulse: động lực mạnh mẽ nhất.
 There are not days of depression, sadness => she prays the gods for
living long to enjoy although yesterday she prayed the gods to give
her strength to overcome and live.
 She will be the witness of happiness, spread freedom and happiness
for other women.
 She gets angry to the fate, she steps one steps out, she doesn’t
approve to be back like this, she is very close to it but she cannot step
to it because her husband is there, it is like a barrier that prevent her.

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