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Statement of Purpose for Aashay Mundaye

Mark Zuckerberg once expressed, "The beauty of computer science is that it is evolving, always
offering new challenges and opportunities to learn and grow." These words capture computer
science's transformative impact on our lives, from algorithms to AI and robotics. Its dynamic
nature aligns with my tech-savvy passion, driving my pursuit of an MS in Computer Science.
Growing up as a digital native, I was always fascinated by computers and technological
advancements. In ninth grade, helping my brother set up a personal computer ignited my passion.
My passion for math, logic, and computer drove me to pursue a Bachelor's in Electronics and
Computer Science.

My Bachelor's program offered a well-rounded curriculum that aligned with my interests in

physics and mathematics. Elective courses like Cloud Computing and IoT expanded my
knowledge of computing basics, programming languages, cloud architecture, and IoT devices.

Furthermore, I undertook academic projects to broaden my technical expertise through hands-on

experience. My project, Expense Tracker presented an excellent opportunity to implement my
programming capabilities. I employed Python with a MySQL database to design a user-friendly
platform to control expenses. Moreover, I developed an Online Pizza Delivery System for
ordering and delivering pizzas, broadening my web development and database management
knowledge. Presently, I am working on my capstone project, Music Recommendation System,
and a research paper, Music Recommendation System using AI.

With a strong academic foundation, I aim to expand my knowledge through a Master's in

Computer Science program. My interests include ML, AI, Data Science Algorithms, and
Advanced Data Structures. In the long term, I aim to gain industrial experience by working with
a reputable organization. Furthermore, I aspire to create innovative solutions that benefit society.

As things stand today, the M.Sc. program in Computer Science offered by the University of
Muenster best suits my requirements. Its esteemed curriculum, extensive alumni network, and
diverse student body make it an ideal choice. With the drive to continuously improve in every
undertaking, I will uphold the university's standards and strive hard to meet the expectations of
an incoming student. Therefore, I am confident that an MS from the University of Muenster will
enable me to achieve my personal and professional goals.

The University of Munster's commitment to interdisciplinary collaborations aptly aligns with my

academic goals. I believe breakthroughs often happen at interdisciplinary intersections, and the
university's focus on such research and teaching will give me a holistic understanding of
complex issues. I aim to engage with students and faculty members, fostering an environment to
promote creativity and intellectual growth. Additionally, my experience as a college football
team captain equips me with leadership and communication skills to empower individuals.

I'm deeply passionate about computer technology and its intricacies. Pursuing The M.Sc. in
Computer Science at the University of Muenster will boost my coding skills, expand my
curriculum knowledge. This program aligns with my career goals and will be instrumental in my
professional development.

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