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Q3 W8 CW Writing

Youssef Samir

Mrs. Camelia Raduslecu



“The nature of technology depends very much upon what the

public can be induced to put up with.” (Joan Robison). Technology is

part of nature, just as humans are part of nature. Nature vs. technology.

We interact with technology and nature by not being as dependent on

our existing and limited natural resources, finding new ways to produce

renewable energy, and the way technology and nature affect

communication with people.

Technology can be used to help produce and preserve the

natural world. Sustainable technology, such as solar panels and wind


turbines provide clean energy and our use on fossil fuels. This helps to

combat climate change, and it also helps to preserve natural habitats and

protect biodiversity. Technology can provide more efficient and

effective solutions than nature can. An example is medical technologies

have saved countless lives and prevented the spread of deadly diseases

that would have otherwise ravaged human populations. Technology can

be a distracting force from nature, it disconnects people from nature. It

can impact our communication and relationships with each other as well

as nature. Technology is constantly changing and becoming a major part

of our lives, having positive but also negative effects on our lives.

Nature is the physical world including all living and nonliving

things that exist without the intervention of humans. It is the natural

environment that encompasses everything from the smallest

microorganisms to the largest animals and everything in between. The

beauty of nature is in its diversity, complexity, and interconnectedness.

Nature is constantly evolving, and its various components are

interdependent, creating a delicate balance that sustains life on Earth.


Nature provides us with essential resources such as air, water, food, and

medicine. It also offers numerous recreational opportunities and has a

positive impact on our physical and mental well-being.

Nature and technology can work well together. Scientists use

technology to learn about by tracking animals where they go and how to

protect them. We use wind, water, and sunlight to make clean energy

because it does not harm nature like old ways of making energy that

used coal or oil. We can also learn a lot from nature to make better

technology. Scientists look at how plants and animals live and try to

copy that in technology.

There are major differences between nature and technology and

there are similarities. Technology and nature are different in the limited

resources, finding new ways to produce energy, and the way technology

and nature affect communication with people.

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