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*Q Concept:** Q* is a speculative, advanced AI model concept, believed to integrate

techniques from reinforcement learning and large language models (LLMs).

2. *Combining Techniques:* It merges self-play methods, like those in AlphaGo, with LLMs
known for effective text completion and inference capabilities.

3. *Self-Play in AI:* Self-play helps AI improve by competing against versions of itself,

enhancing learning and adaptation skills.

4. *Process Reward Models (PRM):* PRM in Q* scores each step of AI's reasoning process, not
just the final outcome, for more detailed feedback and learning.

5. *Tree of Thought Reasoning:* This approach involves breaking complex problems into
smaller, manageable parts, enabling more efficient problem-solving.

6. *Synthetic Data Generation:* Q* likely uses synthetic data, created by AI itself, which could
surpass the limitations of human-generated training datasets.

7. *Focus on Reasoning:* The primary focus of Q* seems to be enhancing the reasoning

abilities of AI, making it more effective in problem-solving tasks.

8. *DeepMind's Gemini and Q*:* Demis Hassabis of Google DeepMind suggests their Gemini
project might use similar approaches, irrespective of Q*'s exact nature.

9. *AI and Human Collaboration:* Insights suggest a future of AI models being co-evaluated by
both AI and human input, potentially scaling beyond human limitations.

10. *Speculative Nature:* The concept of Q* remains speculative, with its details and potential
impacts still under exploration in AI research.

11. *LLMs and Self-Play Synergy:* The synergy between LLMs and self-play techniques in Q*
could lead to significant advancements in AI capabilities.
12. *AI Safety and Continuous Improvement:* Q* represents a 'perpetual motion machine' of
AI learning, highlighting the importance of AI safety considerations.

13. *Potential for Game-Changing AI:* Q*'s development could represent a major
breakthrough in AI, combining the best of various AI research approaches.

14. *Evaluation Method Evolution:* The shift towards AI-augmented evaluation methods in
model training indicates a significant advancement in AI development strategies.

15. *Future of AI Research:* The development of Q* aligns with the rapid progress in AI,
suggesting a future with more sophisticated and capable AI systems


hace 4 horas

Is synthetic data that far off from creating an AI that has its own imagination? When humans
create synthetic data, we often call it imagination.

I recall the A* algorithm was a heuristic search that computed a weighted success of each step
and then searches most promising solution first. Perhaps Q* is a heuristic search of a multi
prompt model to generate better solutions, and yes, then these solutions can become
synthetic data to train new models!


hace 12 minutos

What they have succeeded is to simulate the part of the brain which does mathematical
thinking which is a sub area of the brain. Other parts of the brain do different tasks (like
emotions, vison etc). It's not that you have a computer who simulates the complete brain but
one who does reasoning. So we have super human mathematical intelligence. This is extremely
powerful but is not the complete story of ASI. But it will be highly disruptive. You can break
cryptography because you can find the gaps (which we humans could find out if we had that
brain capacity). And there are of course plenty of military applications, finding out what is the
next move of your enemy (which is nothing than decyphering your enemy).


hace 5 horas (editado)

The Q* hypothesis is what I guessed. I've been thinking about how an AI should think, going
though it's thought process like a pathfinding algorithm made sense to me.

What I've wondered, if these paths are represented as trees, is why not have all the results of a
branch be like the results in a wave function collapse algorithm. This wouldn't be ideal if you
wanted accuracy, but if you needed quick response and the pathing algorithm is costly it may
be better. What I mean is that, if something in the AI have the signal that it needed an output
instantly, it could draw from one of the potential outputs connected to the current branch.
This could be useful in things like self-driving cars - while everything is going as expected it
makes sense to think them through, but when things go wrong hesitance may be worse than

Ideally you'd also train the quick decision making, choosing the 'safer' option when earlier in
the process.



8 respuestas



hace 4 horas

What you're talking about is kind of like reflexes - choosing nearby neural pathways with little
to no computation - meaning pre-existing pathways. I think that as a default that's great - us
humans have that, too, and they sometimes even save lives (evolutionary pressure made us
both evolve and keep them).
The human brain has both "expensive computation" and "cheap computation" systems ways
to manager when which one is used. E.g when you have your basic needs satisfied and are
emotionally calm, you're more likely to do more expensive computation, e.g work on
something complex at work, but if suddenly there's a fire breaking out you're much more likely
to run away without much thought - because the brain prioritizes survival in almost all cases in
neurotypical/untrained people.

But those systems evolved due to natural selection. We can select ourselves how the
prioritization works using rewards so there's no need to statically select a default system - we
can make the models choose based on whatever maximize what we reward.

E.g if you just select a nearest neighbor in the case of a self-driving car, with a bit of
computation It might find out it could draw power from a backup battery to turbo the CPU so
it can do a necessary a pathway calculation fast enough for the car to maneuver just right to
escape a car crash - that'd be overcoming local extrema to find an even more extreme




hace 4 horas

Spoken like someone who doesn’t really know what they’re talking about, so they sprinkle in a
bunch of seemingly related terminology. 😂



hace 3 horas (editado)

Quantum chips give us that ability, which there have been great gains on that as well.

Until then, model type, optimization, and configurations such as AutoGPT MemGPT ACE, and
other combos could be a way still past AGI and be an ASI workhorse.

There is much that can still make great leaps forward.

AI will likely develop the quantum software itself, by the time we get to reasonable production
scale and quality, we won't be writing it.

Anastasi in Tech (a chip designer) has good information on YT talking about Quantum chips
and hardware development.




hace 3 horas (editado)

Interesting proposal, it would add a nuance or a level of emotionality to the AGI system that
would be strongly needed for sentient AI's. What you describe IS borderline ASI functionality.
Being able to underrated the weight of a situation at a moments notice is an important skill
most people don't really have, but I'm sure if designed with care they could execute this
behavior better than us.




hace 2 horas

@14supersonic Once it is embodied and has full sense multimodal function, the sensory
functions could act as a generalized chaos matrix to be reinterpreted as a general 'feeling of
being alive'.

What we first weed out,

eventually we need to grow.




hace 1 hora

@thethree60five yes indeed. When heuristic treee of search based models built their own
neural nets, LLM'S won't need us. BTW Anastasia in tech is my favorite place for all things

Photonic memristor computes will be the basis for Asi



hace 1 hora

@paulmuriithi7596 you saw it too I see. Yes. Photons are the future. I am almost reminiscent
already about the fact humans used to invent things.

AI will be our last creation, it will create forever.




hace 1 hora

@paulmuriithi7596 You have also seen how we went from theorizing about time crystals in
2012 to creating them already right? I think she covered that as well.

Without AI summarization of new advances, we will not be able to keep up, even for the short
period we have a chance to, lol.

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