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History of Ethiopia and the Horn

Chapter 1 Introduction to History

Definition and concept of history

history is defined as the study about past events.

It study about socio-cultureal,political ,Economic and religious activities done by previous
society .
It is systematic study of past human events

Use of History
⨳ To better understand the past and to plan future .
⨳ To create of state.
⨳ To bulid partrotic citizens.
⨳ To develop critical thinking.
⨳ To promote and preserve indegeous knowledge.
⨳ Source of information.
⨳ To kow about identity .
⨳ To develop foreign diplomacy .
⨳ Brde for other disciplines

Source of history
source are historical material /information of to locan struct history osmf society .
Source are catogorize in to two parts.

1 Primary sources

Are first hand /orginal information suchas :-

Ornumants (ጌጣጌጥ )

Monument (ሃውልት )

Fossil (ቅሬታ አካላት )

Inscription (የድንጋይ ለይ ጹሐፍ)

Photographs (ፖቶዎች)

Original documents such as :- Diary,የግል ማስታዎሻ Archise ,latters ደብዳቤ .

Old building suchas :- paluce,churchs ,mosques .

2 secondary source

Are source which have or has no direct relation with events .

Suchas :- -Textbook
- Handout -Books - Journal
-plays - Films


* Is a field study which deals about how to study or write history.

* Is a method how to gather information. Analyse
gathered data. Organized and
document the of historical study . Runke -as
remembered as the father of historiography .

The 1962, was a turning point in the developement of Ethiopian historiagraphy.This is manily
due to opening of instute for Ethiopia studies (IES)in what is. now Adiss Ababa universty .
Following this event historically studies of Ethiopia begain to study southern parts.


peoples and Culture of Ethiopia

Human evolution

Theories of human evolution

There are two common theories regarding the existence of life in the earth including human

1,Creationist theory
2,scientific theory

Genus Homo

Is human species from the beginning to the present .

There are three human species called HOMO GENUS
a, Homo hubilis (hundy human being) b,
Homo Eractos (upright human) c,
Homo supience ( wise man)

Stone age

Is a period in Which stone served as a principal raw material maring tools for hunting and
gathering . Stone age classified in to three sub-period

a, old stone age to 11000 Bp

b, middle stone age to 11000 - 8000Bp

c, new stone age 8000 - 400Bp

Archaeological sites of Ethiopia

Archaeological :- afiled of study which deal with diging of

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