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Student Name: Dana Villella

School: Washington Elementary School

Visit #: 1 Last Visit: N/A
Date: 2/1/24 Grade: 4 Time: 11:00-12:00
Session Description: Math
Type of Visit: Observation (X) Conference ( )

Domain 3

Dana communication with her students was effective and the communication was engaging. Do we
understand? This is how I did it. How did you do it? Turn and Talk.
Communication included recall: What did we learn yesterday? I saw many people working on...
using skillful questioning and discussion techniques to foster meaningful discussions and
encourage student participation and deeper understanding.

Dana was comfortable and confident in her role as she engaged her students in learning. She used
insight and knowledge of her students' abilities to captivate their interest and actively involve them
in learning. She has the ability to create an engaging classroom environment.

Using Assessment in Instruction: Employing assessments during teaching helps tailor instruction to
individual needs. It’s about gauging progress and adjusting your approach accordingly. She showed
flexibility and responsiveness: She was being adaptable and responsive to the students’ needs. She
ensured clarity in conveying learning goals, activities, and content.

Lesson Plan: Meeting the needs of diverse learners.

Learning Styles:
V; Promethean/Projector
K; Show me with your hands
A; Turn & Talk
R/W; Paper & Pencil


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