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BIBLID 0253-2875(2013) 32 : 2 pp.

會 議 報 導

Domestic and International Conferences

2013 年 1 月 15. 第三屆華語二語教學國際研討會:語用能力培養的理

1. 試 煉與苦難:中國宗教與文學的對話國際學術研
討會 16. 澳門論壇―多元文化的傳承與創新

2. 跨越與實踐:2013戲曲表演藝術國際學術研討會 17. 八仙洞國定遺址保護與研究國際學術研討會

3. 商周考古、藝術與文化國際學術研討會 18. 第三屆讀經教育國際論壇

4. 傳統‧藝術‧文化學術研討會暨林保堯教授榮退經 19. 漢語韻律語法研討會


5. Symposium: Image and the Imaginary in 17th-Century

2013 年 4 月
20. 2013年海峽兩岸媽祖信仰學術研討會

2013 年 2 月 21. 吳經熊國際學術研討會

6. 2013基督教與客家文化研討會 22. 世界:歐洲與亞洲的共通哲學旨趣國際學術研討會

7. 東亞舊石器時代人類文化的交流研討會 23. 會通與轉化―第二屆古典文學國際學術研討會

2013 年 3 月 2013 年 5 月

8. 2013楊逵路寒袖國際學術研討會 24. EATS Conference Lyon 2013

9. 「 醫家」與「史家」的對話―傳統中醫學術知 25. 第 九 屆 史 學 與 文 獻 學 學 術 研 討 會 : 從 社 會 到 政

識的歷代傳承與變革國際學術研討會 治―再現中國近世歷史
10. 中國古陶瓷研究:探索與思考學術研討會 26. 第十屆先秦兩漢學術國際研討會

11. 東吳大學人文社會學院第30屆系際學術研討會 27. 東亞近代社會的知識建構國際學術研討會

12. 第二屆中華傳統數術文化學術研討會
28. 第七屆臺灣古文書與歷史研究國際學術研討會
13. 族 群歷史、文化與認同:臺灣平埔原住民國際學
29. 2013華僑移民與華僑教育學術研討會
30. 第一屆臺灣客家語言及其教學研討會
14. 2013 AAS Annual Conference

漢學研究通訊 32  2(總 126期)民國 102 年 5 月 53

會 議 報 導

1 葉金森 富連成社經驗三題
試煉與苦難:中國宗教與文學的對話國際學術研 王俊彬 當代戲曲「話劇加唱」現象研究綜述
討會 楊馥菱 歌仔戲《狂魂》之改編書寫策略研究
臺北‧2013.1.3-4 李漢臣 《節婦吟》的戲劇性、主旨與版本比較
中央研究院中國文哲研究所、香港中文大學文化及 侯雲舒 臺灣戲曲小劇場的實驗與跨越
宗教研究系主辦 姬可周 論戲曲藝術與高校校園文化的融合
李豐楙 有厄有解:敘述《西遊》的隱喻化 曹珊妃 六十年來(1952-2012)海峽兩岸對梨園戲藝
黎志添 受試與試他:呂祖事蹟的分析 術教育的建構與轉變
周大興 體證與工夫:謝靈運的〈辨宗論〉研究
李秋瑰 戲脈傳承—論傳統戲曲京劇教育之過去、現
張超然 試觀與保舉:東晉南朝道教試煉傳統初探
李熾昌 吳經熊中譯《聖詠集》對試煉與苦難之譯義
林佳儀 論京劇武戲之套曲應用及崑班承演
李奭學 孔子的試煉:馬若瑟的《儒交信》研究
謝俐瑩 從表演實踐談崑劇折子戲的敘事結構
二階堂善弘 重論《封神榜》哪吒和龍王故事
張惠思 「呆」醫生與「醜」衙內—論宋元戲曲中兩
徐東風 好色如好德—《肉蒲團》裡的宗教式頓悟與
李國俊 戲曲高等教育研究領域的開拓—以中央大學
劉瓊云 惡與難:《醒世姻緣傳》中的禽獸、精怪與
陳佳彬 傾覆與重塑—京劇《悲慘世界》的跨文化改編
劉苑如 嵩山受璧/長安開霸—劉裕西征與英雄試煉
廖燦輝 戲曲的檢場研究
廖肇亨 覺浪道盛「洪爐大冶禪」思想論析—近世佛
曹新宇 蓋廟與渡劫:明清寶卷文學及鄉村戲劇中的劫
李玉珍 道證法師現身談癌:現代佛教靈驗的病痛傷亡 3
蕭麗華 鬼才與幻覺:李賀詩的魔幻書寫
黎子鵬 中西合璧的試煉書寫:清末時新小說《驅魔
吳淳邦 19世紀基督敎中文小說裏的苦、劫、惡、魔
宮本一夫 夏商交替期的青銅器生產與商文化的形式
李伯謙 商王朝考古學編年研究中的兩個問題
黃銘崇 從邯鄲遺址的分布看殷墟時期對於華北發展的

2 重要性
跨越與實踐:2013戲曲表演藝術國際學術研討會 陳芳妹 羅振玉送給湯島聖堂的禮物—殷墟出土器

臺北‧2013.1.3-4 內田純子 商代的酒宴

中國文化大學中國戲劇學系主辦 田建花 南博藏殷墟1004號大墓出土青銅冑

孫 萍 京劇藝術納入普通高等學校教育的思考 嚴志斌 靈石旌介商墓銅器研究
劉慧芬 中國戲劇學系「戲曲表演元素教學法」初探 蔡哲茂 論武丁三配與三子
姜春愛 韓國戲劇系東洋戲劇之教育和協作提案 Quanyu Wang A Technical Study of a Shang Bronze Zun
鄒元江 如何表現和表現得如何作為戲曲表演藝術最根 Vessel in the Shape of Two Rams in the British
本的問題 Museum

54 漢學研究通訊 32  2(總 126 期)民國 102 年 5 月

會 議 報 導

劉 煜 技術選擇和技術風格的形成:以鼎為例考察二 鄭邦彥 文化資產保存法「古物分級」之執行及案例省

里頭到晚商青銅器的技術演進 思:以國立博物館為例
金正耀 安陽前期殷人經略地域方向轉換與青銅資源保障 (臺北藝術大學)
張天恩 商周之際青銅業重心徙移的初步觀察
Jessica Rawson Miniature Bronzes from Western Zhou
Tombs at Baoji 5
高西省 秦式編鐘初論摘要 Symposium: Image and the Imaginary in 17th-
吳曉筠 鑾鈴在周文化中的角色
Century China
謝堯亭 倗、霸及其聯姻國族的探討 Santa Barbara, California‧2013.1.11-12

吉琨璋 西周槨棺裝飾研究 Sponsored by The Santa Barbara Museum of Art and the
University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB)
孫慶偉 禮失求諸野—試論牙璋的源流與名稱
Tim Brook Exit, Pursued by a Fake: Forgery, Reclusion,
黃川田修 早期王朝時的魯西南地區—試論魯國發展
and Luxury Consumption in the Late Ming
Xiaorong Li “Recluse in Women'
s Arms"
: Valorization of
曹 瑋 從 國墓地中的北方因素看關中與陝北的文化
Romance and the Politics of Subjectivity among
“Mountain Men" of the Late Ming
黃翠梅 流光溢彩,翠繞珠圍—西周至春秋早期的梯
Richard Strassberg Imperial Reclusion: The Kangxi
Emperor and His Thirty-six Views of Bishu
黃鳳春 湖北境內出土的有銘曾器及相關問題
蔡慶良 西周玉器改製現象所反映的社會背景
Cheng-hua Wang The Rise of City Views in Late-Ming
Richard Vinograd Revisiting North and South: Imaginary

4 and Other Geographies in 17th- Century China

傳統‧藝術‧文化學術研討會暨林保堯教授榮退 Chin-Sung Chang Nowhere to Stay: Xiang Shengmo
經典講座 (1597-1658) and the Visual Poetics of Wandering
臺北‧2013.1.5 in the Ming-Qing Transition
臺北藝術大學、臺灣美術藝術學學會、臺灣文化資 Judy Andrews Confucian Transcendence in the Painting of
產學會、現代佛教學會主辦 Cui Zizhong
林保堯 印度世遺—山奇大塔 Eugene Wang Picturing Voice in Early Qing: Gong Xian'
邱琳婷 藝與術:林保堯教授的臺灣美術圖譜 Art
潘 襎 人文繼承與自覺—中日文人畫的轉讓 Hui-shu Lee Misty Willow by the Moon Dike: An Artistic
胡懿勳 1992年:臺灣藝術市場四十年歷程的變點 Reunion of Liu Rushi (1618-1664) and Qian
賴依縵 最後的榮光:重建唐密教史 Qianyi (1582-1664), and Beyond
龔詩文 漢畫紡織圖像考略—從籊板、紡車到織機 J.P. Park Merging to Emerge: Liu Shiru, Zhou Lüjing, and
林承緯 日治時期金瓜石神社的創建、信仰及其祭典之 Paratextual Anthologies in Late Ming China
研究 Shiyee Liu Exploring the Abstract: Dong Qichang's Use
陳奕愷 來自雲端的法音──論佛教藝術的雲端行動應用 of Old-style Landscape Prints and Its Cultural
謝宗榮 臺灣民俗工藝的美學建構芻論 Context

漢學研究通訊 32  2(總 126期)民國 102 年 5 月 55

會 議 報 導

Qianshen Bai The Social and Art History of Zhao 長沼正樹 歐亞北部現代人擴散及細石葉的出現
s “Summer Mist along the Lake Shore 芝康次郎 九州的細石葉石器群的展開與地區性
in the Early Qing" 呂紅亮 青藏高原舊石器時代晚期考古的再思
Anne Burkus-Chasson Chen Hongshou's Brushpot, (游學華)
Making History Visible
Jonathan Chaves Manifesting the Formless: The Yellow
Mountains and the Ontology of Images and Words 8
in the Thought of Qian Chengzhi, Wang Hongdu 2013楊逵路寒袖國際學術研討會
and Others 臺中‧2013.3.8

(The Santa Barbara Museum of Art and the University) 臺中科技大學語文學院應用中文系主辦

李瑞騰 硬漢的柔軟心—我看楊逵
方環海 詩意,穿越於「四維」語義空間—路寒袖詩
6 歌文本的語義風格解讀
2013基督教與客家文化研討會 賈振勇 文學史•楊逵形象•述史肌質
新竹‧2013.2.6 黎活仁 依違於山川主義和福本主義之間:楊逵的左翼
臺灣客家研究學會、臺灣新客家文化協會、中央大學 思想研究
客家學院、交通大學客家文化學院主辦 梁偉峰 試論楊逵的青年文化心態
曾政忠、鄔天輝 全球基督教客家網絡的建造 林益彰 玫瑰的模型—捏塑《南瀛文學創作獎》中的
余慶榮 臺灣的客家福音協會 楊逵書寫
劉正惠 客家優先的臺灣崇真會 申義蓮、趙英珠 路寒袖的《忘記曾經去流浪》與韓國
陳義聖 The Response of Hakkas in Taiwan to Christianity 金起林的《太陽的風俗》在創作上的比較
曾昌發 臺灣基督長老教會與客家宣教 解昆樺 靈光與視窗:從班雅明論路寒袖歐陸攝影詩集
曾昌發 經典翻譯與客語聖經 《忘了,曾經去流浪》中的主體空間隱喻
陳建中 客家聖樂與客家音樂 朱雙一 楊逵左翼文藝理論創作的特點及其對1970年代
溫永生 基督教孝道神學的反省與喪禮祭祖儀式的創新 以來臺灣左翼作家的影響
(臺灣客家研究學會) 呂周聚 論楊逵小說的敘事倫理—以〈送報伕〉為例
吳 彬 論楊逵的戲劇觀
金尚浩 觀照的歲月與深情的婉約:路寒袖詩所呈現的
7 孤獨的自我
王英麗 路寒袖詩歌的認知語言學研究—以《何時愛
香港‧2013.2.28 戀到天涯》與《忘記曾經去流浪》為例
香港中文大學中國考古藝術研究中心主辦 阮美慧 勞動與運動:楊逵戰前小說中社會主義思潮的
加藤真二 河南省靈井遺址的細石葉技術
謝光茂 廣西舊石器考古新進展
謝惠貞 日治時期下臺灣的〈純粹小說論〉論爭—兼
高倉純 北海道細石葉石器群的出現—特別關於蘭越
葉瑞蓮 互 文閱讀— 楊逵的〈鵝媽媽出嫁〉與兩首
趙海龍 中國長白山地區舊石器時代考古新發現與研究
鄧 聰 中國勒瓦婁哇技術的探索

56 漢學研究通訊 32  2(總 126 期)民國 102 年 5 月

會 議 報 導

陳韻琦 詩與美學的融合—路寒袖攝影詩論述 白春燕 論楊逵對1930年代日本文藝大眾化論述的吸收

劉 玲 路寒袖的歐遊愛情詩 與轉化
林金龍、楊乃喬 自然主義的書寫與狂歡化的文學性質 白靈(莊祖煌) 建構與逃逸—路寒袖影音創作中的
─論楊逵小說〈送報夫〉的敘事性與政論性 臺灣圖
劉 寧 文學地理景觀與社會空間創造—以楊逵的小 林唯莉 凝視臺灣—路寒袖散文作品的地誌書寫與生
說為例 命教育
賴思辰 綜 論各家研究「帝國炙陽下的當代報刊:以 涂美惠 詩與影像的媒合與開創—論路寒袖的攝影詩集
《臺灣文藝》、《臺灣新文學》為中心」 周美香 路寒袖臺語歌詩的聲情特色探究
陳美圓 路寒袖臺語歌詩建構的社會圖像與文化意涵 楊 翠 走進故事的產房—楊逵與臺中城市的前世今生
廖振富 現實的昇華,永恆的追尋—論路寒袖的競選 向陽(林淇瀁) 日治時期臺灣報告文學的發軔:以楊
歌曲創作 逵為中心
黃科安、古大勇 「東(南)亞魯迅」:臺灣日據時期 路寒袖 文字的變形金剛—我的創作思考與實踐
作家接受魯迅的一個精神基點—以楊逵和賴 (臺中科技大學應用中文系)
葉衽榤 臺灣文學史脈絡中的楊逵位置
瀨戶宏 楊逵的戲劇作品—以日語作品為主 9
丁鳳珍 路寒袖臺語歌詩的臺灣意象探討 「醫家」與「史家」的對話─傳統中醫學術知
林 鈴 從高達美詮釋學看路寒袖雜揉自生活世界的寫 識的歷代傳承與變革國際學術研討會
作天地 臺中‧2013.3.9
宋穎慧 苦難敘述與形象建構—楊逵的底層敘述探析 中國醫藥大學、亞洲醫學史學會、中國醫藥研究所
趙勳達 反教條主義的旗手:楊逵對臺灣普羅文學的反思 主辦
邱湘雲 路寒袖臺語詩的韻律與意象風格 Marta Hanson Chinese Medical Mancy: Medicine,
劉益州 情感與表現:路寒袖詩集《我的父親是火車司 Memory, and the Mantic arts in the Ming
機》中的親人書寫 Vincent Barra The Importance of Comparative History for
嚴英旭 楊逵與金史良、張赫宙比較硏究—再次觀看 the Methodology of the History of Medicine (s)
陷入歷史網的作家 Asaf Goldschmidt Reasoning with Cases: The Transmission
張俐璇 リアリズム的角力—臺灣文化賞之後與兩大 of Clinical Medical Knowledge in Twelfth-Century
報文學獎之前的楊逵論述 Song China
沈 玲 論 楊逵的「三位一體」文學觀— 以《書信 名和敏光 日本藏醫學漢籍與新發現醫書簡介
集》及其創作的互文性為視角 Kang Yeonseok Classification of Disease in Dongui
林燕玲 主編觀點:臺灣日報「非臺北觀點」中的臺灣 Bogam (Treasured Mirror of Eastern Medicine)
圖像拼接—路寒袖訪問稿 張光裕 從命名看古人的醫療心理—以戰國秦漢私人
黃文成 臺灣現當代散文中的玉山書寫—從路寒袖編 稱名為例
《玉山散文》談起 韓健平 《洗冤匯編》的編輯:古代屍檢知識發展的方式
黃惠禎 楊逵與楊風—戰後初期臺灣與大陸來臺作家 朱建平 内史與外史相結合:《百年中醫史》研究的思
合作交流的一個側面 考與實踐
周馥儀 在自由的異國,思索臺灣:楊逵赴美交流及言 郝保華 中醫藥學中五行學说的起源年代及發展階段新
論研究 認識

漢學研究通訊 32  2(總 126期)民國 102 年 5 月 57

會 議 報 導

袁國華 出土文獻與《黃帝內經.素問.三部九候論》 蔡錦昌 比較研究的把戲—以中西思想比較為例

「以左手足上」段互證 周怡君 社會融合與個別化原則的再省思:從臺灣聽障
余新忠 近代醫史的書寫與中醫知識的建構 青年的就業狀況論其融合教育歷程中的個別需
于赓哲 中西醫「標本」之說的知識考古 求滿足
李玉尚 明初以來江南沿江地區的水利工程與血吸蟲病 王行、廖美蓮、洪惠芬、鍾道詮 敘說失業單爸勞動邊
張仲民 近代中國的文人諛藥—從李伯元的一則佚文 緣化的陽剛困境與揭露照顧關係的新視野—

談起 論述失業事實如何「做性別」

陳 昊 在寫本與印本之間的《千金方》 趙碧華 創 新自主VS.專精控制:社會工作專業教育現

陳 明 阿魏的文化史:詞語、功用、貿易與傳說 狀分析與思考

鄧佩玲 簡帛醫藥文獻疑難字詞選釋 許清雲 皎然詩論對王昌齡詩格的承傳與創新

陳慷玲 《大紅燈籠高高掛》空間化的權力鬥爭
陳台霖、鄭明娳 文化創意產業的加值應用與行銷—

10 劉文起 《荀子‧王霸篇》楊倞注正補

中國古陶瓷研究:探索與思考學術研討會 沈惠如 同志情節/結在現代戲曲編創中的運用—以

羅麗容 案頭之曲與場上之曲—以明傳奇為例
鹿憶鹿 用 圖說故事— 明代蔣應鎬的繪圖本《山海
謝明良 中國古陶瓷研究的回顧與省思—日本部分
小林仁 日本中國古陶瓷研究的新進展
侯淑娟 轉換界域呈現的經典創新與傳播—以高行健
余佩瑾 清宮畫琺瑯研究
沈岳明 近年來浙江陶瓷考古的探索與思考
鄭建明 龍泉大窯陶瓷考古的最新進展
陸明華 郎窯作品再思考
任志錄 唐代陶瓷譜系研究的思考
郭學雷 古陶瓷研究方法的思考與實踐
(游學華) 第二屆中華傳統數術文化學術研討會
11 潘柏年、林曉筠 占筮之命論
盧國陽 論子時之歸屬對命理的影響
臺北‧2013.3.13 鄭志明 乾卦的文化意涵與生命關懷
東吳大學人文社會學院主辦 賴賢宗 易理易象易數與丹道
黃兆強 傳承與創新:東吳大學人文社會學院雜談 柯建宏 「財星」在數術的推論—以子平八字為探討
張家銘 傳承與創新:學術作為一項志業 張仙武 清代皇家對易經與術數的應用—以康熙皇帝
孫清吉 東吳大學校歌的前身—法律系歌Alma Mater 為討論中心
王輝煌、林冠年 全球化中新加坡發展型國家的再結構 李霖生 周易與脈學:中國古典臨床醫學的誕生
石計生 演歌臺北與臺灣歌謠的數位化文化想像 黃崇修 中國氣鬱思想與醫療革新
葉肅科 飲食身體與社會理論:「體現」的傳承與創新 (輔仁大學宗教學系)

58 漢學研究通訊 32  2(總 126 期)民國 102 年 5 月

會 議 報 導

13 簡文敏 意義療癒與文化重建— 從大滿舞團「相信

族群歷史、文化與認同:臺灣平埔原住民國際學 愛」舞蹈展演談起
術研討會 (國立臺灣歷史博物館)
柯志明 岸裡社的精英轉型與社會抗爭:清代臺灣的番 14
政變革與平埔族社會內部的分化與衝突 2013 AAS Annual Conference
康培德 荷蘭東印度公司對臺灣南島語族的殖民想像與 San Diego, USA‧2013.3.21-24

地方流變 Sponsored by the Association for Asian Studies (AAS)

李瑞源 西拉雅一詞探源 Conceptualizing the West and Asia: Diplomats,

陳秀卿 沿山邊區平埔社會之變遷:以大目降為例 Travelers, and Scholars in the Age of Imperialism

(1700-1900) Ke Ren The Conferencier in the Purple Robe: Chen Jitong

石文誠 以「杜君英」為名:清代屏東平原山腳地帶的 (1852-1907) as Public Speaker in Late Nineteenth

杜君英庄 Century Paris

林清財 大庄人的「沿革」與「歌謠」:東京外國語大 Jenny Huangfu “The Three Dynasties Have Reemerged!"


學「臺灣資料」中大庄史料解讀 Guo Songtao and the Way of the West, 1877-1879

吉田裕彥 天理大學附屬天理參考館所藏有關臺灣平埔 Greg DePies Humanitarian Sinology: Ariga Nagao on Asia

族群之文化資源 and the West

野林厚志 國立民族學博物館收藏之平埔族資料—收 Liqing Xue Making Nanyang: Qing Literati in Southeast

集之背景與物質文化之特徵 Asia

雲昌耀 建構印尼原住民與非原住民的身份認同:從歷 Consolidating Russia'

s Conquest of Asia: The Flow of

史、政治與族群界線談起 People, Ideas, and Currency

梁志輝 從野人到土著:馬來半島原住民的發展與衝擊 Victor Zatsepine For Conquest and Learning: Imperial

陳玉苹 面向他者:16至18世紀帛琉與歐洲商人的接觸 Russia'

s Explorers in Central, Inner, and East

胡家瑜 塵封的物質遺產與再現的文化意象—19世紀 Asia, 1860-1917

西方人採集的「平埔」藏品 Chia Yin Hsu The Ruble, Russian Gold, and the Color of

陳芷凡 「建構」福爾摩沙住民:以John Thomson的遊 Money in Manchuria, 1890s-1920s

記與寫真為例 Interrogating Sources and Methodologies in Southeast

溫振華 探討平埔族史上的三個問題 Asian Histories

翁佳音 再說大肚王 Derek Heng Pre-Modern Southeast Asian History in

潘朝成(木枝•籠爻) 臺灣沒有「平埔族」,只有原 the Digital Age: Opportunities and Challenges

住民族 through Chinese Textual Database Research

陳文玲 日本民族學博物館與天理參考館之臺灣平埔族 Kenneth R. Hall The Importance of Documenting

文物收藏調查及比較研究 Mainland Southeast Asia'

s Pre-1500 Past:

鄧相揚 平埔文物與文化復振—天理大學附屬天理參 National Reactions to the 2015 Regional Mandate

考舘所藏平埔文物的再運用 of ASEAN Membership

謝國斌 平埔原住民族的身分與歷史正義 Matthew Schauer Colonial Ethnology as Imperial Archive:

段洪坤 叫我西拉雅,我是原住民:從復振、認同到正名 Cultural Heritage Collection, Education, and

漢學研究通訊 32  2(總 126期)民國 102 年 5 月 59

會 議 報 導

Social Class in British Malaya in the Early Nancy Elizabeth Park The Prosecution and Politics of
Twentieth Century Official Corruption in Qing China
Writing Hangzhou: Intersections of Geographic Sites, Thomas Buoye Death in Detention: The Dilemma of
Politics, and Memory from the 10th to 20th Centuries in Eighteenth-Century Chinese Criminal Justice
China Bryna Goodman “How May We Speak to Them of Legal
Benjamin Ridgway Under Construction: Pleasure and Common Sense?" Sovereignty, Morality, and
Public Works in Su Shi'
s Hangzhou Poems of the Justice in the Early Republic
11th Century Supernatural beings in Imperial Chinese Literature
Gang Liu The Loss of Purity: Cold Spring Pavilion and the Wai Tsui Expressions of the Supernatural in Du Fu'
s Poems
Shifting Cultural Perception of Hangzhou Manling Luo Engaging the Abnormal: The Representations
Fumiko Joo The Subjugated: The Yuan-Ming Transition of Yao in Tang Narratives
and the White Pagoda in Hangzhou Isaac Yue The Demonology of Suppressing the Demons
New Wine from Old Bottles: New Findings in Traditional (Pingyao zhuan )
Chinese Art Theory and Criticism Yan Liang The Freedom of Gods and Demons: A
Michaela Pejcochova A Reconsideration of Yipin as an Comparative Study of Xiyou ji and Fengshen
Aesthetic Category Misty Landscapes Obscured yanyi
with Mist: Getting to Know Mi Fu with the Help Collaborating with the World Conquerers: Non-Mongol
of Contemporaneous Critical Texts Officials, Local Elites, and Governing Strategies in the
Marcin Jacoby Perfect Imitators: Between a Copyist and a Early Yuan Dynasty
Forger, Luanzhen and Bizhen in Chinese Texts on Kaiqi Hua Local Investments for the Dharma and the
Painting (7th -17th c.) Khan: Yanglian Zhenjia'
s Legacy in Early Yuan
Katharine Persis Burnett The Evolving Importance of Hangzhou
Originality: A Linear History of Conceptual Ming Kin Chu Shifting Loyalty: The Case of Liu Mengyan
Originality in Chinese Art Theory and Criticism (1219-1295)
Rule of Experts: Intersecting Art and Science in the Yasuhiro Yokkaichi Replacing Local Elites: The Rise of
Statecraft of Qing China Powerful Families of Muslim and Chinese in
Joseph Scheier-Dolberg From Painter to Visiual Expert: Yu Quanzhou, Fuzhou, and Hangzhou under Yuan
s (1646-1716) Drawings of the Taihedian China
Kristina Kleutghen The Mathematics of Art: Polyhedrons, Yoshiyuki Funada Chaghatai and the Dongxian-dong:
Perspective, and Porcelain Mongol Rulers and Local Society in Taiyuan
Kaijun Chen Handicraft and Statecraft: Tang Ying'
s Porcelain Chinese Women’s Struggles at the Intersection of Social
Manufacture from 1728 to 1756 Power and Self-Determination
Kang Tchou The Role of Technocrats in the Tekhne and Mei-Ling Ellerman Exploring the Social Control of
Arts of the Taiping-Qing Civil War Chinese Female Migrant Domestics at Work
Justice on Trial: Practice and Perception of Law in Late Fang Qin Forging New Paths: The Dilemma of Educated
Imperial and Republican China Women in China, 1900-1912
Margaret Wan Justice and Corruption: Legal Ideals in Late Grace Cheng-Ying Lin A Space for Change: Abortion
Qing Ballads Ritual as a Women'
s Forum in Taiwan

60 漢學研究通訊 32  2(總 126 期)民國 102 年 5 月

會 議 報 導

Xia Shi Stepping Into The Public World: Cases of Elite Performance in the Korean Context
Women Organizing For Charity In Early Feriyal Amal Aslam Crossing Borders and Choreographing
Twentieth-Century China Peace in South Asia: Indu Mitha'
s Pakistani
The Making of a Local Famine in Wuwei County, Anhui Bharata Natyam Dance
Province, 1958-1961 Shalini Ayyagari An Instrument Caught on the Boundary:
Shuji Cao Grain, Local Governance, and the Making of a A Cultural History of the Kamaicha of the
Famine in Wuwei, 1958-1961 Manganiyar of Rajasthan
Shigu Liu Grain, Village Cadres, and the Famine of Two Charlotte D'
Evelyn Moving Across Terrains, Navigating
Neighboring Villages in Wuwei within Bounds: Mongolian Morin Khuur (Horse-
Bin Yang Cadres, Grain, and Sexual Abuses in Wuwei Head Fiddle) Musicians in the People'
s Republic
County: The Mid 1950s and Early 1960s of China
Tricksters, Scoffers, and Jesters at Play: A Comical South Asian Family Landscapes: Productions of Gender
Reassessment of the Cold War in East Asia and Space in the 19th and 20th Centuries, Part I
Christopher Rea State of Mirth: Top-Down Comedy in the Rajashree Mazumder “I Do Not Envy You"
: Mixed
Early People'
s Republic of China Marriages and Immigration Restrictions in Early
Dima David Mironenko-Hubbs “Street Comedy" and Twentieth-Century Burma
Everyday Living in the DPRK, 1953-1960 Catherine Warner The “Pahari" Family and the Politics
Public Interest and Public Works: Water Control and of Slavery: Reform Movements of the 1920s in
the State in Tokugawa Japan and Qing China Nepal and Himachal, India
Wenkai He Public Interest and Water Control Financing in Laboring Lives: New Forms of Subjectivity and Ethics in
Qing China, 1790-1840 South Asia
Yan Gao An Organic Weapon: Empire, Rebels, and River William Stafford To Labor is to be Human: A Dalit Polemic
Ecology in the Mid-Nineteenth Century: A Case on Recognition, Dignity, and the Cultural Stakes
Study of Hubei of Work
Philip Brown Disinterest or Limited Reach of the State? Amit Anshumali Agrarian Distress: Labor-Farmer
Examples from the Echigo Plain Predicaments in Vidarbha
Patricia Sippel Flood Control and Bakufu Authority in Late Saikat Maitra The Manager as Vishnu and Other Wondrous
Eighteenth Century Japan Tales: Employment Training Programs and the
Queer Globalization in Asia Emergence of a New Worker-Subjectivity in
Quang-Anh Richard Tran Sexuality and Public Culture in Kolkata'
s Organized Retail Industries
Post-Renovation Vietnam (1989 to Present) Abhijeet Paul Gossip, Rumors, Stories: Sweating and
Dredge Byung'
chu Kang Eastward Orientations: Thai Subjectivity in the Jute Mills of Kolkata
Middle Class Gay Desire for “White" Asians Collaboration, Resistance, and the Imperial Project:
Feng-Mei Heberer “Lesbian Factory"
: The Production of Cultural Expression in Colonial Taiwan
Same-Sex Love among Filipina Migrant Workers Masashi Ichiki Japanese Popular Media and Political
Sadaf Jaffer Ismat Chughtai'
s Queer Justice Control: Koxinga and the Legitimization of
Crossing Boundaries through the Performing Arts Colonial Rule
CedarBough Tam Saeji Learning Is Never Done: Age and Jenine Lavern Heaton Surviving the Censor: The Literary

漢學研究通訊 32  2(總 126期)民國 102 年 5 月 61

會 議 報 導

Careers of Yang Kui and Lu Heruo Jean Tsui Who is Madame Roland? A Passionate
Rwei-ren Wu Monument of the Vanishing? The Elegiac Revolution in Late Qing China'
s Political
Metamorphosis of Taiwanese Nationalism in the Writings
Late Colonial Period (1937-1945) Beyond the Classics: The Diversity of Health Care in
From All Sides/Gong Ting Bing Guan: Combining Chinese History
Perspectives on Sino-American Relations and Chinese Nathan Sivin The Diversity of Health Care in Pre-Modern
Foreign Policy in the Cold War China
Tao Wang Zhou Enlai and China'
s Policy toward the Michael Stanley-Baker Adrift in the Daoist Canon:
United States in the Mid-1950s Methodological Suggestions for Navigating Its
Mao Lin Traders as Diplomats: Trade, Soft Power, and Medical History
U.S.-China Relations in the 1970s Pierce Salguero On the Medical Content of the Chinese
Meredith Oyen Refuge without Respite: Refugee Policy in Buddhist Canon, and Its Status as a Source for the
Sino-American Relations, 1947-1962 History of Chinese Medicine
Ya-Chen Lee Reconstructing the Performance of Gechang Hilary Smith Learning from Quacks: Reading between the
Zuguo: The Politics of Communist China from Lines of the Chinese Medical Canon
the Cold War to Soft Power Bridie Andrews Medicine and Self-Fashioning in the
Localizing Ritual: The Roles of Local Elites in Northern Modern Era
China, 1000-1400 Financing Republican China in a Transnational Context,
Tomoyasu Iiyama Ritual Learning in Material Practice: 1900s-1940s
The Lu Family Cemetery in Textual and Georgia Mickey British Money and the Chinese State: A
Archaeological Context Ancestry on Stone: The Loan Story from the 1870s to the 1930s From
Interaction between Literati and Non-Literati Imperial Finance to Republican Finance: The Role
Elites in Funerary Culture during the Jin-Yuan of the 1913 Reorganization Loan Accountability:
Period The Bank of China'
s Achievement of Shareholder
Jeehee Hong One “Portrait," Many Ancestors: A Pattern Governance, 1916-1918
of Ancestral Worship in Thirteenth-Century Felix Boecking Sovereignty in Bonds: International
Pingyang Politics and the Dynamics of Chinese Domestic
Jinping Wang Daoist Jiang Shanxin and the Ancient Sage- Government Bond Price Fluctuations, 1932-1936
Kings Temple Network in Southern Shanxi during Facing the State in Southwest China: Social Changes in
the Yuan Dynasty China'
s Interior during the War with Japan, 1937-1945
Imagining the Foreign in Late Imperial China Maura Dykstra The Making of Merchants: War, Municipal
Emma Teng Other As Self? Governance, and Commercial Organization in
Junjie Luo The Sensualization of the Foreign in Late Ming Wartime Chongqing
Novels M. Colette Plum Orphans in the Hinterland: Confronting
Huili Zheng Frightening Encounter: Treasures, Tributes, Diversity in China'
s Wartime Southwest
and Troublous Travels in Xiyang Ji Nicole Elizabeth Barnes Re-Centering China'
s Southwest
David Porter Comparative Exoticisms: Representing and Medical Science during the War of Resistance
Foreignness in Early Modern China and England Mary Augusta Brazelton Scientific Encounters in

62 漢學研究通訊 32  2(總 126 期)民國 102 年 5 月

會 議 報 導

Southwest China: Biomedical Research and Maria Franca Sibau Friends in Need and Friends In Deed
Development in Wartime Yunnan, 1937-45 in Late Ming Vernacular Stories and Plays
Class, Gender, and Race under Japanese Rule: Writings Ying Zhang Friendship in the Shadow of Factionalism and
and Thoughts of/on Women in East Asia from the 1920s Loyalism in the Early Qing
to 1945 Joanna Handlin Smith Friendship and Trust among Early
So-Hee Lee Heo Jeong-Sook and the Modern Woman Qing Literati
Subject in 1920s and 1930s Korea Opera and Politics in China: From Wartime Period to
Pei-Chen Wu The Socialist-Feminist Kollontai and the the Present
s Art Journal in Japan Minlei Ye Kunqu Art in the Shadow of Japanese
Seungshin Rhee The Representation of Joseon Women by Occupation, 1937-1945
Male Writers of Korea and Japan: Centered on Maggie Greene The Troublesome Ghosts of 1963: Ghost
Novels by Ishikawa Tatsuzo and Jang Hyuk-joo Opera and the Politics of Drama
Sujeong Yu The Japanese Female Writer of Manchukuo, Joseph S. C. Lam Escorting Miss Jing Home: An Operatic
Ushijima Haruko Journey of Chinese Politics, Gender, and Heroism
Girls Gone Wild: Sex, Prostitution, and Colonial Da Lin Turning Intangible Cultural Heritage into Cultural
Anxieties in India, China, and Southeast Asia, 1890s- Capital: The Decentralization of Agents in the
1950s Field of Kunqu Opera
Christina Elizabeth Firpo Erotic Breathing and Sensual State Failures in Chinese Education, 1939-2012
Beats: Ca Trù Singers, Prostitution, and the Loss Kristin Mulready-Stone The Underground Three People'
of the Nation in Colonial Northern Vietnam in the Principles Youth Corps Branch in Shanghai
1930s and Members'Travails to Receive Training in
Sue Ellen Gronewold Rescue, Reform, or Restrict: Chongqing, 1939-1941.
s Door of Hope Mission for Chinese Jennifer Liu Surveillance and Suppression: The Three
Prostitutes and the State People'
s Principles Youth Corps'Restraint of
South Asian Family Landscapes: Productions of Gender and Political Restlessness in Schools
Space in the 19th and 20th Centuries, Part II Margaret Mih Tillman Reconstructing Family Education in
Uma Ganesan Recasting Conjugality: The Self-Respect Post-War China
Movement and the Discourse on Divorce and William Welsh The Breakdown of State Provision: Private
Birth Control in Late Colonial South India Migrant Schools in Urban China
Poulami Roychowdhury Envisioning Family(s): Domestic Locality and Fluidity: China'
s Socialism in the 1950s
Violence, Women'
s Rights, and Politics in India Brian DeMare Center and Periphery in Early PRC Cultural
Va r s h a C h i t n i s F a m i l y, G e n d e r, I d e n t i t y : S e l f - Work
Representations in the Life Narratives of Upper- Aminda Smith Heroes and Anti-Heroes: Citizen Informants
Caste Women and the PRC State, 1949-1958
Friendship in Discourse and Deed as a Key to Social Felix Wemheuer Managing Terror in Mass Campaigns of
Change in Late Imperial China Early CCP Rule
Rivi Handler-Spitz Li Zhi and the Rectification of Mi Zhao Socialism in Motion: The Collectivization of
Friendship in the Late Ming Local Private Performance Troupes in the 1950s

漢學研究通訊 32  2(總 126期)民國 102 年 5 月 63

會 議 報 導

and Early 1960s Tanso'

s Suikoden Hihyokai and the Aesthetic
Cold War and Forced Migration in East Asia: State Principles of Chinese Vernacular Fiction
Policy, Humanitarian Discourse, and Lived Experiences Initial Encounters: New Perspectives on the Old China
Laura Madokoro “Rice Refugees"
? White Settler Society Trade
Responses to Refugees from the People'
s Republic Thomas H. Cox Profits and Perspectives: Warren Delano'
of China, 1949 to 1989 Role in the Old U.S.-China Trade, 1833-1851
David Cheng Chang Return Home to Taiwan or Return to Rachel Tamar Van Law Makers and Breakers in a Global
“Motherland" China: Three Taiwanese POWs Marketplace: Rethinking American Opium
in the Chinese Civil War, the Korean War, and the Smuggling
Cold War, 1946-1989 Dong Wang Revisiting America'
s Old China Trade,
Dominic Meng-Hsuan Yang The Nationalist Refugee Relief 1784-1844: The First Encounter between a Nation
Program and the Rennie'
s Mill Refugee Camp in and an Empire
Hong Kong, 1950-1961 “Appropriation"as Catalyst: Cross-Border Perspectives
Jeremy Brown Fighting to Return to the City: Grassroots on East Asian Calligraphy
Responses to Civil Defense Evacuation in 1970s Hui-Wen Lu Reproducing and Remaking the Paradigm:
China Wang Xizhi'
s (303-361) Calligraphy in the Age
Fujian in a Maritime World: A Boundary-Crossing of Printing
Perspective on Local Histories Lei Xue In the Name of Copying: Visions of Yihe Ming
Nanxiu Qian Transformation of the Min (Fujian) Cainu and the Formation of the Canon
Culture in the Late Qing Reform Era Yasuko Tsuchikane Beyond Avant-Garde: “Classicism"
Guotong Li Fujian Coast: The Home of Boundary-Crossers in Post-World War Two Japanese Calligraphy
in the Eighteenth Century Abe Mark Nornes The Cinematographic Calligraphy
Dahpon D. Ho Fujian'
s Seafaring Culture from the Heyday Luxury Commodities and Imperial Politics in the High
of Piracy to the Ming-Qing Wars Qing Era (1660-1795)
Man Xu Gender and Vehicles: Redefining the Inner-Outer Elif Akcetin Corruption and Conspicuous Consumption in
Boundary in Song China Eighteenth Century China
“Not Fit for Halls of Elegance"
? Ming Vernacular Fiction Kwangmin Kim Jade and the Imperial Politics of
in Context Sponsored by the Society for Ming Studies Contraband Trade in the Eighteenth-Century Qing
Scott Gregory Bandits, Bureaucrats and Books: The Shuihu Empire
Zhuan and the Jiajing Court Elite Yulian Wu Manufacturing the Best Commodities for
Nam Nguyen “Are We Talking about the Same Jin Ping the Qianlong Emperor in Eighteenth-Century
: Examining the Reception of the Novel Jiangnan
in Vietnam from a Cultural Translation Studies Eugenio Menegon Who Was Using Whom? Europeans,
Perspective Western Commodities, and the Politics of Gift-
Nan Ma Hartmann Early Yomihon and Chinese Vernacular Giving in Qing Beijing
Narratives: Tsuga Teisho and His Adaptation Strategies and Discourses: Exploring the Complexities of
Stories Figural Portrayals in Chinese Art
William Hedberg Jin Shengtan in Edo-Period Japan: Seita Wen-chien Cheng Beyond Satire and Parody: The Female

64 漢學研究通訊 32  2(總 126 期)民國 102 年 5 月

會 議 報 導

Image in Early Chinese Didactic Painting When Chongqing was China: Rethinking Chongqing'
Bo Liu Wise or Unwise: Thirteen Emperors Provide Clues Role during the Second Sino Japanese War
Rebecca Bieberly “True" Images: Lingyan Temple Jin Zhang Chongqing in Wartime Newspapers and Wartime
Luohans and “Authenticity" in the Eleventh Newspapers in Chongqing: The Case of the
Century Publication of 重慶各報聯合版
Noelle Giuffrida Imagining Immortal Patriarchs: Portraits Alan Baumler Chongqing and the Air-Mindedness of the
of Xu Xun and Lu Dongbin in Ming and Qing Chinese People
China Hong Huang Preventing Diseases and Building the Nation:
Policing with Chinese Characteristics: Histories, Infectious Diseases Prevention in Chongqing
Regional Differences, and Interactions during China'
s War of Resistance
Sheena Chestnut Greitens The Origins of Public Security Danke None Li When Xiajiang Styles Met Chongqing
Institutions in China Styles: Chongqing and Wartime Cultural Fusion
Holly Heng He Policing Petty Crimes with Campaign- Elite and Popular Confucianism in Contemporary China
Style in Mainland China Stephen Angle American Confucianism: Between Tradition
Suzanne E. Scoggins P.R. Nightmares: Exploring the and Universal Values
Relationship between the Police and Media in Lizhu Fan The Revival of Family Values and Ancestor
China Worship in Southern Zhejiang
Armies of Learning: Issues of Transformation and Borderland by the Sea: China'
s Southeast Coast in
Continuity in China'
s Military, 1920-2010 Interesting Times, 16th-18th Centuries
Peter Worthing Continuity and Change in the Nationalist Siyen Fei Pirate Raids, Coastal Identity, and Female
Military in the 1920s and 1930s Chastity in Early Seventeenth-Century China
Harold Tanner Learning through Practice: Lin Biao and the Melissa Macauley The Coastal Evacuation and the
Transition to Conventional Combined Operations Evolution of a Masculine Ethic in Chaozhou
in China'
s Northeast, 1946-1948 Kenneth Dean The Qing Coastal Evacuation and the
Xiaobing Li Russianizing the Chinese Army in the 1950s: Spread of Chinese Overseas Temples in Southeast
the Korean War and beyond Asia
Sherman Lai The PLA'
s Strategic Shift: Lessons Learned Lucille Chia Moving People, Pots, and Money: The Export
from the US and Iraqi Performances in the Gulf Ceramics Trade in Southeast China, 16th-18th
War Centuries
New Perspectives on Wanton Women in Late Imperial Origins and Legacies of the Chinese Cultural Revolution
Chinese Literature Fangchun Li Was the Cultural Revolution “Unprecedented
Keith McMahon Who was the Real Wanton Woman? in History"? Observations through the Lens of
Maram Epstein Women'
s Translations of the Trope of the the Land Reform Movement
“Yinfu" in Tanci Narratives Yiching Wu New Wine and Old Bottle: What Did
Mark Stevenson The Male Homoerotic Wanton Woman in “Class" Mean during the Cultural Revolution?
Late Ming Fiction Joel Andreas, Yige Dong “Mass Supervision" in China
Cuncun Wu Late Ming Representations of Wanton Women from before the Cultural Revolution to the Present
in Huang Fangyin'
s Short Plays Agnes Zhou Liu Representing “The People" and the

漢學研究通訊 32  2(總 126期)民國 102 年 5 月 65

會 議 報 導

Problem of Socialist Literary Production Culture

Hidden Presence: The Embodiment of Body in Chinese Thomas Mullaney “It Makes the Mind Dizzy": Chinese
Religious Visual Culture Typewriting in the Western Imagination
Wei-cheng Lin Broken Bodies: Inside Underground Crypts Mary Greenfield Gesturing Toward the Pacific: The
of Buddhist Statues Importance of the Qing Imperial Navy'
s SS
Seunghye Lee Articulating Embodiments: The Visual Yangwu (1872) in Chinese Maritime Industrial
Interplay of Concealing and Revealing in an Development and Foreign Policy
Eleventh Century Reliquary Pillar from Suzhou, Pathways to Power: Energy in the History of East and
China Southeast Asia
Phillip Bloom Nebulous Intersections: Face and Body in Shi-Lin Loh Village and Nation: Japanese Nuclear Policy
the Visual Culture of the Song-Dynasty Water- in Tokaimura
Land Retreat Aaron S. Moore Hydropower and Neo-Colonial Power: The
Shih-shan Susan Huang Visualizing the Inner Realm: Emergence of “Comprehensive Development"
Daoist Body Charts in Song-Yuan Neidan in Japan'
s Overseas Development Assistance
New Perspectives on Academies in Middle and Later Programs
Imperial China Victor Seow Carbon Technocracy: Energy, Expertise, and
Linda Ann Walton Continuities and Discontinuities: Case Economy in China'
s Industrial Northeast
Studies of Academies, 1000-1400 Daqing Yang Unclaimed Prize: Oil Explorations in
Wenyi Chen Shrines and Schools: The Role of Shrines at Pre-1945 Manchuria
Yuan Academies Negotiating the Material Body in Qing Society and
Kandice Hauf Ming Academies as Confucian Monasteries Culture Sponsored by the Society for Qing Studies
Yongming Xiao Integration and Interaction: The Great Jeffrey Snyder-Reinke Afterlives of the Dead: Uncovering
Tradition and the Little Tradition in the Cultural Graves and Mishandling Corpses in Qing Law
Space of Academies and Society
G h o s t s o f E m p i re : I m p e r i a l R e m n a n t s A c ro s s Yi-Li Wu Words and Images for Healing Bones and Flesh:
Postcolonial Asia Innovations in Mid-Qing Trauma Medicine
Johan Mathew Subverting the Sterling Zone (Shangke)
Jeremy A. Yellen Ghosts of Imperial Japan: State Building Roberta Wue Body, Object, Affect: Portraiture and the
in Burma and the Philippines Gentleman in the Late Qing
Tariq Ali Colonial Capital in a Post-Colonial State: British Past Forward: Jia Yi'
s New Vision of Empire
Jute Traders in Pakistan, 1947-1958 Vincent Leung Antiquity Rehabilitated: Jia Yi'
s Politics as
Konrad Lawson Inheriting Treason: “Merging with a Science of the Past
the Enemy and Puppets" in Shandong, China Elisa Sabattini A Bad Example is a Good Example:
1945-1948 Jia Yi and the Construction of Han Cultural
Mahjong, Chinese Typewriting, and the SS Yangwu Legitimation
Kariann Yokota The “Raw for the Cooked"
: Ginseng and Charles Sanft Power of the People: Jia Yi and Management
the Early American Quest for Cultural Refinement of the Populace
Annelise Heinz Mahjong and the Transnational Politics of Allison R. Mille Imperial Patronage and Public Splendor:

66 漢學研究通訊 32  2(總 126 期)民國 102 年 5 月

會 議 報 導

Jia Yi'
s Ritual Aesthetics for a New Era the Moving Modern Body
Envisioning a Post-Developmental Society: The Robert Culp Cultivating Cultural Citizenship: Shanghai'
Resurgence of Environmentalism in Taiwan Commercial Publishers and the Southeast Asian
Ming-sho Ho An Unexpected Taiwanese Environmentalists' Market
Victory in the Koukuang Petrochemical Project Janet Y. Chen Voices of a New Nation: Learning to Speak
Chin-shou Wang The Legal Mobilization of Environmental “Mandarin" in China, 1928-1937
Movements in Taiwan Kate Merkel-Hess A Nation of Villagers: Making Rural
Ya-Chung Chuang New Urbanism and the Farmers' Citizens in Republican China
Movements in Taiwan Transport and Communications Revolutions and the
Imaginative Projections: Literary China in the Post- Global Late Qing
Tiananmen Era Joseph D. Lawson The Bridges of Liangshan: Infrastructure
Alexei Nowak Pathological Authenticity: Aesthetics of and Violence in Southwest China, 1800-1912
Individuality and Counterculture in Contemporary Tong Lam The Veins of the Empire: Railway Development
Chinese Narrative in Late Qing China
Thomas Chen Blanks To Be Filled: Literary Criticism, Shirley Ye German Shipping and Empire in the Making of
Commodification, and Censorship in the Age of the China Coast
Print Roger R. Thompson The Wire: Progress, Paradox, and
Chaohua Wang High-Lite-Lite of the Fat Years: Intellectual Disaster in the Strategic Networking of China,
Challenges Posed by China'
s Rise 1881-1901
Mingwei Song Varieties of the Utopian in Contemporary Modern China at Gunpoint: Militarists and Military
Chinese Science Fiction Organizations in Chinese State Construction, 1864-1937
Identity Across Borders: Cultural Interactions between Christopher Heselton Moving the War to the Frontier:
Imperial China and the Outside World (7th-17th Post-Taiping Reconstruction and the Expansion
Century) of the Xiang Army in the Southwestern Frontier
David Monteleone Visualizing Religious Networks: Guo Wang Building the State with the Gun: Militia
The Silk Legend and Proto-Buddhist Tantra in Construction and State Formation in Beibei,
Khotanese Painting 1911-1937
Rebecca Shuang Fu Changing Identity of the Intellectual Nagatomi Hirayama Partifying the “Warlords": The
Women in Late Medieval China: A Study on the Chinese Youth Party'
s Quest for Military
Dunhuang Texts by Female Writers Support, 1923-1937
Yunshuang Zhang Poet or Military Strategist: The Identity- Margaret Clinton Shock Troops on the Cultural Front: Blue
Crossing of Literati in the Northern Song Dynasty Shirt Nativism during the Nanjing Decade
(960-1127) Senses Make Sense: Seeing, Hearing, Touching, Tasting,
Takeshi Yamazaki Yao, Zhuang, and Sino-Viet Relations and Smelling in Chinese Everyday Life, 1870s-1990s
from XV to XVII Centuries Yu-chih Lai The Rise of Lithographic Printing and the
Fitting into the Nation: Creating Citizens in Republican Changing Visual Landscape in Shanghai
China Xuelei Huang Odors of Nanjing Road: The Cultural Life of
Louise Edwards Fitting Out New Citizens: Accessorizing Smell in Modern China, 1890s-1940s

漢學研究通訊 32  2(總 126期)民國 102 年 5 月 67

會 議 報 導

Barbara Mittler Feeling Matters: Forms, Materials, & Place-Imagination: Mediating Personal and Collective
Colors of Love and Life in China, 1890s-1990s Identities through Art in East Asia
Lena Henningsen Tastes of Revolution, Land Reform, and Catherine Stuer Grafting Native Place into Translocal
Change in Fiction from“New China" Space: Tao Shu'
s Multi-Media Project, 1837-39
Andreas Steen “New China, New Sounds"
: Listening to Tomoko Seto Chronotopes of Propaganda: “Shitamachi"
the Chairman as Revolutionary Experience and “Edokko" in Socialist Kodan Storytelling
We Have Never Been Human: Monsters and Monstrosity in 1905
in China and Beyond Chunchun Ting Reimagining the Lost Space of Childhood:
Huaiyu Chen The Buddhist Fallen Angels: How the Images Urban Destruction and Memory Discourse in
of Twelve Animals Changed in Medieval East Contemporary Hong Kong
Asia Peggy Wang Made in China: Symbols and Slogans of Place
Christina Yu Mollified Demons: Buddhist Statues at the in Contemporary Chinese Art
Yongle and Xuande Courts of the Ming Dynasty From Networks to Network Analysis: A New Approach
Ao Wang The Affective Monster: The Tang Dynasty Tale to East Asian History and Literature
“The Story of a Weretiger" as an Allegory of Song Chen Divergent Strategies in the Network
Exile Perspective: Marriage and the Local Elites in the
Zhange Ni Taming Monsters: A Comparative Study of Song Dynasty
Flowers in the Mirror and of Mountains and Seas Jamie Jungmin Yoo Patterned Image: Reception of Chinese
A River Runs through It: Environment, Society, and Canons and Formation of Poetry Networks in
Governance in Chinese Riparian History Late Eighteenth-Century Korea
Tim Sedo Creating the Confucian Saint: The Canonization Hoyt Long Toward a Sociology of Modernism: Network
of China'
s First Hydro-Bureaucrat, Ximen Bao Analysis and Avant-Garde Poetry in Japan
Ruth Mostern The Yellow River and the Northern Frontier: Jack W. Chen On Networks, Graphs, and Visual Meaning
A Middle Period Environmental History Constructions and Representations of Space in Qing and
Ling Zhang Whose Flood, Whose Sand, and Whose Land? Republican China
The Yellow River and the Local Environmental Ching-ling Wang Emperor Qianlong'
s Private Paradise:
History of Lankao County (12th-20th centuries) Reconstructing the Hall of Infinite Goodness
Kathryn Edgerton-Tarpley Contours of a Water Disaster: Ying-chen Peng A Gift to the Empress Dowager: The Late-
Local-Level Experiences of the Yellow River Qing Summer Palace Revisited
Flood of 1938-1947 Kristen Chiem Pleasures of the Past: Reconstructing a
He Ain'
t Heavy – He'
s My Brother: Xiong and Di in Garden Pavilion in Shanghai
Late Imperial Chinese Elite Culture Adrian Song Xiang The Seventy-Two Tenants: Creating
Christopher Agnew Brothers Kong: Politics and Fraternal Proletarian Urbanite Living Spaces in 1930s'
Strife among Confucius'Kin Chinese Films
Ihor Olehovych Pidhainy Fraternal Visions: Yang Shen in Magic and the Other: Women, Children, and Popular
Praise of Younger Brothers Religious Practices in Pre-Modern China
Kenneth Hammond Shared Heritage, Different Paths: Wang Rebecca Doran The Cat Demon Cult as a Case Study in
Shizhen and Wang Shimou Gender and Religious Practice in Medieval China

68 漢學研究通訊 32  2(總 126 期)民國 102 年 5 月

會 議 報 導

Margaret Wee-Siang Ng Eating and Praying for a Yenna Wu Beyond Postcolonial Melancholia: Female
Successful Birth: Material Culture in Obstetrical Erudition and Writing in Li Ang'
s “No-Sky
Texts in Song China Ghost"
Annika Pissin Child-Representations of Death and In Her Own Image: Self-Representation in Late Imperial
Immortality in Medieval China: Creepy Blessings Chinese Women'
s Writing
Traversing Cultural Revolution and Rusticated Youth Haihong Yang Female Recluses: The Trope of Yin and
Memories: The Ethics and Dilemmas of Consuming Self-Representation in Poems by Two Ming
Rural China Loyalist Women Writers
Lingchei Letty Chen Ethics of Remembering: China'
s Wanming Wang Anxiety and Confidence: Representation
Popular Mnemonic Writings of the Cultural and Self-Representation in Bao Zhilan'
s (1751-
Revolution 1812) Poetry Collection
Qian Gao Rusticated Youth: From Scar to Salvation Yu Zhang Dedication, Loyalty, and Feminine Virtues in the
Chao Liu An Ideological Paradox: The Discourse of New Story of Yue Fei
Overcoming Modernity and the Japanese Wenjia Liu A Dedicated and Proud Female Writer:
Experience of Cultural Revolution Constructing the Gendered Subject in Tanci Feng
Bert Scruggs Practical Memories: Visualizations and Shuangfei
Narrations of the Cultural Revolution and Military Men, Veterans, and Legacies of War in 19th-
Rusticated Youth and 20th-Century China
The Formation of Academic Disciplines in Twentieth- James Bonk War Stories: Writings on Military Experiences
Century China in the Early 19th-Century Qing Empire
Brian Moloughney Qinghua Univerity and the Formation Charles Wooldridge Subjects and Agents: Military Men in
of Modern Chinese Historiography Post-Taiping Jiangning Prefecture
Guannan Li The Synthesis School and the Founding of Miri Kim Commemorating Institution and Cohort in the
“Orthodox"and “Authentic" Sociology in Early Twentieth-Century Graduation Albums of
Nationalist China: Sun Benwen'
s Sociological the Northeast Military Academy
Thinking and Practice Rebecca Nedostup Murder after Death: Demobilization
Shellen X. Wu A Confusion of Terms: Spatial Reorganization and Violence in the Transition from Wartime to
and the Field of Geopolitics, 1930-1950 Postwar in Taiwan
Contested Home/Land: Minority Discourse in Post- Chinese Thought as Global Theory?
WWII Chinese and Taiwanese Film and Fiction Leigh Jenco On the Possibility of Chinese Thought as
Dennis Lo Cultivating the Wasteland: Film Production as Theory
s China, My
Historical Reenactment in Li Xing' Ignacio Villagran What Premodern Chinese Theorists Can
Native Land (1980) and The Heroic Pioneers Teach Us about Social History
(1986) David Elstein The Challenge of Contemporary Chinese
Aubrey Tang “Filmagining" the Ethnic Other: “Minority Political Philosophy
Film" from Mainland China, 1940-1963 Imagining Asia in the 1920s and 1930s
Kai-man Chang Undoing Heteronormativity: Interstitial Torsten Weber Organizing “Asia"
: Transnational Activism
Body and Home in Tsai Ming-liang'
s Films

漢學研究通訊 32  2(總 126期)民國 102 年 5 月 69

會 議 報 導

and Visions of an Asian League in the Interwar Yanjie Wang Negotiating Migrant Family, Gender, and
Period Agency: Leftbehind Children in Last Train Home
Evan N. Dawley A Region of Localities: Taiwanese Social Yiju Huang Noumenal Views: Home beyond Human
Workers in Japan'
s Empire Drama
Jessamyn Reich Abel Imperialism and Internationalism in E. K. Tan A Queer Journey Home in Solos: Rethinking
East Asian Community Theory Kinship in Sinophone Singapore
Cultural Revolutions and Their Music beyond China'
s Lily Wong Dwelling: Affective Economies and Alternative
Borders Kinships in The Fourth Portrait
Tsanhuang Tsai Claiming Orthodox China: The Art Production and Remediation in the Qianlong Court
Institutionalization of Chinese Music and Its Mei Mei Rado Petrified Silk: Remediation and Illusionism
Political Implications during the “Cultural in High Qing Trompe-l'
Oeil Representation of
Renaissance" Movement in Taiwan Textiles
Anna Stirr Revolutionary Performance, Revolutionary Eleanor Hyun Emperor'
s Toys: Qianlong Curio Boxes
Lives: Concepts of Progressive Change among Yuhang Li Remediated Antiquarianism: A Case Study of
Artists in Nepal Qianlong'
s Copy of Li Di'
s “Two Chicks"
Place, Praxis, and Representation in Ming China Sun-ah Choi Legacy of the True Image: Qianlong'
Li-Tsui Flora Fu Pictorial Representation of a Buddhist Replication of Buddhist Sacred Icons
Sacred Site in Early Ming: Wang Meng'
s Picture Playmakers: Power, Authority, and the Chinese Stage
of Mount Taibai Einor Keinan-Segev Trial as Spectacle: Judgment in Xu
Peter Ditmanson The Politics of Place: Suzhou in the s Four Cries of the Gibbon
Writings of Xu Youzhen (1407-72) Mengyun Li Literature against Theater: Jin Shengtan'
Lihong Liu The Social Significance of Place in Mid-Ming Xixiang Ji and the Anti-Theatrical Turn
Suzhou Man He Made in Academies: National Drama,
Elizabeth J. Kindall A Geo-Narrative of Southwest China Participatory Citizens, and State Theatres in
as Pictorial Biography Republican China, 1920s-1940s
Stephen McDowall The Afterlife of Ming Historical Space Anne Rebull Rewriting the Limits of the Stage: The
Painted Words and Written Worlds: Visual and Literary Emergence of the Xiqu Director in the 1940s
Representation in Premodern China Tarryn Li-Min Chun Modeling the Modern World: 1950s
Harrison Huang Complicities of Capital and Countryside: Drama Culture and the Theater Troupe as
The Estates of Xie Lingyun Microcosm of Society
Cynthia L. Chennault The `Fleeting Moment'in Poetic Landscapes and Memory in Chinese History
Landscapes of the Later Southern Dynasties Alexei K. Ditter Place and Genre in the Construction of
Amy C. Hwang Inventing a Wordless Poetry: Mou Yi'
s Memory: Chang'
s Daci'
En Monastery in the
1240 “Fulling Cloth" 8th and 9th Centuries
Gregory Seiffert Poetic Themes in a Seventeenth-Century Ari Daniel Levine Sediments and Stratigraphy: Human
Nanjing Painted Album Leaf by Ye Xin Landscapes and Cultural Memory in Song
Transforming Chinese Kinship in Film Kaifeng

70 漢學研究通訊 32  2(總 126 期)民國 102 年 5 月

會 議 報 導

Devin Fitzgerald Memories of Better Times: The Qing 16

s Flight to Xi'
an 澳門論壇──多元文化的傳承與創新
James Flath The Temple of Confucius and the Republican 澳門‧2013.3.26-27
State 澳門科技大學承辦
The Soviet Influence in the Chinese World: A Reappraisal 樓宇烈 中華文化世界共享
Hua-Yu Li The CCP'
s Adoption of the Soviet Governing 錢乘旦 理論的困境,學術的瓶頸
Structure in the Early 1950s 余秋雨 中國文脈
Nicolai Volland After Leaning to One Side? China, the 張 華 A Reinterpretation of Confucianism
Soviet Union, and the Third World in the 1960s 董正華 「整體史觀」與多元文明/文化的多線性發展
Jianhua Zhang Collaborators, Victims, and Enemies: 趙 林 全球化時代的多元文化格局與澳門的啟示意義
Intellectuals and the Regime Establishment in the David McMullen Seas and Islands Changing Perspectives
USSR and the PRC on Chinese Views of History Over Fifty Years of
Yinghong Cheng Soviet Literature and Overseas Chinese Studying China
Revolutionary Movement in Southeast Asia 許 平 歐洲人認識中國的拐點
(漢學研究中心) 彭彥華 探賾中華文化走向的脈絡
孫時進 多元文化的共融是社會和諧發展的保證
李 濤 促進文化多元發展與文明對話
劉繼同 中西文化交融、社會文化傳承機制與構建文化
15 強國
楊熙楠 現代性、社會變遷與漢語神學
顧衛民 瑪利亞、觀世音與媽祖三位女神不期而遇在澳門
王新生 從「匿名基督徒」看猶太教、基督教與伊斯蘭
馮勝利 語體語法:形式—功能對應律的初步探索
劉學智 佛道儒交融與理學的形成及特點
鄧守信 間接理論假設的語用教學
耿幼狀 「經文辨讀」如何能夠進入中國語境及中西之
吳勇毅 二語教學中形式與意義的博弈:師生語法教學
張志剛 中西方「道德金規則」比較及其啟發
吳應輝 漢語國際傳播研究的新視野與新方法
霍 巍 多元文化背景下的西藏文化遺產保護
吳偉平 教師培訓中關於語用問題的探討
張橋貴 雲南少數民族多元宗教文化的傳承與創新
儲誠志 語言運用與漢語教學用詞頻表的研制
王成棟 港澳臺慈善文化擷要
胡曉清 國別化漢語仲介語語料庫建構中的語用因素
單周堯 論中華文化孝道之傳承
陳桂月 基於交際功能的新加坡華語區域詞彙教學
祝金剛 社會價值的激活與點亮
孟柱億 韓中菜名中的隱含信息對比
王仕佐 非物質文化遺產的旅遊開發與保護
陶紅印 如何使學習者成為語用學家:來自二語語言學
祝金剛 澳門應是多元文化融匯和普世價值認同的橋頭堡
沙宗平 事天與事主
陳佳紅 Towards a Dialogic Humanist Education: A Cross-
Cultural Inquiry of I-Thou Relationships
董云川 高等教育的多元文化視角

漢學研究通訊 32  2(總 126期)民國 102 年 5 月 71

會 議 報 導

袁博平 主導語言和非主導語言以及語言平等 陳光祖 東南亞與臺灣地區的更新世動物群

黃天樹 甲骨文中所見的商代苑囿 趙金勇 下罟坑遺址出土疑似舊石器探微
朱歧祥 澳門文化建設芻言—成立漢文字研究 謝光茂 廣西銳棱砸擊石片及相關問題探討
沈 杰 推動大學校園多元文化的嘗詴 李超榮 海南省舊石器考古的回顧與展望
左芙蓉 北京地區佛教旅遊資源概述 范雪春 福建漳平奇和洞遺址
李培根 從傳統文化看中國教育 王海明 浙江洞穴遺址考古概述
蔣述卓 守正創新:融傳統教育之正,強現代教育之魂 Trinh Nang Chung The New Archaeological Findings from
才巨金 大學對弘揚優秀傳統文化的時代使命 Phia Vai Cave Site, Viet Nam
楊慧林 文化傳承作為大學的使命 Eusebio Zamora Dizon Two Paleolithic Cave Sites in the
陳 炎 當代中國大學教育的缺失 Philippines, with the Physical Evidence of Homo
王鳳鳴 志願者與跨文化交流 Sapiens
Charlie Nelms The Prerequisites for Diversifying The Masaki Fujita, Shinji Yamasaki, Chiaki Katagiri Recent
Academy Excavations of the Late Pleistocene Cave Sites in
吳冠平 電影教育中傳統與現代 Okinawa Prefecture, Japan
王海洲 華語電影的多元與融變 Tim Reynolds Reconstructing Late Pleistocene Climates,
蔡千姿 傳統文化教育與現代產學合作教育之多元創新 Landscapes, and Human Activities in Northern
程美寶 澳門作為飛地的「危」與「機」 Borneo from Excavations in the Niah Caves
代曉飛 新時期多元文化傳承者的使命 Detroit Florent The (pre-)History of Homo Sapiens
黃素娟 傳統文化與現代教育的相結合:近代廣州城市 in Island Southeast Asia: An Insight from
的規劃與建設 the Upper Pleistocene and Early Holocene
何建宗 亦師亦友之間— 一個初教者的體驗 Palaeoanthropological Record
曹雪楠 多元文化只是一個傳說? Ben Marwick The Hoabinhian of Southeast Asia and
(澳門科技大學) Its Relationship to Global Pleistocene Lithic
梁華綸 臺灣國定遺址管理維護的現況與問題
17 臧振華 八仙洞遺址的保護與經營:規劃的建議
張善楠 考古遺址的管理與活化:以史前文化博物館和
臺北‧2013.3.29-30 卑南遺址為例
中央研究院歷史語言研究所主辦 (吳政上)
臧振華、陳文山、李匡悌 八仙洞遺址調查研究計畫簡報
臧振華 論長濱文化的年代與類緣
何傳坤 長濱八仙洞洞穴群出土舊石器群變異與東海岸
黑潮的關係 第三屆讀經教育國際論壇
鄧 聰 舊石器破裂面圖像學的歷史剖析—從八仙洞 臺中‧2013.3.30-31
遺址石器繪圖說起 臺中教育大學語文教育系主辦
Inada Takashi Comparative Study on the Palaeolithic 黃俊傑 經典研讀的兩種進路
Cultures between Japan and Taiwan Kashinath Nyaupane Some Glimpses into the Traditional
劉益昌 臺灣舊石器時代製造技術研究的一些思考 Sanskrit Education in Nepal

72 漢學研究通訊 32  2(總 126 期)民國 102 年 5 月

會 議 報 導

張鉉根 韓國儒家經典教育之過去和現在 李艷惠、馮勝利 論狹域焦點的韻律偏差性

秦兆雄 日本讀經講經的回顧與展望 蔣 平 動態韻律劃分的認同度與韻律層級的關係
張崑將 儒學營在臺灣與朱子之路的現代意義 吳永煥 從北京話連調看漢語三音節成分韻律結構的實現
馬行誼 理定既實,事來尚虛—論《朱子語類》中的 端木三 漢語單名詞的詞長彈性研究
易象之教 劉現強 重音、音步與韻律詞—韻律句法研究中的幾
高瑋謙 論讀經、解經與行經之辯證關係—以王陽明 點困惑
學思歷程之演變為例 劉振前、莊會彬 漢語音步與四字格成語
林月惠 中華文化基本教材編輯理念與實施 儲誠志 嵌偶詞、合偶詞及相關單雙音節問題的語料觀
楊淑華 大學讀經與生命教育實踐 察與思考
楊 嵋 中外經典與生命教育實踐 蔡維天 論句調重音對語法詮釋機制的影響
林安梧 經典詮釋、生命與體驗 朱慶之 「R為A所見V」被動句式的韻律句法學討論
蒲彥光 大學國文課程該如何講授傳統經典教育 沈 陽 支配式不及物動詞帶「賓語」的兩種韻律模式
李秋蘭 經典閱讀與生命教育—以〈報任安書〉為對象 陸丙甫 韻律對文本改革的啟示
廖彩秀 解經的契機與作法 吳為善 強勢層級擴張與詞語概念整合的互補效應
杜明德 淺談解經的態度及方法 —從「孔氏三世出 林培瑞 Do Rhythms Have Meanings?
妻」說談起 趙敏俐 詠歌與吟誦—中國早期詩歌體式生成問題研究
廖崇斐 孔門六藝之教的當代實踐基礎 張 健 中國古代的聲律啟蒙讀物:聲律發蒙及其他
王采淇 從大德小德之辨論現代人的解經與行經 崔四行 漢語重疊式的重音模式及其韻律形態研究—
尤惠貞 佛教經典與生命教育之實踐—讀解行證《維 以ABAB/AABB為例
摩詰經》之「菩薩淨土」 邱金萍 韻律對構詞的影響—以ABB式形容詞為例
陳啟文 從讀經到行經—以慈濟基金會經藏演繹為探 索潇潇 單音節形容詞重疊做狀語
索對象 王麗娟 這本書的出版—漢語韻律形態的個案研究
李建德 明刊《道藏》所收近世《北斗經》注本之生命 莊會彬 漢語「兒化」源流探析
哲學探析 黃 梅 韻律制約的單音名詞做狀語研究
趙志宏 讀經私塾的觀念與推廣 賈林華 試析現代漢語合偶詞的句法分佈特點和語體特徵
孟丹梅 讀經私塾的教學與成效 駱健飛 「X之Y」結構的韻律模式研究
魏 邦 從英文讀經到英文能力 裴雨來 韻律結構對漢語語句形式的影響研究
洪毓瑛 成人讀經實務分享 朱賽萍 溫州方言中的動後介詞結構
薛仁明 讀經運動的向上一轉 李 果 漢魏之際「姓名」演變的韻律機制及其影響
(臺中教育大學語文教育系) 梁月娥 兩周金文動賓結構中的單雙音現象研究
趙璞嵩 上 古漢語歌、魚二部對立的韻律分析— 以

19 王永娜 談「NN+VV+N(N)」的構成機制和語體成因
漢語韻律語法研討會 盧冠忠 論六言詩與駢文六言句韻律及句法之異同
香港‧2013.3.30-31 (游學華)
王洪君 韻律層級與漢語語篇的基礎單位

漢學研究通訊 32  2(總 126期)民國 102 年 5 月 73

會 議 報 導

20 歷程的詮釋
2013年海峽兩岸媽祖信仰學術研討會 Irene Eber The Chinese Psalms, Variations and Differences
臺中‧2013.4.4 孔令信 吳經熊老師《新約》中文本的價值與意涵
大甲媽社會福利基金會、大甲鎮瀾宮主辦 曾建元 《吳經熊與何姆斯書信集》導讀
連心豪 媽祖信仰環鄱陽湖傳播 梁世和 林語堂與吳經熊信仰歷程比較研究
林茂賢 大甲媽進香儀式器物神聖化之研究 房志榮 從傳信大學看中華民國駐教廷大使館
李建德 21世紀以降的臺灣媽祖研究芻論 Zbigniew Wesolowski “Beyond East and West”: What
龔顯宗 論述媽祖的舊詩研究 “Ladder” Did John Wu Use Towards This Goal?
俞黎媛 當前「媽祖熱」的生態學研究 John A. Lindblom(林仰嵩) The Contribution of John C.
李建緯 臺灣媽祖廟現存石香爐調查與研究 H. Wu to Evangelization in China Today
張家麟 神選或民選:論臺灣媽祖廟組織建構 黃文忠 Mysticism and Love: On Reading Wu Ching-
陳名實 從泉州天后宮看民間宗教的和諧發展 Hsiung’ Study in the Teachings of Therese of
王見川 媽祖封「天后」的由來 Lisieux
謝必震 明清時期中國使者使琉球航海中的天妃信仰 王正嘉 吳經熊博士的自然法學思想探微—兼以新自
鄭志明 媽祖靈感文化與社會和諧 然法學理論之比較
蕭百芳 從高麗出使看宋代媽祖信仰 (文藻外語學院)
陳昭吟 《天妃娘媽傳》濟世主題的表現—兼及道教
(大甲媽社會福利基金會) 22
21 政治大學哲學系、政治大學文學院現象學研究中心
吳經熊國際學術研討會 主辦
高雄‧2013.4.12-13 Jean-Jacques Wunenburger 當代歐洲哲學中的主體解構
文藻外語學院主辦 劉國英 Lévi-Strauss and Merleau-Ponty: from Nature-
吳樹德 吳經熊與牟敦(Thomas Merton)書信來往的 Culture Distinction to Savage Spirit and their
心靈神交紀要 Intercultural Implications
Lihi Yariv-Laor “Wisdom Psalms” in Wu Ching-Hsiung’s Michel Dalissier 梅洛龐蒂與東方
Translation 姜丹丹 世界與共生:馬爾蒂尼(Maldiney)的敞開視域
Matthias Christian(田默迪) John C. H. Wu, A Prophetic 與跨文化對話
Person Jean-Philippe Pierron 生態學時刻:問題的普遍性、答
Lam Suet Pik(林雪碧) 吳經熊與中國教會本地化 案的多樣性
簡逸光 吳經熊「陽明學」探究 楊凱麟 起源與重複:德勒茲哲學的差異問題性
韓志來 愛的境界—吳經熊先生與兩位夫人的精神生活 汪文聖 東西方對於道德判斷與歷史判斷的辯論—與
易永誼 從寧波佬到世界公民:超越東西的文學家吳經 鄂蘭對世界的理解相參照
熊—以英文《天下月刊》為中心 楊婉儀 羅森茨維格思想中的人與世界
Beatrice Leung(梁潔芬) 吳經熊的政治生涯 張國賢 世界:德勒茲的思想形象
王志堅 法律的生命教育—對吳經熊法哲學思想演繹 Jean-Yves Heurtebise 德勒茲與中國:幻想與方法論

74 漢學研究通訊 32  2(總 126 期)民國 102 年 5 月

會 議 報 導

Bruno Pinchard 馬克思—文藝復興哲學的詮釋者 24

黃冠閔 世界中的文化交錯 EATS Conference Lyon 2013
(政治大學哲學系) Paris, France‧2013.5.2-4
Sponsored by The European Association of Taiwan
Studies (EATS)
23 T. J. Cheng Offshore Democracies: An Ideational Challenge
會通與轉化──第二屆古典文學國際學術研討會 to China
臺北‧2013.4.26-27 Yoann Goudin Legitimate Languages and Multilingualism
東吳大學中國文學系主辦 in Taiwanese Society: Which Language Skills are
劉文強 論左傳中的諫 Required for Taiwanese Studies?
郭鶴鳴 船山評陶析論 Gérald Crampon A Brief Survey of Taiwan’s Recent
金容煥 海東華嚴之海印三昧中的公共幸福 Foreign Policy on Maritime Issues
李昤昊 孔子與水:東亞儒學者對於「水」的解讀 Chiu Hsiao-Chiao An Anthropological Study of Memory
陳引馳 《大唐三藏取經詩話》時代性再議—以韻文 and the Multiplicity of Identity in the Post-
體制為中心的觀察 militarised Kinmen
朱孟庭 會通古今,以史治經—胡樸安《詩經學》述論 Liao Yi-fen Public Participation, Social and Economic
林宜陵 蘇軾對陶淵明「影」的轉化—以烏臺詩案發 Sustainability: A Comparative Case-study of
生前詩作為例 Community-based Natural Resource Management
許清雲 杜甫七律之會通與轉化 in Taiwan
芳村弘道 儲光羲的田園詩 M u h a m m a d N u r j i h a d i F u t u r e Ta i w a n - A S E A N
LeeRaNa 「伯夷叔齊」談論的展開與曲折 Relationship, Blessing or Disaster: Theoretical
王福利 「行」體樂府探論邱燮友 Analysis
鹿憶鹿 日本的山海經圖—《怪奇鳥獸圖卷》與《異 T. J. Cheng How Taiwan’s Democratization Impacts (or
國物語》 not) China’s Evolution
木 齋 論敦煌曲辭的產生時間與階層屬性 Ikegami Masako Dilemma of Taiwan in the Senkaku/
洪本健 略談宋代與清代學者對《詩本義》的評說 Diaoyutai Conundrum: Scrutinising the Double-
伍燕翎 論晚唐北宋傳奇小說「虛實」之嬗變 edged Cairo Declaration
王次澄 方回《文選顏鮑謝詩評》對六臣注之容受與創發 Shih Fang-long Imagining an Alternative Future for
松尾肇子 關於劉過的詞 Taiwan: Via Comparison with Ireland
沈惠如 崑
 劇全本戲的整編與創新探討—以上海崑劇 Mary E. Daly Economic Transition in Ireland 1957-73:
團《景陽鐘變》為例 Contrasts and Comparisons with Taiwan
慶振軒 君子之交與君子之爭—歐陽修《范碑》爭議 Rev. John McNEIL Scott Forty Shades of Green or Fifty
及其啟示 Shades of Grey: Presbyterian Christianity and
蕭麗華 山嶽與修行:弘法大師山居詩研究 Issues of Identity in Taiwan and Ireland
許建崑 晚明福建詩人對竟陵詩派的接受與轉化 Chang Sung-sheng Critical Approaches to “Taiwanese
(韓愛蓮) Vernacular Script Movement” in the Sinosphere:
A theoretical Contemplation
Táňa Dluhošová Europeans in Taiwan: 17th Century in the

漢學研究通訊 32  2(總 126期)民國 102 年 5 月 75

會 議 報 導

Post-war Literary Writings Repetition in News Coverage of Japan-Taiwan

Lin Tzu-yu A Second Translation in Taiwanese Diasporic Relations
Literature: Re-reading Weng Nao Stefano Centini Representations, Confrontations and
Isabelle CHENG Which Team Do you Support? The in- Cooperation in Film and Television Co-
between Identity of Immigrant Women in Taiwan production between Taiwan and China
Joy Chun-yu Lin An Examination of Taiwanese Lin Wen-cheng Hu Jintao’s Conflict Management on Sino-
Government Funded Literacy Programme for American Relations: The Taiwan Case
Marriage Immigrants from Southeast Asian Lin Chiung-chu National Identity and Attitudes towards
Countries and China China: A Generational Perspective”
Lara Momesso From Being Someone to Becoming No-one: Chou Muyi China’s Authoritarian Diffusion Effects on
The Lived Experiences of “Exceptional”Chinese Taiwan
Spouses A. C. Hsiau The Generational Origin of Contemporary
Fabienne Jagou The Dalai Lama in Taiwan: Tibetan Taiwanese Politics and Culture
Religious Leader, Begging Monk or Political Jens Damm Cross-Strait Cyberspace and Its Influence on
Strategist? the Establishment of a Public Sphere in China
Andre Laliberté Taiwan’s “Buddhism for This World” at a Tsai Pei & Chang Ming-jay The Challenge of Globalization
Crossroad of Taiwan Indigenous TV: A Comparative Study
Burhan Cikili Hizmet Movement on Intercultural Interfaith among TITV and Māori Television
Dialogue in Taiwan Yoshihisa Amae Building Communities through Pilgrimage
Lin Peiyin Voice from the Margin: Gender and Ethnicity in to Sacred Sites of War Memory in Taiwan
the Works of Rimuy Aki Astrid Lipinsky Taiwan at the UN Commission on the
Federica Passi The Role and Importance of Aborigines in Status of Women and the Women’s Movement
the Creation of a Taiwanese Literature Carsten Storm The Texture of Youth, Locality and
G w e n n a ë l G a ff r i c D o Wa v e s H a v e M e m o r i e s ? Globality in Edward Yang’s A Bright Summer
Environmental Issues in Syaman Rapongan’s Day
Writing Ann Heylen Appropriating Taiwan Manga Culture through
Dennis v. Hickey The East China Sea Peace Initiative Manga Taiwanshi and Forms of Political Satire
Policies, Problems and Prospects Sang-Yeon Sung Constructing National Image through
Reinhard Biedermann Taiwan’s Participation in Popular Music
Transnational Governance Mechanisms Liu Chu-ying The Image of the Female Singer: The
Malte Philipp Kaeding A Hong Kong Is Ation of Taiwan? Structural Characteristics of Female Stardom in
Ta i w a n e s e P e r c e p t i o n s o f H o n g K o n g ’s the Taiwanese Mandopop Music Video
Development, Economic Integration and United Lin Yuju Trade, Local Affairs, and Formation of Taiwanese
Front Work Merchant Communities in Mid-18th Century
Corrado Neri Negotiating Neighbourhood: Immigration Niki Alsford A Fanzailou by the River Tamsui
and Foreign Labour in Recent Taiwanese Cinema Simona Grano Perception of Risk towards Nuclear in
Jens Sejrup Instrumentalized History and the Motif of Taiwan and Hong Kong

76 漢學研究通訊 32  2(總 126 期)民國 102 年 5 月

會 議 報 導

Alice Desnos The Role of Industrial Heritage in Identity 25

Issues: The Touristification of Sugar Mills in 第九屆史學與文獻學學術研討會:從社會到政治
Taiwan ─再現中國近世歷史
Thomas B. Gold The Field of Power in Martial Law 臺北‧2013.5.3-4
Taiwan and South Korea 東吳大學歷史學系主辦
Dafydd Fell Third Parties in Taiwanese Party Politics 陶晉生 關於宋代對遼金外交的一個看法
(2005-2012): The Fall and Mini Revival 黃寬重 師承與轉易:以孫應時的陸門學友為中心探討
Mark Weatherall The Institutionalization of Taiwan’s Party 伍伯常 南唐文化與北宋士大夫的生活品味
System in Regional Perspective 吳雅婷 宋代筆記所見的山行經驗
Agata Fijałkowska Strawberries Are Getting Wild: New 劉靜貞 從列女傳到婦人部—女性在中國歷史書寫傳
Wave of Student Movement on Taiwan and Its 統中的位置
Relation with Mainland China and HK 何冠環 北宋公主之楷模:李遵勗妻獻穆大長公主
Peter C. Y. Chow Taiwan’s Industrial Policies and the 費絲言 Chaste Martyrs at the Ming Borderland
Drive for Globalization 黃啟江 南宋五山禪寺住持選任考實
Charles I-Hsin Chen Escaping from the China Swirl? 蔣武雄 從石刻文獻論遼人出家眾多的原因
The Prospects of Cross-strait Relations under 王章偉 妖與靈—宋代邪神信仰初探
Increasing Economic Interdependence 尹貞粉 明 代(洪武~弘治年間)的經筵制度和政局運
Tang Qin Convergence through Regulations? Institutional 用的趨勢—試論與朝鮮的經筵制度做比較
Reform in China and Taiwan for A Sustainable 卞 利 鄭舜功及其《日本一鑒》對日本和倭寇的記錄
Cross-Strait Economic Growth under the WTO 與描述—兼論明代嘉靖時期出使日本使臣及
Jenping Myron Chiu Special Treatment? The Effectiveness 其對日本和倭情的瞭解
of Chinese Preferential Policy on Taiwanese 賴惠敏 清末庫倫的北京商號
Investment in China Since the Late 1980s 徐 泓 我與明清史研究
Kinoshita Naoko Relationship between Taiwan, the Ryukus 森正夫 清初南北交界的地方治理重建:以金鎮〈條議
and Fujian during the 10th-15/16th Centuries as 汝南利弊十事〉為例—反思地域社會論的方法
seen from Trade Porcelain 邱仲麟 明清泰山香稅新考
Stéphane Corcuff The Fall of Zheng Taiwan and the 唐立宗 清代康熙晚期官員考察山東採礦事業始末考
Geopolitics of the Formosa Strait in the Late 鄧小南 再談宋代印紙的檔案屬性
Seventeenth Century: A Commentary on Zheng 戴建國 宋代基層社會的法律人—以私名貼書、訟師
Ke-shuang’s 1683 Petition to Kangxi 為中心的考察
Bogdan Zemanek “Fine Modern Guns, Which Fired Six 林秀蓉 論清代地方教育的推行與局限—以雍乾能臣
Rounds.” Failed Modernization of Taiwanese 陳宏謀
19th Century Coastal Defence 何宛倩 從「公義」的應許探討《舊約聖經》的罪與罰
Dean Karalekas Mapping Taiwan’s Complexity in the 李聖光 12世紀法蘭西《威廉史詩》中的英雄、家族、
World 女人與宗教虔誠
(The European Association of Taiwan Studies) 黃文齡 1930年代美國黑人參與「塔斯及吉研究」動機

漢學研究通訊 32  2(總 126期)民國 102 年 5 月 77

會 議 報 導

26 彭振利 論荀子非「思、孟」之本質及其衍生問題
第十屆先秦兩漢學術國際研討會 周志煌 推類與辨異:荀學觀念與中國近現代思潮
新北市‧2013.5.4-5 蕭宏恩 墨家「非樂」之藝術批判
輔仁大學中國文學系主辦 許朝陽 陽明良知教對孟子學的開展—以「惡」的處
趙中偉 《易傳》之道德本體論詮釋— 以「憂患九 理為進路
卦」為例 韓高年 論先秦時期的預言
施維禮 初探〈繫辭傳〉中的文化觀 施穗鈺 知機察變,體道安命—漢晉士人對「知命」
張德健 因史證經,從經入史,由史入文—明代春秋 與「安身」的詮釋及實踐
學、史漢之學與文學復古 陳恬儀 東漢至南朝陳郡袁氏家族之家風
青山大介 先秦思想上之卓越人才概念新探— 「聖 郭士綸 讀《清華簡三•赤鵠之集湯之屋》辨小說源流
人」與「賢者」所具有的聰明性如何差異 (輔仁大學中國文學系)
尚學峰 東漢的禮樂與文章
馬世年 命賦厥初:先秦古賦體制例說
劉惠萍 旌表節義—漢代列女圖的考察與詮釋 27
王欣慧 推類而言:漢代樂器賦敘寫模式探析 東亞近代社會的知識建構國際學術研討會
闞緒杭 春秋鐘離國墓葬青銅器與銘文研究 臺北‧2013.5.10
李詠健 《上博七•吳命》簡4「 」考 中央研究院人社中心亞太區域研究專題中心主辦
李添富 「瓦不成味」解 辻本雅史 知の伝達メディアの射程—日本近世から
王曉鵑 章樵《古文苑注》徵引先秦兩漢書目考述 の視点
張錦少 兩漢典籍引《詩》多二〈雅〉考 植村和秀 「國體の本義」対「日本文化の問題」—
邊思羽 《詩經》中所見的婚戀觀念—以婚戀詩為考 東洋文化と西洋文化の再編成をめぐる対立
察中心 趙京華 近 代日本有關「中國」及「東洋」的知識生
林忠軍 高郵王氏父子對於漢易的反思 產—以橘樸為中心
邱文才 「氣」與「陰陽」—以《太一生水》、《凡 廖欽彬 井筒俊彦的意識哲學—自同性與非自同性的
物流形》為討論中心 意義之分析
潘銘基 從陸賈《新語》到揚雄《劇秦美新》—前漢 齋藤希史 近代人文知と地文学—「雰囲気」を例と
文人以秦亡舊事進諫研究 して
蔡錦昌 察實名數—董仲舒王充思想較論 郭南燕 Nature及「自然」概念之歐日比較
胡正之 兩漢封禪管窺 陳瑋芬 西人東來與「文明」「文化」概念的變遷—
陳志源 由《漢書•刑法志》觀漢朝的法治與德治 由傳教士與御雇洋人之所論談起

張新科 《史記》文學經典化的重要途徑—以明代評 吳佩珍 日本的臺灣殖民事始與明治敗者史觀—以北

點為例 白川宮形象為中心

凌朝棟 論司馬遷《史記》敘事中的照應— 以《史 落合由治 近代日本における進化概念の受容とその変貌

記•項羽本紀》重要敘事照應關係為例 (中研院亞太區域研究專題中心)

朱慶之 《三國志》裴注引《江表傳》中的「相撲」
呂兆歡 從境外到境內— 由《史記》〈南越列傳〉

78 漢學研究通訊 32  2(總 126 期)民國 102 年 5 月

會 議 報 導

28 汪莉芳 僑生資訊素養量表之發展芻議
第七屆臺灣古文書與歷史研究國際學術研討會 楊凡逸 移殖保育與取締監督:民國初年南北政府僑務
臺中‧2013.5.11 政策的比較研究
逢甲大學歷史與文物研究所主辦 楊秉煌 移民與新加坡發展
吳學明 從桃竹苗地區新出土古文書看臺灣古文書收集 邱炫煜 新世紀印尼華校的重建與轉型—以八華學校
及研究的相關問題 為例
陳哲三 清代臺灣古文書中的人間情義 (臺灣師範大學國際僑教學院)
邱正略 形象、角色與地位—日治時期媳婦仔面面觀
李宗信 臺灣古文書的空間化及其研究效益
陳靜寬 從古文書看馬芝遴保地方社會的形成 30
羅永昌 從區域性古文書探家族與社會制度—以苗栗
公館大坑林義炎家族古文書為例 新竹‧2013.5.18

洪麗完 從建醮活動看「岸裡行政社群」內部分合關係 新竹教育大學臺灣語言與語文教育研究所主辦

(1731-1808):以〈岸裡文書〉宗教資料為 黃漢君 構式分類的侷限:以客語「分」構式為例

中心 鄭曉峰 福建內陸方言、贛語和客家話的XA式狀態形

楊朝傑 濁水溪下游埔、漢關係及平埔信仰變遷:以西 容詞

螺番社福德祠為中心 徐碧霞 從語言接觸看臺灣客語次方言間的詞彙比較

王政文 從契約文書看清代沙轆社的土地流失問題 戴宏興 客語方言間和其他方言間的互動演變以關西鎮

(逢甲大學歷史與文物研究所) 田調為例
葉嘉炘、林燕慧 Perceptibility and Productivity of Hai-lu
Hakka Tone Sandhi

29 鄭明中、徐嘉駿 卓蘭鎮饒平客家話聲調之聲學分析
2013華僑移民與華僑教育學術研討會 吳睿純 四縣客家話的語尾助詞honn1
新北市‧2013.5.15 林逸琇 以禮貌原則看客語節目言談中句中「不過」之
臺灣師範大學國際僑教學院人文社會學科主辦 語用功能
鍾豔攸 僑生臺灣史課程設計芻議 李瑞菊 薪傳師投入客語教學之行動研究—以客語初
梁國常 香港文化創意產業的地方性與群聚化 級認證班為例
江碧貞 從佛教「煩惱即菩提」的法義探討地理核心能 徐子涵 資訊融入客語詞彙之「教」與「學」及適性化
力之「一套珍貴的價值信念」 評量系統之建置
吳福相 僑生寫作教學之研究—以〈讀孟嘗君傳〉為 謝瑞珍 大自然个動物客家語隱喻教學活動設計
例 尤靜怡 客家語閱讀理解策略教學—以翰林版第一冊
高麗珍 「團隊導向學習」在僑生先修部銜接課程的初 課文為例
步體驗:以地理課為例 (新竹教育大學臺灣語言與語文教育研究所)
樊雪春 在臺僑生認知、生涯興趣、心理健康與生活適
江碧貞、成秋華 適用於多元文化銜接課程之試題分析

漢學研究通訊 32  2(總 126期)民國 102 年 5 月 79

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