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Mathematical Language and

- Chapter II-

By ADRegala– Oct 11, 2021

Perform Operations on
Mathematical Expression Correctly

Chapter II
Lesson 4
A mnemonic used to remember the order of
operations in Math problems.

Grouping Multiplication/ Addition or

Symbols Exponents Subtraction
Simplify Simplify every Multiply or Divide FROM LEFT TO
everything inside EXPONENTIAL which ever comes RIGHT, add or
the GROUPING NUMBERS in the first, FROM LEFT subtract whichever
SYMBOL Numerical TO RIGHT comes first.
Evaluate :
60 − 15 ÷ 2 − 5 + 7 𝑥 2

Example 2:
36 – 2 (20 + 12 ÷ 4 x 3 – 2 x 2) + 10
36 – 2 (20 + 3 x 3 – 4) + 10
36 – 2 (20 + 9 – 4) + 10
36 – 2 (29 – 4) + 10
Example 3:
36 – 2 (25) + 10
36 – 50 + 10
–14 + 10

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