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1. Match the words/ phrases and their translation

1. Hi/hello u a) Nome do meio

2. What’s your name f b) Até mais
3. First name g c) Estou com sono
4. Last name/ surname e d) Prazer em conhece-lo
5. Middle name a e) Sobrenome
6. Nickname j f) Qual seu nome?
7. How are you? k g) Primeiro nome
8. And you? p h) Estou cansado
9. Nice to meet you d i) Estou feliz
10. Nice to meet you, too q j) Apelido
11. I’m fine r k) Como você está?
12. I’m happy i l) Estou com sede
13. I’m sad s m) Adeus/ Tchau
14. I’m tired h n) Estou zangado
15. I’m sleepy c
o) Até a próxima aula
16. I’m hungry t
p) E você?
17. I’m thirsty
q) Prazer em conhece-lo também
18. I’m angry n
19. Goodbye/ Bye r) Eu estou bem
20. See you next class s) Eu estou triste
21. See you t) Estou com fome
u) Oi/olá
2. Match the greetings and questions with the answers

1. Hello d
2. How are you? c
3. Nice to meet you?
4. What’s your name? b
5. I’m hungry and you?
6. Where are you from?
7. Are you ok?

a) I’m from Spain

b) My name is Mia
c) I’m great, thanks
d) Hi!
e) No, I’m sad
f) Nice to meet you too

3. Fill in the blanks.

London Pleased Manchester

English teacher Goodbye Morning
Thanks Not too bad Sarah

Sarah: Good ________, Chris.

Chris: Good morning, _____. How are you?
Sarah: I'm fine _______, and you?
Chris: __________ . Sarah, this is my wife Julia, Julia this is Sarah my

Chris: Pleased to meet you Sarah.

Sarah: ______ to meet you too. Are you from England, Chris?
Chris: Yes, from Manchester. Do you live in Manchester?
No, I'm from ________, but I live in Manchester while am teaching at
Wow that’s nice! Sorry but I have to go now. _______ Sarah, it was
nice to see you.
Sarah: Yes, it was nice talking to you goodbye.
3. Unscremble words to make a sentence

1. Sue is Hello! Name My _________________________

2. I’m Hi, Sue Gregory _________________________
3. Name? Last What’s your _________________________
4. Holt name is last My _________________________
5. are how you? Hi, _________________________
6. hungry I’m And you? _________________________
7. tired I am today _________________________

4. Put the conversations in the correct order

o Good evening. What's your name?

o Nice to meet you, Tom!
o Hi, Thomas. My name is John and my nickname is Jack.
o Nice to meet you, too.
o And my nickname is Tom!
o My name is Thomas.

o And what’s your name?

o Nice to meet you, Drew.
o I’m fine, and you?
o Hi! How are you, Janet?
o Excuse me, what’s your name?
o Good afternoon. My name is Janet.
o I’m fine, too. Thanks.
o I’m sorry, my name is Drew.

o Thanks.
o See you.
o It’s Trey.
o You’re welcome.
o Sam, what’s your last name?
o See you next class.

o I’m sleepy.
o Good morning, Susan.
o How are you?
o Good morning!
o I’m hungry. What about you?

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