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Abocus: A frome with sliding beods for doing molh,

Acule Angle: An ongle formed when two lines meel ol less thon 90".
Addition: "Putting logeihe/' or odding two or more numbers to find the sum.
Adjective: A word lhol describes o noun, Exomples: fuzry sweoter, green cor,
nice boy
Adverb: A word thol lells when, where, or how. Exomple: The lroin will leove
Anology: A woy of comporing lhings to show how they ore similor, Exomple:
Nose is to smell os longue is to tosle.
Angle: The point of which two line segments meet.
Anlonym: A word thot meons the opposite of onother word. Exomple: in ond
Areq: The number of squore unils needed to cover o region.
Aulobiogrophy: A book someone writes oboul his or her own life.
Averoge: The result of odding two or more quonlities ond dividing by the
number of quonlities.
Biogrophy: A book writlen obout someone's life by onother person,
Coll Number:The number ossigned lo oll nonfiction books in o librory,
Celsius: A metric system meosurement of temperolure, "C stonds for degrees
Cenlimeter:A metric system meosurement of length. There ore 2.5{ cenlimelers
in on inch.
Cinquoin: A form of poeiry wilh five lines consisting of one noun, two odjectives,
three verbs, o four-word phrose, ond o noun, respeclively.
Circle: A round figure in which eoch poinl on the outside of the figure is
equidistont from the center of the figure.
Clossifying: Plocing similor things inlo colegories.
Commqnd: A senlence thol orders someone to do something. It ends wilh o
period or exclomotion mork,
Compound Predicqle: A predicole with two ports joined by the word ond or
onother conjunction.
Compound Subject: A subiecl with two ports joined by the word qnd or onother
Comprehension: Understonding whot is seen, heord, or reod.

comprehensive Cuttlculum - Grode 4

Conjunction: A word thot joins sentences or combines ideos. And, but, or,
becquse, when, ofier, ond so ore conjunciions.
Conlexl: The other words in the sentence or senlences before or ofler o word.
Conlexl Clues: A woy lo figure out the meoning of o word by reloting it to olher
words in the senlence.
Conlrqclion: Two words joined together os one. An opostrophe shows where
some letters hove been lefl out. Exomple: connol-cqn'l
Cup: A unit of volume in the slondord system equol to 8 ounces.
Decimql: A number with one or more ploces to lhe right of o decimol point,
such os 6.5 or 2.25.
Decimql Poinl:The dol between the ones ploce ond the tenths ploce in o
Denominqtor: The number below the froction bor in o froction,
Detqils: The who, whql, when, where, why, ond how of whot is reod.
Dewey Decimol System: A system used to file books in librories by ossigning
coll numbers to them ond dividing them into l0 moin groups.
Diqmeler: A line segmenl lhot posses through the center of o circle ond hos
both end points on the circle,
Difference:The onswer in o subtroction problem.
Digits:The symbols used to write numbers: 0, l, 2,3,+,5,6, 7, I, q.
Dividend: The lorger number being divided by lhe smoller number, or divisor, in
o division problem. Exomple: 28 +7 = $;28 isthe dividend.
Division: A woy to find how mony limes o number is conloined in onolher
number. Exomple: 28 + 7 = t{ meons thot there ore t{ groups of 7 in 28.
Encyclopedio: A prinl, eleclronic, or online resource thot gives informolion
obout ditferent subjects in olphobelicol order.
Equivolenl Froclions: Two different froctions thot represeni the some number,
such os i ond fi.
Eslimqle: To give on opproximole, rother lhon on exoct, onswer.
Exclqmolion: A sentence thot shows strong feeling. lt ends wilh on exclomotion
mork (!).
Fqcl: To give on opproximote, rolher thon on exoct, onswer.
Fqclors:The numbers multiplied together in o multiplicotion problem.
Fohrenheif: A stondord system meosuremenl of lemperoture. 'F stonds for
degrees Fohrenheii,

Comprehensive Cunlculum - Grode 4

Ficlion: A book thot conloins mode-up slories.
Following Direclions: Doing whot the direciions soy to do.
Fool (fi.): A unil of meosure in the stondord system equol to l2 inches.
Frqclion: A number lhol nomes port of o whole, such os j or l.
Fulure-Tense Verb: A verb form thot tells whot is going to hoppen. Exomples: I
will be hoppy.She will run fosl.
Gollon: A unit of liquid meosure in the stondord syslem equolto t{ quorts.
Grom (g):A metric meosuremenl of weight. One grom equols 0.001 kilogrom,
or ,.r of on ounce.
Groph: A drowing thol shows informotion oboul chonges in numbers.
Hqiku: A form of Joponese poetry wilh three lines of five, seven, ond five
syllobles, respectively.
Hexogon: A polygon with six sides.
Homophones: Two words thot sound the some, but hove ditferent meonings
ond ore usuolly spelled differenlly. Exomple: wrile ond righl
Inch (in.):A unil of lenglh in lhe slondord system, equolto rzf of o foot.
Index: The section in lhe bock of o nonficlion book lhol indicotes the poge
number ond/or volume number where informotion on o specific topic is
Kilogrom (kg): A melric syslem meosurement of weight. One kilogrom equols
1,000 groms or 2.2 pounds.
Kilometer (km):A metric syslem meosurement of lenglh, One kilometer equols
1,000 melers or 0.62 miles.
librory Cotolog:An olphobeticol lisiing of books ond other items in o librory
which lists items by outhor, title, ond subiect ond olso shows their coll numbers,
A librory cololog moy be on index cords or on o compuler.
Limerick: A short, silly poem with five lines, in which lines one, two, ond five
rhyme, ond lines lhree ond four rhyme,
Line: A line with no end poinls lhot goes on in bolh direclions'
Line Segmenl:A line with two end poinis.
titer (t): A metric system meosurement of liquid. One liler equols 1,000 milliliters
or 1.06 quorls.
Moin ldeq: The most importonl ideo, or moin points, of o senlence, porogroph,
or story.
Meler (m): A melric syslem meosurement of length. One meter equols 39.37
Comprehensive Cuniculum - Grode 4
Mile (mi.): A unit of length in the stondord system equol to 1,760 yords or 5,280
Milliliter (mt): A metric system meosurement of liquid. One milliliter equols 0,001
liter or 0.03 fluid ounce.
Mixed Number: A number written os o whole number ond o froction, such os3f.
Multiple:The producl of o specific number ond ony other number,
Exomple: The multiples of 2 ore 2 (2x l),+ (2x2),6, I, 10, 12, ond so on.
Multiplicotion: A shorl woy lo find the sum of odding lhe some number o
cerloin omounl of times, such os 7 x 4 = 28 insleod of 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 =28.
Nonficlion: A book lhol contoins focts ond informolion.
Noun: A word lhol nomes o person, ploce, or thing. Exomples: boy, town,
Obluse Angle: An ongle formed when two lines meet of greoter thon 90".
Oclogon: A polygon with eight sides.
Opinion: A slotement lhot tells how someone feels or whot he or she thinks
oboul something or someone.
Ordered Poir:A poir of numbers used lo locole o poinl.
Ounce (oz.): A unit of meosure in the stondord system for weight, One ounce
equols ,. of o pound.
Outline: A written plon thot helps orgonize the writer's thoughts in preporotion for
writing o reporl.
Polindrome: A word or senience lhol is spelled the some forword ond
bockword. Exomples:noon, dqd, pop, rodor
Porogroph: A group of sentences thot shore the some ideo.
Pqsl-Tense Verb: A verb form lhot tells whol hos olreody hoppened. Exomple: I
wos hoppy.
Penlogon:A polygon with five sides.
Perimeler: The distonce oround o figure, found by odding the lengths of the
Pint (pt.): A unil of liquid meosure in lhe stondord syslem equol to 2 cups.
Ploce Vqlue: The volue of o digil or numerol shown by where it is in o number.
Plurol: A word lhoi refers to more thon one thing,
Polygon:A closed figure wilh lhree or more sides.
Pound (lb.): A unit of meosure in the stondord system for weight, One pound
equols l6 ounces.
Compreh€nsive Curriculum - Grode 4
Predicqle: The port of the sentence thot tells whot the subject does, did, is
doing, or will do. Exomple: I om hoppy.
Prefix: A sylloble ot the beginning of o word thot chonges ils meoning.
Present-Tense Verb: A verb form lhot lells whol is hoppening now.
Probobility: The likelihood lhot something will hoppen, usuolly expressed os o
rotio. Exomples: l:2, 6:48
Producl:The onswer in o multiplicotion problem.
Pronoun: A word lhot tokes the ploce of o noun. Exomples: I, me, my, he, she, il,
we, us, their, lhem
Pronoun Referenl: The noun or nouns thot o pronoun refers to.
Proofieqding:Seorching for ond correcting errors by corefully reoding ond
rereoding whol hos been written,
Proper Noun: Nome of specific persons, ploces, or things. Exomples: Abe
Lincoln, Empire Stqte Building, Mogno Cqrlo
Gluort (qt.): A unil of liquid meosure in the stondord syslem, equolto 4 cups or 2
Queslion: A sentence thot osks something. lt ends with o queslion mork (?).
Quolienl:The onswer in o division problem.
Rodius: A line segmenl from the cenler of o circle to ony poinl on lhe circle. It is
equol to holf the length of the diomeler.
Roy: A port of o line thot goes on in one direction. lt hos one end point.
Recognizing Detqils: Being oble to pick oul ond remember the who, whot,
when, where, why, ond how of whot is reod.
Reclongle: A figure wilh four 90' ongles ond four sides, The sides opposite one
onother ore lhe some lenglh.
Reduce: To divide by the greolest common foclor in o froction.
Regroup: To use l0 ones lo form one ten, l0 tens lo form one hundred, one ten
ond five ones to form 15, ond so on.
Remoinder:The number left over in the quotient of o division problem.
Request: A sentence ihot osks someone to do something. lt ends with o period
or queslion mork.
Right Angle: An ongle formed when two lines meet ot 90".
Rounding: Expressing o number to the neoresl ten, hundred, thousond, ond so
on. Exomples: Round I8 to 20; round I I to 10.

comprehenslvs cuniculum - Grade 4

Run-On Senlenee: A run-on sentence occurs when two or more sentences ore
joined logelher withoul puncluolion.
Senlence: A group of words lhol expresses o complele ihoughl. Il must hove ot
leost one subjecl ond one verb.
Sequencing: Putting things or events in order.
Singulor: A word thot refers to only one thing.
Skip Counting: A quick woy to count by skipping numbers.
Squore: A figure wilh four 90'ongles ond four sides of equol length.
Stolemenl: A sentence thot tells something. lt ends wilh o period (.).
Subject: The port of the sentence thot lells who or whqt the sentence is obout.
Sublrqclion: "Toking owoy" or sublrocling one number from onother.
Sufiix: A sylloble ol lhe end of o word thot chonges ils meoning.
Sum:The onswer in on oddition problem.
Summqrizing: Writing o shorl reporl lhol gives the moin points of o story or
Sylloble: Porl of o word. Eoch sylloble hos one vowelsound.
Synonym: A word lhot meons lhe some, or neorly the some, os onolher word.
Exomple: brqve ond courogeous
Toking Noles:Wriling imporlont informotion from q story, book, orlicle, or
lecture thot con be used loler in wriling o report or loking o tesl.
Tonkq: A Joponese poem writlen in response to o hoiku. lt hos five lines of five,
seven, five, seven, ond seven syllobles, respectively.
Temperolure: A unit of meosurement thot shows how hot or cold somelhing is.
Ton: A unit of meosure in lhe stondord system for weight, One ton is 2,000
Tdongle: A closed figure wiih three ongles ond lhree sides.
Verb: A word thot tells whot something does or thot something exisls. Exomple:
Pete rqn down the street.
Venn Diogrom: A diogrom used lo chort informotion thot shows similorilies ond
differences between two lhings.
Volume: The number of cubic units thot fit inside o figure.
Yord (yd.): A unil of distonce in lhe stondord system. There ore 3 feel in o yord.

Comprehensive Cuniculum - Grqde 4

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