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‫دوسية العوادي‬

‫اسئلة وزارية عىل كل فقرة وقاعدة‬

‫اسئلة إضافية عىل كل فقرة وقاعدة‬
‫الدوسية تشمل شرح جميع تفاصيل المادة‬

‫‪“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if‬‬

‫”‪you were to live forever.‬‬
‫‪― Mahatma Gandhi‬‬ ‫تفاصيل أكثر بخلفية الدوسية‬

Unit 1

The history of computers – ‫فقرة تاريخ الحواسيب‬ p4-8

Tenses - ‫األزمنة‬ p 9 - 25
Tenses ‫ملخص األزمنة‬ p 25
‫اسئلة وزارية على األزمنة‬ p 26 - 30
Reported speech ‫قاعدة‬ p 31 – 38
Passive voice - ‫قاعدة المبني للمجهول‬ p 39- 46
Using technology in class ‫فقرة إستخدام التكنولوجيا في الصف‬ p 47 -53
If clauses - ‫قاعدة الجمل الشرطية‬ p 54 – 58
Infinitives and Gerunds ‫قاعدة‬ p 59
Causative – ‫قاعدة اإلنابة والتوكيل‬ p 60
Possibility and prohibition ‫قاعدة اإلمكانية والمنع‬ p 62 - 64
The internet of things – ‫فقرة إنترنت األشياء‬ p 65 – 68

Unit 2

Complementary medicine : is it really a solution ‫فقرة‬ p 69 – 74

Are happier people healthier – and, if so, why? ‫فقرة‬ p 75 – 78
Used to & Be Used to ‫قاعدة‬ p 79 – 84
Health in Jordan: A Report ‫فقرة‬ p 85 – 89
Present Perfect Continuous – ‫المضارع التام المستمر‬ p 90
Past Perfect Continuous – ‫الماضي التام المستمر‬ p 91-92
‫مقارنة بين المضارع التام المستمر والماضي التام المستمر‬ p 93-95
Get moving!‫فقرة‬ p 96 - 99

Unit 3

Young Emirati inventor is going to travel the world ‫فقرة‬ p 100 – 104
Future Continuous – ‫المستقبل المستمر‬ p 105-107
Future Perfect – ‫المستقبل التام‬ p 108 – 110
In the Future – ‫في المستقبل‬ p 111 – 115
The King Hussein Cancer Center ‫فقرة مركز الحسين للسرطان‬ p 116 – 118
Accident victim tests first artificial limb ‫فقرة‬ p 119 – 121

Unit 4

The Importance of Islamic Achievements in History ‫فقرة‬ p 122 – 126

Relative Clauses – ‫قاعدة جمل الوصل‬ p 127 – 129
The Giralda ‫فقرة‬ p 130
Cleft Sentences – ‫الجمل المنقسمة‬ p 131 – 136
Masdar City – a positive step? ‫فقرة‬ P 137 – 141
A founding father of farming ‫فقرة‬ p 142 – 144
Derivation – ‫االشتقاق‬ p 145 – 151
‫مادة الحﻔظ‬ p 153 – 160
Editing – ‫التحرير‬ p 161 – 163
Guided Writing – ‫الكتابة الموجهة‬ p 164 – 169
Free Writing – ‫الكتابة الحرة‬ p 170 – 172
Irregular Verbs – ‫األفعال الغير منتظمة‬ p 173
The History of Computers
‫تارٌخ الحواسٌب‬
Word Meaning (English) ‫المعنى‬
Calculation A way of using numbers to find out an amount, price or value. ‫عملٌة حسابٌة‬
Computer chip A small piece inside a computer which stores information. ‫رقاقة حاسوب‬
Floppy disc A flexible, removable magnetic desk ‫القرص المرن‬
PC personal computer, a computer that is used by one person ً‫حاسوب شخص‬
Program A set of instructions that enabling a computer to function. ‫برنامج‬
Smartphone A mobile phone with advanced computing technology ً‫هاتؾ ذك‬
World Wide Web An information system, known as the internet ‫الشبكة العنكبوتٌة‬
Rely on Depend on / To have trust or confidence in someone. ‫ٌعتمد على‬

‫) المفردات المهمة باللون الؽامق‬2 ‫) انتبه للضمائر على من تعود‬1 :‫مالحظات‬

When you are using a computer, think about the technology that is needed for it to
work. People have been using types of computers for thousands of years. A metal
machine was found on the seabed in Greece that was more than 2,000 years old. It is
believed that this was the first ever computer.

‫ ٌستعمل الناس أنواع من أجهزة الكمبٌوتر‬.‫ فكر فً التكنلوجٌا المطلوبة له من اجل أن ٌعمل‬،‫عندما تقوم باستخدام جهاز حاسوب‬
‫ وٌعتقد أن هذا هو‬.‫ سنة‬2222 ‫ تم العثور على الة معدنٌة فً قاع البحر فً الٌونان والتً كان عمرها أكثر من‬.‫منذ آالؾ السنٌن‬
.‫أول جهاز حاسوب على اإلطالق‬

In the 1940s, technology had developed enough for inventors to make the first
generation of modern computers. One such model was so large that it needed a
room that was 167 square meters to accommodate it. During that decade, scientists
in England developed the first computer program. It took 25 minutes to complete
one calculation. In 1958 CE, the computer chip was developed.

‫ ﺗطورت اﻟﺗﻛﻧﻠوﺟﯾﺎ ﺑﻣﺎ ﻓﯾﮫ اﻟﻛﻔﺎﯾﺔ ﻟﻠﻣﺧﺗرﻋﯾن ﻟﯾﺻﻧﻌوا اﻟﺟﯾل اﻷول ﻣن أﺟﮭزة اﻟﺣواﺳﯾب‬،‫ﻓﻲ اﻷرﺑﻌﯾﻧﯾﺎت ﻣن اﻟﻘرن اﻟﻌﺷرﯾن‬
‫ طور‬،‫ ﺧﻼل ذﻟك اﻟﻌﻘد‬.‫ ﻣﺗر ﻣرﺑﻊ ﻟﯾﺗﺳﻊ ﻟﮫ‬167 ‫ ﻛﺎن ھذا اﻟﻧﻣوذج ﻣن اﻟﺣواﺳﯾب ﻛﺑﯾر ﺟدا ﻟدرﺟﺔ اﻧﮫ ﯾﺣﺗﺎج اﻟﻰ ﺣﯾز‬.‫اﻟﺣدﯾﺛﺔ‬
‫ ﺗم ﺗطوﯾر ﺷرﯾﺣﺔ‬،1958 ‫ وﻓﻲ ﻋﺎم‬.‫ دﻗﯾﻘﺔ ﻹﺗﻣﺎم ﻋﻣﻠﯾﺔ ﺣﺳﺎﺑﯾﺔ واﺣدة‬25 ‫ اﺳﺗﻐرق‬.‫اﻟﻌﻠﻣﺎء ﻓﻲ اﻧﺟﻠﺗرا أول ﺑرﻧﺎﻣﺞ ﺣﺎﺳوب‬

1- Where was the metal machine found?

2- When was the computer chip developed?

3- Quote the sentence which indicates that people used kinds of computers many
years ago.

4- Different inventions completed between 1940s and 1958. Write them down.

5- What information shows that the first modern computer was very large?

6- Quote the sentence which shows that the first computer program was slow.

7- Find a word in the text which means “A set of instructions that enabling a
computer to function.” ___________________________
8-What does the underlined pronoun “it" refer to? __________________

Answers: 1 on the seabed in Greece 2 In 1958 CE 3 People have been using types of computers for
thousands of years 4 modern computers, computer program, computer chip 5 the room was 167
square meters 6 It took 25 minutes to complete one calculation 7 program 8 model

The first computer game was produced in 1962 CE, followed two years later by the
computer mouse. In 1971 CE, the floppy disk was invented, which meant that
information could be shared between computers. The first PC (personal computer)
was produced in 1974 CE, so people could buy computers to use at home.

‫ مما‬،‫ تم اختراع القرص المرن‬،1971 ‫ فً عام‬.‫ وبعد عامٌن تبعها انتاج فأرة الحاسوب‬،1962 ‫تم انتاج أول لعبة حاسوب عام‬
‫ وهكذا استطاع‬،1974 ‫ تم انتاج اول حاسوب شخصً فً عام‬.‫أدى الى ان المعلومات ٌمكن مشاركتها بٌن اجهزة الحاسوب‬
.‫اإلنسان شراء حواسٌب لالستخدام فً المنزل‬

In 1983 CE, people could buy a laptop for the first time. Then, in 1990 CE, the British
scientist Tim Berners-Lee developed the World Wide Web. It was not until 2007 CE
that the first smartphones appeared. Today, most people use their mobile phones
every day.

ً‫ طور العالم البرٌطانً تٌم بٌرنرز ل‬،1992 ‫ ثم فً عام‬،‫ استطاع الناس شراء جهاز حاسوب محمول ألول مرة‬،1983 ‫فً عام‬
‫ معظم الناس ٌستخدمون هواتفهم النقالة‬،‫ الٌوم‬.‫ عندما ظهرت الهواتف الذكٌة األولى‬2227 ‫ لم ٌكن حتى عام‬.‫الشبكة العنكبوتٌة‬
.‫كل ٌوم‬

1- List the inventions that completed between 1962 and 1974.

2- When was the first mouse produced?

3- According to the text, what happened in 2007?

4- What does the abbreviation “PC“ stand for ?

5- Quote the sentence which indicates that the vast majority of people use

Answers: 1 the computer chip, the first computer game, the computer mouse, the floppy disk, the
first personal computer 2 1964 3 the first smartphones appeared 4 personal computer 5 Today,
most people use their mobile phones every day.

What will happen in the future? You can already buy watches which can do the same
as mobile phones. Scientists have also developed glasses that are capable of doing
even more than this. Life in the future is going to see further changes in computer
technology. It is likely that all aspects of everyday life will rely on a computer
program, from how we travel to how our homes are heated.

‫ وقد طور العلماء اٌضا‬.‫ماذا سٌحدث فً المستقبل؟ ٌمكنك اآلن شراء ساعات التً ٌمكن ان تعمل نفس عمل الهواتؾ النقالة‬
‫ فمن المحتمل‬.‫ الحٌاة فً المستقبل ستشهد الكثٌر من التؽٌرات فً تكنلوجٌا الحاسوب‬.‫نظارات قادرة على القٌام حتى بأكث ر من هذا‬
.‫ من الكٌفٌة التً نسافر بها الً الكٌفٌة التً ٌتم بها تدفئة بٌوتنا‬،‫ان جمٌع جوانب الحٌاة الٌومٌة ستعتمد على برنامج الكمبٌوتر‬

1- Several inventions were mentioned in the paragraph. Mention two of them.

2- The writer predicts that many aspects of life will rely on computer program. Write
them down.

4- How do you think computer technology will develop further in the future? How far
do you agree with the article? ‫رأٌك الخاص‬

5- We rely more and more on computer technology. How far do you agree that this is
a positive development? ‫رأٌك الخاص‬

Answers: 1 watches, glasses 2 from how we travel to how our homes are heated 3 that all aspects
of everyday life will rely on a computer program 4 I think that computer technology will develop
further in the future to the point that it will ‘know’ how to address our every need. 5 I agree that
computers have enabled us to do many great things, but becoming overly reliant on technology is
not a positive aspect of this development.

‫ إﺿﺎﻓﻲ‬

1) When had technology developed enough for inventors to make the first
generation of modern computers?

2) How much time did the first computer program take to complete one calculation?

3) Who invented the world wide web?

4) Quote the sentence which indicates that the computer game and the computer
mouse were invented almost in the same period.

5) What does the pronoun “you" in the last paragraph refer to?

6) Find a word from the text which means: “A flexible, removable magnetic desk.”

7) Many inventions were mentioned in the text. In your opinion, what is the most
important invention of them? And Why?

Tenses - ‫األزمنة‬

Unit 1 Tenses Present Simple - ‫اﻟﻣﺿﺎرع اﻟﺑﺳﯾط‬

Past Simple - ‫اﻟﻣﺎﺿﻲ اﻟﺑﺳﯾط‬
Present Continuous - ‫اﻟﻣﺿﺎرع اﻟﻣﺳﺗﻣر‬
Past Comtinuous - ‫اﻟﻣﺎﺿﻲ اﻟﻣﺳﺗﻣر‬
Present Perfect - ‫اﻟﻣﺿﺎرع اﻟﺗﺎم‬
Past Perfect - ‫اﻟﻣﺎﺿﻲ اﻟﺗﺎم‬
Future Simple - ‫اﻟﻣﺳﺗﻘﺑل اﻟﺑﺳﯾط‬


Singular He / She / It …. Ali / Aya / My sister / The boy / Water

Plural I / We / They / You …. Ali and Aya / My sisters / People

‫اﻟﺷﻛل اﻻﺳﺗﺧدام اﻟﻛﻠﻣﺎﺗﺎﻟداﻟﺔ‬

 Present Simple – ‫المضارع البسٌط‬


Plural Subject V1

Singular Subject V1 (s/es)

:‫ فقط‬singular ‫ اذا كان الفاعل مفرد‬s/es ‫ نضٌؾ للفعل‬

 He drinks coffee every morning.
 She likes Jazz songs.
 Eyad teaches English. es ‫شرحنا فً مرحلة التأسٌس متى نضٌؾ‬

:plural ‫ ال نضٌؾ شًء للفعل إذا كان الفاعل جمع‬

 I study hard every semester.
 We always play basketball together.

ً‫ مع المفرد وٌعود الفعل إلى أصله كما تعلمنا ف‬doesn't ‫ مع الجمع و‬don't ‫ فً حالة النفً نضٌؾ‬
:‫مرحلة التأسٌس‬
 He doesn't drink coffee every morning. s ‫الحظ بدون‬
 We don't play basketball together.

:‫ مع المفرد فً بداٌة الجملة وٌعود الفعل إلى أصله أٌضً ا‬does ‫ مع الجمع و‬do ‫ فً حالة السؤال نضٌؾ‬
 Does he drink coffe every morning? s ‫الحظ بدون‬

 Do you love your friends?


1) To talk about frequent events. ‫للحدٌث عن األحداث المكررة أو الروتٌنٌة‬

 Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.
 The earth goes around the sun.
 Water boils at 100.

2) To talk about scientific facts. ‫للحدٌث عن الحقابق العلمٌة‬
 Huda always drinks juice.
 I study for two hours every night.
 She watches television every day.

3) To talk about permanent situations and states. ‫للحدٌث عن أوضاع دابمة‬

 I live in Amman.
 Manal works in a bank.

‫الكلمات الدالة‬
Always ‫دائ ًما‬ Usually ‫عاد ًة‬ Often ‫غال ًبا‬ Seldom ‫نادرا‬
‫أحٌا ًنا‬
Daily, weekly,
Every + time Once/twice Normally ‫عاد ًة‬ Rarely ‫نادرا‬

 Exercise:- Correct the verb between brackets.

1-Sami always ____________ on time for meetings. (arrive)

2-Mr. Ahmed and Mr. Hashem _________ to work together every day. (drive)
3-My parents usually __________ breakfast at 7:22 a.m. (eat)
4-Water __________at 122° ْ. (boil) ‫ﺣﻘﯾﻘﺔ ﻋﻠﻣﯾﺔ‬
5- ___________ the earth go round the sun? (Do)
6-Water ___________ at 72°. (not / boil)
7-My students __________ _____(not / speak) Arabic in the class.
8-Ahmad ___________ (phone) his father on Friday.
9- __________ Maha work in the supermarket? (Do)
10-Reading stories often ___________ me so much. (amuse)
11-I ____________ my homework daily. (do)
12-My friends _________ happy to see me. (be)

Answers: 1. arrives 2. drive 3. eat 4. boils 5. does 6. doesn’t boil 7. do not speak 8. phones 9. Does
10. amuses 11. do 12. Are

 Past Simple – ‫الماضً البسٌط‬


Subject V2

‫ فهنالك أفعال غٌر منتظمة ٌجب‬ed ‫ بإضافة‬V2 ً‫ ال تنسى أن لٌس كل األفعال تحول إلى تصرٌؾ ثان‬
‫حفظها وستجدها فً نهاٌة الدوسٌة‬
 He helped his parents. ‫منتظم‬
 Ammar ran fast to his work. ‫ؼٌر منتظم‬

:‫ وٌعود الفعل إلى أصله كما تعلمنا فً مرحلة التأسٌس‬didn’t ‫ فً حالة النفً نضٌؾ‬
 He didn’t drink tea yesterday. ‫الحظ الفعل رجع ألصله‬
 We didn’t go to the party together. ‫الحظ الفعل رجع ألصله‬

:‫ فً بداٌة الجملة وٌعود الفعل إلى أصله أٌضً ا‬Did ‫ فً حالة السؤال نضٌؾ‬
 Did he drink tea yesterday?
 Did you go to the party together?


 To talk about something that happened in a particular time in the past.

ً‫للحدٌث عن شًء حصل فً وقت محدد فً الماض‬
 I watched the film last night.
 Nada bought a car three days ago.

‫الكلمات الدالة‬
ً‫تارٌخ ماض‬
Yesterday ‫البارحة‬ Last ً‫الماض‬
Before + time
When I was a child Ago ‫قبل‬
‫ وقت‬+ ‫قبل‬

 Exercise:- Correct the verb between brackets.
1- I ____________ (give) the camera to Rami yesterday.
2- She _________ (read) that book last year.
3- Last summer we ____________ (go) to Egypt.
4- I _____________ (lose) my pen yesterday.
5- My brother ____________ (find) a job last week.
6- Ali and Saleh _________________ (not play) video games yesterday.
7- ______ you __________ Jerash last week? (visit)
8- Hani __________ (live) in Madaba three years ago.
9- We ___________ (take) the course in 2003.
10- My father ___________ (send) me a message before two weeks.
11- I _________ my homework yesterday. (do)
12- My friends ___________ happy to see me last night. (be)

Answers: 1. gave 2. read 3. went 4. lost 5. found 6. didn’t play 7. did 8. lived 9. took 12. Sent 11. did - visit
12. Were


1) She _______________ (go) to Australia in 1994 and she liked it very much.

2) My father usually ______________________ (like) his steak well-done.

3) The dog _________________________ (eat) its toy last night.

4) The policeman _______________________ (talk) to the burglar yesterday.

5) ______________________ (you /have) a test last week?

6) I often see her mother but she never __________________ (speak) to me.

7) The gentleman ___________________ (speak) to his servant 2 hours ago.

8) The kangaroo always ________________________ (carry) its baby.

 Present Continuous – ‫المضارع المستمر‬


Subject is / are / am V-ing

(he / she / it / Ali / my teacher …) ‫ عندما ٌكون الفاعل مفرد‬is ‫ نختار‬

 He is hanging out with his friends.
 The man is trying to help you.

(you / we / they / Ali and Omar / my teachers …) ‫ عندما ٌكون الفاعل جمع‬are ‫ نختار‬
 They are playing cards now.
 The children are chasing the cat.

‫ فقط‬I ‫ مع الضمٌر‬am ‫ نختار‬

 I am watching the game right now.

‫ على الفعل المساعد فقط‬not ‫ فً حالة النفً نضٌؾ‬

 She isn’t sleeping on the couch.
 We aren’t sitting together.
 I am not complaining about my job.

‫ فً حالة السؤال نضع الفعل المساعد فً بداٌة الجملة فقط‬

 Are you coming with us?
 Is it raining outside?


 To talk about activities in progress at the time of speaking.

)‫للتحدث عن أمور تحصل اآلن (فً نفس اللحظة التتً تتحدث بها‬
 They are studying English at the moment.
 He is talking on the phone right now.

 To talk about the future, where something has been planned.
‫للتحدث عن أمور مخطط لها فً المستقبل‬
 I am leaving to Jordan tomorrow.
 She is visiting us tonight.

‫الكلمات الدالة‬
At the moment Nowadays
Now ‫اآلن‬
‫فً هذه اللحظة‬ These days
Be careful! Listen!
Tonight / Today
Watch out! Look!

 Exercise:- Correct the verb between brackets.

1- Salma ____________ (type) a report right now.
2- The workers ____________ (attend) a meeting at the moment.
3- Look! The lion _____________( attack) the guard.
4- Be quite! Your sister ______________ (sleep) now.
5- My brother is always _____________ (eat) quickly.
6- Listen! I _______________ (talk) on the phone with my friend.
7- He _________________ (not work) at the moment.
8- _________ you _________ now? (work)
9- _______ it __________ at the moment? (snow)

Answers: 1. is typing 2. are attending 3. is attacking 4. is sleeping 5. eating 6. am talking 7. is not

working 8. Are / working 9. Is / snowing
‫ إﺿﺎﻓﻲ‬

1) Dad ___________________ us to school every morning. (drive)

2) I ___________________ here as a waiter on weekends. (work)
3) You can’t see Jimmy now. He ____________________ a bath. (have)
4) In Britain women normally ____________________ hats. (not wear)
5) The moon ____________________ around the earth (go)
6) Look over there! He _______________ in a non-smoking area! (smoke)

 Past Continuous – ‫الماضً المستمر‬


Subject was / were V-ing

Singular ‫ عندما ٌكون الفاعل مفرد‬was ‫ نختار‬

 He was hanging out with his friends.
 The man was trying to help you.
 I was cooking when my friend called me. I ‫فً هذه القاعدة تكون مفرد‬

Plural ‫ عندما ٌكون الفاعل جمع‬were ‫ نختار‬

 They were playing cards when I saw them.
 The children were chasing the cat.

‫ على الفعل المساعد فقط‬not ‫ فً حالة النفً نضٌؾ‬

 She wasn’t sleeping on the couch.
 We weren’t sitting together when you visited us.

‫ فً حالة السؤال نضع الفعل المساعد فً بداٌة الجملة فقط‬

 Was he studying when you saw him?
 Were they doing their science project?


 To show that an action in the past was interrupted by another action.

.‫ ثم تم قطعه بفعل اخر‬،‫عندما نبٌن أن فعل ما كان مستمراً فً الماضً لفترة ما‬
 While Peter was driving his car, he began to think of his problems.

‫الكلمات الدالة‬
While / As ‫بٌنما‬ When ‫عندما‬

V2 ‫ تقسم الجملة هنا إلى قسمٌن إحداهما ماضً مستمر واآلخر‬:‫مالحظة‬

a. While / As was/were + V-ing

b. When V2

 While I was watching TV, the electricity cut off.

 Sara left suddenly as her boss was giving a speech.
 When I entered the house, everyone was yelling.

 Exercise:- Correct the verb between brackets.

1- I ________________ (watch) TV when my mother called.
2- When the phone rang, she _____________ (write) a letter.
3- You ____________ (not listen) to me when I told you to turn the TV off.
4- While Omar ___________ (sleep) last night, someone stole his car.
5- They ___________ (wait) for us when we got off the plane.
6- While I _____________ (read) the news, the computer suddenly went off.
7- I ____________ (hear) everything while you were talking together.
8- __________ you ___________ when I told you the story? (be , listen)

Answers: 1. was watching, 2. was writing, 3. was not listening, 4. was sleeping, 5. were waiting, 6.
was reading, 7. heard, 8 were, listening

 Present Perfect – ‫المضارع التام‬


Subject have / has V3

Singular ‫ عندما ٌكون الفاعل مفرد‬has ‫ نختار‬

 My mother has told me to clean my bed.
 It has rained a lot since the morning.

Plural ‫ عندما ٌكون الفاعل جمع‬have ‫ نختار‬
 They have lived here for two years.
 I have already done my homework.

‫ على الفعل المساعد فقط‬not ‫ فً حالة النفً نضٌؾ‬

 She hasn’t prepared well.
 My brothers haven’t seen me for a very long time.

‫ فً حالة السؤال نضع الفعل المساعد فً بداٌة الجملة فقط‬

 Have you gone to this school?
 Has he ever been to Egypt?


 To talk about events completed in the past when it doesn’t matter when they
happened. ‫للتحدث عن أحداث حصلت فً الماضً عندما ال ٌكون من المهم أن نذكر متى حصلت‬
 Hassan has bought a new car.
 They have built a house.

 To talk about actions that have finished recently. ‫نستعمل المضارع التام للتحدث عن‬
)‫أحداث حصلت حدٌثا ً (قبل لحظات‬
 She has just fed the baby.
 I have already cleaned the kitchen.

 To talk about how long something has happened. ‫للتعبٌر عن طول المدة الزمنٌة‬
 We have been at the hotel for a week.
 She has lived here since 1980.

‫الكلمات الدالة‬
Just / Already /
For ‫لمدة‬ Since ‫منذ‬
Recently ‫للتو‬

Yet / So far
Ever ‫على اإلطالق‬ Never ‫أبدًا‬
‫حتى اآلن‬

 Exercise:- Correct the verb between brackets.

1- Rania ____________ (not finish) her homework yet.

2- You ____________ (grow) since the last time I saw you.
3- My English ___________ (improve) since I moved to Britain.
4- She ___________ (be) in England for six months.
5- My leg ______________ so I can’t play tomorrow. (break)
6- I _______________ (have) five tests so far this semester.
7- _________ you ever _______ to Jordan? (be)
8- _________ he __________ his room yet? (clean)
9- I ___________ two pages so far. (write)

Answers: 1. hasn’t finished, 2. have grown, 3. has improved, 4. has been, 5. has broken, 6. have had
7. Have / been 8. Has / cleaned 9. Have / written

 Past Perfect – ‫الماضً التام‬


Subject had V3

‫ دابمًا مع المفرد والجمع‬had ‫ نختار‬

 My sister had left before the party started.
 After I had seen the accident, I called 911.

‫ على الفعل المساعد فقط‬not ‫ فً حالة النفً نضٌؾ‬

 She hadn’t prepared well.
 I hadn’t seen my family when I came back.

‫ فً حالة السؤال نضع الفعل المساعد فً بداٌة الجملة فقط‬
 Had you attended an English course before you traveled?
 Had he lived here before he got married?


 To talk about two actions happened in the past, one of them happened before
the other. ‫للحدٌث عن أمران حصال فً الماضً ولكن أحدهم حصل قبل اآلخر‬

‫الكلمات الدالة‬
Before ‫قبل‬ After ‫بعد‬
By the time By + ً‫تارٌخ ماض‬ Because ‫بسبب‬

V2 ‫ تقسم الجملة هنا إلى قسمٌن إحداها ماضً تام واآلخر‬:‫مالحظة‬

a. After / Because had + V3

b. Bedore / When V2

 After they had seen the film, they went to supermarket.

 I went to America After I had become fluent in English.
 Before I did my homework, I had cleaned the house.
 By the time my husband got home, I had cooked lunch.

 Exercise:- Correct the verb between brackets.

1- I went to the doctor after I _________ ill. (feel)

2- After Sara ___________ reading, she turned the light of. (finish)
3- The show _________ by the time we got theatre. (start)
4- I called the police after somebody ____________ my car. (steal)
5- We went shopping after I ____________ breakfast. (have)
6- I ___________ here before I moved to another country. (work)
7- ________ you ________ here before you moved? (live)

8- I ………………… for the exam before I got busy. (not / study)

Answers: 1. had felt 2. had finished 3. had started 4. had stolen 5 had had 6. Had worked 7. Had /
lived 8. Hadn’t studied

after ‫ ثم ٌضع كلمة‬then ‫ ممكن أن ٌأتً هذا الزمن بطرٌقة أعد كتابة الجملة حٌث ٌعطٌنا جملة فٌها‬:‫مالحظة‬
:ً‫ وطرٌقة الحل تكون كاآلت‬or before

‫ ثم نضع فاصلة وننزل الشق الذي أتى قبل‬،V2 ‫ بصٌؽة‬then ‫ ننزل الشق الذي ٌأتً بعد‬before ‫ إذا أعطانا‬
.had V3 ‫ بصٌؽة‬then

then ‫ ثم نضع فاصلة وننزل الشق الذي بعد‬،had V3 ‫ بصٌؽة‬then ‫ ننزل الشق قبل‬after ‫ إذا أعطانا‬
.V2 ‫بصٌؽة‬

 Tala took three English courses then she went to America.

Before Tala went to America, she had taken three English courses

 Ahmed watched the match then he went to sleep.

After Ahmed had watched the match, he went to sleep.

 Exercise:- Correct the verb between brackets.

1- Hashem went to Europe, and then he married a Spanish girl.

After ______________________________________
2- Murad learned how to drive, and then he bought a car.
Before _____________________________________

Answers: 1. Hashem had gone to Europe, he married a Spanish girl. 2. He bought a car, Murad had
learned how to drive.

‫ إﺿﺎﻓﻲ‬

1) I _______________________ (not eat) anything since breakfast.

2) They __________________ (study) for a long time before the exam.
3) I ____________________________ (not be) ill for ages.
4) He was starving because he _____________ (not/have) anything to eat for hours.

5) The postman ______________________________ (not come) yet.
6) They ______________________________ (migrate) to another country before
their son was born.
7) After the game ______________________ (finish), the skater left the pack.

 Future Simple – ‫المستقبل البسٌط‬

)1( ‫الشكل‬

Subject will V1

‫ داىمًا وبعده فعل مجرد بدون إضافات‬wil ‫ نختار‬

 People will live in the space in the future.
 Nada will arrive next week.

‫ على الفعل المساعد فقط‬not ‫ فً حالة النفً نضٌؾ‬

 I won’t tell him the truth.

‫ فً حالة السؤال نضع الفعل المساعد فً بداٌة الجملة فقط‬

 Will you help me tomorrow?

)1( ‫االستخدام‬

 To talk about the future without evidence. ‫توقع شًء فً المستقبل بدون دلٌل‬
 I think people will live in the space in the future.
 I believe Nada will arrive next week.

 To talk about spontaneous decisions. ‫قرارات عفوٌة دون تخطٌط مسبق‬

 It is cold outside. I will close the window.

 We use “will" with these words. ‫تستخدم مع الكلمات اآلتٌة‬

Think / believe Perhaps / maybe Probably / likely Promise
‫أعتقد‬ ‫ربما‬ ‫من المحتمل‬ ‫أعدك‬
 People will likely live underwater.

)2( ‫الشكل‬

Subject is / are / am going to V1

I ‫ مع الضمٌر‬am‫ مع الجمع و‬are ‫ مع المفرد و‬is ‫ نختار‬

 We are going to take a family trip on Friday.
 I am going to buy a new laptop next week.
 Sara is going to visit her parents soon.

‫ على الفعل المساعد فقط‬not ‫ فً حالة النفً نضٌؾ‬

 He isn’t going to finish the project at time.

‫ فً حالة السؤال نضع الفعل المساعد فً بداٌة الجملة فقط‬

 Are you going to join me?

)2( ‫االستخدام‬

 To talk about predictions with evidence. ‫توقع شًء فً المستقبل مع دلٌل‬

 Look at the black sky! It is going to rain.

 To talk about future plans. ‫أمور مخطط لها‬

 This evening, I am going to visit my uncle.

‫الكلمات الدالة‬
)‫(على الشكلٌن‬
Tomorrow ‫غدً ا‬ Soon ‫قرٌ ًبا‬ 2024 ً‫تارٌخ مستقبل‬
In the future Next + ‫أي وقت‬ ‫أي زمن فً المستقبل‬

‫ نمٌز بٌن الشكلٌن من خالل االستخدام أو‬.‫ هذه الكلمات ممكن أن تدل على الشكلٌن ولٌس شكل واحد‬:‫مالحظة‬
.‫من خالل الخٌارات إذا كان السؤال ضع دابرة‬

 Exercise:- Correct the verb between brackets.

1- Some people believe that we ………………. In the space in the future. (live)
2- The weather is cold. It ……………………………. (snow)
3- The traffic is terrible today. We ………………..... to school on time (not / get)
4- The teacher …………………..…. The results tomorrow. (announce)
5- Ahmed …………………….…. London soon. (visit)

Answers: 1. will live 2. is going to snow 3. are not going to get 4. will announce 5.will visit

‫ إﺿﺎﻓﻲ‬

‫ فً الفراغ‬be going to ‫ أو‬will ‫فً هذا السؤال ضع‬

1) They ____________________ watch music videos on MTV this afternoon.

2) We ______________________________ go to the shopping center to see our favorite
3) Wait for me! I ______________________________ go with you.
4) If you visit the shopping malls, you ______________________________ see the
influence of rap on teen style.
5) I promise I _____________________________ give you your favorite CD.
6) I think he ______________________________ win the contest next year.
7) I ______________________________ do my best, I promise.
8) I love America. I ________________ go there next week.

 Tenses Summary – ‫ملخص األزمنة‬

Tense Form Keywords Example

Always – usually –
Present sometimes – often – She drinks coffee
V1 (s/es)
Simple seldom – every – daily – everyday
weakly – yearly – once

Past Yesterday – ago – last – She drank coffee

Simple 1999 – in the past yesterday

Present Now – these days – at the She is drinking

Is / are / am + V-ing
Continuous moment – look! – listen! coffee now

She was drinking

Was / were + V-ing When – as - while coffee when I saw
Continuous her

For – since – yet – so far –

Present She has already
Have / has + V3 never – ever – already –
Perfect drunk coffee
recently - just

She had drunk

Past After – before – by –
Had + V3 coffee before I saw
Perfect when – because

Future She will drink coffee

Will + V1
Simple 1 soon
Soon – tomorrow – next –
2026 – in the future
Future Is / are / am + going She is going to drink
Simple 2 to + V1 coffee tomorrow

)2221 – 1991( ‫جمٌع أسئلة الوزارة على األزمنة‬

1- Our neighbor sometimes ____________ (leave) his house and goes to the
country. (1997)
2- As I was listening to the radio and seemed very interested in the news, he
__________ our problem at that time. (not discuss) (1997)
3- Don’t disturb Shorouq now, She (listen) ___________ to a radio programme.
4- This coat is quite cheap. It _____________ a lot of money. (not coast) (1998)
5- While the boys ____________ to school, it began to rain heavily. (go) (1998)
6- After he ____________ the letter, he posted it. (write) (1998)
7- The light through the curtains ______________ us awake last night. (keep) (1999)
8- Randa ___________ the report when I left the office.(finalise) (1999)
9- The heart ____________ its rate of pumping according to how active a
person is. (alter) (1999)
10- After the guests _________ , we arrived. (leave) (1999)
11- Laila usually _____________ the piano well. (play) (1999)
12- Sami ______________ from the university last summer. (graduate) (1999)
13- While the teacher _________ the lesson, someone knocked door.(explain) (1999)
14- I was writing a letter when the bell __________ (ring). (2000)
15- I ____________ with my brother at the moment. (live) (2000)
16- Look! The boy ____________ the loin. (feed) (2000)
17- The film _____________ a few minutes ago. (start)(2000)
18- The woman _____________ her children’s meals daily. (prepare)(2000)
19- Don’t shout here! Students ____________ their English final exam. (take) (2001)
20- My research paper _______________ of four parts. (consist) (2001)
21- A year ago, Hamdan ____________ a scholarship to continue his higher studies
in Canada. (win) (2001)
22- The old man ____________ to music when the police opened the door. (listen)
23- A number of car accidents ____________ taken place in Jordan recently.
(has , has been , had to , have) (2001)
24- Water ______________ at zero degree centigrade. (freeze) (2001)
25- Maha met two of her friends while she __________ to school. (go) (2001)
26- I _____________ him since June. (not see) (2001)
27- The police ____________ the robbers last night. (catch) (2001)

28- Where did you go yesterday? We __________ not go out because it was raining.
(do , does , did , done) (2001)
29- While he ___________ the essay, the computer stopped working. (2001)
(is typing , was typing , typing , typed)
30- Look at them! They ___________ the thieves. (2001)
(going are to catch , are going to catch , catch are going to)
31- We ____________ writing to you with regard to the post of English teacher. (be)
32- My father __________ five countries so far. (visit) (2001)
33- He ___________ for Aqaba last night. (leave) (2001)
34- Look! the tree __________ down. (fail) (2001)
35- I arrived while he __________ the garden. (water) (2001)
36- The Indians __________ spices before the European came. (use) (2002)
37- Watch out! That blue car __________ you. (approach). (2002)
38- Water __________ (consist) of two elements Oxygen and Hydrogen. (2002)
39- Listen! The secretary __________ your name now. (call) (2003)
40- __________water evaporate at 152C? (Do) (2003)
41- The Franks and Muslims _________ in a great battle at the Homs of Hittin on 4th
July 1187. (meet) (2003)
42- My younger brother __________ last year. (graduate) (2003)
43- Listen! She ____________ at the moment. (sing) (2003)
44- He has ___________ in London since the last three years. (be) (2003)
45- Sami __________ a letter when the bell rang, (write) (2003)
46- In Ramadan, Muslims __________ eat or drink during daytime. (do , not) (2003)
47- Laila __________ a polite pupil. (be) (2003)
48- The class _________ their exercise now. (do) (2003)
49- Some journalists _________ this incident in next week's magazine. (report) (2003)
50- My research paper _________ of five chapters. (consist) (2004)
51- The film ___________ a few minutes ago. (start) (2004)
52- Look! The young boy ___________ the lion. (feed) (2004)
53- After she _________ the report, she posted it. (write). (2004)
54- While the boys __________ studying at school, it began to rain heavily. (2004)
(were , was , are)
55- I __________ staying with my brother for the time being. (are , am , is) (2004)
56- The secretary is _________ your curriculum vitae now. (type) (2004)

57-Two weeks ago I and my classmates ___________ in community work in our
village (participate) (2004)
58- I am ………………..…… with my grandmother at the moment. (stay) (2004)
59-They were looking for the document when they ________ the treasure. (discover)
60- Our English book __________ of 16 unites. (consist) (2004)
61- A number of volunteers _______ ready to help the community work in
the country. (be , is , are , am) (2004)
62- Look! The students __________ The school yard now. (2005)
(is cleaned , are cleaning , is cleaning , are cleaned)
63- Mr. Masri _____________ a physical fitness programme two years ago. (2005)
(join , joins , joining , joined)
64- Look! That little boy __________ the street at the moment. (2005)
(were crossing , is crossing , had been crossing)
65- While the child was ___________ the bicycle, he fell off. (ride) (2005)
66- Mr. Azmi __________ a component teacher. (2005) (are , is , be)
67- I was reading a story when the phone. ________ (ring). (2005)
68- Usually, we _________ those whom we love and respect. (2006)
(supports , support , supporting)
69- This book __________ of three chapters. (2006) (consist , consists , to consist)
70- We ___________ with my parents at the moment. (live). (2006)
71- I am sure I ______________ my work. (2006)
(will finish , would finish , will have finished)
72- My mother ___________ the newspaper when I entered the room. (2006)
(is reading , was reading , be reading)
73- Listen! Someone ______________ on the door. (knock , knocks , is knocking) (2007)
74- I haven't _____________ my friend since the last meeting. (see) (2008)
75- We ____________- mere players last year. (were , was , will use , win)
76- I ________ for a job as a nurse and went for an interview yesterday. (2009)
(have applied , applied , apply)
77- Muna has _________ all her exams. (passed , passes , pass) (2010)
78- A month ago, my friend Fadi __________ his older car. (sell) (2010)
79- Hatem's father__________ last year. He had worked for the same company
all his life. (retire) (2011)
80- Fatima ____________ her homework three hours ago. (finish) (2011)

81-Maher felt nervous because he _______ never ________ in the Dead Sea before. (swim)

82-Maher ________ his driving test, so he can borrow his brother's car. (pass) (2011)
83-The children _______ already _______ the sandcastle on the beach. (build) (2012)
84-Our neighbors _______ recently ________ to Aqaba. (move) (2012)
85-Hatem had saved his document before viruses _______ his computer. (crash) (2012)
86-The plane ___________a few minutes ago. (land) (2012)
87-After we had finished our dinner, we _________ into the garden. (go) (2013)
88-Sultan ___________ a book of mine yesterday. (borrow) (2013)
89-Laila ________ recently ________ learning English. (start) (2013)
90-Zaid ______ lately ________ the prize of the champion so he can participate in
it again. (win) (2014)
91- The government _______ recently _______ new laws to try to reduce the
crime rate in the country. (announce) (2014)
92-Hassan's parents bought him a bicycle after he _________ good marks in his
exams. (get) (2014)
93-Amer slept deeply last night after he ________ five hundred kilometers
without a break. (drive) (2015)
94-While Dana ____________ her story, she took a short rest. (reading) (2016)
95-I _________ never ________ any one as cheerful as Amal. (meet) (2016)
96- By the end of 2011, my younger sister ____________ from the university. (graduate)
97- Tala took three English courses in the British Council and then she went to Britain
to study medicine. (2016)
Before Tala __________________________________________
98-Muna has ______________ to the invitation yet. (not , reply) (2016)
99-By the end of 2212, my friend ___________ for the USA to study medicine. (leave)
100- While Salma ....................... in Aqaba, she visited the castle. (stay) (2016)

Answers: 1. leaves, 2 didn’t discuss, 3 is listening, 4 doesn’t cost, 5 were going, 6 had written, 7
kept, 8 was finalizing, 9 alerts, 10 had left, 11 plays, 12 graduated, 13 was explaining, 14 rang, 15
am living, 16 is feeding, 17 started, 18 prepares, 19 are taking, 20 consists, 21 won, 22 was listening,
23 have, 24 freezes, 25 was going, 26 have not seen, 27 caught, 28 did, 29 was typing, 30 are going
to catch, 31 are, 32 has visited, 33 left, 34 is failing, 35 was watering, 36 had used 37 is approaching,
38 consists, 39 is calling, 40 does, 41 met, 42 graduated, 43 is singing, 44 been, 45 was writing, 46
don’t, 47 is, 48 is doing, 49 will report, 52 consists, 51 started, 52 is feeding, 53 had written, 54

were, 55 am, 56 typing, 57 participated, 58 staying, 59 discovered 60 consists 61 are 62 are cleaning
63 joined, 64 is crossing, 65 riding, 66 is, 67 rang, 68 support, 69 consists, 70 are living, 71 will finish,
72 was reading, 73 is knocking, 74 seen, 75 were, 76 applied, 77 passed, 78 sold, 79 retired, 80
finished, 81 has/ swum, 82 has passed, 83 has/built, 84 have/ moved, 85 crashed, 86 landed, 87
went, 88 borrowed, 89 has/ started, 90 has/won, 91 has/announced,92 had got, 93 had driven, 94
was reading, 95 have/met, 96 had graduated, 97 went to Britain to study medicine, she had taken
three English courses in the British Council, 98 has not replied, 99 had left, 100 was staying

‫ أﺳﺋﻠﺔ وزارﯾﺔ إﺿﺎﻓﯾﺔ‬

1- Eid Al-Adha is a celebration that _________ on the 10th of Thu-Al-Hijjah
according to the Islamic Calendar.
(begins , will begin , will have begun)
2- Before Mohammad bought his new bike, he ________ enough money.
(saved , had saved , saves)
3- Salma gained a lot of weight while she __________ on holiday.
(were , is , was)
4- Ali became a doctor after he __________ the certificate.
(had acquired , acquired , has acquired)
5- How long had you studied French before you __________ a translator?
(become , became , had become)
6- The students in my class __________ about their achievements in science when
the bell suddenly rang.
(were talking , are talking , had talked)
7- The workers _________ At the moment.
(were not working , are not working , is working)
8- Look at the black sky! It ____________ to rain.
(going , is going , was going)
9- Look! The plane ____________ To take off.
(go , is going , was going , were going)
10- Salam ___________ her report when the light in the room switched itself off.
(was typing , is typing , types)
11- The kids ________ Football in the park before it started to rain.
(have played , are playing , play , had played)

Answers: 1. Begins, 2. Had saved, 3. Was, 4. Had acquired, 5. Became, 6. Were talking, 7. Are not
working, 8. Is going, 9. Is going, 10. Was typing, 11. had played

Reported Speech – ‫الكالم المنقول‬
.‫ الكالم المنقول هو عملٌة نقل الكالم الذي قاله شخص ما مع إحداث بعض التؽٌٌرات على صٌؽة الكالم‬
" " ‫ وال نستخدم عالمات اقتباس‬told ‫ أو‬said ‫ عندما ننقل الكالم نستخدم أفعال مثل‬
‫ الظروف‬-3 ‫ الضمائر‬-2 ‫ الزمن‬-1 :‫ عندما ننقل الكالم ٌجب أن نؽٌر ثالثة أمور‬

‫ الزمن‬-1

V1 V2

V2 Had + V3

ً‫ نحول فقط أول فعل ٌظهر فً الجملة حتى لو كان فعل مساعد (راجع جدول األفعال المساعدة الت‬:‫مالحظة‬
.)V2 ‫ إلى‬V1 ‫أخذناها فً التأسٌس وطرٌقة تحوٌلها من‬

1- Ahmed said, "I drink tea." (V1)

Ahmed said that he drank tea. (V2)

2- Rami said, "Sara works in a store." (V1)

Rami said that Sara worked in a store. (V2)

3- Eman said, "I have to go." (V1)

Eman said that she had to go. (V2)

4- Nawal said, "I am the richest woman in Amman." (V1)

Nawal said that she was the richest woman in Amman. (V2)

5- Khaled said, "I was watching TV." (V2)

Khaled said he had been watching TV. (Had + V3)

6- "We have played basketball." (V2)

The students told us that they had played basketball. (Had + V3)

‫ الضمائر‬-2

‫الضمٌر فً الكالم المباشر‬ ‫الضمٌر فً الكالم المنقول‬

I He ‫ مذكر‬/ She ‫مؤنث‬

We They
Me Him ‫ مذكر‬/ Her ‫مؤنث‬
Us Them
My His ‫ مذكر‬/ Her ‫مؤنث‬
Our Their
His ‫ مذكر‬/ Her ‫مؤنث‬
Their ‫ جمع‬/ My ‫مخاطب‬

‫ فٌجب االنتباه فٌما إذا كان فً محل فاعل )قبل الفعل( أو مفعول به )بعد الفعل( ثم ننظر‬You ‫أما بالنسبة للضمٌر‬
told ‫ماذا ٌوجد بعد‬

me us ‫جمع‬ ‫مؤنث‬ ‫مذكر‬ told ‫المخاطب بعد‬

I we they she he ‫ فاعل‬You
me us them her him ‫ مفعول به‬You

1- The cook said, "I have never cooked it."

The cook said that he had never cooked Chinese food.

2- Mary said, "We must wake up early."

Mary said that they had to wake up early.

3- Ali said to Ahmed, "You can come with us."

Ali told Ahmed that he could come with them.

4- Sara said, "I might go today."

Sara said she might go that day.

5- Kareem said, "My friend was a talented student."

Kareem told us that his friend had been a talented student.

6- "The boy is looking for you"

Nadia told Khaled that the boy was looking for him.

‫ الظروف‬-3

‫الظرف فً الكالم المباشر‬ ‫الظرف فً الكالم المنقول‬

This That
These Those
Next ……. The ……. After
Ago Before
Here There
At the moment At that moment
Now Then
Today That day
Tonight That night
Yesterday The day before
Tomorrow The day after
Last …… The previous ………

1- "I will help you with this lesson".

The teacher told the students that he would help them with that lesson.

2- Mary said, "We must wake up early tomorrow."

Mary said that they had to wake up early the day after.

.‫ ٌتم تنزٌل الجملة نفسها دون أي تؽٌٌر‬says ‫ أو‬tells ‫ إذا أعطانا فً السؤال كلمة‬:‫مالحظة‬

1- "I should watch the film."

Laila says I should watch the film.

:)‫تمارٌن على نمط الوزارة (تدرب‬

1- "Be careful! There is a car coming."

He told me ……………………………………………………………………………

2- “I will play cards tomorrow.”

Nour told me …………………………………….…………………………………...

3- “I have already written this essay four times.”

Heba said that ……………………………………..………………………………...

4- “You must come home before eleven.”

My mother said ………………………………………………………………………

5- “Sami is going to learn driving.”

He said that ………………………………………….………………………………

6- “I want to go away for a holiday.”

Ahmed said that …………………………………………………………………….

7- “The man took me to hospital.”

Muna said that ………………………………………….…………………………..

8- “Our manager is tough.”

The workers said that ………………………………………………………………

9- “I was looking for a camera.”

My sister said that ………………..…………………………………………………

10- “My father has taken my phone.”

Ahmed said that …………………………….……………………………………....

Answers: 1. there was a car coming, 2. she would play cards the day after, 3. she had already
written that essay four times, 4. I had to come home before eleven, 5. Sami was going to learn
driving, 6. I wanted to go away for a holiday, 7. The man has taken her to hospital, 8. their manager
was tough, 9. she had been looking for a camera, 10. his father had taken his phone

:)‫أسئلة الكتاب على الكالم المنقول (تدرب‬

1- Our teacher told us about the dangers of the Internet yesterday. I have to write an
essay about it tonight. I think I am going to need some help.
Farida said

2- We have to give a talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet
next week, so I will need to prepare it this week.
Saleem said ______________________________________________________________

Answers: 1. Farida said that their teacher had told them about the dangers of the Internet the day
before. She said that she had to write an essay about it that night. She thought she was going to
need some help. 2. Saleem said that they had to give a talk about the advantages and
disadvantages of the Internet the following week, so he would need to prepare it that week.

1- ‘Many computers have filters which stop people seeing certain websites.’
He said that …………………………………………………………………………………………………

2- ‘If they share information on social media with their friends, it might be accessed
by other people, too.’
He said that ………………..……………………………………………………………………………….

3- ‘On social media, you should only connect to people you know well.’
He said that ……………………………………………….………………………………………………..

4- ‘Later we will give you, our dear listeners, information about websites where you
can find more advice on Internet safety.
He said that ………………………………………………………….………………………………………

Answers: 1- He said that many computers had filters which stopped people seeing certain websites.
2- He said that if they shared information on social media with their friends, it might be accessed by
other people, too. 3- He said that on social media, they should only connect to people they know
well. 4- He said that later they would give the listeners information about websites where they
could find more advice on Internet safety.

1- I have some questions for you, Muna.
Nour told Muna ……………………………………………………………………..

2- I’ve lived in Amman for six years.

Sami said ……………………………..……………………………………………….

3- Yesterday I bought all the ingredients for a chocolate cake.

Huda told me ………………………………………………………….………………

4- I really enjoyed the book that I finished this morning.

Tareq said …………………………………………………………………….……….

5- My favourite subject this year is Chemistry.

Hussein told me ………………………………………………………………………

Answers: 1 that she had some questions for her. 2- that he had lived in Amman for six years. 3- that
she had bought all the ingredients for a chocolate cake the day before. 4- that he had really enjoyed
the book that he had finished that morning. 5- that his favourite subject that year was Chemistry.

:)‫ أسئلة وزارٌة على الكالم المنقول (تدرب‬

1- “We will prepare a presentation about the usage of solar power in the area.”
The students said …………….………………………………………………………

2- “Schools provide children with basic education.” 2018W

Safwan said ………...………………………………………………………………….

3- “Some parents take their children to the city park weekly.” 2018S
Mr. Asmar said …………………………………………………………………………

4- “Many parents have passwords to monitor their children’ surfing websites. 2019
Mr. Khaled said that ……………………….…………….……………………………

5- “I am having dinner with my grandparents.”

Rashed said ……….………………………………………………………………………

6- “I have done all the exercises,” she said.
She said ……………….………………………………………………………………

7- “I am the richest woman in the world.”

She said …………………………….…………………………………………………

8- “I am studying English a lot now.” 2020S

Rami said that he …………………… …… English a lot now.
(studies , studied , was studying , had studied)

9- “I went to the theatre with my friends.” 2020S

a. Ibrahim said that he had gone to the theatre with his friend.
b. Ibrahim said that he have gone to the theatre with my friend.
c. Ibrahim said that he went to the theatre with her friend.
d. Ibrahim said that he has gone to the theatre with his friend.

10- “We are visiting the museum today” 2021W

a. Marwan said that we are visiting the museum that day.
b. Marwan said that we were visiting the museum this day.
c. Marwan said that we were visiting the museum that day.
d. Marwan said that we are visiting the museum today.

11- “I have already been living in London for five years.” 2021W
a. My friend said that he has already been living in London for five years.
b. My friend said that he had already lived in London for five years.
c. My friend said that he had already been living in London for five years.
d. My friend said that he had already been lived in London for five years.

12- “I visit my grandparents this morning.” 2021W

a. Huda said that she visited my grandparents this morning.
b. Huda said that she had visited her grandparents this morning.
c. Huda said that she visited my grandparents that morning.
d. Huda said that she visited her grandparents that morning.

Answers: 1. They would prepare a presentation about the usage of solar power. 2. Schools
provided children with basic education. 3. some parents took their children to the city park weekly.

4. Many parents had passwords to monitor their children’ surfing certain websites. 5. He was
having dinner with his grandparents 6. She had done all the exercises. 7. She was the richest
woman in the world 8. Was studying 9. A 10. C 11. C 12. D

‫إﺿﺎﻓﻲ‬ 

1- “I haven’t seen your brother since 2212.”

Ann told me ……………………………………………………………………………

2- “The school team has been playing since this morning.”

My friends said ……………………………………………………………………….

3- 'I'll send you a postcard next week.'

He told us ………………………………………………………………………………

4- 'We have bought a new car last week.'

They told me ………………………………………………………………………….

5- 'You look nice today.'

He told me …………………………………………………………………………….

6- 'We are going ice-skating here.'

They said ……………………………………………………………………………..

Passive Voice – ‫المبنً للمجهول‬
ً ‫ ٌستخدم المبنً للمجهول عندما ٌتم تركٌز الحدث على المفعول به‬
.‫بدال من الفاعل‬
‫ فً نهاٌة الجملة أو تبدأ جملة الحل‬by + noun ‫ عاد ًة فً الوزارة ٌتم تمٌٌز جملة المبنً للمجهول بوجود‬
.‫بالمفعول به‬
 I broke the window. ‫أنا كسرت النافذة‬
 The window was broken by me. (passive) ً‫النافذة انكسرت من‬

V3 ‫ عندما نحول الجملة إلى مبنً للمجهول نحذؾ الفاعل ونضع المفعول به مكانه ثم نؽٌر الفعل إلى‬

‫تحوٌالت الفعل‬

V1 is / are + V3

 Sally opens this door every day.

 This door is opened every day.

 My father pays the bills every month.

 The bills are paid every month.

 Exercise:- Rewrite the following sentences into passive.

1- We visit my uncle every morning.

My uncle …………………………………………………………………………

2- They don’t buy magazines. ‫نفس الشًء لكن منفٌة‬

Magazines ………………………………………………………………………

3- South America speaks English.

English …………………………………………………………………………..

4- They grow coffee in Brazil.

Coffee …………………………………………………………………………...

Answers: 1- My uncle is visited by us every morning. 2- Magazines are not bought by them. 3-
English is spoken by South America. 4- Coffee is grown is Brazil.

V2 was / were + V3

 He checked the taxi yesterday.

 The taxi was checked yesterday.

 The government built our schools in 2007.

 Our schools were built in 2007.

 Exercise:- Rewrite the following sentences into passive.

1- Sami fixed the cars last night.

The cars …………………………………………………………………….

2- Shakespeare wrote Hamlet in 1599.

Hamlet ………………………………………………………………………

3- My mother made some tea to drink.

Some tea ……………………………………………………………………

Answers: 1- The cars were fixed last night. 2- Hamlet was written in 1599 3- Some tea was made to
drink by mother.

Modal + V1 Modal + be + V3

 Students must obey the teacher.

 The teacher must be obeyed by the students.

 Ali can buy a new car.

 A new car can be bought by Ali.

 They are going to buy a new house next month.

 A new house is going to be bought next month.

 I have to do my homework.
 My homework has to be done. ‫ألن المفعول به مفرد‬

 Exercise:- Rewrite the following sentences into passive.

1- We will visit my uncle soon.

My uncle …………………………………………………………………………

2- They can’t buy magazines. ‫نفس الشًء لكن منفٌة‬

Magazines ………………………………………………………………………

3- Jordan has to improve the economy.

The economy …………………………………………………………………...

4- They are going to grow coffee in Brazil.

Coffee …………………………………………………………………………...

Answers: 1- My uncle will be visited soon. 2- Magazines can’t be bought 3- The economy has to be
improved by Jordan. 4- Coffee is going to be grown in Brazil.

is / am / are +
is / am / are + V-ing
being + V3

 She is writing a new report now.

 A new report is being written now.

 Bilal is calling some friends to come.

 Some friends are being called by Bilal to come.

 Exercise:- Rewrite the following sentences into passive.

1- She is singing a song.
A song ……………………………………………………………

2- She is not playing football.

Football …………………………………………………..........

3- They are eating apples.

Apples ……………………………………………………………

4- They are studying English.

English …………………………………………………………..

Answers: 1- A song is being sung by her. 2- Football is not being played. 3- Apples are being eaten.
4- English is being studied.

was / were +
was / were + V-ing
being + V3

 I was reading a book when my friend phoned me.

 A book was being read when my friend phoned me.

 They were playing football when it rained.

 Football was being played when it rained.

 Exercise:- Rewrite the following sentences into passive.

1- I was writing a letter when you called me.

A letter ……………………………………………………………..

2- He was cooking Food when I slept.

Food ……………………………………………………………….

3- They were playing football.

Football ……………………………………………………………

4- She was making cake.
Cake ……………………………………………………………….

Answers: 1- A letter was being written. 2- Food was being cooked. 3- Football was being played. 4-
Cake was being made.

have / has / had +

have / has / had + V3
been + V3

 The thieves have robbed my house.

 My house has been robbed. ‫ألن المنزل مفرد‬

 I had watched the match before l left the stadium.

 The match had been watched by me before I left the stadium.

 Exercise:- Rewrite the following sentences into passive.

1- He has completed the work.

The work …………………………………………………………..

2- I have made some cakes.

Some cakes ………………………………………………………

3- She had written five poems.

Five poems ……………………………………………………….

4- They have repaired the road.

The road ………………………………………………………….

Answers: 1- The work has been completed. 2- Some cakes have been made. 3- Five poems had
been written. 4- The road has been repaired.

:‫ ٌتم نفً الجملة عند التحوٌل‬nothing / nobody / no one ‫ إذا كان الفاعل بالسؤال‬:‫مالحظة‬

 Nobody invited us to the party.
 We were not invited to the party.

‫ إذا جاء السؤال على نمط ضع دابرة تستطٌع أن تمٌز أنه مبنً للمجهول ألن جمٌع الخٌارات ستكون‬:‫مالحظة‬
‫ بالجملة‬by + noun ‫ أو من خالل وجود‬V3

:)‫ تمارٌن وزارٌة على نمط صحح الفعل ونمط ضع دائرة (تدرب‬

1-Many Jordanian poems ________ Now ______ into English, and people all over the
world are able to read them. (Translate) 2016S
2-The results of the final examinations ___________ announced within a few weeks
from now. (be)
3- Nests ………….…… from grass, twigs, or feathers. (be , make)
4- Aqaba ………………….. in the south of Jordan. (be , locate)
5- Most of the old houses …….……………… by the storm last night. (be , destroy)
6- The ruins ………………….… by thousands of tourists every day. (view) 2018W
7- Last month, many students …………..... as members in the English club. 2018S
(are elected , was elected , were elected)
8- I am afraid that my laptop ………….…………. By somebody else yesterday. 2019W
(was used , are used , will use)
9- Many new parks …………………….………. in my town last year. 2019S
(was built , were built , would built , have built)
10- Some medicine ………………... for my grandfather to treat migraine monthly. 2021W
(prescribes , is prescribed , are prescribed , will prescribe)

Answers: 1. are translated 2. will be 3. are made 4. is located 5. were destroyed 6. are viewed 7.
were elected 8. was used 9. were built 10. is prescribed

:)‫ تمارٌن وزارٌة على نمط أعد كتابة الجملة (تدرب‬

1- My parents have saved enough money to fund our university courses.

Enough money…………………………………………………………………………

2- Someone was cooking dinner when I got home.

Dinner ……………………………………………………………………………………

3- The government is building many hospitals all over the country.
Many hospitals …………………………………………………………....................

4- Farmers don’t grow rice in Jordan.

Rice …………………………………………………………………………………………….

5- My neighbor painted the doors of the house white.

The doors of the house ………………………………………………………………

6- Some engineers are going to update the whole project for improvement purposes.
The whole project ……………………………………………………………………….

7- The researchers recommended adopting certain approaches.

Adopting certain approaches ……………………………………………………….

8- You should not take this medicine without prescription.

This medicine …………………………………………………………………………….

9- Farmers grow bananas in the Jordan valley.

Bananas ……………………………………………………………………………………

10- Students didn’t write the answers in link.

The answers …………………………………………………………………………….

11- Nobody invited us to the party.

We ………………………………………………………………………………………….

12- The Indians speak more than two hundred languages.

More than two hundred languages ………………………………………………………………..

13- The researchers must not leave the result of the investigation unexplained.
The result of the investigation ………………………………………………………………………..

14- Safwan usually discharges my laptop.

My laptop ……………………………………………………………………………..

Answers: 1- Enough money has been save to fund our university courses. 2- Dinner was being
cooked by someone. 3- Many hospitals are being built all over the country. 4- Rise is not grown in
Jordan. 5- The doors of the house were painted white. 6- The whole project is going to be updated
for improvement purposes. 7- Adopting certain approaches were recommended. 8- This medicine
should not be taken without prescription. 9- Bananas are grown in the Jordan valley. 10- The
answers were not written in link. 11- We were not invited to the party. 12- More than two hundred
languages are spoken. 13- The result of the investigation must not be left unexplained. 14- My
laptop is usually discharged by Safwan.

‫ إَﺿﺎﻓﻲ‬

1) John collects money.

Money …………………………………………………………………………..

2) Anna opened the window.

The window …………………………………………………………………………..

3) We have done our homework.

Our homework …………………………………………………………………………..

4) I will ask a question.

A question …………………………………………………………………………..

5) He can cut out the picture.

The picture …………………………………………………………………………..

6) We do not clean our rooms.

Our rooms …………………………………………………………………………..

Using Technology in Class
‫استخدام التكنولوجٌا فً الصف‬
Word Meaning (English) ‫المعنى‬
Blog A regularly updated personal website or web page ‫مدونة شخصٌة‬
A series of emails between two or more people ‫تبادل الرسابل‬
Social interaction between people and communities on ‫وسابل التواصل‬
Social media
websites ً‫االجتماع‬
Post To put a message or document on the internet ‫ٌنشر‬
Whiteboard A touch screen computer program ً‫اللوح التفاعل‬
A mobile computer, with a touch screen, processor and
Tablet ً‫الحاسوب اللوح‬
battery all in one unit

Young people love learning, but they like learning even more if they are presented
with information in an interesting and challenging way. Today, I am going to give a
talk about how you can use technology in Jordanian classrooms.

‫ سألقً كلمة حول‬،‫ الٌوم‬.‫ لكن ٌحبون التعلم أكثر لو قدمت لهم المعلومات بطرٌقة مثٌرة لالهتمام والتحدي‬،‫ٌحب الشباب التعلم‬
.‫كٌؾ ٌمكنك استخدام التكنلوجٌا فً الغرف الصفٌة األردنٌة‬

Many classrooms now use a whiteboard as a computer screen. As a consequence,

teachers can show websites on the board in front of the class. Teachers can then use
the Internet to show educational programmes, play educational games, music,
recordings of languages, and so on.

‫ ٌمكن للمعلمٌن أن ٌعرضوا المواقع‬،‫ نتٌجة لذلك‬.‫هناك العدٌد من الؽرؾ الصفٌة تستخدم اللوح التفاعلً كشاشة حاسوب‬
‫ ولعب ألعاب‬،‫ وهكذا ٌمكن المعلمٌن من استخدام اإلنترنت لعرض برامج تعلٌمٌة‬.‫اإللكترونٌة على اللوح أمام طالب الصؾ‬
.‫ وتسجٌالت للؽات وهكذا‬،‫ والموسٌقى‬،‫تعلٌمٌة‬

1- Mention how can teachers use the whiteboard in classes?

2- Mention how can teachers use the internet in classes?

3- In what case may young people love learning even more?
4- What does the underlined pronoun refer to? ……………………………………………………….

Answers: 1 teachers can show websites on the board in front of the class 2 to show educational
programmes, play educational games, music, recordings of languages, and so on 3 if they are
presented with information in an interesting and challenging way 4 young people

In some countries, tablet computers are available for students to use in class.
Therefore, students can use the tablets to do tasks such as showing photographs,
researching information, recording interviews and creating diagrams. Tablets are
ideal for pair and group work.

‫ ٌمكن للطالب استخدام األجهزة اللوحٌة‬،ً‫ بالتال‬.‫ تتوفر األجهزة اللوحٌة للطالب الستخدامها فً الحصة المدرسٌة‬،‫فً بعض البلدان‬
‫ األجهزة اللوحٌة مثالٌة للعمل‬.‫ تسجٌل المقابالت وإنشاء رسوم بٌانٌة‬،‫ البحث عن المعلومات‬،‫للقٌام بمهام مثل عرض الصور‬
ً‫الثنابً والجماع‬

Teachers can perhaps ask their students to start writing a blog (an online diary),
either about their own lives or as if they were someone famous. They can also create
a website for the classroom. Students can contribute to the website, so for example
they can post work, photos and messages.

‫ ٌمكنهم أٌضا‬.‫ أما عن حٌاتهم الخاصة أو كما لو كانوا شخص مشهور‬،‫ربما ٌمكن للمعلمٌن ان ٌطلبوا من الطلبة البدء بكتابة مدونة‬
،‫ على سبٌل المثال ٌستطٌعون نشر أعمال‬،‫ وٌمكن للطلبة ان ٌساهموا فً الموقع‬.‫إنشاء موقع على شبكة اإلنترنت خاص للصؾ‬
.‫ ورسابل‬،‫وصور‬

1- Quote the sentence which shows students in some countries use tablets in class.
2- The writer states two different kinds of exercises. Write them down.
3- Apart from showing photographs, mention two tasks students can do using tablet.
4- What can students write about in their blogs?

5- How can students contribute to the website?
6- What does the word “blog” mean? ……………………………………………………………………….

Answers: 1 In some countries, tablet computers are available for students to use in class 2 pair and
group work 3 researching information, recording interviews and creating diagrams 4 either about
their own lives or as if they were someone famous 5 they can post work, photos and messages 6 A
regularly updated personal website or web page

Most young people communicate through social media, by which they send each
other photos and messages via the Internet. Some students like to send messages
that are under 140 letters for anyone to read. Teachers can ask students to
summarise information about what they have learnt in class in the same way. If
students learn to summarise quickly, they will be able to use this skill in future.

‫ والتً من خاللها ٌرسلون لبعضهم البعض الصور والرسابل عبر‬،ً‫معظم الشباب ٌتواصلون من خالل مواقع التواصل االجتماع‬
‫ ٌمكن للمدرسٌن أن ٌطلبوا من‬.‫ حرف لٌقرأها اي شخص‬140 ‫ بعض الطالب ٌحبون إرسال الرسابل التً تقل عن‬.‫اإلنترنت‬
‫ سٌكونون قادرٌن‬،‫ إذا تعلم الطالب أن ٌلخصوا بسرعة‬.‫الطالب أن ٌلخصوا المعلومات حول ما تعلموه فً الصؾ بنفس الطرٌقة‬
.‫على استخدام هذه المهارة فً المستقبل‬

We all like to send emails, don’t we? Email exchanges are very useful in the
classroom. Teachers can ask students to email what they have learnt to students of a
similar age at another school. They could even email students in another country. As
a result, students can then share information and help each other with tasks.

‫ ٌمكن للمعلمٌن ان‬.‫ ألٌس كذلك؟ تبادل الرسائل البرٌدٌة مفٌد جدا فً داخل الؽرؾ الصفٌة‬،‫كلنا نرؼب فً ارسال الرسابل البرٌدٌة‬
.‫ حتى أن بإمكانهم إرسال رسابل لطلبة فً دولة اخرى‬.‫ٌطلبوا من الطلبة إرسال ما تعلموه لطلبة من نفس العمر فً مدرسة اخرى‬
.‫ ٌمكن للطالب تبادل المعلومات ومساعدة بعضهم البعض فً القٌام بالمهام‬،‫نتٌجة لذلك‬

Another way of communicating with other schools is through talking to people over
the computer. Most computers have cameras, so you can also see the people you are
talking to. In this way, students who are studying English in Jordan can see what
students in England are doing in the classroom while they are speaking to them. You
can also use this system to invite guest speakers to give talks over a computer. For

example, scientists or teachers from another country could give a lesson to the class.
If you had this type of lesson, the students would be very excited.

‫ معظم اجهزة الكمبٌوتر لدٌها‬.‫طرٌقة اخرى للتواصل مع مدارس أخرى هً من خالل التحدث الى الناس عبر جهاز الكمبٌوتر‬
ً‫ ٌمكن للطالب الذٌن ٌدرسون اللؽة اإلنجلٌزٌة ف‬،‫ بهذه الطرٌقة‬.‫ لذلك ٌمكنك ان ترى اٌضا الناس الذٌن تتحدث إلٌهم‬،‫كامٌرات‬
‫ ٌمكنك اٌضا استخدام هذا النظام‬.‫األردن أن ٌشاهدوا ما ٌقوم به الطالب فً انجلترا داخل الفصول الدراسٌة اثناء تكلمهم معهم‬
‫ ٌستطٌع العلماء او المعلمٌن من بلد اخر أن ٌعطوا‬،‫ على سبٌل المثال‬.‫لدعوة المتحدثٌن الضٌوف إللقاء كلمات عبر الكمبٌوتر‬
.‫ سٌكون الطالب فً ؼاٌة التشوق‬،‫ إذا كان لدٌك هذا النوع من الدرس‬.‫درس لطالب الصؾ‬

1- Quote the sentence which indicates that most people use social media.
2- The writer states that students in different schools can communicate with one
another. Mention two ways that they can use in order to communicate.
3- How can young people communicate through social media?
4- What do teachers ask their students to do concerning:
a. Summarization:
b. Email exchange:
5- What would happen if students learned summarizing?
6- Find a word in the text that means “interaction between people and communities
on websites”. ………………………………………………………

Answers: 1 Most young people communicate through social media, by which they send each other
photos and messages via the Internet 2 email exchange and talking over the computer 3 they send
each other photos and messages via the Internet 4 a. to summarise information about what they
have learnt in class in the same way b. to email what they have learnt to students of a similar age at
another school 5 If students learn to summarise quickly, they will be able to use this skill in future
6 social media

Students often use computers at home if they have them. Students can use social
media on their computers to help them with their studies, including asking other

students to check and compare their work, asking questions and sharing ideas. The
teacher must be part of the group, too, to monitor what is happening.

‫ ٌمكن للطالب استخدام وسابل التواصل االجتماعً من‬.‫الطالب ؼالبا ما ٌستخدمون أجهزة الكمبٌوتر فً المنزل إذا كانت لدٌهم‬
‫ طرح‬،‫ بما فً ذلك الطلب من الطلبة اآلخرٌن تدقٌق ومقارنة عمالهم‬،‫خالل أجهزة الحاسوب الخاصة بهم لمساعدتهم فً دراستهم‬
.‫ اٌضا لإلشراف على ما ٌحدث‬،‫ ٌجب ان ٌكون المعلم جزء من المجموعة‬.‫اسبلة وتبادل األفكار‬

1- How can people use social media?

2- Why must teachers be part of these groups of teaching?
3- What does the underlined pronoun refer to? ……………………………………………………….
4- Do you think that computers will replace books one day? Why/Why not?

Answers: 1 to help them with their studies, including asking other students to check and compare
their work, asking questions and sharing ideas 2 to monitor what is happening 3 students 4
although computers are incredibly useful, I don’t think that they will ever completely replace books
because, for many people, reading is a very personal experience that doesn’t feel the same when it
is done on a computer

‫ إﺿﺎﻓﻲ‬

1) Mention five ways in which we can use technology in Jordanian classrooms.

2) students can use the tablets to do many tasks. Mention three of them.
3) Who are the guest speakers students can invite to give talks over a computer?
4) Quote the sentence which indicates that the teacher must exist with the students
when they use social media.
5) What does the pronoun “I" in the first paragraph refer to? ………………………………….
6) Find a word from the text which means: “To put a message or document on the
internet.” ………………………………………………………

 Exercise: - Which of the following would you use to ...... (book)
Blog / Email exchange / Social media / Tablet computer / Whiteboard

1- Record interviews with people? …………………………

2- Share information with students in another country? ……………………
3- Watch educational programmes in class? …………………………..
4- Ask another student to check your homework? ………………………..
5- Write an online diary? ………………………….

Answers: 1. tablet computer, 2. email exchange, 3. whiteboard, 4. social media, 5. blog

 Exercise: - Complete the sentences with the cooking verbs in the box. One verb
is not needed. (book)
Boil / fry / grill / melt / mix / roast / season / slice / sprinkle

1- When you heat cheese, it …………………..s.

2- Put some flour and sugar in a bowl and ………………………them together.
3- You need a sharp knife to ………………………the bread.
4- Heat the water until it …………………………….s.
5- Put the eggs in oil or butter to ……………………….them.
6- …………………some salt and pepper over the potatoes to ……………them.
7- ……………………….the meat in the oven.

Answers: 1. Melt, 2. Mix, 3. Slice, 4. Boil, 5. Fry, 6. Sprinkle; season, 7. Roast

 Exercise: - Complete the sentences with the words in the box. (book)
Energy / grateful / headlines / helmet / lawyer / likely / navy

1- I am studying hard because I want to be a ……………………….

2- When you ride a bike, you should always wear a ……………………
3- Thank you so much! We are very …………………………….
4- Do you think it is ……………………. to rain tomorrow?
5- I always look at the newspaper……………………., but I don’t always read the articles.
6- Solar panels generate ……………………….. from the sun.

Answers: 1. Lawyer, 2. Helmet, 3. Grateful, 4. Likely, 5. Headlines, 6. energy

 Exercise: - Choose the correct word. (book)

1- Modern computers can run a lot of programs / models at the same time.
2- You can move around the computer screen using a tablet / mouse.
3- From 1990 CE to 2000 CE was a decade / generation.
4- A laptop / tablet doesn’t need a keyboard.
5- The television was first invented / developed by John Logie Baird.

Answers: 1. Programs, 2. Mouse, 3. Decade, 4. Tablet, 5. Invented

 Exercise: - Complete the sentences. (book)

Laptop / model / calculation / smartphone / program

1- Although they are pocket-sized, ……………………….….s are powerful computers as

well as phones.
2- My brother is learning how to write computer …………..………...s.
3- I need to make a few ……………….….….s before I decide how much to spend.
4- Mobile phones used to be huge. Early ……..………….….s were as big as bricks!
5- I can close the lid of my …………………... and then put it in my bag.

Answers: 1. Smartphone, 2. Program, 3. Calculation, 4. Model, 5. Laptop

‫الجمل الشرطٌة – ‪If Clause‬‬
‫‪ ‬الجملة الشرطٌة لها أربعة أنواع حسب االستخدام‪Zero – First – Second – Third :‬‬
‫‪ ‬النوع األخٌر ‪ Third‬مطلوب فً الفصل الثانً فقط‬
‫‪ ‬الجملة الشرطٌة تتكون من جزبٌٌن‪ -1 :‬حالة الشرط ٌكون معها ‪ -2 If‬جواب الشرط‬

‫] جواب الشرط ‪ ,‬حالة الشرط ‪1) [ If‬‬ ‫الحظ وجود فاصلة‬

‫عندما أزور األردن فأنً أذهب لرؤٌة أهلً ‪ If I visit Jordan, I go to see my parents.‬‬
‫ؼدا ‪ If I study hard, I will pass the exam tomorrow.‬‬ ‫جٌدا سأجتاز االمتحان ً‬
‫إذا درست ً‬

‫] حالة الشرط ‪ if‬جواب الشرط [ )‪2‬‬ ‫الحظ عدم وجود فاصلة‬

‫أذهب لرؤٌة أهلً عندما أزور األردن ‪ I go to see my parents if I visit Jordan.‬‬
‫جٌدا ‪ I will pass the exam tomorrow if I study hard.‬‬‫ؼدا إذا درست ً‬ ‫سأجتاز االمتحان ً‬

‫‪ Zero Conditional‬‬

‫] ‪[ If + present simple, present simple‬‬

‫‪ ‬حالة الشرط وجواب الشرط ٌكونان مضارع بسٌط‬

‫‪ ‬راجع شكل المضارع البسٌط إذا كنت ال تذكره وإال لن تفهم هذه القاعدة‪.‬‬

‫‪ٌ ‬ستخدم هذا النمط عندما نكون متأكدٌن تماماً من أن النتٌجة (جواب الشرط) ستحصل حتماً‪ .‬فإذا وصلت‬
‫المٌاه إلى درجة ‪ً 122‬‬
‫مثال فإ ّنها ستؽلً بكل تأكٌد‪ .‬إذن هذا النمط ٌُستخدم مع الحقائق والنتائج المؤكدة‪.‬‬

‫‪ If water reaches 100 degrees, it boils.‬‬

 If people eat too much, they get fat.
 You get water if you mix hydrogen and oxygen.
 If you press the button, the machine starts.

 Exercise:- Correct the verb between brackets.

1. If there is a storm, my cat (run) …………………… under the sofa.

2. The printer always (break) ……………... if I need to print something quickly.
3. I get stressed if my mother-in-law (visit) ……………… for longer than a day.
4. If I cook, I (not/do) ……………………….. the dishes. ‫تذكر النفً فً المضارع البسٌط‬

Answers: 1. Runs 2. Breaks 3. Visits 4. don’t do

 First Conditional

[ If + present simple, will + V1 ]

will + v1 ‫ حالة الشرط تكون مضارع البسٌط وجواب الشرط ٌكون‬

‫ ال ٌمكننا بالطبع أن نعرؾ ما‬.‫ نستخدم هذا النوع للحدٌث عن األشٌاء التً ٌمكن أن تحصل فً المستقبل‬
.‫ والقابلة للحدوث بسهولة‬،‫ لكن ٌصؾ هذا الشرط األشٌاء الممكنة‬،‫سٌحدث فً المستقبل‬

 If it rains, I won't go to the park.

 If I study today, I'll go to the party tonight.
 If I have enough money, I'll buy some new shoes.

 Exercise:- Correct the verb between brackets.

1. If I (bump) ………..……. into Claire, I will tell her.

2. People (be) ………………. happy if there is enough food and drink.

3. We (call) ………………….. you if your parcel arrives today.
4. If she sends them a hand-written invitation, they (come) ………………... .
5. If Charlie buys a new TV, he (not/have) …………………… money to pay his rent.

Answers: 1. Bump 2. Will be 3. Will call 4. Will come 5. Won’t have

 Second Conditional

[ If + past simple, would + V1 ]

would + v1 ‫ حالة الشرط تكون ماضً البسٌط وجواب الشرط ٌكون‬

would ‫بدال من‬ً might ‫ أو‬could ً‫ قد ٌأت‬
.‫ راجع شكل الماضً البسٌط إذا كنت ال تذكره وإال لن تفهم هذه القاعدة‬

‫ ولكننا فقط نفترض ما النتٌجة لو‬،‫ نستخدم هذا النوع للتحّ دث عن األمور التً لن تحدث ؼالبا ً فً المستقبل‬
‫مثال ٌمكنك أن تفترض ماذا ممكن أن تفعل لو أصبحت ربٌس الوزراء؟‬ ً .‫حدثت هذه األمور‬

 If I won the lottery, I would buy a big house.

 If I met the Queen of England, I would say hello.
 If I had his number, I would call him.

 Exercise:- Correct the verb between brackets.

1. If he (have) …………………. more fans, he would play at bigger venues.

2. The flowers (grow) ……………………. if you watered them more.
3. Jack would move out if he (go) ……………………. to university.
4. We (get) …………..… a pool table if our house were bigger. Were ‫فً هذه القاعدة دابمًا‬

Answers: 1. Had 2. Would grow 3. Went 4. Would get

.‫ قد ٌأتً هذا النوع فً سؤال أعد كتابة الجملة إلعطاء نصٌحة‬:‫مالحظة‬

If I were you, I would ‫ ثم تضع‬I think you should ‫ كل ما علٌك فعله هو أن تحذؾ‬-
.‫وتكمل الجملة‬

 I think you should check the spelling of the new learnt words in the dictionary.
If I were you, I would check the spelling of the new learnt words in the dictionary.

 Exercise:- Rewrite the following sentences.

1. I think you should choose the perfect one.

If ……………………………………………………………………………..

2. I think you should meet him to know that he was good person.
If …………………………………………………………………………….

3. You shouldn`t look too casual. ً‫نفس الشًء لكن نف‬

If ……………………………………………………………………………

Answers: 1- If I were you, I would choose the perfect one. 2- If I were you, I would meet him to
know that he was good person 3- If I were you, I wouldn’t look too casual.

:)‫ (تدرب‬third ‫ أسئلة وزارٌة على الجمل الشرطٌة باستثناء ال‬

1- If a city …………… everything and doesn’t throw anything away, it is zero waste.
(recycle) 2016S

2- The bus is late. if it …………….. soon, we will get a taxi. (not, arrive) 2017W

3- I think you should check the spelling of the new learnt words in the dictionary.
If I were you, ………………………………………………………………………

4- I think I should see a doctor. 2018 S


5- If one presses that button, the picture ……………….. . (moved , moves , would move)

6- I think you should look for a job in foreign countries. 2019W
If I were you, ………………………………………………………………………

7- I think I should get up early every morning. 2019S

If I were you, ………………………………………………………………………

8- Rasha …………….... Her friend’s dictionary if she had her own dictionary. 2021W
(borrow , will borrow , wouldn’t borrow , will not borrow)

Answers: 1- Recycles 2- doesn’t arrive 3- I would check the spelling of the new learnt words in the
dictionary. 4- If I were you, I would see a doctor. 5- Moves 6- If I were you, I would look for a job in
foreign countries. 7- If I were you, I would get up early every morning. 8- Wouldn’t borrow.

‫ إﺿﺎﻓﻲ‬

1. What would you do differently if you ____________ to do this again?

(have , had , would have)

2. If I ____________ the expensive bike, I won't have enough money to pay my rent.
(buy , bought , will buy)

3. The project _____________ delayed if I don't finish this report on time.

(is , will be , would be)

4. If I ____________ you, I'd go to the doctor's.

(am , were , will be)

5. If I look at a computer screen for too long, I ___________ a headache.

(get , got , would get)

6. You don't need to print your ticket if you ___________ the email.
(have , had , will have)

Infinitives & Gerunds
)reading / swimming( :‫ مثل‬ing ‫ هو اسم معه‬Gerund ‫ ال‬
)to read / to swim( :‫ مثل‬to + V1 ‫ هو عبارة اسمٌة تبدأ ب‬Infinitive ‫ ال‬

:‫ دابمًا‬Gerund ‫ األفعال التً ٌأتً بعدها‬

Avoid Consider Finish
Enjoy Suggest

 I enjoy swimming so much.

 I finished talking to you.

:‫ دابمًا‬Infinitive ‫ األفعال التً ٌأتً بعدها‬

Agree Expect Decide Want Ask
Manage Choose Offer Attempt Hope
Afford Prepare Promise Seem Arrange

 I want to write a letter.

 I am preparing to my exam.

:‫ حسب المعنى‬Gerund ‫ وإما‬Infinitive ‫ األفعال التً ٌأتً بعدها إما‬

Begin Try Start Intend Like Continue
Love Forget Stop Remember Prefer

 I stopped smoking. ‫توقفت عن التدخٌن‬

 I stopped to smoke. ‫توقفت لكً أدخن‬

 Exercise:- Correct the verbs between brackets.

1- I want to get a new apartment but I can’t afford …………….……… money at the
moment. (borrow) 2017W
2- I promised my manager ………………………. Hard. (work)
3- Rami suggested ……………..………. To the cinema (go)

Causative – ‫اإلنابة والتوكٌل‬
.‫ تستخدم عندما نطلب من شخص اخر القٌام بالعمل نٌابة عنا‬
asked someone to ‫ أحٌا ًنا تدل علٌها عبارة‬


Subject have / had Object V3

 Ahmed didn’t repair his car.  I didn’t paint the room.

Ahmed had his car repaired. I had the room painted.

 She asked someone to type the email. ‫مهم‬  I asked someone to fix my car. ‫مهم‬
She had the email typed. I had my car fixed.

1-Majed didn’t repair his computer himself. He had it ___________ (repair) ‫ وزاري‬
2-Do you like this photograph of your family? We had it ___________ by a
photographer. (take)
3-Did you plant the trees yourselves? No, we had them ___________ (plant)
4-Rula: “My watch has stopped. How can I have it ___________ (fix)
5-My father is looking for someone to have our house ___________ (redecorate)
6-Muna didn’t write the email. She had it ___________ (write)
7-Ibrahim ___________ his new dental clinic ___________ last week.
(has/furnished , had/furnished , is/furnished , was/furnished)
8- I asked someone to send my text messages.
The correct causative form of the sentence is:
9- I asked someone to translate the text for me.
A- I have sent my message.
The correct causative form of the sentence is:
B- I had my text message sent.
A- I have the text translated.
C- My text message was sent.
B- I had the text translated.
D- I had sent my text message.
C- I had translated the text.
D- I has the text translated.
Answers: 1. repaired, 2. taken, 3. planted 4. fixed 5. redecorated 6 written, 7. had/finished, 8. B 9. B
‫ﺻﻔﺤﺔ ﻓﺎرﻏﺔ‬
‫رﺗﺐ أﻓ�ﺎرك‬

Possibility & Prohibition
‫اإلمكانٌة والمنع‬

Possibility - ‫اإلمكانٌة‬


Keywords: certain – sure – know - definitely

 I am certain Ahmed is outside.
Ahmed must be outside.

 I am sure he is playing.
He must be playing.

.‫ ٌأتً بعدهم فعل مجرد‬modals ‫ ألن ال‬be ‫ أصبحت‬is ‫ ال‬:‫مالحظة‬

Can't Keywords: certain – sure – know (‫)بشرط أن تكون الجملة منفٌة‬

 I am certain Ahmed isn’t outside.

Ahmed can’t be outside.

 I am sure he is not playing.

He can’t be playing.

Might Keywords: perhaps – possible/probable – likely – not sure – uncertain

 I am not sure he is playing.

He might be playing.

 Perhaps my keys are lost.
My keys might be lost.

have + V3 ‫ إلى‬modal ‫ إذا كانت الجملة ماضً فأننا عند الحل نحول الفعل بعد ال‬:‫مالحظة‬

 I am sure Ahmed washed the car.

Ahmed must have washed the car.

 I am sure Ahmed was not angry.

Ahmed can’t have been angry.

Prohibition - ‫المنع‬

don't/doesn't have to Keywords: not necessary – not important

 It is not necessary to wash your car.

You don’t have to wash your car.

 It is not important to write a book.

Sami doesn’t have to write a book.

Mustn't Keywords: not allowed – not permitted

 You are not allowed to watch the film.

You must not watch the film.

 You are not permitted to ring the bell.

You mustn’t ring the bell.

:)‫ أسئلة الكتاب على اإلمكانٌة والمنع (تدرب‬

1- Perhaps Issa’s phone is broken. (might)

2- It isn’t necessary to switch off the screen. (have)

You ………………………………………………………………

3- You are not allowed to touch this machine. (must)

You ………………………………………………………………

Answers: 1. Issa’s phone might be broken. 2. You don’t have to switch off the screen. 3. You
mustn’t touch this machine.

The Internet of Things
‫إنترنت األشٌاء‬
Word Meaning (English) ‫المعنى‬
Access To find information ‫ٌصل للمعلومة‬
A program that checks whether certain content on a web page
Filter ‫مصفاة‬
should be displayed
Illegal actions using the identity of someone else ‫انتحال شخصٌة‬
Control available on computer let you protect your computer ‫اعدادات األمن‬
Privacy Controls available on social networking sites which let you decide ‫اعدادات‬
setting who can see what information ‫الخصوصٌة‬
Sat Nav ‫نظام المالحة‬
Satellite navigation system tells you where something is
system ‫البحري‬

What is the ‘Internet of Things’? – ‫ما هو انترنت األشٌاء‬

Everyone knows that the Internet connects people, but now it does more than that –
it connects objects, too. These days, computers often communicate with each other;
for example, your TV automatically downloads your favorite TV show, or your ‘sat
nav’ system tells you where you are. This is known as the ‘Internet of Things’, and
there’s a lot more to come.

‫ اجهزة‬،‫ فً هذه األٌام‬.‫ أنه ٌصل األشٌاء أٌضا‬.‫ ولكنه اآلن ٌفعل أكثر من ذلك‬،‫الجمٌع ٌعلم ان األنترنت ٌصل الناس ببعضهم‬
‫ او‬،‫ جهازك التلفزٌون ٌقوم تلقابٌا بتحمٌل برنامجك التلفزٌونً المفضل‬،‫ على سبٌل المثال‬.‫الحاسوب ؼالبا تتصل مع بعضها البعض‬
.‫ وٌعرؾ هذا بأنترنت األشٌاء وهناك المزٌد فً المستقبل‬،‫ٌقوم نظام المالحة عبر األقمار الصناعٌة بأخبارك أٌن انت‬

1- According to the text, how does the Internet connect objects?

2- What does the abbreviation ‘sat nav‘ stand for? …………………………………………………
3- What does the “Internet of Things “mean?
4- Find a word in the first paragraph which means: ‘speak to’. ………………………………..

5- What does the underlined pronoun refer to? ………………………………………………………

Answers: 1 for example, your TV automatically downloads your favorite TV show, or your ‘sat nav’
system tells you where you are 2 Satellite navigation system 3 The connection between different
computers. Examples are TV downloads and sat nav 4 communicate 5 Internet

An easy life! – ‫حٌاة سهلة‬

In just a few years’ time, experts say that billions of machines will be connected to
each other and to the Internet. As a consequence, computers will increasingly run
our lives for us. For example, your fridge will know when you need more milk and
add it to your online shopping list; your windows will close if it is likely to rain; your
watch will record your heart rate and email your doctor; and your sofa will tell you
when you need to stand up and get some exercise!

‫ ستقوم‬،‫ نتٌجة لذلك‬.‫ ٌقول الخبراء أنه سٌتم وصل ملٌارات اآلالت مع بعضها البعض ووصلها بشبكة األنترنت‬،‫فً بضع سنوات‬
‫ ستعرؾ ثالجتك متى تحتاج الى المزٌد من الحلٌب واضافته الى‬،‫ على سبٌل المثال‬.‫اجهزة الحاسوب بشكل متزاٌد بإدارة حٌاتنا‬
‫ وستقوم ساعتك بتسجٌل معدل ضربات‬،‫ وستؽلق نوافذك إذا كان من المحتمل ان تمطر‬.‫قابمة التسوٌق الخاصة بك على األنترنت‬
.‫ وسوؾ تخبرك كنبتك متى تحتاج الى الوقوؾ وعمل تمارٌن رٌاضٌة‬.‫قلبك وارسال اٌمٌل الى طبٌبك‬

1- What do experts say about the future?

2- How will computer control our lives in the future? Mention two examples.
3- How will the ‘Internet of Things’ help you to keep fit, according to the text?

Answers: 1 billions of machines will be connected to each other and to the Internet 2 For example,
your fridge will know when you need more milk and add it to your online shopping list; and your
windows will close if it is likely to rain 3 your sofa will tell you when you need to stand up and get
some exercise

An unknown future – ‫مستقبل مجهول‬

Many people are excited about the ‘Internet of Things’. For them, a dream is coming
true. They say that our lives will be easier and more comfortable. However, others
are not so sure. They want to keep control of their own lives and their own things. In

addition, they wonder what would happen if criminals managed to access their
passwords and security settings. The dream could easily become a nightmare!

،‫ مع ذلك‬.‫ ٌقولون ان حٌاتنا ستكون أسهل وأكثر راحة‬.‫ هو حلم سٌتحقق‬،‫ بالنسبة لهم‬.‫الكثٌر من الناس متحمسون ل انترنت األشٌاء‬
‫ هم‬،‫ باإلضافة الى ذلك‬.‫ فهم ٌرٌدون الحفاظ على السٌطرة على حٌاتهم واألشٌاء الخاصة بهم‬.‫اخرون لٌسوا متأكدٌن من ذلك‬
‫ ٌمكن للحلم أن ٌصبح‬.‫ٌتساءلون ماذا سٌحدث لو تمكن المجرمون من الوصول الى كلمات المرور الخاصة بهم أو بإعدادات األمان‬
!‫بسهولة كابوسا‬

1- According to the text, why are some people excited about the future? Why are
others worried?
2- How can criminals threaten normal people?
3- What does the word ‘others’ in bold in the third paragraph refer to?
4- Find a word from the text which means: “control available on computer let you
protect your computer.” ………………………………………………………
5- In your opinion, is the ‘Internet of Things’ exciting or worrying? Why?

Answers: 1 They say that our lives will be easier and more comfortable. However, others are not so
sure. They want to keep control of their own lives and their own things 2 if criminals managed to
access their passwords and security settings 3 people who are not so sure about “the internet of
things" 4 Security setting 5 I think internet of things is worrying because our lives will become
artificial since computer will control everything.

‫ إﺿﺎﻓﻲ‬

1) Mention two examples of how the internet connects objects.

2) Experts say that billions of machines will be connected to each other and to the
Internet. What is the result of this?
3) Some people are not sure about “the internet of things" for two main reasons.
Write them down.

4) Quote the sentence which shows that not all people are excited about “the
internet of things.”
5) What does the pronoun “they" in the last paragraph refer to?
6) Find a word from the text which means: “Illegal actions using the identity of
someone else.” ………………………………………………………

Complementary Medicine: is it really a solution?
ّ ‫ هل هو‬:ً‫الطب التكمٌل‬
Word ‫المعنى‬
A system of complementary medicine in which fine needles are
Acupuncture ‫الوخز باإلبر‬
interested in the skin
Ailment ‫مرض‬
A reaction of the immune system when it is sensitive to
Allergy ‫حساسٌة‬
Arthritis Painful inflammation and stiffness of the joints ‫التهاب المفاصل‬
Herbal An extract or mixture of a plant used to prevent, alleviate, or cure
‫العالج باألعشاب‬
remedy disease
Illnesses are treated by minute doses of herbs and other natural ‫عالج بالمواد‬
Immunization Individual's immune system becomes protected against an illness ‫تطعٌم‬
Malaria A dangerous disease transmitted by mosquitoes ‫المالرٌا‬
Migraine A very bad headache which often comes with a feeling of sickness ً‫صداع نصف‬

Most doctors used to be skeptical about the validity of homoeopathy, acupuncture

and other forms of complementary medicine. If patients wanted to receive this kind

of nonconventional treatment, they used to have to consult a private practitioner
who was likely not to have a medical degree.

‫ إذا اراد‬.ً‫ والوخز باإلبر وؼٌرها من اشكال الطب التكمٌل‬،‫معظم األطباء كانوا متشككٌن حول صحة المعالجة بالمواد الطبٌعٌة‬
‫ فانه كان علٌهم أن ٌستشٌروا طبٌبا خاصا والذي كان على األرجح لٌس لدٌه‬،‫المرضى تلقً هذا النوع من العالج غٌر التقلٌدي‬
.‫شهادة طب جامعٌة‬

However, in recent years, the perception of this type of treatment has changed.
These days, many family doctors study complementary medicine alongside
conventional treatments, and many complementary medicine consultants also have
medical degrees.

‫ كثٌر من أطباء األسرة ٌدرسون الطب التكمٌلً جنبا‬،‫ فً هذه األٌام‬.‫ تم إدراك هذا النوع من العالج‬،‫ فً السنوات الحدٌثة‬،‫ومع ذلك‬
.‫ والعدٌد من المستشارٌن فً الطب التكمٌلً أٌضا ٌحصلون على شهادات طبٌة جامعٌة‬،‫الى جنب مع العالجات التقلٌدٌة‬

1- According to the text, what are the forms of complementary medicine?

2- Quote the sentence which indicates that a large number of doctors didn’t use to
be convinced easily of the effectiveness of complementary medicine.
3- What did patients use to do to get nonconventional treatment?
4- There are two pieces of evidence which show that people’s perception of
complementary medicine changed over time. Write these pieces of evidence down.
5- Find a word in the text that means “A system of complementary medicine in
which illnesses are treated by minute doses of herbs “
6- What does the underlined pronoun refer to? ……………………………………………………

Answers: 1 homoeopathy and acupuncture 2 Most doctors used to be skeptical about the validity
of homoeopathy, acupuncture and other forms of complementary medicine 3 they used to have to
consult a private practitioner 4 These days, many family doctors study complementary medicine
alongside conventional treatments, and many complementary medicine consultants also have
medical degrees 5 homeopathy 6 patients

Whereas critics used to say that there was no scientific evidence that non-
conventional treatments actually worked, now it is more common for medical
experts to recognize that conventional medicine may not always be the only way to
treat an ailment.

‫ إال ان اآلن هو أكثر‬،‫فً حٌن أن النقاد كانوا ٌقولون انه ال ٌوجد اي دلٌل علمً على ان العالجات غٌر التقلٌدٌة كانت تعمل‬
.‫شٌوعا عند خبراء الطب ان ٌعترفوا بأن الطب التقلٌدي قد ال ٌكون دابما هو السبٌل الوحٌد لعالج مرض ما‬

At a surgery in London, 70 percent of patients who were offered the choice between
a herbal or a conventional medicine for common complaints such as insomnia,
arthritis and migraines chose the herbal remedy. Fifty percent of patients then said
that the treatment helped.

‫ من المرضى الذٌن عرض علٌهم االختٌار بٌن طب األعشاب أو الطب التقلٌدي من أجل عالج‬%72 ،‫فً عٌادة جراحٌة فً لندن‬
‫ من المرضى أن العالج قد‬%52 ‫ وقال‬.‫شكاوى شابعة مثل األرق والتهاب المفاصل والصداع النصفً اختاروا العالج باألعشاب‬

One doctor said, "I now consider homoeopathy to be a viable option for many
different conditions, including anxiety, depression and certain allergies. It provides
another option when conventional medicine does not address the problem

‫ "أنا اآلن أعتبر المعالجة بالمواد الطبٌعٌة هو خٌار قابل للتطبٌق لعالج العدٌد من الحاالت المختلفة بما فً ذلك‬:‫وقال أحد األطباء‬
‫ فالمعالجة بالمواد الطبٌعٌة توفر خٌار آخر عندما ال ٌعالج الطب التقلٌدي المشكلة على‬.‫ االكتئاب وبعض أنواع الحساسٌة‬،‫القلق‬
.ً‫نحو كاف‬

1- Quote the sentence which indicates that critics were not convinced of
nonconventional treatments.
2- Mention three complains that herbal remedy reduces their effects.
3- Certain medical conditions may possibly be treated using complementary
medicine. Write down four of these medical conditions.

4- Quote the sentence which indicates that the majority of patients chose
complementary medicine over conventional medicine.

Answers: 1 critics used to say that there was no scientific evidence that non-conventional
treatments actually worked 2 insomnia, arthritis and migraines 3 anxiety, depression, certain
allergies, and insomnia 4 70 percent of patients who were offered the choice between a herbal or a
conventional medicine chose the herbal remedy

However, complementary medicine cannot be used for all medical treatments. It can
never substitute for immunisations as it will not produce the antibodies needed to
protect against childhood diseases. It also cannot be used to protect against malaria.

‫ فهو ال ٌمكن أن ٌكون أبدا بدٌل عن المطاعٌم ألنه لن ٌنتج‬،‫ الطب التكمٌلً ال ٌمكن استخدامه لجمٌع العالجات الطبٌة‬،‫ومع ذلك‬
.‫ أٌضا ال ٌمكن استخدام الطب التكمٌلً للحماٌة من المالرٌا‬.‫األجسام المضادة الالزمة للحماٌة ضد أمراض الطفولة‬

One doctor said, "I will always turn to conventional medical treatment first to ensure
that no underlying condition is missed. However, the idea of complementary
treatments is no longer an alien concept. In my opinion, it should work alongside
modern medicine, and not against it."

‫ ولكن فكرة العالجات‬.‫ "سوؾ الجأ دابما الى العالج التقلٌدي أوال لضمان عدم اهمال اي وضع مسبب للمرض‬،‫وقال احد األطباء‬
".‫ ٌجب أن تعمل العالجات التكمٌلٌة جنبا الى جنب مع الطب الحدٌث ولٌس ضده‬،ًٌ‫ فً رأ‬. ‫التكمٌلٌة لم تعد مفهوم غرٌب‬

1- Why cannot complementary medicine replace immunization?

2- Complementary medicine cannot be used for all medical treatments. Mention two
3- A doctor says he will always turn to conventional medical treatment. Why?
4- Find a word in the text which means “Individual's immune system becomes
protected against an illness.” ………………………………………………………

5- The article suggests that people’s perception of complementary medicine has
changed over time. Why do you think this is the case?

Answers: 1 it will not produce the antibodies needed to protect against childhood diseases 2
immunization and malaria 3 to ensure that no underlying condition is missed 4 Immunization 5 I
think people’s opinions of complementary medicine might have changed because of more
information being freely available on the Internet. Additionally, more research may have been done
on the effects of complementary medicine.

‫ إﺿﺎﻓﻲ‬

1) Why were most doctors skeptical about the validity of complementary medicine?
2) What has changed about the complementary medicine consultants?
3) Homoeopathy is useful for many different conditions. Mention three of them.
4) At a surgery in London, most patients chose the herbal remedy. How many of
them said that the treatment helped?
5) What does the pronoun “I" in the last paragraph refer to? ………………………………
6) Find a word from the text which means: “Illness or disease.” ………………………….

 Exercise:- Complete the sentences with the words in the box. (book)
Viable / alien / conventional / skeptical / complementary

1- I don’t really believe that story – I’m very …………………………… .

2- Doctors often treat infections with antibiotics; that is the ……………………. approach.
3- Medicines that are not the normal, traditionally accepted treatments are known as
……………………………….. .
4- Another way of saying that something could be successful is to say it is ………………. .
5- If something seems very strange, we sometimes say it is …………….………… .

Answers: 1. Skeptical, 2. Conventional, 3. Complementary, 4. Viable, 5. Alien

 Exercise:- Complete the sentences with words below. (book)
acupuncture / homoeopathy / ailment / arthritis / immunization / malaria / allergies
/ migraine

1- My grandfather has …………………….. in his fingers, so he sometimes finds it difficult

to write.
2- ……………………………. to nuts and milk are becoming more common.
3- Many serious diseases can be prevented by …………………………........, which helps the
body to build antibodies.
4- Headaches and colds are common ………………………........ s, especially in winter.
5- If you have a . ……………………………., the best thing to do is take some medicine and
rest somewhere quiet.

Answers: 1. Arthritis, 2. Allergies, 3. Immunization, 4. Ailment, 5. Migraine

Are happier people healthier – and, if so, why?
‫ فلماذا؟‬،‫ وإن كان كذلك‬- ‫هل األشخاص األكثر سعادة أكثر صحة‬
Word Meaning (English) ‫المعنى‬
Bounce back To start to be successful again after a difficult time ‫ٌستعٌد قوته أو ٌتعافى‬
Optimistic Believing that good things will happen in the future ‫متفابل‬
Setback A problem that stops progress, or makes a situation worse ‫انتكاسة‬
Raise A question to bring up a problem or cast doubt on something ‫ٌثٌر (سؤال‬
Focus on To direct your attention on something specific ‫ٌركز على‬

It’s normal to feel a bit blue from time to time. However, studies show that negative
emotions can harm the body. Anger can also have harmful effects on health. When
you see red, your blood pressure is raised and you can suffer from headaches, sleep
problems and digestive problems. However, what about positive feelings and
attitudes? Until recently, scientists had not investigated whether there is a link
between positive feelings and good health.

‫ ٌمكن أن‬.‫ تظهر الدراسات أن المشاعر السلبٌة ٌمكن أن تضر الجسم‬،‫ ومع ذلك‬.‫من الطبٌعً أن تشعر بالحزن من وقت آلخر‬
‫ ٌرتفع ضغط الدم عندك وٌمكن أن تعانً من الصداع ومشاكل النوم‬،‫ عندما تغضب‬.‫ٌكون للؽضب أٌضًا آثار ضارة بالصحة‬
‫ لم ٌتحقق العلماء فٌما إذا كانت هناك صلة بٌن‬،‫ لكن ماذا عن المشاعر اإلٌجابٌة؟ حتى وقت قرٌب‬.ً‫ومشاكل فً الجهاز الهضم‬
.‫المشاعر اإلٌجابٌة والصحة الجٌدة‬

1- What is the bad effect of negative emotions on health?

2- The writer states two factors that cause bad effects on health. Mention them.
3- What are the possible effects of anger on someone’s health?
4- What does the underlined pronoun refer to? ……………………………………………………

Answers: 1 Negative emotions can harm the body 2 Anger and sadness 3 Your blood pressure is
raised and you can suffer from headaches, sleep problems and digestive problems 4 The reader

Then, in a study that had followed more than 6,000 men and women aged 25 to 74
for 20 years, researchers found that positivity reduced the risk of heart disease.
Other factors influencing health included a supportive network of family and friends,
and an optimistic outlook on life. The research showed that children who were more
able to stay focused on a task, and who had a more positive attitude to life at age
seven, were usually in better health 30 years later.

‫ وجد الباحثون أن‬،‫ عامًا‬22 ‫ عامًا لمدة‬74‫ و‬25 ‫ رجل وامرأة تتراوح أعمارهم بٌن‬6222 ‫ فً دراسة تابعت أكثر من‬،‫بعد ذلك‬
،‫ من العوامل األخرى التً تؤثر على الصحة تلقً الدعم من العابلة واألصدقاء‬.‫اإلٌجابٌة تقلل من خطر اإلصابة بأمراض القلب‬
‫ والذٌن كانوا أكثر إٌجابٌة تجاه‬،‫ أظهر البحث أن األطفال الذٌن كانوا أكثر قدرة على التركٌز على مهمة ما‬.‫والنظر بتفاؤل للحٌاة‬
.‫ عامًا‬32 ‫ عاد ًة ٌصبحون فً صحة أفضل بعد‬،‫الحٌاة فً سن السابعة‬

1- According to the text, what did researchers find?

2- The writer states that positivity has benefits. Mention one of them.
3- Children who have positive attitude to life have a very distinguished characteristic.
Mention it.

Answers: 1 Researchers found that positivity reduced the risk of heart disease 2 Positivity reduces
the risk of heart disease 3 They were usually in better health 30 years later

The study has been controversial. Some health professionals believe that bad
lifestyle choices, such as smoking or lack of exercise, are the reason for heart disease
and other illnesses, and not an individual’s attitude. The researchers, while agreeing,
raise the question: why are people making bad lifestyle decisions? Do more
optimistic people make better and healthier lifestyle choices?

،‫ مثل التدخٌن أو عدم ممارسة الرٌاضة‬،‫ ٌعتقد بعض الخبراء الصحٌٌن أن خٌارات نمط الحٌاة السٌبة‬.‫كانت الدراسة مثٌرة للجدل‬
:‫ الباحثون ٌوافقونهم الكالم ولكنهم ٌطرحون هذا السؤال‬.‫ ولٌس سلوك الفرد‬،‫هً سبب اإلصابة بأمراض القلب واألمراض األخرى‬
‫لماذا ٌتخذ الناس قرارات سٌبة بشأن أسلوب حٌاتهم؟ هل ٌتخذ األشخاص األكثر تفاؤالً خٌارات أسلوب حٌاة أفضل وأكثر صحة؟‬

The researchers appreciate that not everyone’s personal circumstances and
environment make it possible to live without worry. However, they believe that if we
teach children to develop positive thinking, and to ‘bounce back’ after a setback,
these qualities will improve their overall health in the future.

‫ فإنهم ٌعتقدون أنه إذا علمنا‬،‫ ومع ذلك‬.‫ٌعرؾ الباحثون أن ظروف الناس الشخصٌة وبٌئتهم لٌست كافٌة لجعلهم ٌعٌشون دون قلق‬
.‫ فإن هذه الصفات ستحسن صحتهم العامة فً المستقبل‬،‫ والتعافً بعد االنتكاسة‬،ً‫األطفال تطوٌر التفكٌر اإلٌجاب‬

1- According to health professionals, what are the reasons for heart diseases and
other illnesses?
2- What is controversial about the researchers’ study?
3- What do we mean by ‘bounce back’? ……………………………………………………………….
4- Are happier people healthier – and, if so, why?

Answers: 1 Bad lifestyle choices such as smoking or lack of exercise 2 Some health professionals
believe that bad lifestyle choices, such as smoking or lack of exercise, are the reason for heart
disease and other illnesses, and not an individual’s attitude 3 To start to be successful again after a
difficult time 4 I think that happier people are healthier than unhappy people. They have a better
perspective on life. Because of this, I think that they will make healthy, positive decisions in life; for
example, they will choose to eat well and exercise more often

‫ إﺿﺎﻓﻲ‬

1) What happens to your body when you see red?

2) How old were the 6,000 men and women whom the study had followed for 20
3) Quote the sentence which shows the effect of positivity on health.
4) Beside positivity, the writer has mentioned two other factors that influence
health. What are they?

5) The researchers believe there are two qualities that can improve children’s overall
health in the future. Mention these two qualities.
6) What do we mean by “setback”? …………………………………………

Used to & Be Used to
‫معتا ًد على & كنت معتادً على‬

 Used to – ‫كنت معتا ًد على‬

[ Used to + V1 ]

V1 ‫ ٌأتً دابمًا فعل مجرد‬used to ‫ بعد‬

:‫ نستخدم هذه القاعدة للحدٌث عن أمور كنت معتادً على فعلها فً الماضً ولكن لٌس بعد اآلن‬

 When I was young, I used to watch Spacetoon a lot.

 I used to play with my brother, but now we don’t.
 My mother used to buy my clothes, but now I choose my own.
 She used to be a teacher, but now she is retired.

:use ‫ إلى‬used ‫ وتعود‬didn’t ‫ فً حالة النفً نضٌؾ‬

 Nada didn’t use to study hard, but now she studies hard.
 Ahmed didn’t use to sleep late, but now he sleeps early.

:‫ أٌضً ا‬use ‫ إلى‬used ‫ فً بداٌة الجملة وتعود‬Did ‫ فً حالة السؤال نضٌؾ‬

 Did you use to play cards when you were a child?

 Did your teacher use to give you so much homework?

 Exercise:- Correct the verb between brackets.

1- Ahmed used to ……………. Sad, but now he is happy. (be)

2- Did your brother use to …………….. a book every year? (write)

3- Salem …………. Use to ………….. novels when he was young. (do / read)
4- Did you …………… to work every week? (use)

Answers: 1. be, 2. write, 3. did, read, 4. Use

 Be Used to – ‫معتا ًد على‬

[ is/am/are + used to + gerund/pronoun/noun ]

.‫ أو ضمٌر أو اسم‬gerund ً‫ بل ٌأت‬V1 ً‫ ال ٌأت‬used to ‫ بعد‬

:‫ نستخدم هذه القاعدة للحدٌث عن أمور معتادً علىها األن‬

 We have lived in the city a long time, so we are used to the traffic. (noun)
 I did not like getting up early, but I am used to it now. (pronoun)
 She has lived in the UK for a year. She is used to speaking English now. (gerund)

:‫ للفعل المساعد‬not ‫ فً حالة النفً نضٌؾ‬

 I am not used to playing chess now.

 He isn’t used to waking up early.

:‫ فً حالة السؤال نضع الفعل المساعد فً بداٌة الجملة‬

 Are you used to studying at night?

 Is she used to fast food?

 Exercise:- Correct the verb between brackets.

1. My father ……………………….. helping other people. ( use to )

2. Is your brother used to …………….. a book every year? ( write )
3. Naeem …………. used to ………….. novels now. ( be / read )

Answers: 1. Is used to, 2. writing, 3. Is, reading

:‫ جدول بسٌط ٌبٌن الفرق بٌن القاعدتٌن‬

Used to Be Used to

‫االستخدام‬ ‫شيء معتاد على فعله في الماضي‬ ‫شيء معتاد عليه اآلن‬
S + Is/am/are + Used to +
‫انشكم‬ S + Used to + V1
S + Is/am/are + not + Used to +
‫اننفي‬ S + Didn’t + Use to + V1
Is/am/are + S + Used to +
‫انسؤال‬ Did + S + Use to + V1?

 Exercise:- Choose the correct option in each sentence. (book)

1- I didn’t use to / am used to understand English, but now I do.

2- My cousin has lived in Lebanon for a year. He says he is used to / didn’t use to
living there now.
3- My family and I are used to / used to go camping once a month, but we stopped
doing that when we moved to the city.
4- Joining a gym can be tiring at first if you used to / aren’t used to doing exercise.
5- When I was young, I used to / am used to go fishing with my dad every weekend.

Answers: 1. didn’t use to, 2. is used to, 3. used to, 4. aren’t used to, 5. used to

:‫ على نمط أعد كتابة الجملة وتدل علٌها إحدى الكلمات اآلتٌة‬Be Used to ‫ قد تأتً قاعدة‬:‫مالحظة‬

Normal Familiar Customary Easy / not difficult

Gerund ‫ ونحول الفعل ل‬Be Used to ‫فً هذه الحالة نحذؾ الكلمة الدالة ونضع‬

 Exercise:- Choose the correct option in each sentence.

1- It's familiar for my sister now to send emails.

My sister ………………………………………………………………………………………………

2- It’s normal for my brother to answer passive voice.
My brother ……………………………………………………........................................

Answers: 1. My sister is used to sending emails, 2. My brother is used to answering passive voice.

 Exercise:- Choose the correct form of the verbs below. (book)

1- I used to / am used to go shopping in the local supermarket, but it closed two

years ago, so now I have to drive into town to shop.
2- There didn’t use to / wasn’t used to be so much pollution, but these days it is a
global problem.
3- I think television used to / is used to be better than it is now. Most of the
programmes these days are just reality TV.
4- Most Jordanians are used to / used to the hot weather that we have in summer.
5 There was used to / used to be a lot more wild animals in the past, but they are
becoming rare nowadays.
6 Salma has been practicing the oud really hard and she is now used to / now used
to playing it.

Answers: 1. used to, 2. didn’t use to, 3. used to, 4. are used to, 5. used to, 6. is now used to

:)‫ (تدرب‬Used to & Be Used to ‫ أسئلة وزارٌة على قاعدة‬

1- It is normal for my friend to send emails. 2016W

My friend is ………………………………………………………………………………………….
2- It is normal for American people to eat steak for lunch and dinner every day. 2017W
American people ………………………………………………………………………………………….
3- It is not normal for my grandfather to have nothing to do all day. 2017S
My grandfather ………………………………………………………………………………………….
4- It is normal for my younger brother to use his electronic dictionary. 2018W
My younger brother ………………………………………………………………………………………….
5- When I was young, I ……………………… on foot to my school. 2018S
(are used to going , used to go , use to go , am used to going)
6- It is normal for my children now to eat fresh vegetables. 2019W
My children ………………………………………………………………………………………….
7- Rashed …………………….. swimming every morning, but now he doesn’t. 2019W
(are used to going , used to go , use to go , am used to going)

8- Where did they ……………….. to school? 2019S
(are used to go , used to go , is used to go , use to go)

9- It is normal for me now to work from home. 2020

The sentence which has a similar meaning to the sentence above is:
a. I used to working from home now.
b. I used to work from home.
c. I am used to working from home now.
d. I am not used to working from home now.

10- I am used to teaching my students through social media. 2020

The sentence which has a similar meaning to the sentence above is:
a. It had been normal for me to teach my students through social media.
b. It was normal for me to teaching my students through social media.
c. It is normal for me to teach my students through social media.
d. It is not normal for me to teach my students through social media.

11- I had difficulty in driving cars in the past, but now I can drive well. 2021W
The sentence above means that:
a. I am used to driving cars well now.
b. I used to drive cars well in the past.
c. I am used to drive cars well now.
d. I used to driving cars well in the past.

12- Where did Maha ……….. to school? 2021W

(used to go , use going , use to go , use to going)

13- It is normal for most of Jordanian people to cook Mansaf in the wedding party.
Most of Jordanian people ………………………………………………………………………………………….
a. Used to cooking Mansaf in the wedding party.
b. Are used to cooking Mansaf in the wedding party.
c. Are used to cook Mansaf in the wedding party.
d. Are use to cook Mansaf in the wedding party.

Answers: 1- used to sending emails 2- are used to eating steak for lunch and dinner every day 3- is
not used to having nothing to do all day 4- is used to using his electronic dictionary. 5- Used to go 6-
Are used to eating fresh vegetables. 7- Used to go 8- Use to go 9- C 10- C 11- A 12- Use to go 13- B

 Exercise:- The underlined words in the following sentences are not used correctly.
Replace these words with the correct ones.

1- Most Jordanians used to the hot weather which we have in summer. 2016W
2- Zaid’s friends are used to go fishing once a month, but they stopped doing that
when they moved to the city of Irbid. 2016S

Answers: 1. are used to 2. used to

Health in Jordan: A Report
‫تقرٌر عن الصحة فً األردن‬
Word Meaning (English) ‫المعنى‬
Commitment A promise to do something or to behave in a particular way ‫التزام‬
Decline To decrease in quantity or importance ‫تناقص‬
Healthcare The prevention or treatment of illness by doctors ‫الرعاٌة الصحٌة‬
‫متوسط العمر‬
Life expectancy The length of time that a person or animal is expected to live
Infant ‫معدل وفٌات‬
Death amongst babies
Mortality ‫األطفال‬
The common opinion that people have about someone or
Reputation ‫سمعة‬
Dental Relating to teeth ‫مرتبط باألسنان‬
Sanitation The systems which supply water and deal with human waste ً‫الصرؾ الصح‬
Workforce The people who are able to work ‫القوى العاملة‬

Introduction - ‫مقدمة‬
Health conditions in Jordan are among the best in the Middle East. This is largely due
to the country’s commitment to making healthcare for all a top priority. Advances in
education, economic conditions, sanitation, clean water, diet and housing have made
our community healthier.

‫ ٌرجع هذا إلى حد كبٌر إلى التزام الدولة بجعل الرعاٌة‬.‫تعتبر الظروؾ الصحٌة فً األردن من بٌن األفضل فً الشرق األوسط‬
‫ جعلت التطورات فً التعلٌم واالقتصاد والصرف الصحً والمٌاه النظٌفة والنظام الؽذابً واإلسكان‬.‫الصحٌة للجمٌع أولوٌة قصوى‬
.‫مجتمعنا أكثر صحة‬

1- Quote the sentence which indicates that Jordan has good health conditions.
2- Why are health conditions in Jordan among the best in the Middle East?
3- Apart from sanitation, mention three things that made our country healthier?

4- What does the underlined word mean? ……………………………………………………………

Answers: 1. Health conditions in Jordan are among the best in the Middle East 2. This is largely due
to the country’s commitment to making healthcare for all a top priority 3. clean water, diet and
housing 4. The systems which supply water and deal with human waste

Healthcare Centres – ‫مراكز الرعاٌة الصحٌة‬

As a result of careful planning, the number of healthcare services has been increasing
rapidly over the past years. More than 800 different kinds of healthcare centres have
been built, as well as 188 dental clinics. In 2012 CE, 98 percent of Jordanian children
were fully immunised, thanks to immunisation teams that had been working
towards this goal for several years. Although there were remote areas of the country
where people had been without consistent access to electricity and safe water,
almost 99 percent of the country’s population now has access.

‫ نوع مختلؾ من‬822 ‫ تم بناء أكثر من‬.‫ تزاٌد عدد خدمات الرعاٌة الصحٌة بسرعة خالل السنوات الماضٌة‬،‫نتٌجة للتخطٌط الدقٌق‬
،‫ بالمابة من األطفال األردنٌٌن بشكل كامل‬98 ‫ تم تطعٌم‬،2212 ‫ فً عام‬.‫ عٌادة أسنان‬188 ‫ باإلضافة إلى‬،‫مراكز الرعاٌة الصحٌة‬
‫ على الرؼم من وجود مناطق نائٌة فً البالد كان‬.‫وذلك بفضل فرق التطعٌم التً كانت تعمل على تحقٌق هذا الهدؾ لعدة سنوات‬
‫ فً المابة من سكان البالد اآلن ٌتمتعون بهذه‬99 ‫ فإن ما ٌقرب من‬،‫الناس فٌها محرومٌن من الكهرباء والمٌاه الصالحة للشرب‬

1- Quote the sentence which indicates that careful planning is useful.

2- How many healthcare centres were built?

3- Mention the achievement that Jordan achieved in 2012.
4- What do we mean by the word “dental”? ………………………………………………………..
5- What does the underlined pronoun refer to? …………………………………………………..

Answers: 1. As a result of careful planning, the number of healthcare services has been increasing
rapidly over the past years 2. 800 3. 98 percent of Jordanian children were fully immunised 4.
Relating to teeth 5. remote areas of the country

Hospitals – ‫المستشفٌات‬
Although the country has been focusing mainly on improving its primary healthcare
facilities, it has not neglected its advanced medical facilities. The reputation of
Jordanian doctors has spread in the region, and now many more patients come to
Jordan for open heart surgery. In Jordan, the open heart surgery programme started
in 1970 CE in Amman.

‫ إال أنها لم تهمل مرافقها الطبٌة‬،‫على الرؼم من أن الدولة كانت تركز بشكل أساسً على تحسٌن مرافق الرعاٌة الصحٌة األساسٌة‬
.‫ واآلن ٌأتً المزٌد من المرضى إلى األردن إلجراء جراحة القلب المفتوح‬،‫ انتشرت سمعة األطباء األردنٌٌن فً المنطقة‬.‫المتقدمة‬
.‫ فً عمان‬1972 ‫ بدأ برنامج جراحة القلب المفتوح فً عام‬،‫فً األردن‬

1- Quote the sentence which indicates that Jordan is interested in advanced medical
2- According to the paragraph, what is the evidence that proves that Jordanian
doctors have a good reputation in their major?
3- When did the first open heart surgery take place?

Answers: 1. Although the country has been focusing mainly on improving its primary healthcare
facilities, it has not neglected its advanced medical facilities 2. many more patients come to Jordan
for open heart surgery 3. 1970

Life Expectancy – ‫متوسط العمر المتوقع‬

The life expectancy figures show that Jordan's healthcare system is successful. In
1965 CE, the average Jordanian's life expectancy was age 50. In 2012 CE, this average
life expectancy had risen to 73.5. According to UNICEF statistics, between 1981 CE
and 1991 CE, Jordan’s infant mortality rates declined more rapidly than anywhere
else in the world – from 70 deaths per 1,000 births in 1981 CE to only 32 deaths per
1,000 births in 2014 CE.

‫ كان متوسط العمر المتوقع‬،1965 ‫ فً عام‬.‫تظهر أرقام متوسط العمر المتوقع أن نظام الرعاٌة الصحٌة فً األردن ناجح‬
1991‫ و‬1981 ً‫ بٌن عام‬،‫ وف ًقا إلحصاءات الٌونٌسؾ‬.‫ عامًا‬73.5 ‫ ارتفع الرقم إلى‬،2212 ‫ وفً عام‬.‫ عامًا‬52 ‫لألردنٌٌن هو‬
ً‫ والدة ف‬1222 ‫ حالة وفاة لكل‬72 ‫انخفضت معدالت وفٌات الرضع فً األردن بسرعة أكبر من أي مكان آخر فً العالم – من‬
.2214 ‫ والدة فً عام‬1222 ‫ حالة وفاة فقط لكل‬32 ‫ إلى‬1981 ‫عام‬

Conclusion – ‫الخاتمة‬
The low infant mortality rate, as well as the excellent healthcare system, have been
contributing factors to Jordan’s healthy population growth, which will result in a
strong workforce with economic benefits for the whole country.

ً‫ من العوامل المساهمة فً النمو السكان‬،‫ باإلضافة إلى نظام الرعاٌة الصحٌة الممتاز‬،‫كان معدل وفٌات الرضع المنخفض‬
.‫ والذي سٌنتج عنه قوى عاملة قوٌة ذات فوابد اقتصادٌة للبلد بأكمله‬،‫الصحً فً األردن‬

1- How much had the average Jordanians’ life expectancy risen in 2012?
2- Quote the sentence which indicates that healthcare system in Jordan is successful.
3- Concerning infant mortality rates, what did UNICEF statistics show?
4- Mention the two factors that have been contributing to Jordan’s healthy
population growth.
5- Jordan’s healthy population growth will be economically beneficial. Explain how.

Answers: 1. this average life expectancy had risen to 73.5 2. The life expectancy figures show that
Jordan's healthcare system is successful 3. between 1981 CE and 1991 CE, Jordan’s infant mortality
rates declined more rapidly than anywhere else in the world 4. The low infant mortality rate, as
well as the excellent healthcare system 5. healthy population growth will result in a strong work
force with economic benefits for the whole country

‫ إاﺿﺎﻓﻲ‬

1) How many dental clinics were built?

2) How many Jordanian children were fully immunised in 2012?

3) People who live in remote areas had a problem in the past. What is it?
4) Why did many more patients come to Jordan for open heart surgery?
5) When did the UNICEF statistics about infant mortality take place?
6) Find a word from the text which means: “The people who are able to work.”
7) Suggest three ways in which Jordan can improve its health conditions even more
in the future.

 Present Perfect Continuous – ‫المضارع التام المستمر‬


Subject have/has + been V-ing

:‫ مع الفاعل المفرد‬has ‫ مع الفاعل الجمع و‬have ‫ نختار‬

 She has been reading a book all night.
 I have been working since the morning.

:‫ على الفعل المساعد‬not ‫ فً حالة النفً نضٌؾ‬

 It has not been snowing since the evening.
 I haven’t been studying all day.

:‫ فً حالة السؤال نضع الفعل المساعد بداٌة الجملة‬

 Have you been smoking all day?

 Has he been working as a teacher for three years?

1) To talk about an activity which continues over a length of time.

all ‫ نستخدم‬.‫للحدٌث عن نشاط بدأ فً الماضً واستمر لمدة طوٌل‬
 She has been reading a book all the night.
 I have been working all the morning.

2) To emphasize the length of time an activity has taken.

since / for ‫ نستخدم‬.‫للتركٌز على طول المدة الزمنٌة التً استؽرقها النشاط‬
 They have been reading a book since the morning.
 It has been snowing since the evening.
 Rami has been training to be a player for eight years.

‫الكلمات الدالة‬

All + time
For ‫لمدة‬ Since ‫منذ‬
‫ وقت‬+ ‫كل‬
Until now Up to now
How long?
‫حتى اآلن‬ ‫حتى اآلن‬

 Exercise:- Correct the verb between brackets.

1- People ……………………………… computer since many centuries. (be , use)

2- They ……………………………… all morning. (be, play)
3- It ……………………………… all day. (be , rain)
4- They ……………………………… there for two years. (be , work)
5- Fatima ……………………………… in London since 2000. (be, live)
6- How long have you ……………………………… for this company? (work)
7- How long have you been ……………………………… Hotel Management? (learn)
8- How long have you ……………………………… for this company?
(working , been working , work)

Answers: 1. have been using, 2. have been playing, 3. has been raining, 4. have been working , 5.
has been living, 6. Been working, 7. Learning, 8. Been working

 Past Perfect Continuous – ‫الماضً التام المستمر‬


Subject had + been V-ing

:ً‫ دابما‬had ‫ نختار‬

 We had been talking for an hour before my father arrived.
 Rami was very tired because he had been working for 3 hours.

:‫ على الفعل المساعد‬not ‫ فً حالة النفً نضٌؾ‬

 We had not been talking for an hour before my father arrived.

:‫ فً حالة السؤال نضع الفعل المساعد بداٌة الجملة‬
 Had you been smoking all day before I visited you?


1) It shows that an action that started in the past continued up until another time
in the past.
.ً‫نستخدم الماضً التام المستمر للتأكٌد على أن الفعل كان مستمرً ا لفترة فً الماضً قبل حدث آخر فً الماض‬
 The police had been looking for the killer for two years before they caught him.
 Ahmed wanted to sleep because he had been working all the day.

‫الكلمات الدالة‬
All + time
Before ‫قبل‬ After ‫بعد‬
‫ وقت‬+ ‫كل‬
Because ‫بسبب‬ For ‫لمدة‬

 Exercise:- Correct the verb between brackets.

1- Sami had failed the course because ……………………… football all the time. (be, play)
2- The teacher was tired. He ………………………..…… for 3 hours. (be , teach)
3- They …………………………. for two hours before my mother arrived. (be , study)
4- We ……………………………… for an hour before Eman arrived. (be , talk)
5- By the time we arrived home, they ……………………………. for an hour. (be , talk)
6- Nada was ill because she ……………………….. the house since 12:22 a.m. (clean)

Answers: 1. had been playing, 2. had been teaching, 3. had been studying, 4. had been talking. 5.
Had been talking, 5. Had been cleaning

 Present Perfect Continuous VS Past Perfect Continuous

Subject have/has + been V-ing

Subject had + been V-ing

‫ فً الجملة نختار زمن المضارع التام المستمر إال إذا‬That’s why ‫ أو‬Because ‫ أو‬All ‫ عندما ترد كلمة‬
.‫جاء فً الجملة أي شًء ٌدل على الزمن الماضً حٌنها نختار الماضً التام المستمر‬

 She has been reading a book all night.

 They have been watching matches all the morning.
 My clothes are dirty. I have been working all the morning.
 My mother was tired. She had been cooking all day. ً‫ماض‬
 My friends were here yesterday. They had been looking for me all day. ً‫ماض‬

 Why are you tired? Because I have been working since morning.
 I have been cleaning the house that’s why my clothes are dirty.
 Sami had failed the course because he had been playing football all year. ً‫ماض‬

‫ فً الجملة ٌفترض أن تستخدم المضارع التام كما درسنا ساب ًقا ولكن إذا جاء‬for ‫ أو‬since ‫ عندما ترد كلمة‬
‫ أو أي شًء‬before ‫ أو‬after ‫ بٌن قوسٌن نختار زمن المضارع التام المستمر وإذا جاء فً الجملة‬be
.‫ٌدل على الزمن الماضً حٌنها نختار زمن الماضً التام المستمر‬

 I have worked here for two years. (work) ‫مضارع تام‬

 I have been working here for two years. (be , work) ‫مضارع تام مستمر‬
 I had been working here for two years before I got sick. (be , work) ‫ماضً تام مستمر‬

:)‫ أسئلة وزارٌة على زمنً المضارع التام المستمر والماضً التام المستمر (تدرب‬

1- Nuha has ……………………… in England since 1999. (be , study) (2002)

2- I have ……………….…… (be) reading an interesting book for three hours. (2002)
3- Nour.........………..…….. an essay all morning. (be , write) (2011)
4- Hatem looks tired. He ..................... his science project all night. (be , do) (2011)
5- The detectives ..............……….. people all week. (be , interview) (2012)
6- The child has ......................……….. all night. (be , sleep) (2012)
7- Fadia has ……………….....….. to be a nurse since 2010. (be , train) (2013)
8- Hassan looks very pale. He has .....……… very well recently. (not , be , sleep) (2014)

9- My brother ........................ at the university for three years. (be , study) (2016)
10- The government has ............................. hardly to raise the citizen's awareness of
human rights. (be , work)
11- My parents have ………………………..…….. the living room all day. (be , decorate)
12- By the time we arrived, they ……………………..……. For an hour. (be , talk) (2016)
(had talked , had been talked , had been talking)
13- Ali had ………………………... About his friend when he received an email from him.
(be, think) (2018)
(been thinking , been thought , been think)
14- Fatima …………..………… here work for two hours before she left the house. (2019)
(am doing , is doing , have been doing , had been doing)
15- The children …………………………… in the yard for two hours.
(have been playing , is playing , had been playing)
16- I ……………….……. The house. That’s why I have some paint on my clothes. (2020)
(have been painting , has been painting , have been painted , has painted)
17- I …………..………….. my car. That’s why my hands are dirty. (2020)
(have been cleaned , have been cleaning , am cleaned , had been cleaned)
18- My mother was very tired; she ………………………… all afternoon for a special family
dinner. (2020)
(is cooking , has been cooking , had been coking)
19- My sister was very busy yesterday as she ………………… for a special occasion. (2021)
(had been preparing , prepares , has been prepared , is preparing)

Answers: 1 has been studying, 2 been reading, 3 has been writing, 4 has been doing, 5 have been
interviewing, 6 been sleeping, 7 has been training, 8 not been sleeping, 9 has been studying, 10 has
been working, 11 have been decorating, 12 had been talking, 13 been thinking, 14 had been doing,
15 have been playing, 16 have been painting, 17 have been cleaning, 18 had been cooking, 19 had
been preparing

 Exercise:- Complete the sentences by choosing the correct verb forms. (book)

1- Hind (1) has / had been working very hard for several weeks before she did her
final exams.
2- When the results were published, she was delighted to learn that she (2) has / had
3- She (3) has / had done extremely well. She (4) phoned / had phoned her parents
from the college.
4- They (5) were / had been waiting for her call all morning. When she arrived home
an hour later, there was a surprise for her.
5- For several weeks, her parents (6) planned / had been planning a special weekend
away to the Jerash Festival.

6- They (7) have / had managed to make it a surprise for Hind, even though they (8)
were / had been using the family computer to make all the arrangements!
7- Hind was delighted. She (9) has / had been talking about the Jerash Festival for
months; and now the whole family was going! It was a wonderful graduation present.

Answers: 1. had, 2. had, 3. had, 4. phoned, 5. had been, 6. had been planning, 7. had, 8. had been,
9. had been.

Get Moving! – !‫تحرك‬
Word Meaning (English) ‫المعنى‬
Cope with To deal successfully with, or handle, a situation ‫ٌتعامل مع مشكلة بنجاح‬
Obese Extremely fat, in a way that is dangerous to your health ‫سمٌن‬
Strenuous Using or needing a lot of effort ‫مجهد أو شاق‬

A- A growing problem – ‫مشكلة متفاقمة‬

In many countries, an increasing number of young people and adults are overweight
or even obese. One reason for this is the growing popularity of fast food, which
didn’t use to be as common as it is now. Another big factor is lack of exercise. People
would often walk to school or work, but these days many more of us drive. Modern
technology has also played its part; we spend more and more time focusing on
computer screens. Before the Internet was invented, nobody had dreamt of online
shopping, but now we can buy almost anything without leaving the sofa.

‫ أحد أسباب ذلك هو الشعبٌة‬.‫ هناك عدد متزاٌد من الشباب والبالؽٌن ٌعانون من زٌادة الوزن أو حتى السمنة‬،‫فً العدٌد من البلدان‬
‫ كان الناس ؼالبًا‬.‫ هنالك سبب آخر وهو عدم ممارسة الرٌاضة‬.‫ والتً لم تكن شائعة كما هً اآلن‬،‫المتزاٌدة للوجبات السرٌعة‬
‫ لعبت التكنولوجٌا الحدٌثة دورً ا هامًا أٌضًا؛‬.‫ ولكن فً هذه األٌام الكثٌر منا ٌقود‬،‫ٌمشون سٌرً ا على األقدام إلى المدرسة أو العمل‬
‫ لم ٌكن أحد ٌحلم بالتسوق عبر‬،‫ قبل اختراع اإلنترنت‬.‫أصبحنا نقضً الكثٌر من الوقت فً التركٌز على شاشات الحاسوب‬
.‫ ولكن اآلن ٌمكننا شراء أي شًء تقرٌ ًبا دون مؽادرة األرٌكة‬،‫اإلنترنت‬

1- According to the article, what are the main reasons for higher rates of obesity?
2- Quote the sentence which indicates that technology can cause obesity.
3- Find a word from the text which means “Extremely fat”. …………………………………
4- What does the underlined pronoun refer to? …………………………………………………..

Answers: 1. Fast food, lack of exercise, modern technology, and the internet 2. Modern technology
has also played its part; we spend more and more time focusing on computer screens 3. Obese 4.
Modern technology

B- Time to listen – ‫وقت االستماع‬
Health experts have been warning about this trend for years, and their advice is
clear. Adults should aim to exercise for at least two and a half hours every week; for
children and teenagers the target should be at least an hour a day. This might not
sound very much. However, recent research shows that less than 50% of the British
population manages this. School children are less physically active than they used to
be. Girls in particular often dislike PE. This can lead to serious health problems.

‫ ٌجب أن ٌهدؾ البالؽون إلى ممارسة الرٌاضة لمدة ساعتٌن‬.‫ ونصابحهم واضحة‬،‫ٌحذر خبراء الصحة من هذا االتجاه منذ سنوات‬
.‫ قد ال ٌبدو هذا كثٌرً ا‬.‫ ٌجب أن ٌكون الهدؾ ساعة على األقل فً الٌوم‬،‫ونصؾ على األقل كل أسبوع؛ بالنسبة لألطفال والمراهقٌن‬
‫نشاطا بدن ًٌا مما‬ ‫ أصبح أطفال المدارس أقل‬.‫ من السكان البرٌطانٌٌن ٌفعلون ذلك‬٪52 ‫ تظهر األبحاث الحدٌثة أن أقل من‬،‫ومع ذلك‬
.‫ هذا ٌمكن أن ٌؤدي إلى مشاكل صحٌة خطٌرة‬.‫ الفتٌات على وجه الخصوص ؼالبا ما ٌكرهون حصة الرٌاضة‬.‫كانوا علٌه من قبل‬

1- What is the minimum amount of exercise recommended for someone in your age
2- Do most British people get enough exercise? Which sentence in the article tells
you this?
3- Quote the sentence that indicates that children are not as active as before.
4- What does the abbreviation (PE) stand for? ……………………………………………………..

Answers: 1. at least an hour a day 2. recent research shows that less than 50% of the British
population manages this 3. School children are less physically active than they used to be 4.
Physical Education

C- It is good for you – ‫إنه جٌد لك‬

Experts recommend a mixture of activities. These should include moderate exercise,
such as fast walking, and more strenuous exercise, like running. They also advise
exercise that strengthens the muscles, for example sit-ups. The more muscle we
build, the more calories we burn, and the fitter we become. In addition, exercise is a

great way to cope with stress. In a recent study, patients who had been suffering
from depression reported a great improvement after increased physical activity.

‫ ٌجب أن تشمل هذه األنشطة التمارٌن المعتدلة مثل المشً السرٌع والتمارٌن الشاقة مثل‬.‫ٌوصً الخبراء بمزٌج من األنشطة‬
،‫ كلما بنٌنا المزٌد من العضالت‬.‫ على سبٌل المثال تمرٌنات المعدة‬،‫ كما ٌنصحون بالتمارٌن الرٌاضٌة التً تقوي العضالت‬.‫الجري‬
‫ تعتبر التمارٌن الرٌاضٌة طرٌقة رابعة للتعامل‬،‫ باإلضافة إلى ذلك‬.‫ وأصبحنا أكثر لٌاقة‬،‫كلما حرقنا المزٌد من السعرات الحرارٌة‬
.ً‫ أظهر المرضى الذٌن كانوا ٌعانون من االكتئاب تحسن كبٌر بعد زٌادة النشاط البدن‬،‫ فً دراسة حدٌثة‬.‫مع التوتر‬

1- Experts recommend a mixture of activities. Mention two examples.

2- Mention two benefits of building muscles.
3- Quote the sentence which proves that physical activities can help in some
4- Find a phrasal verb from the text which means “To deal successfully with”.
5- What does the underlined pronoun refer to? ……………………………………………………

Answers: 1. moderate exercise, such as fast walking, and more strenuous exercise, like running 2.
The more muscle we build, the more calories we burn, and the fitter we become. 3. In a recent
study, patients who had been suffering from depression reported a great improvement after
increased physical activity 4. Cope with 5. Experts

D- Useful tips – ‫نصائح مهمة‬

Of course, this raises a question: how can I manage to fit in all this extra exercise?
The best way is to build it into our daily lives so that it becomes a routine. It doesn’t
have to take much extra time. You could get off the bus one stop earlier than usual,
or stand up when you’re on the phone! Most importantly, we should find a sport that
we enjoy doing. That way, we will all become fitter, healthier and happier.

‫ كٌؾ ٌمكننً أن أدٌر وقتً لكل هذه التمارٌن اإلضافٌة؟ أفضل طرٌقة هً دمجها فً حٌاتنا الٌومٌة بحٌث‬:‫سؤاال‬ ‫بالطبع هذا ٌثٌر‬
‫ ٌمكنك مثال النزول من الحافلة فً وقت أبكر من‬.ً‫ لٌس من الضروري أن تستؽرق الكثٌر من الوقت اإلضاف‬.‫تصبح روتٌ ًنا‬
‫ سنصبح‬،‫ بهذه الطرٌقة‬.‫ ٌجب أن نجد رٌاضة نستمتع بممارستها‬،‫ أو الوقوؾ عندما تكون على الهاتؾ ! واألهم من ذلك‬،‫المعتاد‬
.‫جمٌعًا أكثر لٌاقة وصحة وسعادة‬

1- The author suggests some ways of including exercise in our normal lives. Give
two examples from the article.
2- What are the results that we will get if we practice a sport?

Answers: 1. You could get off the bus one stop earlier than usual, or stand up when you’re on the
phone! 2. That way, we will all become fitter, healthier and happier

‫ إﺿﺎﻓﻲ‬

1) Give one example from the text that shows the negative effect of internet on
2) How much should adults exercise according to the experts’ advice?
3) Some exercises strengthen the muscles. Mention one example of such exercises.
4) According to the article, what is the difference between walking and running?
5) Read the quotation. Do you agree with it? Why/Why not?
"He who has health has hope; and he who has hope, has everything.”

Young Emirati inventor is going to
travel the world
‫مخترع إماراتً شاب سٌسافر حول العالم‬
Word Meaning (English) ‫المعنى‬
Apparatus The technical equipment needed for a particular purpose ‫معدات‬
Appendage A body part, such as an arm or a leg, connected to the body ‫طرؾ‬
Artificial Made or produced by human beings rather than occurring naturally ً‫اصطناع‬
Limb Arm or leg of a person ‫طرؾ‬
Prosthetic An artificial body part ً‫طرؾ اصطناع‬
Sponsor To financially support a person or an event ‫ٌمول‬

Ten-year-old Adeeb al-Balooshi, from Dubai, is going to travel to seven countries on a

tour which has been organised and funded by Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammad,
Crown Prince of Dubai. The boy caught Sheikh Hamdan’s attention with his invention
– a prosthetic limb for his father. The Sheikh has taken a special interest in the boy,
and hopes the tour that he is sponsoring for Adeeb will give the young inventor more
self-confidence and inspire other young Emirati inventors.

ً‫ ول‬،‫ سٌسافر إلى سبع دول فً جولة نظمها ومولها الشٌخ حمدان بن محمد‬،ً‫ من دب‬،‫ سنوات‬12 ‫أدٌب البلوشً البالػ من العمر‬
‫ وٌأمل أن‬،ً‫ لقد أولى الشٌخ اهتمامًا خاصً ا بالصب‬.‫ طرف اصطناعً لوالده‬- ‫ لفت الولد انتباه الشٌخ حمدان باختراعه‬.ً‫عهد دب‬
.‫تمنح الجولة التً ٌمولها أدٌب المخترع الشاب مزٌ ًدا من الثقة بالنفس وأن تلهم المخترعٌن اإلماراتٌٌن الشباب اآلخرٌن‬

1- Why was Sheikh Hamdan interested in helping Adeeb?

2- Why did Sheikh Hamdan offer Adeeb the gift of a world tour?
3- Who is Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammad?
4- Find a word from the text which means “An artificial body part”.
5- What does the underlined pronoun refer to? ……………………………………………………

Adeeb got the idea for a special kind of prosthetic leg while he was at the beach with
his family. His father, who wears an artificial leg, could not swim in the sea as he
could not risk getting his leg wet. This inspired Adeeb to invent a waterproof
prosthetic leg. Adeeb is going to visit the USA, France, the UK, Ireland, Belgium, Italy
and Germany, where he will be staying with relatives. However, while he is in
Germany, Adeeb will not be spending all his time sightseeing. He will be working with
a specialist doctor to build the appendage. He will also be attending a course on
prosthetics and learning about different kinds of medical apparatus.

‫ الذي ٌرتدي ساق‬،‫ والده‬.‫خطرت ألدٌب فكرة إنشاء نوع خاص من األطراؾ الصناعٌة أثناء تواجده على الشاطا مع أسرته‬
‫ وقد ألهم هذا أدٌب البتكار ساق صناعٌة‬.‫ لم ٌستطع السباحة فً البحر ألنه لم ٌكن قادراً على المخاطرة بتبلٌل ساقه‬،‫صناعٌة‬
‫ حٌث سٌقٌم مع‬،‫ سٌزور أدٌب الوالٌات المتحدة األمرٌكٌة وفرنسا والمملكة المتحدة وأٌرلندا وبلجٌكا وإٌطالٌا وألمانٌا‬.‫مقاومة للماء‬
‫ سٌعمل مع طبٌب متخصص لبناء‬.‫ لن ٌقضً أدٌب كل وقته فً مشاهدة معالم المدٌنة‬،‫ أثناء وجوده فً ألمانٌا‬،‫ ومع ذلك‬.‫أقاربه‬
.‫ كما سٌحضر دورة حول األطراؾ الصناعٌ ة وٌتعرؾ على أنواع مختلفة من األجهزة الطبٌة‬.‫الساق االصطناعٌة‬

1- How did Adeeb get his inspiration for a waterproof prosthetic leg?
2- Who will Adeeb be staying with in Germany, and what will he be doing there?
3- What does the suffix -proof mean (waterproof)? ……………………………………………..

4- How many countries will Adeeb visit?
5- Apart from Germany, mention three countries that Adeeb will visit?
6- Quote the sentence which indicates where Adeeb will stay after a tour in Europe.
7- Find a word from the text which means “A body part, such as an arm or a leg,
connected to the main trunk of the body”. ………………………………………………………….

Adeeb has invented several other devices, including a tiny cleaning robot and a heart
monitor, which is attached to a car seat belt. In the case of an emergency, rescue
services and the driver’s family will be automatically connected with the driver
through this special checking device. He has also invented a fireproof helmet. This
special equipment, which has a built-in camera system, will help rescue workers in
emergencies. It is for these reasons that Adeeb rightly deserves his reputation as one
of the youngest inventors in the world.

‫ وهو جهاز متصل بحزام أمان‬،‫ بما فً ذلك روبوت تنظٌؾ صؽٌر وجهاز مراقبة القلب‬،‫اخترع أدٌب العدٌد من األجهزة األخرى‬
‫ كما‬.‫ سٌتم ربط خدمات اإلنقاذ وعابلة السابق تلقائ ًٌا بالسابق من خالل جهاز الفحص الخاص هذا‬،‫ فً حالة الطوارئ‬.‫السٌارة‬
.‫ عمال اإلنقاذ فً حاالت الطوارئ‬،‫ التً تحتوي على نظام كامٌرا مدمج‬،‫ ستساعد هذه األداة الخاصة‬.‫اخترع خوذة مقاومة للحرٌق‬
.‫ولهذه األسباب ٌستحق أدٌب عن حق سمعته كواحد من أصؽر المخترعٌن سنا ً فً العالم‬

1- What is the purpose of the in-car heart monitor? Why do you think that it is built
into the seat belt?
2- Adeeb has invented various devices. Write down two of these devices.
3- What is the benefit of a built-in camera system?

‫ إﺿﺎﻓﻲ‬

1) How old is Adeeb Al-Balooshi?


2) Why couldn’t Adeeb’s father swim in the sea?
3) Quote the sentence which shows that Adeeb is well-known.
4) Suggest three ways in which people can support young inventors.

:synonyms ‫ هذه الكلمات تحمل نفس المعنى وتسمى مرادفات‬

Synonyms ‫المعنى‬
apparatus – equipment ‫معدات‬
appendage – limb ‫طرف‬
artificial – prosthetic ‫اصطناعي‬
sponsor – fund ‫يمول‬

 Exercise:- Make pairs of words with similar meanings and match them with the
correct definitions. (book)
Apparatus / artificial / equipment / fund / prosthetic / sponsor

1- Describes an object that is artificial manufactured by humans ………………………………

2- Tools or machines that have a particular purpose ……………………………………….
3- To pay for ……………………………………

Answers: 1. artificial, prosthetic. 2. equipment, apparatus. 3. fund, sponsor

 Exercise:- Use the words in the box to complete the sentences. (book)
helmet / inspire / monitor / reputation / risk / seat belt / self-confidence / waterproof

1- You can wear your watch when you go swimming if it’s ……..………………..
2- It’s amazing how huge trees grow from ………..………….. seeds.
3- The Olympic Games often ……………….…… young people to take up a sport.
4- Please hurry up. Let’s not …………………… missing the bus.
5- You must always wear a …………………………….. in a car, whether you’re the driver or
a passenger.

6- When my grandfather had a heart attack, the doctors attached a special
……………….…… to his chest.
7- It’s important to encourage young people and help them develop …….………………..
8- Petra has a ………………………… as a fascinating place to visit.

Answers: 1. waterproof, 2. tiny, 3. inspire, 4.risk, 5. seat belt, 6. monitor, 7. self-confidence, 8.


 Future Continuous – ‫المستقبل المستمر‬


Subject will + be V-ing

:‫ دابمًا‬will be ‫ نضع‬
 At 8 o’clock tomorrow, I will be working.
 Tomorrow morning, I will be studying for the exam.
 At this time tomorrow, I will be teaching English.

:‫ على الفعل المساعد‬not ‫ فً حالة النفً نضٌؾ‬

 I will not be doing my project tomorrow at 5:00 pm.
 At this time next week, my friends won’t be sitting without doing anything.

:‫ فً حالة السؤال نضع الفعل المساعد بداٌة الجملة‬

 Will you be cooking anything tomorrow afternoon?

1) It indicates an action that will happen in the future and continue for a certain
amount of time.
.‫للحدٌث عن فعل سٌحدث فً المستقبل وسٌستمر لفترة معٌنة‬
 I’ll be working next Tuesday.
 He will be calling me tomorrow morning.

‫الكلمات الدالة‬
Specific time
This time next …
(tomorrow at 5:00 pm)
At this time …
‫وقت محدد بالضبط‬

 Exercise:- Correct the verb between brackets.

1- At this time next week, I ……………….……….. to Egypt. (travel)
2- She ………………………. Her breakfast at 7 o’clock tomorrow. (have)
3- This time next year, I ……………..……………….. English. (study)
4- We …………………….. pizza tonight at 10:00 pm for the celebration. (order)
5- I ………………………… a movie this time tomorrow night. (not / watch)
6- ………….. he …………………… the wedding next Friday at 8:00 pm? (attend)

Answers: 1. will be travelling, 2. will be having, 3. will be studying 4. will be ordering, 5. won’t be
watching 6. Been working, 7. Will / be attending

 Exercise:- Complete the mini-dialogues using the Future Continuous. (book)

1- A: Can I call you tonight after 6 p.m., or ……………………. (you have) dinner with your
family then?
2- B: No, I ……………………….. (not have) dinner at that time. I …………………………. (watch)
the news. My mum ……………………………… (prepare) dinner, because we usually eat at
about 7 p.m.
3- A: What do you think ……………………………… (you do) in two years’ time?
………………………… (you work), or …………………………… (you do) a university degree?
4- B: I certainly ……………………………….. (not work) because I want to do a degree in
Medicine. It’s a very long course, so I ………………….… (still study) in seven years’ time!

Answers: 1. will you be having, 2. will not be having; will be watching; will be preparing, 3. you will
be doing; Will you be working; will you be doing, 4. will not/won’t be working; will still be studying.

 Exercise:- Choose the correct form of the verbs. (book)

1- If you need to contact me next week, we’ll stay / be staying at a hotel in Aqaba.
2- If you need help to find a job, I will help / be helping you.
3- I can’t call my dad now. He’ll board / be boarding the plane. It takes off in an hour.
4- We won’t be home tomorrow night. We’ll watch / be watching the football match
at the stadium.
5- Do you think you’ll miss / be missing your school friends when you go to

Answers: 1. be staying, 2. help, 3. be boarding, 4. be watching, 5. Miss

 Exercise:- There is one mistake in the verb tenses in each of the four
conversations below. Rewrite the verb in the correct tense. (book)

1- A: What do you think you will be doing in two years’ time?

B: I think I will be living in Karak, and I will study Geography.

2- A: Don’t phone me at seven. I’ll have dinner with my family.

B: OK, I’ll phone at nine.

3- A: What time will you get here tomorrow?

B: At about three, I think. I’ll be texting you the exact time later.

4- A: Please be quiet when you come home tonight. The baby will sleep.
B: Don’t worry. I won’t forget.

Answers: 1. will be studying, 2. will be having, 3. will text, 4. will be sleeping.

:)‫ أسئلة وزارٌة على زمن المستقبل المستمر (تدرب‬

1- We will not be home tomorrow night. We ……………..…….. the football match at the
stadium. 2018
(have watched , will be watching , were watching)
2- I can’t call my dad right now. He ………………… the plane. It takes off in an hour. 2020
(was boarding , would be boarded , was boarded , will be boarding)
3- This time next month, Ahmed ………..………………. His final presentation in the
university before graduation. 2021
(discuss , will be discussing , has discussed , is discussed)
4- This time tomorrow, we ………………… because we will have finished our exams. 2021
(would have celebrated , will be celebrating , will have celebrated , had been

Answers: 1. will be watching, 2. will be boarding, 3. will be discussing, 4. will be celebrating

 Future Perfect – ‫المستقبل التام‬


Subject will + have V3

:‫ دابمًا ثم التصرٌؾ الثالث من الفعل‬will have ‫ نضع‬

 By tomorrow, I will have finished the book.
 By the end of the year, I will have promoted in the company.
 By next week, Rami will have bought a house.

:‫ على الفعل المساعد‬not ‫ فً حالة النفً نضٌؾ‬

 By tomorrow, I won’t have finished the book.

:‫ فً حالة السؤال نضع الفعل المساعد بداٌة الجملة‬

 Will you have graduated by the end of the year?

1) It indicates that an action will be done before a certain time in the future.
.‫للحدٌث عن فعل سٌتم إنجازه قبل وقت معٌن فً المستقبل‬
 The storm will have raged by the time we arrive.
 Henry will have run by ten o’clock.

‫الكلمات الدالة‬
By + future time In + ….. + time
‫قبل وقت محدد فً المستقبل‬ (in two years’ time)

 Exercise:- Correct the verb between brackets.

1- By next month, the summer semester ………………………………… (finish)

2- They ………………………….. their house by next week. (paint)
3- The writer ……………………………. His now story by next year. (not / write)

4- By next two years, Rami …………………………….. from the university. (graduate)
5- In three months’ time, I ……………………………. My project. (finish)

Answers: 1. will have finished, 2. will have painted, 3. will not have written, 4. will have graduated
5. will have finished

 Exercise:- Complete the sentences with the Future Perfect form of the verbs in
brackets. (book)

1- This time tomorrow, we’ll be celebrating because we .…………….. our exams. (finish)
2- This time next month, my parents ………………………… married for twenty years. (be)
3- The books that you ordered …………………………. by the end of the week. (not arrive)
4- By next year, …………. You …….…………….. England? (visit)

Answers: 1. will have finished, 2. will have been, 3 will not have arrived, 4. will, have visited.

 Exercise:- Complete the sentences in the Future Perfect or the Future

Continuous. The first one is done for you. (book)

1- Next month, we / live / in this house for a year. Let’s celebrate!

Next month, we will have lived in this house for a year. Let’s celebrate!

2- Next Monday, I / work / in my new job.

3- you / do / all your homework by eight o’clock?
4- It’s three o’clock now, so Miriam’s flight / arrive / at Queen Alia International
5- you / meet us / at the library this afternoon?
6- You can borrow this book tomorrow. I / finish / it by then.

Answers: 2- Next Monday, I will be working in my new job. 3- Will you have done all your
homework by eight o’clock? 4- It’s three o’clock now, so Miriam’s flight will have arrived at Queen

Alia International Airport. 5- Will you be meeting us at the library this afternoon? 6- You can borrow
this book tomorrow. I’ll have finished it by then

:)‫ أسئلة وزارٌة على زمن المستقبل التام (تدرب‬

1- Will you ……………… your homework by seven o’clock? 2016

(has done , have done , had done)
2- Next month, our family ………………. in this house for a year. 2016
(will live , will be living , will have lived)
3- In thirty years’ time , scientists ……………………….. a cure for cancer. 2018
(will find , will be finding , will have found)
4- By the end of this month, we ………………………. In this house for a year. 2019
(have lived , lived , will have lived)

Answers: 1. have done, 2. will have lived, 3. will have found, 4. will have lived

In the Future – ‫فً المستقبل‬
Word Meaning (English) ‫المعنى‬
A state of unconsciousness caused by a certain injury and that lasts
Coma ‫ؼٌبوبة‬
for an extended period of time.
Dementia A mental illness the symptoms of which are problems with memory ‫خرؾ‬
Drug Medicine or a substance used for making medicines ‫دواء‬
A piece of tissue, prosthetic device, or other object implanted in the
Implant ‫زراعة أعضاء‬
Trial to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of medications ‫تجربة طبٌة‬
Pill A small round piece of medicine to be swallowed ‫حبة دواء‬
A medical instrument that uses radiography to produce images of
Scanner ً‫ماسح ضوب‬
the insides of the human body
Side effects Effects of medicine on your body in addition to curing pain or illness ‫آثار جانبٌة‬
Stroke An illness when a blood tube in your brain bursts or is blocked ‫سكتة دماؼٌة‬
Symptoms A physical problem that might indicate a disease ‫أعراض المرض‬
(Magnetic Resonance Imaging) A scan that uses strong magnetic ‫التصوٌر بالرنٌن‬
fields to take a picture of the inside of someone’s body ً‫المؽناطٌس‬

We will be able to have an operation to increase our intelligence.

Scientists have already developed brain implants that improve vision or allow
disabled people to use their thoughts in order to control prosthetic limbs like arms,
legs or hands, or operate a wheelchair. In 2012 CE, research on monkeys showed
that a brain implant improved their decision-making abilities. How will humans
benefit from this research? Scientists hope to develop a similar device to help people
who have been affected by brain damage, which could be caused by dementia, a
stroke or other brain injuries.

.‫سنكون قادرٌن على إجراء عملٌة لزٌادة ذكائنا‬

ً‫طور العلماء بالفعل غرسات دماؼٌة تعمل على تحسٌن الرؤٌة أو السماح لألشخاص المعاقٌن باستخدام أفكارهم من أجل التحكم ف‬
‫ أظهرت األبحاث التً أجرٌت‬،2212 ‫ فً عام‬.‫ أو تشؽٌل كرسً متحرك‬،‫األطراؾ الصناعٌة مثل الذراعٌن أو الساقٌن أو الٌدٌن‬
‫ كٌؾ سٌستفٌد البشر من هذا البحث؟ ٌأمل العلماء فً تطوٌر جهاز‬.‫على القرود أن ؼرسة دماؼٌة حسنت قدراتهم على اتخاذ القرار‬
‫ والذي قد ٌكون ناتجً ا عن الخرف أو السكتة الدماغٌة أو إصابات الدماغ‬،‫مشابه لمساعدة األشخاص الذٌن تأثروا بتلف الدماغ‬

1- According to the paragraph, what is the benefit of developing brain implants?
2- Developing brain implants is very useful for disabled people. Mention two
3- What did the research in 2012 show?
4- What do scientists hope to develop in the future?
5- Brain damage can be caused by different factors. Write down two of these factors.
6- Find a word in the text which means “An illness when a blood tube in your brain
bursts or is blocked”. ……………………………………………………………
7- What does the underlined pronoun refer to? ……………………………………………………

Doctors will be able to communicate with people in a coma

In 2010 CE, neuroscientists confirmed that it was possible to communicate with
some patients in a coma, by using a special brain scanner called an MRI. They
suggested that, in the future, more meaningful dialogue with patients in a coma
would be possible. Two years later, it has finally happened. The scanner, used on a
man who has been in a coma for more than twelve years, proves that he has a
conscious, thinking mind – a fact that had previously been disputed by many. Doctors
plan to use similar brain-scanning techniques in the future to find out whether
patients are in pain, or what they would like to be done in order to improve their
quality of life.

.‫سٌتمكن األطباء من التواصل مع األشخاص فً حالة غٌبوبة‬

‫ أكد علماء األعصاب أنه من الممكن التواصل مع بعض المرضى فً غٌبوبة باستخدام ماسح ضوبً خاص للدماغ‬،2212 ‫فً عام‬
.‫ واقترحوا أنه فً المستقبل سٌكون من الممكن إجراء حوار له معنى مع المرضى فً ؼٌبوبة‬.ً‫ٌسمى التصوٌر بالرنٌن المغناطٌس‬
‫ أن‬،‫ الذي تم استخدامه على رجل كان فً ؼٌبوبة ألكثر من اثنً عشر عامًا‬،ً‫ ٌُثبت الماسح الضوب‬.‫ حدث ذلك أخٌرً ا‬،‫بعد عامٌن‬
ً ‫لدٌه‬
‫ ٌخطط األطباء الستخدام تقنٌات مسح الدماغ المماثلة‬.‫ وهً حقٌقة أثارت الجدل حولها من قبل الكثٌرٌن‬- ‫عقال واع ًٌا ومفكرً ا‬
.‫ أو ما الذي ٌرؼبون فً القٌام به لتحسٌن نوعٌة حٌاتهم‬،‫فً المستقبل لمعرفة فٌ ما إذا كان المرضى ٌعانون من األلم‬

1- The year 2010 witnessed one of the most amazing improvements in medicine.
Mention it.
2- Using a scanner on a man who has been in a coma for more than twelve years has
proved an important thing. What is it?
3- Why do neuroscientists use a special brain scanner called “MRI”?
4- Why do doctors plan to use similar brain-scanning techniques in the future?
5- What does the abbreviation “MRI” stand for? ………………………………………………….

A new drug will help to treat certain types of cancer almost instantly.
A new cancer drug is being trialed in Plymouth, UK, which doctors hope will extend
the lives of cancer patients and reduce their symptoms overnight. It is taken as a
single pill every morning, and so far, patients have shown none of the usual side
effects such as the sickness and hair loss that are experienced when undergoing
other forms of cancer treatment.

.‫سٌساعد دواء جدٌد فً عالج أنواع معٌنة من السرطان على الفور تقرٌ ًبا‬
‫ وٌأمل األطباء فً إطالة عمر مرضى السرطان وتقلٌل‬،‫تجري حالًٌا تجربة عالج جدٌد للسرطان فً بلٌموث بالمملكة المتحدة‬
‫ لم ٌظهر على المرضى أي من اآلثار الجانبٌة‬،‫ وحتى اآلن‬،‫ ٌتم تناول حبة واحدة كل صباح‬.‫أعراضهم بٌن عشٌة وضحاها‬
.‫المعتادة مثل المرض وتساقط الشعر الذي ٌحدث عند الخضوع ألنواع أخرى من عالج السرطان‬

The new treatment works by blocking a protein which causes cancerous cells to
grow. It will improve patients’ life expectancy and quality of life much more quickly
than any other treatment. The patients were interviewed a year after starting the
treatment and are fit and well, saying that they are definitely going to continue the
trial. They have every reason to believe the new drug is going to work. Doctors at
Plymouth Hospital hope that it will help patients from all over the world.

‫ سوؾ ٌحسن متوسط العمر المتوقع للمرضى‬.‫ٌعمل العالج الجدٌد عن طرٌق منع البروتٌن الذي ٌتسبب فً نمو الخالٌا السرطانٌة‬
‫ وقالوا‬،‫ تمت مقابلة المرضى بعد عام من بدء العالج وهم ٌتمتعون بلٌاقة جٌدة‬.‫ونوعٌة الحٌاة بسرعة أكبر بكثٌر من أي عالج آخر‬
‫ ٌأمل األطباء فً مستشفى بلٌموث أن‬.‫ لدٌهم كل األسباب لالعتقاد بأن الدواء الجدٌد سٌكون فعال‬.‫إنهم بالتأكٌد سٌواصلون التجربة‬
.‫ٌساعد هذا الدواء المرضى من جمٌع أنحاء العالم‬

1- There are two side effects which appear when patients undergo the usual cancer
treatment. Write these two side effects down.
2- Quote the sentence which explains how the new cancer drug works.
3- Quote the sentence which indicates that patients who took the medicine are in a
good health.
4- How will patients benefit from the new drug?

‫ إﺿﺎﻓﻲ‬

1) Mention words that refer to illnesses and three words that refer to medical
2) How will humans benefit from the research that was done on monkeys in 2012?
3) In which year was the scanner used on a man to prove that he has a conscious?
4) Where is a new cancer drug being trialed?
5) Find a word from the text which means “A medical instrument that uses
radiography to produce images of the insides of the human body”.
6) In your opinion, what is the importance of medical advances?

 Exercise: Replace the words and phrases in bold with words from the box. book
a coma / dementia / medical trials / pills / symptoms

1- Doctors look at the signs of illness before they decide how to treat the patient.
2- Before doctors prescribe drugs to patients, scientists perform special tests to
make sure the drugs are safe.
3- After Ali’s accident, he lay in an unconscious state for two weeks.
4- My grandfather has to take a lot of medicine – he takes six different tablets every

Answers: 1. symptoms, 2. medical trials, 3. a coma, 4. pills

The King Hussein Cancer Center
‫مركز الملك حسٌن للسرطان‬
Word Meaning (English) ‫المعنى‬
Describing the area of medicine that deals with children and their ‫متعلق بطب‬
illnesses ‫األطفال‬
The use of controlled amounts of radiation (a form of energy) to
Radiotherapy ‫العالج باألشعة‬
treat disease
Someone who goes to a hospital for treatment but does not stay
Outpatient ً‫مرٌض خارج‬
for the night
A room in a hospital, especially for patients needing similar kinds of
Ward ‫جناح‬
Expansion The act of making something bigger ‫توسع‬
The common opinion that people have about someone or
Reputation ‫سمعة‬

The King Hussein Cancer Center (KHCC) is Jordan’s only comprehensive cancer
treatment centre. It treats both adult and paediatric patients. As the population of
the country increases, more and more families will rely on the hospital for cancer
treatment. Patients come not only from Jordan but also from other countries in the
region, as they are attracted by its excellent reputation, lower costs, and cultural and
language similarities.

‫ مع زٌادة‬.‫ ٌعالج كالً من المرضى البالغٌن واألطفال‬.‫مركز الحسٌن للسرطان هو مركز عالج السرطان الشامل الوحٌد فً األردن‬
‫ ٌأتً المرضى لٌس فقط من األردن ولكن‬.‫ ستعتمد المزٌد والمزٌد من العابالت على المستشفى لعالج السرطان‬،‫عدد سكان البالد‬
.‫ حٌث ٌنجذبون إلى السمعة الممتازة والتكالٌؾ المنخفضة والتشابه الثقافً واللؽوي‬،‫أٌضًا من دول أخرى فً المنطقة‬

1- What are the groups that The King Hussein Cancer Center treats?
2- Why will people in Jordan rely more on KHCC?
3- Give three reasons why patients from other countries visit the centre.

4- Find a word in the text that means “Describing the area of medicine that deals
with children and their illnesses” …………………………………………………………
5- What does the underlined pronoun refer to? ……………………………………………………

In order to cope with the increase in demand for treatment, the KHCC has begun an
expansion programme. Building started in 2011 CE. The hospital will have more than
doubled its capacity by 2016 CE, increasing space for new cancer cases from 3,500
per year to 9,000. By then, they will have added 182 extra beds, along with bigger
units for different departments, including radiotherapy. New adult and paediatric
wards will have opened. Additionally, they will have built a special ten-floor
outpatients’ building, with an education centre which will include teaching rooms
and a library.

‫ ستزٌد سعة‬.2211 ‫ بدأ البناء فً عام‬.‫ بدأ مركز الحسٌن للسرطان برنامجً ا للتوسع‬،‫لمواكبة الزٌادة فً الطلب على العالج‬
‫ سنوًٌا إلى‬3522 ‫ مما سٌزٌد قدرة استٌعاب حاالت السرطان الجدٌدة من‬،2216 ‫المستشفى إلى أكثر من الضعؾ بحلول عام‬
‫ إلى جانب وحدات أكبر ألقسام مختلفة بما فً ذلك قسم‬،‫ سرٌرً ا إضافًٌا‬182 ‫ سٌكونون قد أضافوا‬،‫ بحلول ذلك الوقت‬.9222
‫ سٌقومون ببناء مبنى خاص للمرضى الخارجٌٌن‬،‫ باإلضافة إلى ذلك‬.‫ سٌتم افتتاح أجنحة جدٌدة للبالؽٌن واألطفال‬.ً‫العالج اإلشعاع‬
.‫ مع مركز تعلٌمً سٌشمل ؼرؾ صفٌة ومكتبة‬،‫مكون من عشرة طوابق‬

1- Quote the sentence which indicates that the center needs to expand.
2- Why does the hospital need to expand?
3- Find a word in the text which means “The act of making something bigger”.
4- Mention the expected achievements in the KHCC that will have done by 2016.
5- The educational center will include two things. Mention them.

Many cancer patients live far away from Amman, where the KHCC is located, and the
journey to and from the hospital is often difficult. For this reason, there are plans to
extend cancer care facilities to other parts of Jordan. In the near future, King

Abdullah University Hospital in Irbid hopes to set up radiotherapy machines, so that
cancer patients from northern Jordan will not have to go to Amman for radiotherapy

‫ وؼالبًا ما تكون الرحلة من وإلى المستشفى‬،‫ٌعٌش العدٌد من مرضى السرطان بعٌ ًدا عن عمان حٌث ٌقع مركز الحسٌن للسرطان‬
‫ ٌأمل مستشفى الملك عبد هللا‬.‫ هناك خطط لتوسٌع مرافق رعاٌة مرضى السرطان إلى أجزاء أخرى من األردن‬،‫ لهذا السبب‬.‫صعبة‬
‫الجامعً فً إربد فً المستقبل القرٌب إنشاء أجهزة عالج إشعاعً حتى ال ٌضطر مرضى السرطان من شمال األردن إلى الذهاب‬
.ً‫إلى عمان للعالج اإلشعاع‬

1- What is one of the disadvantages of the KHCC for patients who live far from
2- What plans are there for increasing cancer care facilities in other parts of Jordan?
3- What is the purpose of setting up a radiotherapy machines in King Abdullah
University Hospital in Irbid?

‫ إﺿﺎﻓﻲ‬

1) What does KHCC stand for?

2) How many years will the expansion programme take to finish?
3) How many cancer cases will the hospital be able to have per year in 2016?
4) Quote the sentence which shows that new rooms will have opened in the
5) Find a word from the text which means “The common opinion that people have
about someone or something”. ……………………………………………………………
6) The writer states that Jordan has a great reputation in the area of medicine.
Explain this statement, mentioning three reasons why health conditions in Jordan
are advanced.

Accident victim tests first artificial limb
ً‫ضحٌة حادث ٌختبر أول طرف اصطناع‬

Scientists have successfully invented a prosthetic hand with a sense of touch. It is an

exciting new invention, which they plan to develop. It is possible that, in the not-too-
distant future, similar artificial arms and legs will have taken the place of today’s
prosthetic limbs.

‫ من الممكن فً المستقبل ؼٌر‬.‫ إنه اختراع جدٌد وٌخططون لتطوٌره‬.‫نجح العلماء فً اختراع ٌد اصطناعٌة تحمل حاسة اللمس‬
.‫البعٌد أن تحل أذرع وأرجل صناعٌة مماثلة محل األطراف االصطناعٌة المنتشرة الٌوم‬

1- Who invented the new prosthetic hand?

2- What is special about the new prosthetic hand?
3- Find a word that is the opposite of ‘natural’ in the text. …………………………………..
4- What does the underlined pronoun refer to? …………………………………………………..

Dennis Sorensen, a 39-year-old from Denmark, was the first person to try out the
new invention. After losing his left hand in an accident, he had been using a standard
prosthetic hand for nine years. The new hand, which was developed by Swiss and
Italian scientists, was a huge improvement. With it, Sorensen could not only pick up
and manipulate objects, but he could also feel them. “When I held an object, I could
feel if it was soft or hard, round or square”, he explained. He said that the sensations
were almost the same as the ones he felt with his other hand.

،‫ بعد أن فقد ٌده الٌسرى فً حادث‬.‫ عامًا من الدنمارك أول شخص جرب االختراع الجدٌد‬39 ‫كان دٌنٌس سورنسن البالػ من العمر‬
‫ بمثابة‬،‫ والتً طورها علماء سوٌسرٌون وإٌطالٌون‬،‫ كانت الٌد الجدٌدة‬.‫كان ٌستخدم ٌده االصطناعٌة التقلٌدٌة لمدة تسع سنوات‬
.‫ بل أمكنه أٌضًا الشعور بها‬،‫ لم ٌتمكن سورنسن من التقاط األشٌاء والتعامل معها فحسب‬،‫ باستخدام هذه الٌد‬.‫تحسن كبٌر له‬
‫ قال إن األحاسٌس كانت‬."‫ مستدٌر أو مربع‬،‫ كنت أستطٌع الشعور فٌما إذا كان ناعم أو صلب‬،‫ "عندما أحمل شٌ ًبا ما‬:‫وأوضح‬
.‫تقرٌبًا مماثلة لتلك التً شعر بها بٌده األخرى‬

1- Who was the first person to try out the new invention?
2- Why does Dennis Sorensen need a prosthetic hand?
3- Quote the sentence which indicates that the new hand was a great achievement.
4- Quote the sentence which indicates that the new hand is not so different from the
natural hand.
5- What does the underlined pronoun refer to? ……………………………………………………

Unfortunately, Sorensen was only taking part in trials, and the equipment is not
ready for general use yet. He was only allowed to wear it for a month, for safety
reasons. So now he has his old artificial hand back. However, he hopes that soon he
will be wearing the new type of hand again. He is looking forward to the time when
similar artificial limbs are available for the thousands of people who need them. He
‫ واﻟﻣﻌدات‬،‫ ﻛﺎن ﺳورﻧﺳن ﯾﺷﺎرك ﻓﻘط ﻓﻲ اﻟﺗﺟﺎرب‬،‫ ﻟﺳوء اﻟﺣظ‬.will have helped to transform their lives
‫ أﻣﺎ اﻵن ﻋﺎد ﻻﺳﺗﺧدام ﯾده‬.‫ ﻟم ﯾُﺳﻣﺢ ﻟﮫ ﺑﺎرﺗداء اﻟﯾد إﻻ ﻟﻣدة ﺷﮭر ﻷﺳﺑﺎب ﺗﺗﻌﻠق ﺑﺎﻟﺳﻼﻣﺔ‬.‫ﻟﯾﺳت ﺟﺎھزة ﻟﻼﺳﺗﺧدام اﻟﻌﺎم ﺑﻌد‬
‫ إﻧﮫ ﯾﺗطﻠﻊ إﻟﻰ اﻟوﻗت اﻟذي ﺗﺗوﻓر ﻓﯾﮫ أطراف‬.‫ ﻓﮭو ﯾﺄﻣل أن ﯾرﺗدي اﻟﯾد اﻟﺟدﯾد ﻣرة أﺧرى ﻗرﯾﺑًﺎ‬،‫ وﻣﻊ ذﻟك‬.‫اﻻﺻطﻧﺎﻋﯾﺔ اﻟﻘدﯾﻣﺔ‬
‫ ﺳﯾﻛون ﻗد ﺳﺎﻋد ﻓﻲ‬.‫ﺻﻧﺎﻋﯾﺔ ﻣﻣﺎﺛﻠﺔ ﻵﻻف اﻷﺷﺧﺎص اﻟذﯾن ﯾﺣﺗﺎﺟون إﻟﯾﮭﺎ‬
.‫ﺗﻐﯾﯾر ﺣﯾﺎﺗﮭم‬

?Which hand is Sorensen wearing now? Why -1

2- According to the text, how long was Dennis allowed to wear the new hand?

‫ إﺿﺎﻓﻲ‬

1) How old is Dennis Sorensen and where does he come from?

2) What are the nationalities of the scientists who developed the new hand?

3) Dennis Sorensen could do three things using the new hand. What are they?
4) Quote the sentence which shows that Dennis Sorensen was able to know some
physical features of the objects he held.
5) In your point of view, in what ways would a prosthetic hand or leg improve
someone's life?

The Importance of Islamic
Achievements in History
‫أهمٌة اإلنجازات اإلسالمٌة فً التارٌخ‬
Word Meaning (English) ‫المعنى‬
Arithmetic The branch of mathematics concerned with numerical calculations ‫علم الحساب‬
The branch of mathematics concerned with the properties,
Geometry ‫الهندسة‬
relationships and measurement
Mathematician A person who studies Mathematics to a very complex level
Philosopher Someone who studies and writes philosophy ‫فٌلسوؾ‬
Someone qualified to practice medicine, especially one who
Physician ‫طبٌب‬
specializes in diagnosis and treatment
Someone who has a lot of knowledge about many different
Polymath ‫مثقؾ‬
To completely change the way people do something or think about
Revolutionise ‫ٌحدث ثورة‬
Composition A piece of music that someone has written
Inheritance Money or things that you get from someone after they die ‫مٌراث‬
New, innovative ‫مستحدث‬

Jabir ibn Hayyan (born 722 CE, died 815 CE)

The Arab world has many famous chemists in its history, but the person who is
known as the founder of chemistry is probably Jabir ibn Hayyan. He is most well-

known for the beginning of the production of sulphuric acid. He also built a set of
scales which changed the way in which chemists weighed items in a laboratory: his
scales could weigh items over 6,000 times smaller than a kilogram.

‫ لكن الشخص المعروؾ باسم مؤسس الكٌمٌاء هو على‬،‫ٌوجد فً العالم العربً العدٌد من الكٌمٌائٌٌن المشهورٌن فً تارٌخه‬
‫ قام أٌضًا ببناء مجموعة من المقاٌٌس التً ؼٌرت الطرٌقة التً ٌزن‬.‫ اشتهر ببداٌة إنتاج حامض الكبرٌتٌك‬.‫األرجح جابر بن حٌان‬
.‫ مرة‬6222 ‫ ٌمكن لمقاٌٌسه أن تزن أشٌاء أصؽر من الكٌلوؼرام بأكثر من‬:‫بها الكٌمٌابٌون العناصر فً المختبر‬

1- Quote the sentence which indicates that the Arab world has people who are
famous in a branch of science.
2- Who is the founder of chemistry?
3- What was Jabir ibn Hayyan well-known for?
4- Write down the achievements of Jabir ibn Hayyan.
5- What does the underlined pronoun refer to? …………………………………………………..

Ali ibn Nafi ’ (Ziryab) (born 189 CE, died 851 CE)
Ali ibn Nafi ’ is also known as ‘Ziryab’ (or ‘Blackbird’, because of his beautiful voice).
He was a gifted pupil of a famous musician from Baghdad, and it was his talent for
music that led him to Cordoba in the ninth century CE. He was the guest of the
Umayyad ruler there. He is the person who established the first music school in the
world in Cordoba, Al-Andalus, teaching musical harmony and composition. He
revolutionised musical theory, and is also the person who introduced the oud to

‫ كان تلمٌ ًذا موهو ًبا لموسٌقً شهٌر من‬.)‫ٌُعرؾ علً بن نافع أٌضً ا باسم "زرٌاب" (أو "الطابر األسود" بسبب صوته الجمٌل‬
‫ هو‬.‫ كان ضٌ ًفا على األمٌر األموي هناك‬.‫ وكانت موهبته الموسٌقٌة هً التً قادته إلى قرطبة فً القرن التاسع المٌالدي‬،‫بؽداد‬
‫ لقد‬.‫ والتً تقوم بتدرٌس التناغم والتلحٌن الموسٌقٌٌن‬،‫ األندلس‬،‫الشخص الذي أسس أول مدرسة للموسٌقى فً العالم فً قرطبة‬
.‫ وهو أٌضًا الشخص الذي جاء بالعود إلى أوروبا‬،‫أحدث علً بن نافع ثورة فً النظرٌة الموسٌقٌة‬

1- Why is Ali ibn Nafi called “blackbird”?


2- What was Ziriab talented for?
3- Mention Zeriab’s achievements in the field of music.
4- Who is the person who introduced the Oud to Europe?
5- Find a word in the text which means “A piece of music that someone has written”

Fatima al-Fihri (born early 9th century, died 880 CE)

Fatima al-Fihri was the daughter of a wealthy businessman. She used her father’s
inheritance to build a learning centre in Fez, Morocco. This learning centre became
Morocco’s top university, and it is where many students from all over the world
come to study. Moreover, it was Fatima’s sister, Mariam, who supervised the
building of the Andalus Mosque, which was not far from the learning centre.

‫ أصبح هذا المركز‬.‫ استخدمت مٌراث والدها لبناء مركز تعلٌمً فً فاس بالمؽرب‬.‫فاطمة الفهري كانت ابنة رجل أعمال ثري‬
،‫ عالوة على ذلك‬.‫ وهو المكان الذي ٌأتً إلٌه العدٌد من الطالب من جمٌع أنحاء العالم للدراسة‬، ‫التعلٌمً أفضل جامعة فً المؽرب‬
.ً‫كانت مرٌم أخت فاطمة هً التً أشرفت على بناء مسجد األندلس الذي ال ٌبعد عن المركز التعلٌم‬

1- Quote the sentence which indicates that fatima’s father is rich.

2- Mention the achievement of Fatima al-Fihri.
3- Who is Mariam al fahri? What is her achievement?
4- Quote the sentence which indicates that the learning centre is well-known.
5- What do we mean by “inheritance”?

Al-Kindi (born around 801 CE, died 873 CE)

Al-Kindi was a physician, philosopher, mathematician, chemist, musician and
astronomer – a true polymath. He made ground-breaking discoveries in many of

these fields, but it is probably his work in arithmetic and geometry that has made
him most famous.

‫ لقد حقق‬.‫ كان متعدد المواهب ح ًقا‬- ‫كان الكندي طبٌ ًبا وفٌلسو ًفا وعالم رٌاضٌات وكٌمٌائ ًٌا وموسٌق ًٌا وعال ًما فً علم الفلك‬
.‫ ولكن ربما ٌكون عمله فً الحساب والهندسة هو ما جعله أكثر شهرة‬، ‫اكتشافات رائدة فً العدٌد من هذه المجاالت‬

1- Apart from astronomy, mention two fields Al-Kindi was famous for?
2- Quote the sentence which indicates that Al-Kindi made new discoveries in many
3- Find a word in the text which means “new” .……………………………………………………
4- What does the underlined pronoun refer to? …………………………………………………..


1) How old was Jabir ibn Hayyan when he died?

2) Jabir ibn Hayyan built a set of scales. What is their benefit?
3) What helped Ali ibn Nafi to go to Cordoba, Andalus?
4) Ali ibn Nafi established the first music school in the world in Cordoba. What did it
5) Where did Fatima al-Fihri build a learning center?
6) What is it that made Al-Kindi most famous?
7) What does the underlined pronoun “which” in the third paragraph refer to?
8) Find a word from the text which means “Someone who has a lot of knowledge
about many different subjects”. ……………………………………………………………
9) Do you think that it was easier or more difficult in those days to reach such high
levels of achievement in comparison with the present day? Give a reason for your


 Exercise: Complete the sentences with the words in the box. book
philosopher / arithmetic / polymath / geometry / mathematician / physician

1- My father teaches math. He is a …………………………

2- You must not take in medicine without consulting a …………………………
3- We learn about shapes, lines and angles when we study …………………………
4- Mr. Shahin is a true …….…………, working in all kinds of creative and scientific fields.
5- Ramzi is good with numbers and calculations. He always scores high in …………………
6- A ……………………. is someone who thinks and writes about the meaning of life.

Answers: 1. mathematician, 2. physician, 3. geometry, 4. polymath, 5. arithmetic, 6.philosopher

Relative Clauses – ‫جمل الوصل‬
who, whom, which, when, where, whose ‫ الجملة الوصلٌة هً جملة تبدأ بضمٌر وصل مثل‬
‫وظٌفته الربط بٌن جملتٌن أو تقدٌم معلوات إضافٌة عن شخص ما أو مكان ما أو شًء ما‬

 My brother, who works as a doctor, is leaving tomorrow.

‫ما قبله‬ ‫ما بعده‬ ‫مثال‬
‫اسم عاقل‬ ‫فعل‬  People who eat organic food live longer.
‫اسم عاقل‬ ‫اسم‬  I have a friend whose cat is annoying.
Which  This is the book which Ahmad bought
‫اسم ؼٌر عاقل‬ ‫فعل‬
‫أي‬ yesterday.
‫اسم مكان‬ ‫ فعل‬+ ‫فاعل‬  I know the place where the plane crashed
When  Grandma remembers a time when radio
‫اسم زمان‬ ‫ فعل‬+ ‫فاعل‬
‫متى‬ shows were popular

ً ‫ ٌمكن استخدامه‬that ‫ ضمٌر الوصل‬:‫مالحظة‬

‫ فً حالة عدم وجودهما فً الخٌارات‬which ‫ و‬who ‫بدال من‬

 This is the man who/that met me yesterday.

 I love books which /that have drawings in them.

‫ إال إذا جاء بعد الفراغ فعل أو كان هنالك حرؾ‬when ‫ واسم الزمان ٌأخذ‬where ‫ اسم المكان ٌأخذ‬:‫مالحظة‬
that ‫ أو‬which ‫جر حٌنها نضع‬

 Jordan is the country which/that didn’t agree to the deal of the century.
 Jordan is the country where I live.
 1999 is the year which/that I was born in. ‫ٌوجد حرؾ جر‬
 1999 is the year when my brother got married.
 I studied in a school which/that had no labs.

 Exercise: Choose the correct answer.

1- ……………………. is the bank where I keep my money. (that , where , when)

2- This is the boy ……………………… comes from Italy. (that, who , which)
3- What did you do with the money …………………… you got? (who , which , when)
4- Mr. Hani, …………………….. is a taxi driver, lives on the corner. (who , whose , that)
5- I talked to the neighbor ……………………. car had broken down. (who, that , whose)
6- In the summer I’m going to visit Italy, ………….…….my brother lives. (whose , where)
7- Where’s the pencil ……………………… I gave you yesterday? (which , who , when)
8- I haven’t read any of the books …………………..I got from the library. (which , where)
9- This is the town ...................... I spent my childhood. (where, that, which)
10- This is the house .................... I was born in. (where, which, when)

Answers: 1. That, 2. Who, 3. Which, 4. Who, 5. Whose, 6. Where, 7. Which, 8. Where, 9. Where, 10.

 Exercise: Complete the text with the correct word from the box. Sometimes, more
than one answer is possible. (book)
that / which / where / who

1- Qasr Bashir is an extremely well-preserved Roman castle (1)……………… is situated

in the Jordanian desert, and is about eighty kilometers south of Amman.
2- The walls and huge corner towers of the castle, (2) ……………. was built at the
beginning of the fourth century CE, are still standing.
3- It is thought that Qasr Bashir was built to protect the Roman border. Apart from
the rooms in the castle, there are also about twenty-three stables (3) ……………..
horses may have been kept.
4- People (4) ………………. love exploring historical Roman ruins will certainly find a visit
to Qasr Bashir very rewarding. Once inside the building, one can imagine very vividly
what it would have been like to live there during the times of the Roman Empire.

Answers: 1. which/that, 2. which, 3. where, 4. who/that

 Exercise: Complete the text about Ibn Sina, using the relative pronouns in the box.
One pronoun is used twice. Add commas for the non-defining relative clauses.
that / which / when / who

1- Ibn Sina (1) ………………. is also known as Avicenna was a polymath. Ibn Sina was
influenced as a young man by the works of the philosopher Aristotle.
2- He wrote on early Islamic philosophy (2) ………..……. included many subjects,
especially logic and ethics.
3- He also wrote Al Qanun fi-Tibb, the book (3) ………….…. became the most famous
medical textbook ever.
4- In the last ten or twelve years of his life, Ibn Sina started studying literary matters.
His friends (4) …………..…. were worried about his health advised him to relax.
5- He refused and told them ‘I prefer a short life with width to a narrow one with
length.’ It was the month of Ramadan (5) ……………. Ibn Sina died, in June 1237 CE.

Answers: 1- , who is also known as Avicenna, 2- , which included many subjects, 3- That 4- , who
worried about his death, 5- When

:} non-defining (ND { } defining (D ( { ‫ ٌمكن أن تكون جملة الوصل محدِّ دة‬

‫ } تستخدم إلعطاء معلومات ضرورٌة إذ حذفناها تصبح‬defining (D( { ‫ جملة الوصل المحدِّ دة‬
)‫الجملة ناقصة (وال نضعها بٌن فاصلتٌن‬

 The students who failed won’t be able to register next year. ‫معلومة مهمة‬

‫ } تستخدم إلعطاء معلوات إضافٌة إذا حذفت‬non-defining (ND { ‫ جملة الوصل غٌر المحددة‬
)‫ال تتأثر الجملة (وٌجب وضعها بٌن فاصلتٌن‬

 Jordan, where I was born, is an Arab country. ‫معلومة ؼٌر مهمة‬

The Giralda – ‫الخٌرالدا‬
The Giralda tower, which is one of the most important buildings in Seville, Spain,
stands at just over 104 meters tall. The person who is believed to be responsible for
the design of the tower, which was originally a minaret, is the mathematician and
astronomer Jabir ibn Aflah.

‫ الشخص الذي ٌعتقد أنه‬.‫ أمتار‬124 ‫ ما ٌزٌد قلٌالً عن‬،‫ وهو أحد أهم المبانً فً إشبٌلٌة بإسبانٌا‬،‫ٌبلػ ارتفاع برج الخٌرالدا‬
.‫ هو عالم الرٌاضٌات والفلك جابر بن أفلح‬،‫ الذي كان فً األصل مئذنة‬،‫المسؤول عن تصمٌم البرج‬

The architect of the tower was Ahmad Ben Baso, who began work in 1184 CE. He
died before the tower was completed in 1198 CE. The design of the tower is believed
to be based on the Koutoubia Mosque, which is in Marrakesh, Morocco, and the
Hassan Tower in Rabat.

‫ ٌُعتقد أن تصمٌم البرج ٌعتمد‬.1198 ‫ توفً قبل اكتمال البرج عام‬.1184 ‫ الذي بدأ العمل فً عام‬،‫مهندس البرج هو أحمد بن باسو‬
.‫على مسجد الكتبٌة الموجود فً مراكش بالمؽرب وبرج حسن فً الرباط‬

1- Who is in charge of the design of the Giralda tower?

2- Who is the architect of the tower?
3- Quote the sentence which indicates the location of the building.
4- Identify the defining and non-defining relative clauses in the text.
• who is believed to be responsible for the design of the tower _______________
• which is one of the most important buildings in Seville, Spain _______________
• which was originally a minaret _______________
• who began work in 1184 CE _______________
• which is in Marrakesh, Morocco _______________
5- What relative pronouns do we use for these things?
people _________ / animals and things _________ / places _________

Cleft Sentences – ‫الجمل المنقسمة‬
‫ الجملة المنقسمة هً عبارة عن جملة ٌمكن تجزبتها إلى عدة جمل مختلفة حسب الجزء الذي نرٌد أن نركز‬
.‫علٌه أو نأكد علٌه أكثر‬

 Eyad bought a car yesterday.

 It was a car that Eyad bought yesterday. ‫للتركٌز على سٌارة‬

‫الطرٌقة األولى‬

 It (is/was) +(‫ )الكلمة المراد التركٌز علٌها‬+ (who/which/where/when/that) + ‫تكملة الجملة‬

 Omar wrote a story at school yesterday. ‫التركٌز على الشخص‬

 It was Omar who/that wrote a story at school yesterday.

 Omar wrote a story at school yesterday. ‫التركٌز على الشًء‬

 It was a story which/that Omar wrote at school yesterday.

 Omar wrote a story at school yesterday. ‫التركٌز على المكان‬

 It was at school where Omar wrote a story yesterday.

 Omar wrote a story at school yesterday. ‫التركٌز على الزمن‬

 It was yesterday when Omar wrote a story at school.

 Lionel Messi moved to Paris Saint Germain in 2021.

 It _________________________________________________________________

 Lionel Messi moved to Paris Saint Germain in 2021.

 It _________________________________________________________________

Answers: 1. It was Lionel Messi who/that moved to Paris Saint Germain in 2021. 2. It was in 2021
when Lionel Messi moved to Paris Saint Germain.

‫الطرٌقة الثانٌة‬

:ً‫ نبدأ بإحدى الجمل المنقسمة فً الجدول التال‬

The person (who/that) ‫فاعل عاقل‬

The person (whom/that) ‫مفعول به عاقل‬
The thing (which/that) )‫ؼٌر العاقل (جماد‬
The place (where) ‫مكان‬
The time/year/day (when) ‫زمان‬

 The person (who/whom/that) + ‫ تكملة الجملة بدون‬+ (is/was) + ‫الكلمة المراد التركٌز علٌها‬
 The thing (which/that) + ‫ تكملة الجملة بدون‬+ (is/was) + ‫الكلمة المراد التركٌز علٌها‬
 The place (where) + ‫ تكملة الجملة بدون‬+ (is/was) + ‫الكلمة المراد التركٌز علٌها‬
 The time (when) + ‫ تكملة الجملة بدون‬+ (is/was) + ‫الكلمة المراد التركٌز علٌها‬

‫ سنستخدم نفس التمارٌن السابقة ولكن هذه المرة سٌكون الحل بالطرٌقة الثانٌة‬

 Omar wrote a story at school yesterday. ‫فاعل عاقل‬

 The person who/that wrote a story at school yesterday was Omar.

 Omar wrote a story at school yesterday. ‫ؼٌر عاقل‬

 The thing which/that Omar wrote at school yesterday was a story.

 Omar wrote a story at school yesterday. ‫مكان‬

 The place where Omar wrote a story yesterday was at school.

 Omar wrote a story at school yesterday. ‫زمان‬

 The time when Omar wrote a story at school was yesterday.

 Lionel Messi moved to Paris Saint Germain in 2021.

 The player _________________________________________________________

 Lionel Messi moved to Paris Saint Germain in 2021.
 The year ___________________________________________________________

Answers: 1. The player who/that moved to Paris Saint Germain in 2021 was Lionel Messi 2. The
year when Lionel Messi moved to Paris Saint Germain was 2021.

 Exercise: Rewrite the following sentences. (book)

Huda won the prize for Art last year.

The person who ____________________________________________________
The prize that ____________________________________________________
It was ____________________________________________________

Answers: 1. won the prize for Art last year was Huda 2. Huda won last year was for Art 3. last year
that Huda won the prize for Art

The Olympic Games were held in London in 2012 CE.

It was ____________________________________________________
London was the place where _____________________________________________
The event that ____________________________________________________

Answers: 1. in 2012 CE that the Olympic Games were held in London 2. the Olympic Games were
held in 2012 CE 3. took place in London in 2012 CE was the Olympic Games

1- The Great Mosque in Cordoba was built in 784 CE by Abd al-Rahman I.

Abd al-Rahman I was the person __________________________________________

2- The Great Mosque in Cordoba was built in 784 CE by Abd al-Rahman I.

The mosque that ____________________________________________________

3- The Great Mosque in Cordoba was built in 784 CE by Abd al-Rahman I.

The year when ____________________________________________________

Answers: 1. who built the Great Mosque in Cordoba in 784 CE 2. was built by Abd alRahman I in 784
CE was the Great Mosque in Cordoba 3. the Great Mosque in Cordoba was built was 784 CE

1- Al-Jazari invented the mechanical clock in the twelfth century.
The person who ________________________________________________
It was ________________________________________________

2- Al-Jazari invented the mechanical clock in the twelfth century.

The thing that ________________________________________________
It was ________________________________________________

3- Al-Jazari invented the mechanical clock in the twelfth century.

The period/time when ________________________________________________
It was ________________________________________________

Answers: 1. invented the mechanical clock in the twelfth century was Al-Jazari / Al-Jazari who/that
invented the mechanical clock in the twelfth century 2. Al-Jazari invented in the twelfth century
was the mechanical clock / the mechanical clock that Al-Jazari invented in the twelfth century 3. Al-
Jazari invented the mechanical clock was the twelfth century / in the twelfth century that Al-Jazari
invented the mechanical clock

1- Al-Kindi contributed to the invention of the oud.

The person who ________________________________________________
2- Jabir ibn Hayyan did his research in a laboratory in Iraq.
The country where ________________________________________________
3- Ali ibn Nafi ’ established the first music school in the world.
It was ________________________________________________
4- Jabir ibn Hayyan also invented ink that can be read in the dark.
It was ________________________________________________
5- Al-Kindi is especially famous for his work in geometry.
It is ________________________________________________

Answers: 1- The person who contributed to the invention of the oud was Al-Kindi. 2- The country
where Jabir ibn Hayyan did his research in a laboratory was Iraq. 3- It was Ali ibn Nafi' who
established the first music school in the world. 4- It was Jabir ibn Hayyan who/that also invented ink
that can be read in the dark. 5- It is for his work in geometry that Al-Kindi is especially famous.

1- Queen Rania opened the Children’s Museum of Jordan in 2227 CE.

It was ________________________________________________

2- Petra was made a World Heritage Site in 1985 CE.
The year ________________________________________________
3- I stopped working at 11 p.m.
It was ________________________________________________
4- My father has influenced me most.
The person ________________________________________________
5- I like Geography most of all.
The subject ________________________________________________
6- The heat made the journey unpleasant.
It was ________________________________________________

Answers: 1- It was Queen Rania who opened the Children’s Museum of Jordan in 2227 CE. 2- The
year when Petra made a World Heritage Site was 1958. 3- It was 11 p.m. when I stopped working.
4- The person who has influenced me the most was my father. 5- The subject which I like most of all
is Geography. 6- It was the heat that made the journey unpleasant.

:ً‫ ٌكون تركٌب الجملة على الشكل اآلت‬What ‫ عندما تبدأ الجملة بكلمة‬:‫مالحظة‬
What I would like to do is ___________________

1- I would like to go to London next year.

What …………………………………………………………………………………………………
2- I would like to go shopping.
What …………………………………………………………………………………………………

Answers: 1. What I would like to do is go to London next year. 2. What I would like to do is go

:)‫ أسئلة وزارٌة على الجمل المنقسمة (تدرب‬

1- The first athletic event for disabled athletes took place in 1948 CE. 2016
The year …………………………………………………………………………………………………
2- Most Jordanians are used to the hot weather …………….. we have in summer. 2016
(when, where, which, who)
3- Taha Hussein is especially known for his work in literature. 2016
It is …………………………………………………………………………………………………
4- My neighbors’ generosity impresses me more than anything else. 2017
The thing that …………………………………………………………………………………………………

5- Petra was made a World Heritage Site in 1985CE. 2017
The year …………………………………………………………………………………………………
6- The Second World War ended in 1945 in Europe. 2018
The year…………………………………………………………………………………………………
7- The prize ……………………. Huda won last year was for art. 2018
(when, where, which, who)
8- I would like to visit petra next month. 2018
What …………………………………………………………………………………………………
9- The students ……………………….. cleaned the street, are from our school. 2018
(which, when, who, whose)
10- The person ………………. Influenced me most is my father. 2019
(which, when, who, whose)
11- Al-Kindi contributed to the invention of the oud. 2019
The person who …………………………………………………………………………………………………
12- Thank you very much for your email ……………….. was very interesting. 2019
(which, when, who, whose)

13- The heat made the journey unpleasant. 2020

The thing …………………………………………………………………………………………………
a. Which made the journey unpleasant was the heat.
b. Who made the journey unpleasant was the heat.
c. When made the journey unpleasant was the heat.
d. Where made the journey unpleasant was the heat.

14- Ali ibn Nafi’ revolutionized the musical theory in the world. 2020
The sentence which emphasizes the underlined words is:
a. The thing that Ali ibn Nafi’ revolutionized in the world was the musical theory.
b. The person who revolutionized the musical theory in the world is Ali ibn Nafi’.
c. It was Ali ibn Nafi’ who revolutionized the musical theory in the world.
d. The thing which revolutionized Ali ibn Nafi’ was the musical theory in the world.

Answers: 1- When the first athletic event for disabled athletes took place was in 1948CE. 2- Which
3- Taha Hussein who is especially known for his work in literature. 4- Impresses me more than
anything else is my neighbours’ generosity. 5- When Petra was made a World Heritage Site was in
1985 CE. 6- When the Second World War ended was 1945. 7- Which 8- What I would like to do is to
visit Petra next month. 9- Who 10- Who 11- The person who contributed to the invention of the
oud was Al-Kindi. 12- Which 13- A 14- A

Masdar City – a positive step?
‫ خطوة إٌجابٌة؟‬-‫مدٌنة مصدر‬
Word Meaning (English) ‫المعنى‬
Megaproject A very large, expensive, ambitious business project ‫مشروع ضخم‬
Criticize To judge (something) with disapproval ‫ٌنتقد‬
Desalination The process of removing salt from sea water ‫تحلٌة مٌاه البحر‬
A system of wires through which electricity is connected to ‫شبكة توزٌع‬
different power stations ‫الكهرباء‬
Irrigate To supply land with water ‫ٌروي االرض‬
Outweigh To be more important than something else ‫أهم من‬
Pedestrian Someone who is walking, especially along a street ‫ماشٌا على قدمٌه‬
The state of being able to continue forever, or for a very long
Sustainability ‫استدامة‬
New ‫مستحدث‬
Vary To differ according to the situation ‫ٌتنوع‬
zero-waste Producing no waste, or having parts that can be reused ‫خالً من النفاٌات‬
Not affecting the total amount of carbon dioxide in Earth’s
carbon-neutral ‫خالً من الكربون‬

Megaprojects are extremely large investment projects, which are designed to

encourage economic growth and bring new benefits to cities. Although megaprojects
vary in terms of size and cost, they are all, by definition, expensive, public projects
that attract a high level of interest and media coverage. Projects range from
motorways, airports, stations, tunnels, bridges, etc. to entire city complexes.

‫ على‬.‫ وهً مصممة لتشجٌع النمو االقتصادي وتحقٌق فوابد جدٌدة للمدن‬،‫المشارٌع العمالقة هً مشارٌع استثمارٌة كبٌرة للؽاٌة‬
‫ وتجتذب‬،‫ مشارٌع عامة باهظة الثمن‬،‫ بحكم تعرٌفها‬،‫ إال أنها جمٌعًا‬،‫الرؼم من اختالف المشارٌع العمالقة من حٌث الحجم والتكلفة‬
‫ تتراوح المشارٌع من الطرق السرٌعة والمطارات والمحطات واألنفاق والجسور وما‬.‫درجة عالٌة من االهتمام والتغطٌة اإلعالمٌة‬
.‫إلى ذلك إلى مجمعات المدٌنة كاملة‬

The concept of a megaproject is always based on the benefits it brings to a

community. However, many megaprojects have been criticised because of their

negative effects on a community or the environment. This essay will look at these
issues with regard to Masdar City, a megaproject in Abu Dhabi.

‫ فقد تم انتقاد العدٌد من المشارٌع العمالقة بسبب‬،‫ ومع ذلك‬.‫ٌعتمد مفهوم المشروع العمالق دابمًا على الفوابد التً ٌجلبها للمجتمع‬
.ً‫ المشروع الضخم فً أبو ظب‬،‫ سٌنظر هذا المقال فً هذه القضاٌا فٌما ٌتعلق بمدٌنة مصدر‬.‫آثارها السلبٌة على المجتمع أو البٌئة‬

1- What are Megaprojects?

2- Megaprojects have many characteristics. Mention two of them.
3- The text provides many examples of Megaprojects. Write down two of them.
4- Quote the sentence which indicates the location of Masdar City.
5- Quote the sentence which shows why megaprojects are criticised.
6- The writer states two benefits of creating megaprojects. Write them down.
7- Find a word from the text which means “To judge (something) with disapproval”.

Masdar City, which began its development in 2226 CE, will be the world’s first
carbon-neutral, zero waste artificially-created city. Covering an area of six square
kilometres, when it is completed in 2025 CE, it is expected to house more than
40,000 residents, 50,000 commuters, and 1,500 businesses involved in mainly
environmentally-friendly products.

.‫ أول مدٌنة اصطناعٌة فً العالم خالٌة من انبعاثات الكربون والنفاٌات‬،2226 ‫ التً بدأت تطوٌرها فً عام‬،‫ستكون مدٌنة مصدر‬
‫ ساكن‬42.222 ‫ من المتوقع أن تستوعب أكثر من‬،2225 ‫ وعند اكتمالها فً عام‬،‫تؽطً المدٌنة مساحة ستة كٌلومترات مربعة‬
.ً‫ شركة تعمل فً منتجات صدٌقة للبٌئة بشكل أساس‬1522‫ مسافر و‬52222‫و‬

The city will run entirely on renewable energy sources. It is built on an advanced
energy grid which monitors exactly how much electricity is being used by every

outlet in the complex. Furthermore, in order to reduce its carbon footprint, Masdar
City will be a car-free zone, designed to be pedestrian and cycle-friendly. Electric,
driverless cars will operate as public transport vehicles, and the city will be
connected to other locations by a network of roads and railways.

‫ إنها مبنٌة على شبكة طاقة متقدمة تراقب بالضبط مقدار الكهرباء المستخدمة‬.‫ستعمل المدٌنة بالكامل على مصادر الطاقة المتجددة‬
،‫ ستكون مدٌنة مصدر منطقة خالٌة من السٌارات‬،‫ من أجل تقلٌل البصمة الكربونٌة‬،‫ عالوة على ذلك‬.‫من قبل كل منفذ فً المجمع‬
‫ وسٌتم ربط‬،‫ ستعمل السٌارات الكهربابٌة ذاتٌة القٌادة كمركبات نقل عام‬.‫مصممة لتكون مخصصة للمشاة وركوب الدراجات‬
.‫المدٌنة بمواقع أخرى عن طرٌق شبكة من الطرق والسكك الحدٌدٌة‬

1- When did Masdar City begin its development?

2- When will Masdar City be completed?
3- There are many procedures that will be implemented to reduce carbon footprint in
Masdar City. Write down two of these procedures.
4- Find a word in the text which means “Producing no waste”.
5- What is the role of the energy grid?
7- How will Masdar City be connected to other locations?
8- What does the underlined pronoun refer to? …………………………………………………..

Energy will be provided by solar power and wind farms, and there are also plans to
build the world’s largest hydrogen plant. A desalination plant will be used to provide
the city’s water, with 80% of water used being recycled. Biological waste will be used
as an energy source too, and industrial waste will be recycled.

‫ سٌتم‬.‫ وهناك أٌضً ا خطط لبناء أكبر محطة هٌدروجٌن فً العالم‬،‫سٌتم توفٌر الطاقة من خالل الطاقة الشمسٌة ومزارع الرٌاح‬
‫ سٌتم استخدام النفاٌات البٌولوجٌة كمصدر‬.‫ من المٌاه المستخدمة‬٪82 ‫ مع إعادة تدوٌر‬،‫استخدام محطة تحلٌة لتوفٌر مٌاه المدٌنة‬
.‫ وسٌتم إعادة تدوٌر النفاٌات الصناعٌة‬،‫للطاقة أٌضً ا‬

The current residents of Masdar City are all students at the Masdar Institute of
Science and Technology, a university whose students are fully committed to finding
solutions to the world’s energy problems. While the project has the support of many
global, environmental and conservation organizations, there is some criticism of it. It
is felt that, instead of building an artificial sustainable city, sustainability should be
made a priority of existing cities.

‫ وهً جامعة ٌلتزم طالبها تمامًا بإٌجاد‬،‫جمٌع المقٌمٌن الحالٌٌن فً مدٌنة مصدر هم طالب فً معهد مصدر للعلوم والتكنولوجٌا‬
‫ إال‬،‫ فً حٌن أن المشروع ٌحظى بدعم العدٌد من المنظمات العالمٌة والبٌبٌة والمحافظة على البٌبة‬.‫حلول لمشاكل الطاقة فً العالم‬
‫ ٌجب أن تكون االستدامة أولوٌة للمدن‬،‫ بدالً من بناء مدٌنة اصطناعٌة مستدامة‬،‫ من المعتقد أنه‬.‫أن هناك بعض االنتقادات له‬

1- Certain power sources will supply Masdar City with energy. Mention two of them.
2- Quote the sentence which shows who are the present inhabitants of Masdar City.
3- How will Biological waste be used?
4- Quote the sentence which indicates that some people don’t support the project.
5- What do we mean by “Desalination”?

‫ إﺿﺎﻓﻲ‬
1- What are megaprojects designed for?
2- How many residents are expected to be housed in Masdar City?
3- Explain how the city’s water will be provided.
4- Do you think that Masdar City is a beneficial project or not? Give your reason.

 Exercise: Complete the sentences with words from the box. book

Farms / footprint / free / friendly / neutral / pedestrian / power / renewable / waste

1- In hot countries, solar …………..……… is an important source of energy.

2- ‘Green’ projects are environmentally ……………………...
3- Wind ……………….. are an example of …………………….. energy.
4- If a city recycles everything and doesn’t throw anything away, it is zero- ……………….
5- We burn carbon whenever we use oil or gas. This is known as our carbon …………....
6- If we replace as much carbon as we burn, we are carbon- …………………………
7- A place where no cars are allowed is a car- …………………….…. zone, and it is
…………….………. friendly.

Answers: 1. power 2. friendly 3. farms: renewable 4. waste 5. footprint 6. neutral 7 free; pedestrian

A founding father of farming
‫األب المؤسس للفالحة‬
Word Meaning (English) ‫المعنى‬
Founder A person who start something new ‫مؤسس‬
Legacy What someone leaves to the world after their death ‫ارث‬
Fertile land Produce more than enough food ‫أرض خصبة‬
Irrigate To supply land with water so that crops and plants will grow ‫ ٌروي‬،ً‫ٌسق‬
Hands on Field working / working by hand ‫عمل مٌدانً أو ٌدوي‬

Ibn Bassal was a writer, a scientist and an engineer who lived in Al-Andalus in the
eleventh century CE. He worked in the court of Al-Ma’mun, who was the King of
Toledo. His great passions were botany, which is the study of plants, and agriculture.
Although he was a great scholar, he was also a practical man and all of his writing
came from his own ‘hands-on’ experience of working the land.

‫ كان‬.‫ عمل فً بالط المأمون ملك طلٌطلة‬.‫كان ابن بصال كاتب وعالم ومهندس عاش فً األندلس فً القرن الحادي عشر المٌالدي‬
‫رجال عمل ًٌا وكل كتاباته جاءت من‬ ‫ إال أنه كان أٌضًا‬،‫ على الرؼم من أنه كان باح ًثا عظٌمًا‬.‫شغفه العظٌم هو علم النبات والزراعة‬
.‫تجربته "العملٌة" فً العمل على األرض‬

1- Name two of Ibn Bassal’s careers.

2- According to the text, what is botany?
3- Quote the sentence which shows Ibn Bassal’s two great interests.
4- Ibn Bassal was a polymath. Write down two examples of his areas of knowledge.
5- What does the underlined pronoun refer to? …………………………………………………

One of the many things which Ibn Bassal achieved was A Book of Agriculture. The
book consisted of sixteen chapters which explain how best to grow trees, fruit and

vegetables, as well as herbs and sweet-smelling flowers; perhaps the most famous
chapter of all was the one that described how to treat different types of soil. Ibn
Bassal also worked out how to irrigate the land by finding underground water and
digging wells. He designed water pumps and irrigation systems. All of these things
were passed on through his writing.

‫ ٌتألؾ الكتاب من ستة عشر فصالً تشرح أفضل السبل لزراعة‬.‫ومن األمور العدٌدة التً حققها ابن بصال هو كتاب الزراعة‬
‫ ربما كان الفصل األكثر شهرة على اإلطالق هو‬.‫ وكذلك األعشاب والزهور ذات الرابحة الحلوة‬،‫األشجار والفواكه والخضروات‬
‫ كما عمل ابن بصال على كٌفٌة ري األرض من خالل إٌجاد المٌاه‬.‫الفصل الذي وصؾ كٌفٌة معالجة أنواع مختلفة من التربة‬
.‫ تم تمرٌر كل هذه األشٌاء لنا من خالل كتاباته‬.‫ قام بتصمٌم مضخات المٌاه وأنظمة الري‬.‫الجوفٌة وحفر اآلبار‬

1- Name two of Ibn Bassal’s achievements.

2- Ibn Bassal used many ways to irrigate the land. Write down two of them.
3- How did Ibn Bassal solve the problem of supplying land with water?
4- Mention three things that Ibn Bassal’s book explains.
5- Find a word in the text which means “to supply land with water so that crops and
plants will grow” ……………………………………………………………
6- What does the underlined pronoun refer to? …………………………………………………

The influence of Ibn Bassal’s book was enormous. As farmers down the generations
followed his instructions and advice, the land became wonderfully fertile and
produced more than enough food for the fast-growing population. The irrigation
systems that he and his followers put in place are still in evidence in Spain. Although
his name is not widely known, Ibn Bassal’s legacy to the world has been great.

‫ أصبحت األرض خصبة بشكل رابع‬،‫ عندما اتبع المزارعون عبر األجٌال تعلٌماته ونصابحه‬.‫ال‬ ً ‫كان تأثٌر كتاب ابن بصال هائ‬
‫ على الرؼم من أن‬.‫ ال تزال أنظمة الري التً وضعها هو وأتباعه قابمة فً إسبانٌا‬.‫وأنتجت ما ٌكفً من الؽذاء لسكان النمو السرٌع‬
.ً ‫ إال أن إرث ابن بصال للعالم كان عظٌما‬،‫اسمه ؼٌر معروف على نطاق واسع‬

1- There were two benefits for farmers who followed Ibn Bassal’s instructions. Write
down these two benefits.
2- What does the author suggest is Ibn Bassal’s legacy to the world?
3- Find a word in the text which means “What someone leaves to the world after
their death” ……………………………………………………………
4- Why do you think the area around Toledo had a ‘fast-growing population’?

Derivation – ‫االشتقاق‬
:‫ﻋﻧد دراﺳﺔ ﻗواﻋد اﻻﺷﺗﻘﺎق ھﻧﺎﻟك أﻣران ﯾﺟب أﺧذھم ﺑﻌﯾن اﻻﻋﺗﺑﺎر‬ 

‫ اﻟﻣواﻗﻊ اﻟﺗﻲ ﺗﺄﺗﻲ ﺑﮭﺎ ھذه اﻟﻛﻠﻣﺔ ﻓﻲ اﻟﺟﻣﻠﺔ‬.2 ‫ اﻟﻣﻘﺎطﻊ اﻟﺗﻲ ﺗﺄﺗﻲ ﻓﻲ ﻧﮭﺎﯾﺔ اﻟﻛﻠﻣﺔ لﺗﺣدﯾد ﻧوع اﻟﻛﻠﻣﺔ‬.1

 Noun – ‫مواقع االسم‬

ion / er - or - ure / ance - ence / dom / ship / hood / ment / ist / ity / ness
Noun / age / ism / ics / y
(N) invention / writer / importance / freedom / friendship / brotherhood / improvement
/ scientist / popularity / forgiveness / average / criticism / politics / geology

the / a / an ‫ بعد أدوات التنكٌر والتعرٌؾ‬

 The middle east is famous for the _____________ of olive oil.

(produce, production, productive)
 Petra has a ______________ as a fascinating place to visit.
(repute, reputation, reputational)

)‫ فً بداٌة الجملة متبوع بفعل (ٌكون االسم فاعل‬

 ______________ is better than cure. (prevent, prevention, prevented)

 _________ has serious effects on the environment. (pollute, pollution, polluted)

‫ بعد الصفة‬
 Al kindi made many important mathematical ______________
(discover, discoveries, discovered)

 Recent advances in medical _____________ have saved countless lives.

(technology, technological)

 Complementary medicine cannot be used for all medical _____________

(treat, treatment, treated)

my / his / her / your / its / their / our ‫ الملكٌة أو صفات الملكٌة‬S’ ‫ بعد‬

 Ahmad’s ____________ made him win the game. (able, ability)

 He will go to the university to continue his _____________
(educate, education, educational)

‫ بعد حروؾ الجر‬

In / on / at / with / by / without / from / to/ for / inside / outside / between / among

 Many instruments that are still used today in …….…..………. Were designed by Arab
scholars. (operate, operations, operative)
 A new example of computer is an example of ………………….
(invent, invention, invented)

‫ بعد محددات الكمٌة‬

Many / much / little / few / some / any / a lot of / enough / one / other - another / no

 I need to make a few _________________ (calculate, calculations , calculated)

 Some _______________ is available now. (inform , information, informative)

this / that / these / those ‫ بعد ضمابر اإلشارة‬

 This ________________ needs enough time. (treat, treatment, treated)

)‫ بعد الفعل (ٌكون االسم مفعول به‬

 Technology makes ……………..…….. easier.

(communicate, communication, communicative)

.‫ فً جمٌع الحاالت السابقة إذا جاء اسم بعد الفراغ نضع صفة داخل الفراغ ولٌس اسم‬:‫مالحظة‬

 Amman is a ………….…….. place. (beauty, beautiful, beatuifully)

 Experts have used new …………………. Information. (important, importance , importantly)

 Adjective – ‫مواقع الصفة‬

ed / ing / ic / ish / ive / able - ible / ar - ary / ous / al / ant - ent / ful /
Adjective less / th
(Adj) interested / boring / economic / childish / creative / enjoyable / revolutionary /
dangerous / national / important / wonderful / careless / seventh

 Acupuncture and hypnosis are types of __________ Medicine.

‫ قبل االسم‬
(complementary, complement, complementarily)
 Patients wanted to receive this kind of ___________ treatment.
(nonconventional, nonconventionally, nonconvention)

very / too / so / a bit / quite / rather ‫ بعد ظروؾ التأكٌد‬

 The new design of the mobile are very ____________ (attractively, attraction, attractive)

‫ بعد أفعال الربط‬

Is / are / am / was / were / be / seem / look / appear / get / become / taste / smell /
feel / grow / sound
 This tea tastes _______________ (delicious, deliciousness, deliciously)

 The film was _______________ (interest, interestingly, interesting)

 The life expectancy figures show that Jordan’s healthcare system is ___________

(successful, success, successfully)

‫ بعد الظرؾ‬

 Al kindi is specially _____________ for his work in geometry.

(fame, famous, famously)

as ………… as ‫ وبٌن‬more / most / less ‫ فً جمل المقارنة والتفضٌل بعد هذه الكلمات‬

 Amman is more _____________ than aqaba. (beauty, beautifully beautiful)

 The book includes subjects that are less _____________
(tradition, traditional, traditionally)

 Verb – ‫مواقع الفعل‬

ise - ize / ify / ate / en

Verb ‫وقد ٌأتً الفعل بدون أي مقاطع‬
(V) generalize / beautify / decorate / strengthen
play / eat / run … ‫أو بدون مقاطع‬

I / he / she / you / it / they / we ‫ بعد الفاعل وضمابر الفاعل‬

 I _____________ your helping. (appreciate, appreciation, appreciative)

 These videos _____________ young people to invent new things.
(inspire, inspiring, inspiration)

‫ وٌكون الفعل مجرد‬to ‫ بعد كلمة‬

 Some diseases are easier to __________ Than others. (treat, treatment)

 Mustafa’s worksheets are designed to ___________ weak students.
(develop, development, developed)

)‫ وٌكون الفعل مجرد (ولكن إذا جاء بعد الفراغ فعل نضع ظرؾ فً الفراغ‬Modals ‫بعد ال‬ 

 You should …………………. Hard. (study, studied, studying)

 Fathers must ……………….. their children. (inspire, inspiring, inspiration)
 This medicine can …………..….. threaten the safety of the patients.
(serious, seriously, seriousness)

‫ وٌكون الفعل مجرد‬Verb to Do ‫ بعد أفعال‬

 This medicine doesn’t __________ All kinds on illnesses. (treat, treatment, treated)

 Did you ___________ the cleaning robot? (invent, invention, invented)

 Adverb – ‫مواقع الظرف‬

Adverb ly
(Adv) Slowly / creatively / correctly ..

‫ إذا جاء الفراغ فً بداٌة الجملة وبعده فاصلة‬

 _____________, we lost the match. (unfortunate, unfortunately)

 ___________, she said goodbye to her family. (sad, sadly)

V3 ‫ إذا كان بعد الفراغ‬have ‫ أو أفعال‬be ‫ ٌأتً الظرؾ بعد أفعال‬

The photo was ________________ taken by Ahmed. (skillful, skillfully)

The house is _____________ destroyed. (complete, completely)

‫ قبل الصفة‬

Al kindi is ……………… famous for his work in geometry. (special, specially)

‫ بعد الفعل مباشرة وعادة ٌكون فً نهاٌة الجملة‬

 The woman walked …………………… (quick, quickly)

 Exercise:- Choose the correct option. (book)

1-The Middle East is famous for the _____________ of olive oil.
(produce / production / productive)

2-Ibn Sina wrote _______________ textbooks. (medicine / medical / medication)

3-Fatima al-Fihri was born in the ______________ century. (nine / ninth)

4-My father bought our house with an _____________ from his grandfather.
(inherit / inheritance / inherited)
5- Scholars have discovered an ___________ document from the twelfth century.
(origin / original / originate)

6- Do you think the wheel was the most important …………………………… ever?
(invent / invention / inventive)

7-Al-Kindi made many important mathematical ______________

(discover / discovered / discoveries)

8-Who was the most ________________ writer of the twentieth century?

(influence / influenced / influential)

9-Petra is an important _____________ site. (archeology / archeological)

10-Many ______________ instruments that are still used today in were designed
by Arab scholars. (operational / operate / operations)

11-When do you ____________ to receive your test results?

(expect / expectancy / expectantly)

Answers: 1. production, 2. Medical, 3. Ninth, 4. Inheritance, 5. Original, 6. Invention, 7. discoveries,

8. influential, 9. Archeological, 10. Operational, 11. Expectancy

‫ وزاري‬

1-The ___________ system must be linked with the requirements of social and
economic development for any country. (educate, education, educational)
2-Jordan has a __________ of being a friendly and welcoming country.
(repute, reputation, reputational)
3-Many candy advertisements are usually presented in an __________ manner in the
TV. (attract, attraction, attractive)
4-Markets have different types of food which are __________ prepared from animal
products. (artificial, artificially)
5-The newly constructed projects use recycled water which helps the ___________
of the environment. (sustain, sustainable, sustainability)
6-Taha Hussein is one of the most _____________ writers of the twentieth century.
(influence, influential)
7-Imagination is the source of ______________ (create, creation, creative)
8-Bank customers can _____________ their checking accounts instantly through the
electronic system. (access, accessible)

9- Another way of saying that something could be successful is to say it is ______________
(viable, viably, viability)

10-Artists usually meet to discuss ideas and __________ each other’s work.
(criticize, criticism, critic)

11-Khaled received an ___________ letter from the manager for his hard work.

(appreciation / appreciative / appreciatively)

12-Madaba has a ___________ as a fascinating place to visit.

(reputation / reputational / reputationally)

13-Manal always presents her ___________ work in literature clearly.

(create, creation, creative)

14-Bank customers can ______________ their checking accounts instantly through the
electronic system. (access, accessible, accessibly)

15-Hospitals have a ______________ to provide the best medical care.

(commitment , commit , committed , committedly)

16-______________, the process of producing rugs, bags and other beautiful items
is done by hands. (tradition, traditional, traditionally)

17-When a person has an _______________ disease. He is usually isolated.

(infection, infectious, infectiously)

18-Scientists around the world are working to ____________ A cure for cancer.
(discover, discovery, discoverable)

19-The Middle East is famous for the _________________ of olive oil.

(produced / production / productive)

20- ____________ give people the ability to resist infection temporarily and permanently.
(immunize, immunized, immunization, immune)

21-Trees absorb carbon dioxide and _________ Oxygen.
(produce, producing, production, productive)

22-Many people had to be ……………………. After being exposed to the diseases.

(immunity, immune, immunization, immunized)

23- Scientists have …………………. Invented a prosthetic hand with a sense of

tounch. (success, successful, successfully, succeed)

24- Experienced Jordanian doctors can easily …..……………. Human bodies using
ultrasound devices. (scan, scanned, scanner)

25-Which of these is an ………………….. TV or gravity?

(invention, inventively, invented, invent)

26- Eating sensibly and taking regular exercise is a fairly __________ Method of losing weight.
(reliability, reliable, reliably, reliance)

27-We should prioritize ______________ in already existing cities, rather than creating
new ones. (sustainability, sustainable, sustain, sustained)

Answers: 1. Education, 2. Reputation, 3. Attractive, 4. Artificially, 5. Sustainability, 6. influential, 7.

Creation, 8. Access, 9. Viable, 10. Criticize, 11. Appreciation, 12. Reputation 13. creative, 14. Access,
15. commitment, 16. Traditionally, 17. Infectious, 18. Discover, 19. production, 20. Production,
21. Produce, 22. Immunized, 23. Successfully, 24. Scan, 25. Invention, 26. Reliable, 27.

‫مادة الحفظ‬
:‫ المواضٌع التالٌة تحتاج إلى حفظ وهً مهمة جدً ا وترد دائ ًما بامتحانات الوزارة‬

 Collocations & Phrasal Verbs

‫ المتالزمات واألفعال المركبة هً كلمات تأتً ؼالبًا مع بعضها البعض وٌجب حفظهم‬

 Exercise:- Fill the blanks with the correct words. (book)

Phrasal Verb Meaning Phrasal Verb Meaning

Wake up ‫ٌستٌقظ‬ Know about ‫ٌعرؾ عن‬

Take place ‫ٌحدث‬ Connect with ‫ٌرتبط مع‬
Settle down ‫ٌستقر‬ Turn on ‫ٌشؽل‬
Meet up ً‫ٌلتق‬ Turn off ‫ٌطفا‬
Look around ‫ٌلقً نظرة‬ Give out ً‫ٌعط‬
Get started ‫ٌبدأ‬ Fill in ‫ٌمأل‬

1. Tell me about the novel you’re reading. Where does the story take _______?
2. I’m sorry I’m late. I didn’t wake _______ early enough.
3. When I graduate from university, I would like to buy a house and settle _______.
4. To know _______ the dangers of the Internet.
5. I’ve never visited that museum. I’d like to go in and look _______.
6. I’ve got a lot of homework, so I think I should get _______ right now!
7. You need to fill _______ the form.
8. I want to watch TV. Can you please turn it ________ ?

Answers: 1 place 2 up 3 down 4 about 5 around 6 started 7 in 8 on

 Exercise:- Choose the correct answer. (book)

Collocation Meaning

Catch attention ‫ٌلفت االنتباه‬

Get an idea ‫ٌخطر على باله فكرة‬
Take an interest ‫ٌبدي اهتمام‬
Spend time ‫ٌقضً وقت‬
Attend a course ‫ٌحضر دورة‬

1. catch / take someone’s attention

2. get / catch an idea
3. take / get an interest in something/ somebody
4. spend / do time doing something
5. make / attend a course

6. Replace the underlined misused verb in the sentence with the correct one. 2018
I like to attend time learning foreign language

Answers: 1. catch, 2. get, 3. take, 4. spend, 5. Attend 6. spend

 Exercise:- Complete the sentences with the correct collocations. (book)

Collocation Meaning

Urban planning ً‫التخطٌط العمران‬

Carbon footprint ‫بصمة الكربون‬
Public transport ‫النقل العام‬
Negative effect ً‫تأثٌر سلب‬
Biological waste ‫فضالت بٌولوجٌة‬
Economic growth ‫النمو االقتصادي‬

1- When people talk about …………………….., they can mean either an improvement in
the average standard of living, or an increase in the value of a country’s products.
2- Pollution has some serious ……………………….. on the environment, such as the death
of wildlife and plant life.
3- We can all work hard to reduce our ………………………… by living a more

environmentally friendly lifestyle.
4- If we take ………………………. more often, there will be fewer cars on the roads, which
will result in cleaner air in our cities.
5- Hospitals need to dispose of a lot of ………………………….., and it should be carefully
managed because it can be dangerous.
6- The need for more effective ……………………………. is evident when we consider
modern day problems like traffic.

Answers: 1. economic growth, 2. negative effects, 3. carbon footprint, 4 public transport, 5.

biological waste, 6. urban planning

 Exercise: - Explain the difference in meaning between the underlined phrases.

Phrase Meaning ‫المعنى‬

Share ideas To give your ideas to another person or to a group ‫تبادل أفكار‬
Where two or more people consider how their ideas are
Compare ideas ‫مقارنة أفكار‬
similar or different
Create a website To construct a website that currently does not exist ‫إنشاء موقع‬
Contribute to a ً‫المساهمة ف‬
Offer your writing and work to the website
website ‫موقع‬
Research ‫البحث عن‬
To use a variety of sources to find information
information ‫معلومات‬
Present information To give the result of your research in a presentation
Monitor what is You know what is happening and you are following the ‫مراقبة ما‬
happening developments ‫ٌحدث‬
Find out what is ‫ٌدرك ماذا‬
You don’t know what is happening and you want to discover it
happening ‫ٌحدث‬
Give a talk to You have prepared a speech and you are giving this speech to ‫إلقاء محاضرة‬
people a group of people who are expecting it ‫للناس‬
‫التحدث إلى‬
Talk to people An informal discussion
Show photos You show people photos that you have in person ‫عرض صور‬
Send photos You send photos to someone over the Internet ‫إرسال صور‬

1- Kareem shared a large number of ideas with the committee.

2- The student compared his ideas with his teacher.

Answers: 1. to give your ideas to another person, 2. two or more people consider how their ideas
are similar or different

 Exercise: - Choose the correct answer from A,B,C or D to complete each of the
following sentence. (2020)

1- Students can …………………………… to the website of their school; they can post work
and photos. (a. share b. compare c. contribute d. create)

Answers: 1. Contribute

 Functions – ‫الوظائف اللغوٌة‬

‫ بعض الكلمات والعبارات فً اللؽة اإلنجلٌزٌة لها وظائف لغوٌة محددة‬

Indicating consequence – ‫نتٌجة‬

In this way As a consequence Therefore
Indicating opposition – ‫تناقض‬
However Whereas Despite
On the other hand On the contrary Conversely
Saying what you want to write
I will discuss I will consider
Presenting argument - ‫نقاش‬
The main point Another point
Indicating opinions – ‫رأي‬
In my opinion I believe or I think In fact it is my view that
Introduction – ‫المقدمة‬
The aim of this report is This report examines
Reporting information – ‫طرح معلومات‬
Almost three-quarters of The number of *…+ has
There are more than
the population are … declined/increased since

Conclusion / recommendations – ‫خاتمة أو توصٌات‬
It appears that This results in It is recommended that
Summarizing - ‫تلخٌص‬
The author concludes
The article discusses The author states that
The author goes on to say Whatever the opinion, it
Some [people] argue that
that is clear that
Expressing addition – ‫إضافة‬
Furthermore Likewise Moreover

 Exercise: - What is the function of the underlined words in these sentences?

1- Despite the recent advances in technology, it is still unreliable and very

5- Eating well is important for a good health. Furthermore, it helps to make you
more active.

Answers: 1. Indicating opposition 2. To express addition

 Color Idioms – ‫مصطلحات األلوان‬

Color Idiom Meaning ‫المعنى بالعربٌة‬

Feel blue To feel sad ‫ٌشعر بالحزن‬
See red To get angry ‫ٌؽضب‬
White elephant A useless possession ‫شًء عدٌم الفابدة‬
Green Light To have or give permission ‫ٌسمح‬
Out of the blue Unexpectedly ‫ؼٌر متوقع‬
In act of doing something
Red-handed ‫متلبس‬

 Exercise: - What do the following color idioms in brackets mean? (book)

1- Have you heard the news? We’ve got the green light to go ahead with our project!
2- Luckily, the police arrived and the thief was caught red-handed.
3- I was shocked when I heard the news. It came completely out of the blue.
4- Nobody goes to the new private sports club. The building is a white elephant.

Answers: 1. permission 2. in the act of doing something wrong 3. unexpectedly 4. a useless


 Exercise:- What does the underlined colour idiom mean?

1- A lot of houses nearby village became white elephant as their owners left to live in
the city. 2016
2- It’s normal to feel a bit blue from time to time. However, studies show that
negative emotions can harm the body.

 Exercise:- Replace the underlined phrase with the suitable colour idiom.

1- Have you heard the good news! We have got the permission to go ahead with our
project. 2016
2- Luckily, the police arrived, and the thief was caught the green light. 2018
3- Have you heard the good news! We have got a white elephant to go ahead with
our project. 2019
4- Nobody goes to the new private sports club. The building is red handed. 2019

 Exercise:- Choose the correct option in brackets to complete the following


1- The colour idiom “have the green light” means ……………………………..

(a- Sad b- permission c- become angry d- unexpectedly)

2- I was shocked when I heard the news, it came completely out of blue. 2020
(a- Sad b- permission c- become angry d- unexpectedly)

3- The sentence in which the colour idiom is used correctly is: 2021
a. The minister gave the white elephant to catch the thief.
b. No body played in the new stadium. It sees red.
c. The firm was giving red-handed to start a new project.
d. It is normal to me to feel blue especially in Autumn.

4- My father gave us the green light to go on a camping trip.

The underlined colour idiom means ……………………………..
a. A useless possession
b. Permission
c. Unexpectedly

 Rhetorical Devices – ‫األدوات البالغٌة‬

Rhetorical Device Meaning Example

1- Some robots will look and sound very like
Simile ‫التشبٌه‬
2- Barcelona fought like lions.
3- He is as hungry as a horse.
Metaphor ‫االستعارة‬ 1- The world will be at your fingertips.
1- Everywhere we go we will hear the constant
Onomatopoeia ‫المحاكاة الصوتٌة‬
buzz and hum of technology.
1- Our computers and mobile phones will take
care of us, by telling us when to wake up, eat
Personification ‫التشخٌص‬ and sleep.
2- Busses and trams that will take us to our
destination smoothly.

 Exercise: - Study the following sentences and answer the questions that follow.

1- The world will be at your fingertips.
Identify the type of rhetorical device used in the above sentence.

2- Everywhere we go we will hear the constant buzz and hum of technology.

Identify the type of rhetorical device used in the above sentence.

Answers: 1. Metaphor 2. Onomatopoeia

Editing – ‫التحرٌر‬
‫ ٌأتً هذا السؤال فً الوزارة على شكل فقرة تحتوي أربعة أخطاء ٌجب علٌك تصحٌحها وهذه األخطاء‬
:‫تقسم إلى‬

)‫ خطأ واحد قواعدي (من القواعد التً درستها فً المنهاج‬

). / ? / ! / , ( ‫ خطأ واحد فً عالمات الترقٌم‬
)‫ خطبٌن اثنٌن فً اإلمالء (ٌكون الخطأ بكلمات القطع المهمة‬

:‫ هذه أهم استخدامات عالمات الترقٌم‬:‫مالحظة‬

‫ تستخدم النقطة فً نهاٌة الجملة الخبرٌة التامة والكلمة التً بعدها تبدأ بحرؾ كبٌر‬
I went to work today. I also visited my grandfather.

‫ تستخدم الفاصلة للربط بٌن فكرتٌن فً نفس الجملة وال ٌأتً بعدها حرؾ كبٌر‬
I went to work today, but my mother stayed at home because she was sick.

wh word ‫ تستخدم عالمة االستفهام فً نهاٌة السؤال وعادة ٌبدأ السؤال بفعل مساعد أو‬
Did you go with your friends to the park?

‫ تستخدم عالمة التعجب مع المشاعر القوٌة والعبارات القصٌرة‬

Wow! What a nice car!

:)‫ أسئلة وزارٌة على التحرٌر (تدرب‬

Q) Imagine you are an editor in the Jordan times. You are asked to edit the following
lines that have four mistakes (one grammatical mistake, one punctuation mistake
and two spelling mistakes). Find out these four mistakes and correct them.

One such model were so large that it needed a room that was 167 square meters to
acommodate it. During that decade, scientests in England developed the first
computer program. It took 25 minutes to complete one calculation! Unit 1

Answers: 1. was 2. accommodate 3. scientists 4. calculation.

In some countries, tablet computers is available for students to use in class.
Therefore, students can use the taplets to do tasks such as showing photographs,
researching information, recording intirviews and creating diagrams, Tablets are
ideal for pair and group work.
Unit 1

Answers: 1. is 2. tablets 3. interviews 4. diagrams.

Many people are excited about the 'internet of things'. For them, a driam is coming
true. They says that our lives will be easier and more comfortabl. However, others
are not so sure. They want to keep control of their own lives and their own things, Unit 1

Answers: ________________________________________________________________________

Everyone knows that the internet connect beople, but now it does more than that. It
connects objects, too. These days, computers often comunicate with each other; for
example. your TV automatically downloads your favorite TV show, or your 'sat nav'
system tells you where you are.
Unit 1

Answers: _________________________________________________________________________

Ten-year-old Adeeb al-Balooshi, from Dubai, are going to travel to seven countrys on
a toar which has been organised and funded by Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammad,
Crown Prince of Dubai!
Unit 3

Answers: _________________________________________________________________________

Scientists has successfully invented a prosthitic hand with a sense of touch. It is an

exciting new invention, which they plan to develop. It is possible that, in the not-too-
distant future, similar artificeal arms and legs will have taken the place of today’s
prosthetic limbs!
Unit 3

Answers: _________________________________________________________________________

As the population of the country increases, more and more families will relys on the
hospital for canser treatment. Patients come not only from Jordan but also from
other countries in the region, as they are attracted by its excellent rebutation, lower
costs, and cultural and language similarities!
Unit 3

Answers: _________________________________________________________________________

Al-Kindi was a physician, filosopher, mathematician, kemist. musician and

astronomer – a true polymath. He made ground-breaking discoveries in many of
these fields, but it are probably his work in arithmetic and geometry that has made
him most famous.
Unit 4

Answers: _________________________________________________________________________

Masdar City, where began its development in 2226 CE, will be the world’s first
carbon-nuetral, zero waste artificially-created city. Covering an area of six square
kilometers, when it is completed in 2025 CE, it is expected to houze more than
40,000 residents, 50,000 commuters, and 1,500 businesses involved in mainly
Unit 4
environmentally-friendly products,

Answers: _________________________________________________________________________

The Giralda tower, who is one of the most important buildings in Seville, Spain,
stands at just over 104 meters tall. The person who is believed to be resbonsible for
the design of the tower, which was originally a minaret, is the mathematician and
astronomor Jabir ibn Aflah,
Unit 4

Answers: _________________________________________________________________________

Guided Writing – ‫الكتابة الموجهة‬
.‫ ٌطلب منك فً هذا السؤال استخدام صندوق المعلومات لكتابة فقرة مع استخدام أدوات الربط المناسبة‬
:‫ هنالك طرق مختلفة لكتابة الفقرة حسب العنوان‬

Ways ‫ أو كلمة‬How ‫ إذا بدأ العنوان بكلمة‬

‫ بعد ذلك نحول‬such as ‫ ثم نكتب‬how ‫ ثم نكتب العنوان بدون‬there are many ways ‫ نكتب‬
‫ أما العبارة‬.and ‫ ونربط بٌن أول عبارتٌن باستخدام فاصلة أما العبارة الثالثة ب‬gerund ‫األفعال إلى‬
In addition, you should …………. too. ‫األخٌرة نضعها فً جملة منفصلة بكتابة‬

How to pass the exam?

Study hard
Take notes
Ask useful questions
Organize your time

There are many ways to pass the exam such as studying hard, taking notes and
asking useful questions. In addition, you should organize your time too.

How to improve your English?

Listen to English programs
Join English courses
Read English news paper


Ways to educate people by the tablet

Take shorter shower
Wash your vegetables in a pan
Turn off the water tap after washing your hands

Use a bucket of water to wash your car

There are many ways to educate people by the tablet such as listening to podcasts
and using apps on tablet to learn new language. In addition, you can use the tablet
to find information too.

Ways to reduce water usage

Take shorter shower
Wash your vegetables in a pan
Turn off the water tap after washing your hands
Use a bucket of water to wash your car


Why ‫ إذا بدأ العنوان بكلمة‬

‫ بعد‬such as ‫ ثم نكتب‬Why do ‫ ثم نكتب العنوان بدون‬there are many reasons why ‫ نكتب‬
.and ‫ ونربط بٌن أول عبارتٌن باستخدام فاصلة أما العبارة الثالثة ب‬gerund ‫ذلك نحول األفعال إلى‬
to ‫ ثم العنوان ثم‬In addition, ‫أما العبارة األخٌرة نضعها فً جملة منفصلة بكتابة‬

Why do people use the internet?

Find information
Play online games
Buy things
Book holidays

There are many reasons why people use the internet such as finding information,
playing online games and buying things. In addition, people use the internet to book

Why do people travel for medical treatment?

Get better care
Save money
Visit new things


‫ إذا بدأ العنوان بأحد الكلمات التالٌة‬

Advantages Benefits Methods Aims Qualities
Disadvantages Purposes Factors Results Characteristics

‫ بعد ذلك نحول األفعال إلى‬such as ‫ ثم العنوان كامل ثم نكتب‬of ‫ ثم نكتب‬there are many ‫ نكتب‬
‫ أما العبارة األخٌرة‬.and ‫ ونربط بٌن أول عبارتٌن باستخدام فاصلة أما العبارة الثالثة ب‬gerund
may ‫ ثم كلمة‬of ‫ ثم العنوان من بعد‬In addition, ‫نضعها فً جملة منفصلة بكتابة‬

Advantages of building dams

Save water
Generate electricity
Irrigate plants

There are many advantages of building dams such as saving water and generating
electricity. In addition, building dams may irrigate plants.

Purposes of traditional crafts

Tell us information about the past
Improve economy
Add beauty to our lives
Provide people with a living


City people
Live in flats
Buy fruits from shops
Have stressful life
Shop in big supermarkets

There are many qualities of city people such as living in flats, buying fruits from
shops and having stressful life. In addition, city people may shop in big

Successful students
Study hard
Ask questions
Take notes
Organize time


‫ فً حالة وجود اٌجابٌات وسلبٌات فً نفس الجدول‬

‫ بعد ذلك نحول األفعال إلى‬such as ‫ ثم العنوان ثم نكتب‬There are many advantages ‫ نكتب‬
On the ‫ أما السلبٌات نكتبها بنفس الطرقٌة ولكن نضٌؾ‬.and ‫ ونربط بٌن االٌجابٌات ب‬gerund
other hand,

Using the internet

Advantages Disadvantages
Save time Hurt eyes

Shop online Cause headache

There are many advantages of using the internet such as saving time and shopping
online. On the other hand, there are many disadvantages of using the internet such
as hurting eyes and causing headache.

Cutting trees
Advantages Disadvantages
Improve economy Cause air pollution
Provide more lands Increase global warming


‫ فً حالة كتابة معلومات عن حٌاة شخص ما‬

‫ ثم مهنة هذا‬and he/she was ‫ ثم التارٌخ والمكان ثم نكتب‬was born in ‫ نكتب اسم الشخصٌة ثم‬
There are many achievements of … such as … ‫ أما انجازاته نكتب جملة‬.‫الشخص‬

William Shakespeare

Name ‫االسم‬ William Shakespeare

Place and date of birth ‫المٌالد‬ 1564 in Stratford
Profession ‫المهنة‬ English poet and playwright
Achievements ‫االنجازات‬ Write 34 plays and 154 sonnets

William Shakespeare was born in 1564 in Stratford and he was an English poet and
playwright. There are many achievements of Shakespeare such as writing 34 plays
and writing 154 sonnets.

Mahmoud Darwish

Name ‫االسم‬ Mahmoud Darwish

Date of birth and death ‫المٌالد والوفاة‬ 1942 – 2008

Profession ‫المهنة‬ Poet and author
Achievements ‫االنجازات‬ Leaves of Olives and Wingless Birds


‫ فً حالة كتابة موضوع ٌتحدث عن مشروع أو بناء‬

It was ‫ ثم التارٌخ ثم‬and it was built in ‫ ثم اسم المكان ثم‬is located in ‫ نكتب اسم المشروع ثم‬
‫ ثم وصؾ المشروع‬Also, ‫ والهدؾ من بناء المشروع ثم‬built to

Qasir Bashir

Location ‫الموقع‬ Jordanian Desert

Date of construction ‫تارٌخ البناء‬ beginning of the 4th century
Purpose of the building ‫هدف البناء‬ protection of the Roman borders
Description of the building ‫وصف البناء‬ huge towers, 23 rooms

Qasir Bashir is located in the Jordanian Desert and it was built at the beginning of
the 4th century. It was built to protect the Roman borders. Also, it has huge towers
and twenty-three rooms.

Masdar City

Location ‫الموقع‬ United Arab Emirates

Date of construction ‫تارٌخ‬
Purpose of the project ‫هدف‬ Help drive the economic diversification, build on an
‫المشروع‬ advanced energy grid.
Description of the project
Huge and beautiful
‫وصف المشروع‬


‫سؤال التعبٌر – ‪Free Writing‬‬
‫‪ٌ ‬طلب منك فً هذا السؤال كتابة مقال ‪ article/essay‬أو تقرٌر ‪ report‬ال ٌتعدى صفحة واحدة عن‬
‫موضوع معٌن ٌختاره السؤال‬
‫‪ ‬هنالك بعض التعلٌمات ٌجب أن تأخذها بعٌن االعتبار عند كتابة المقال‪:‬‬

‫‪ )1‬ال تنسى كتابة العنوان (فً منتصؾ رأس الصفحة)‬

‫‪ٌ )2‬تكون المقال عاد ًة من ثالث فقرات‪:‬‬

‫‪ .a‬الفقرة األولى عبارة عن مقدمة للموضوع بشكل عام دون الدخول فً التفاصٌل‬
‫‪ .b‬الفقرة الثانٌة هً األطول وتكتب فٌها كل التفاصٌل الممكنة عن الموضوع‬
‫‪ .c‬الفقرة الثالثة عبارة عن خاتمة للموضوع حٌث تلخص كل ما كتبته وقد تضٌؾ رأٌك الخاص‬

‫‪ )3‬تبدأ كل فقرة من الفقرات الثالث بفراغ صؽٌر وأول حرؾ ٌكون ‪Capital Letter‬‬

‫‪ )4‬تنتهً كل جملة بنقطة وتبدأ الجملة التً تلٌها بحرؾ ‪Capital Letter‬‬

‫‪ )5‬عند االنتقال من فقرة إلى فقرة أو من جملة إلى جملة استخدم أدوات الربط مثل‪:‬‬
‫آداة الربط‬ ‫المعنى‬ ‫آداة الربط‬ ‫المعنى‬ ‫آداة الربط‬ ‫المعنى‬
‫‪First of all,‬‬ ‫أوالً‬ ‫‪Also,‬‬ ‫أٌضً ا‬ ‫‪However,‬‬ ‫على أي حال‬
‫‪For‬‬ ‫على سبٌل‬
‫‪Secodly,‬‬ ‫ثانًٌا‬ ‫‪In addition,‬‬ ‫باإلضافة لذالك‬
‫‪example,‬‬ ‫المثال‬
‫على الرؼم من‬
‫‪Finally,‬‬ ‫أخٌرً ا‬ ‫‪As a result,‬‬ ‫نتٌجة لذلك‬ ‫‪Despite this,‬‬

‫‪ٌ )6‬جب أن تكون األفكار جمٌعها مترابطة ببعضها البعض ومتسلسلة على سبٌل المثال إذا طلب منك أن كتب‬
‫مقال عن فوابد االنترنت ٌجب أن تذكر الفوابد فقط‪ .‬ال تكتب سلبٌات أو آثار أو نتابج أو أسباب ‪..‬إلخ‪.‬‬

‫جٌدا قبل أن تكتب كً ال تمحً أو تخربش على الصفحة فهذا قد‬ ‫‪ )7‬حاول أن تكتب بخط واضح وجمٌل وفكر ً‬
‫ٌؤثر عالمتك‪( .‬إذا بقً معك وقت كافً ٌفضل أن تكتب المقالة على ورقة المسودة ‪ Draft‬ثم تنقلها على‬
‫ورقة اإلجابة)‬

‫‪ )8‬المقالة فً الصفحة التالٌة تتحدث عن سلبٌات السوشل مٌدٌا وهً مثال على المقالة المثالٌة التً ٌجب أن‬
‫تكتب مثلها‪:‬‬

‫العنوان‬ Disadvantages of Social Media

Social media is an online service, platform or site that

focuses on building and reflecting of social networks or
‫فقرة‬ social relations among people who share interest or
‫المقدمة‬ activities. Some famous sites are Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram and YouTube. In this article, I will thoroughly
discuss the disadvantages of social media.

First of all, you can receive negative feedback. People use

social media to post content they love, but they also use it
to share experiences they didn’t love. As a result, if
someone had a poor experience with your business, it opens
a door of opportunity for them to share their poor
‫فقرة‬ experience with others. Secondly, you open up the potential
for embarrassment. If you aren’t careful about the content
you post, you can end up embarrassing your company and
getting caught in an awkward situation. Finally, you can
become addicted. The teenagers are the most affected by
the addiction of the social media. They get involved very
extensively and are eventually cut off from the society.

In conclusion, social media is dangerous for three

reasons. These reasons are bad feedback, chance of getting
embarrassed, and addiction. In my opinion, social media
‫فقرة‬ should be limited and restricted for certain purposes rather
than being available for all people to use whenever they

‫العبارات باللون األحمر هً أدوات ربط وٌمكنك استخدامها فً أي مقالة‬ 

‫العبارات التً تحتها خط هً األفكار الرئٌسٌة فً المقالة والباقً شرح لهذه األفكار‬ 
‫انتبه لعالمات الترقٌم (تم شرحها فً درس سابق) وانتبه للفراغ بداٌة كل فقرة‬ 

:)‫ جمٌع أسئلة الكتاب على موضوع التعبٌر (تدرب علٌهم‬

1) Write a three-paragraph essay of 200 words discussing the advantages and

disadvantages of using the Internet.

2) Write a report about health facilities in your area. Remember to include a title,
and supply factual information. Write about 200 words.

3) Describe Jordan in the next century. What do you think it will look like? What will
people be doing? What will life be like?

:)‫ بعض أسئلة الوزارة على موضوع التعبٌر (تدرب علٌهم‬

1) Write an essay about something that used to make you stressed and how have
you changed your habits so that it doesn’t make you stressed anymore.

2) Learning a foreign language has many advantages. Write an article discussing

these advantages.

3) Happiness is considered very important in life. Write an article defining happiness

and discussing the factors that are important in achieving it.

Irregular Verbs – ‫األفعال غٌر المنتظمة‬
‫ ﻣﮭم ﺟدًا أن ﺗﺣﻔظ ﺗﺻﺎرﯾف اﻷﻓﻌﺎل وإﻻ ﻟن ﺗﺳﺗطﯾﻊ ﺣل أي‬،‫ ﻋزﯾزي اﻟطﺎﻟب‬

Verb 1 Verb 2 Verb 3 Meaning

Cut Cut Cut ‫ٌقطع‬

Put Put Put ‫ٌضع‬

‫كلمات متشابهة‬
Read Read Read ‫ٌقرأ‬

Cost Cost Cost ‫ٌكلؾ‬

Hurt Hurt Hurt ‫ٌؤذي‬

Meet Met Met ً‫ٌلتق‬

Feed Fed Fed ‫ٌطعم‬ e ‫احذف‬

Bleed Bled Bled ‫ٌنزؾ‬

Build Built Built ً‫ٌبن‬

t ‫ إلى‬d ‫حول‬

Send Sent Sent ‫ٌرسل‬

i – a – u ‫حول‬

Sing Sang Sung ً‫ٌؽن‬

Drink Drank Drunk ‫ٌشرب‬

Swim Swam Swum ‫ٌسبح‬

Begin Began Begun ‫ٌبدأ‬

Teach Taught Taught ‫ٌعلم‬

Catch Caught Caught ‫ٌلتقط‬

Buy Bought Bought ‫ٌشتري‬

ght ‫تنتهً ب‬
Bring Brought Brought ‫ٌحضر‬

Think Thought Thought ‫ٌفكر‬/‫ٌعتقد‬

Fight Fought Fought ‫ٌقاتل‬

Sleep Slept Slept ‫ٌنام‬

t ‫ وضع‬e ‫احذف‬
Keep Kept Kept ‫ٌحتفظ ب‬

Feel Felt Felt ‫ٌشعر‬

Come Came Come ً‫ٌأت‬ ‫التصرٌف األول نفس‬

Become Became Become ‫ٌصبح‬

Run Ran Run ‫ٌدٌر‬/‫ٌجري‬

Say Said Said ‫ٌقول‬

id ‫ وضع‬y ‫احذف‬

Pay Paid Paid ‫ٌدفع‬

Lay Laid Laid ً‫ٌستلق‬

Give Gave Given ً‫ٌعط‬

Forgive Forgave Forgiven ‫ٌسامح‬

Take Took Token ‫ٌأخذ‬

Eat Ate Eaten ‫ٌأكل‬

Drive Drove Driven ‫ٌقود‬

en ‫كلمات تنتهً ب‬
Freeze Froze Frozen ‫ٌتجمد‬

Speak Spoke Spoken ‫ٌتحدث‬

Steal Stole Stolen ‫ٌسرق‬

Write Wrote Written ‫ٌكتب‬

See Saw Seen ‫ٌرى‬

Break Broke Broken ‫ٌكسر‬

Mean Meant Meant ‫ ٌقصد‬/ ً‫ٌعن‬

Dream Dreamt Dreamt ‫ٌحلم‬

t ‫ضٌف‬

Learn Learnt Learnt ‫ٌتعلم‬

Burn Burnt Burnt ‫ٌحرق‬

Grow Grew Grown ‫ٌنمو‬

wn ‫ ثم ل‬e ‫حول ل‬

Throw Threw Thrown ً‫ٌرم‬

Blow Blew Blown ‫ٌنفخ‬

Draw Drew Drown ‫ٌرسم‬

Withdraw Withdrew Withdrawn ‫ٌتعادل‬


Go Went Gone

Tell Told Told ‫ٌخبر‬

Make Made Made ‫ ٌجعل‬/ ‫ٌصنع‬

Sell Sold Sold ‫ٌبٌع‬

‫التصرٌف الثانً نفس الثالث‬

Win Won Won ‫ٌفوز‬

Hear Heard Heard ‫ٌسمع‬

Lose Lost Lost ‫ٌخسر‬

Leave Left Left ‫ٌؽادر‬

Stand Stood Stood ‫ٌقؾ‬

Understand Understood understood ‫ٌفهم‬

‫اسئلة وزارية عىل كل فقرة وقاعدة‬
‫اسئلة إضافية عىل كل فقرة وقاعدة‬

‫الدوسية تشمل شرح جميع تفاصيل المادة‬

‫الفقرات جميعها مترجمة ومشروحة‬

‫حل االسئلة يتبع جميع االسئلة والتدريبات واألسئلة‬
‫اإلضافية والوزارية‬

‫اسئلة الكتاب أيضا مشمولة بالدوسية " أدق التفاصيل "‬

‫التوجيهي بنكهة عوادية‬

‫‪k‬‬‫‪h‬‬‫‪a‬‬ ‫‪l‬‬‫‪i‬‬‫‪l‬‬
‫‪a‬‬ ‫‪w‬‬‫‪w‬‬ ‫‪a‬‬ ‫‪d‬‬
‫هذه الدوسية مشروحة كاملة‬
‫عىل منصة أدرس جو‬

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