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Quiz #1.

Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development

A.True or False
__________1. In the sensorimotor stage, the infant gains knowledge through physical experience with the
__________2. There are 5 stages in Piaget’s Theory.
__________3. As a person interacts with the environment, his intelligence develops.
__________4. Equilibration is the first stage of development.
__________5. Attention and concentration improves with age.

B-Multiple Choice
Instructions: Write the letter (uppercase) of the correct answer.
1. The process of taking in new information and adding it to what the child already knows is called _______.
a. accommodation b. assimilation c. schemata d. all of these
2. Problem solving and ____ are developed during the fourth stage, formal operational.
a. questioning b. listening c. thinking d. reasoning
3. Piaget’s theory of development focuses on predictable ___ stages.
a. consecutive b. followed c. cognitive d. none of these
4. _____ are mental representations or concepts.
a. schemas b. theory c. scenes d. adaptation
5. During the preoperational stage, children are very ______.
a. independent b. egocentric c. loud d. self-centered
6. According to Piaget, a child acts like sort of scientist
a. solitary b. onlooker c. parallel d. associative
7. Cindy understands her world primarily by grasping and sucking easily available objects. Cindy is clearly in
Piaget’s ____ stage.
a. preoperational b. sensorimotor c. concrete operational d. formal operational
8. An infant who have developed object permanence
a. Is attached to specific objects such as a blanket.
b. Knows that an object as a rattle exist even if is not in view.
c. Will see all objects ass being the same.
d. Cries when wanted object is taken away.
9. Molly overheard her dad telling her mom he got “creamed” by his friend in a tennis match. This confused
Molly, causing her to experience a conflict or ______ because she could not imagine her father turning
into a creamy liquid.
a. assimilation b. accommodation c. disorganization d. disequilibrium
10. The process of incorporating new information into existing knowledge is known as _____ whereas the
process of adjusting our schemas to fit new information and events is known as _____.
a. organization, assimilation c. schema, accommodation
b. accommodation, assimilation d. assimilation, accommodation

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