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Royal University of Phnom Penh School & Society

Institute of Foreign Languages Instructor Yi Rosa

Department of English 2018-2019
Group 4: Meng Souheng, Hem Phana, & Lay Hongly

Name:_______________ Class: ________ Score: ______/15

I. Key Term
Get the key terms in the box to fill in the blanks.

Professionalization Professionalism Credential Induction Specialization

Professional Development Professional Model Prestige Student Justice Retention


______________ a series of indicators of the traditional characteristics of a profession

______________ the continued possession, use, or control of something
______________ a restorative justice model of school discipline, the purpose of which is to
uphold the school’s Core Values by working to restore damaged relationships
between individuals and the community
______________ You obtain IT only after completion of an officially sanctioned training
program and passage of examination.
______________ refers to high status. In other word, it is respected and admired
______________ IT is designed to augment basic level of knowledge and integrate to the real
working environment.
______________ the most fundamental attributes of professions, expertise over a specific body of
knowledge and skill
______________ The degree to which occupations exhibit the structural or sociological
attributes, characteristics, and criteria identified with the professional model
______________ The attitudinal or psychological attributes of those who are considered to, or
aspire to be considered as, professionals
______________ refers to the participation in periodic conferences, publications, and
workshops to disseminate and/or acquire updated knowledge, which is
necessary for the advancement of the career.
Royal University of Phnom Penh School & Society
Institute of Foreign Languages Instructor Yi Rosa
Department of English 2018-2019

II. Gap Filling

Fill in the blanks with the words given. Write your answers in the
space provided.

diversity discipline network leadership mission

The City School (TCS) is a public charter high school serving about 400 students in San
Francisco, one of a 1__________of three schools established in 2002 with the 2_________of ‘’
transforming the lives of students, especially those who will be the first in their family to attend
college by preparing them for success in college , in careers, and in life.” City School students reflect
the 3__________ of San Francisco and come from every neighborhood in the city. There are about
20 educators teaching grades 9-12.
The Student Justice Panel is a restorative justice model of school discipline, the purpose of
which is to uphold the school’s Core Values by working to restore damaged relationships between
individuals and the community. The SJP is based on
- strongly believe in maintaining our core values of 4__________, growth, community ,
justice, and respect;
- Each individual at TCS is responsible for the community as a whole ;
- TCS functions best when students take 5____________and are given a strong voice.

Write your answers here.

1. _______________

2. _______________

3. _______________

4. _______________

5. _______________

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