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QUÝ 1/2024 (01/2024 - 4/2024)

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The bar chart shows the number of tourists visiting Country X from various parts
of the world and the table displays the income of different businesses in the nation
in 2007 and 2008.

The bar graph illustrates the volume of travelers from different world regions to Country
X between 2007 and 2008, while the table compares the yearly revenue of various
tourism-related businesses during the same period. Overall, the number of vacationers
from all given areas witnessed a downswing and this trend was mirrored all business

Regarding the bar chart, in 2007, the counts of international visitors to Country X from
China and Japan combined, and Australia started at the highest positions of nearly 3,000
people each, but then they both decreased to over 2,000 by 2008. Similarly, North
American visitors saw the most significant decline from around 2,000 to about 300,
while European ones dropped less noticeably from roughly 2,100 to approximately
1,000 throughout the period.

Concerning the table, accommodation for tourists earned the most at the start, at about
$3.5 million, followed by a sevenfold reduction in 2008. The yearly revenue of
restaurants, bar and souvenir outlets and tour guides, small-scale stores and other

unnamed services were $2.4 and $1.4 million, respectively; thereafter, they fell to a
nearly identical amount of about $1.1 million in the end. Finally, the income of
transportation and travel agencies was the lowest in 2007 before reducing by $0.9
million in the final year. (219 words)

The Table below shows the postgraduate course fees in US Dollars that
international students paid in three countries in 2007. Summarise the information
by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where

The table compares the tuition fees for overseas students, in US Dollars, of different
postgraduate degrees in three nations in 2007. Overall, tuition for most courses in
Country B were the highest, except for arts and commerce which cost the most in
Country C. Additionally, computing and science were the most expensive courses in all

Arts and meals and accommodation generally offered relatively cheaper fees in the
given countries compared to the other courses. As for arts, it cost the highest in Country
C at 19000, followed by Country B and Country A at 18000 and 8000, respectively.
Meals and accommodation in Country B was most expensive at 17000, whereas it was
the lowest in Country A at 8000 and students paid 11000 for this course in Country C.

In terms of the remaining courses, 29000 was the tuition fee for science in Country B,
which was marginally higher than that in Country C at 25000 and the lowest was
recorded in Country A at 11000. Country B also ranked first in the course fee for
computing at 27000, higher than that of Country C and Country A by 3000 and 16000,
respectively. Concerning commerce, Country B and Country C offered comparable fees
at approximately 18000, while it only cost 8000 in Country A. (211 words)

The graph below shows the number of overseas visitors to three different areas in
a European country between 1987 and 2007.

The line chart details statistics about foreign travellers to three types of tourist
destinations in an unspecified nation in Europe from 1987 to 2007. Overall, all
categories witnessed an upswing with the most significant growth being seen in the
number of tourists to the lakeside areas.

The coastal region welcomed the highest level of alien sightseers in the first year, at
40,000. Despite dipping to about 35,000 five years later, it recovered rapidly and
consistently to approximately 76,000 in the final year.

Regarding the visitors to the mountainous attractions, this figure rose moderately from
20,000 in 1987 to 30,000 in 1997. Subsequently, it documented a period of stability
until 2002, followed by a rise of nearly 7,000 by the end.

Finally, starting at the lowest result of 10,000 in the beginning, the number of
overseas tourists to the lakes surged to 40,000 by 1997. In the next five years, it
increased more sharply to a peak of just over 75,000 which surpassed the coast, before
dropping quickly back to second position with 50,000 by 2007. (185 words)

The charts below give information on the average Protein and calorie intake of
people in different parts of the world. Summarise the information by selecting and
reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The bar graphs illustrate the daily consumption, on average, of protein and calories by
residents in various regions of the world. Overall, individuals in North America
consume the highest protein and calories per day among all selected areas. Additionally,
protein from plants accounts for a larger proportion of daily diets for most regions,
except for North America.

In terms of protein consumption, Indians obtain around 55 grams of protein every day,
in which nine-tenths of those are from vegetables, whereas the respective figure for
Africa is roughly 60 grams and 75%. Latin American citizens’ diets contain about 80
grams of protein, with nearly half of those coming from animals. Finally, 70% of protein
intake from North American individuals was derived from animals, out of a total of 100
grams of protein each day.

Concerning daily caloric intake, the highest recorded consumption is 2500 calories from
North America. This was followed by Latin America at precisely 2000 calories. Indian
people receive approximately 1800 calories from their daily meals, which is marginally
higher than the figure for the Africans at slightly over 1600. (181 words)

The chart below shows waste collection by a recycling centre from 2011 to 2015

The bar graph illustrates the different sources of waste, in tons, from a recycling centre
between 2011 and 2015. Overall, all categories witnessed an upward trend over the
given period. Additionally, paper trash was the highest volume in most years, except
for 2013 when glass waste dominated.

In terms of the major waste producing materials, paper ranked first in 2011 at 57 tons
and recorded a moderate drop to 40 tons in 2013. Subsequently, it increased
considerably to 70 tons by 2015. Regarding glass waste, after a decline from 48 tons in
2011 to 41 tons in the following year, it recovered to the initial amount, before
ascending slightly to 52 tons by the end.

Turning to the remaining types of waste, trash in the form of tins started the period at
35 tons and plunged to just 27 tons in 2012. The figure then rose to 34 tons by 2013
then finished at 39 tonnes. A similar pattern was documented in the figure for garden
waste, in which 32 tons of waste were produced in 2011, which approximately halved
by 2012. In 2015, 35 tonnes of garden waste were recorded in this centre. (194 words)

The charts below show the internet use in different purposes in Australia in
2010,2011 and the percentage by users. Summarise the information by selecting
and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

The given bar graphs compare various reasons for the utilisation of the internet by
Australian residents by their age structure between 2010 and 2011. Overall, the
internet was most commonly leveraged for emailing. Moreover, surfing social media
had the highest rate of users aged from 18 to 25, while the oldest cohort aged over 65
liked to make payments online and compose and read emails.

Concerning the usership, the highest rate of Australians accessing the internet was for
sending and receiving emails, at nearly 70%. This was followed by paying utility bills
and browsing social media networks, comprising about 53% and around 50%,

Regarding the distribution of users by age, proportions of individuals making online

transactions and sending emails shared identical patterns in which the highest figure
belonged to the oldest age range, at 80%. The 40 to 60 age cohort had a relatively
comparable rate of just under 80% compared to nearly 60% of users belonging to the
categories from 18 to 40. Finally, the usage decreased with age and almost every
Australian in the youngest age bracket had a social networking account, which was
nearly four times higher than the lowest result of people aged over 65, at
approximately 25%. (196 words)

The pictures show how a new underground platform and changes were made to
the toronto go train station during and after construction

The illustrations reveal the plan of renovation for Toronto Go Train Station. Overall,
the station originally had two levels for boarding and transit, which was further
expanded to another level for commercial purposes, while the existing train track level
remained operational.

In the past, the train tracks were located above ground, below this level was an
underground level used as a path for passengers to transit. A pillar was constructed to
support from the bottom of the ground floor down to the deep underground foundation,
which was divided into two parts, the exposed part in the basement was relatively
smaller, and was increased in size in the extended underground part of the transit path.

From the redesign stage, a provisional support framework underground was erected
since the larger part of the foundational pillar was dismantled for the purpose of adding
another underground level. After renovation, the temporary framework was removed
and the supporting pillar was extended with the same perimeter. The existing transit
concourse was slightly raised, and another underground level was opened for retail
stores. (176 words)

The plans below show a student room for two people and a student room for one
person at an Australian university.

The layouts depict two types of dormitories for one and two students in an Australian
college. Overall, the room for two is larger and more expensive. Additionally, there are
also more amenities in the two-person room compared to the other.

The double is 6 meters long, 4 meters wide and costs $350 per week. The bathroom is
at the top left corner. There is a kitchen in the bottom left corner, which includes a stove,
a sink and a microwave. To its right is a table and chairs, along with a TV hung on the
bottom wall. Two cupboards are placed from the middle to the middle right of the room,
separating two individual sections on the right, each containing a bed, a study desk, a
window and a bookshelf.

The single room is the same length as the double one, but only 2.5 meters wide and
costs $200 a week. The bathroom is in a similar region. The kitchen area contains
identical amenities, but with its back against the bottom wall. To its right is the TV
which is also hung on the wall, and a cupboard. To the right of the bathroom is a
bookshelf and a study desk, while the bed is in the right upper extremity of the room
beside a window. (217 words)


Some people believe that increasing tax on various industries will reduce
pollution whereas others believe that there are better alternative ways. Discuss
both the view and give your opinion.

Opinions diverge on whether the imposition of higher taxes on numerous sectors can
effectively combat environmental degradation or alternatively, there exist more
helpful methods. I believe there are superior substitutions.

Proponents of elevated taxation on diverse economic sectors to alleviate pollution

argue its efficacy with two reasons. Chief amongst them is that this can encourage the
leverage of more sustainable technological advancements. When faced with increased
operating costs, companies are motivated to invest in cleaner technologies and
practices. For example, the implementation of a significant tax on single-use plastics
prompted manufacturers to adopt biodegradable materials for packaging. Moreover,
this reformation can contribute to the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. This is
because many carbon-intensive industries would have to evaluate their operation in
which they have to limit their production to lower their carbon footprints.

However, an alternative stance suggests that there are more viable measures. One of
which is the introduction of rigorous environmental regulations. The authorities
should heavily punish organisations that allegedly pollute the environment. To
illustrate, the business licence of a multinational was stripped and many board
members were sentenced to prison by the Vietnamese government for their illicit
waste discharge into the sewer. Furthermore, policymakers can run public awareness
campaigns to educate their citizens to make environmentally conscious choices in
their daily lives. Simple actions such as recycling, conserving electricity or water or
using mass transportation can contribute significantly toward environmental
preservation when being conducted by a large group.

In conclusion, although I admit that heightening taxes on assorted businesses can

address pollution by promoting the utilisation of cleaner production techniques and
decreasing carbon emissions, I feel that this necessitates a multifaceted approach
namely stricter environmental policies and public education concerning eco-friendly
practices. Where possible, collective strategies from many cohorts are highly
recommended to counter the complexity of this predicament. (324 words)

Ambition is a positive quality for people to have in society today. How important
is it for people who want to succeed in life? Is it a positive or negative

Aspiration serves as a cornerstone for personal progress in the modern context. Its role
in the pursuit of accomplishment cannot be overstated and the positive features of this
trait can overshadow its downsides.

Ambition is of paramount importance when people want to fulfil their objectives. The
foremost reason is that this can foster self-discovery. It acts as a driving force for
people to seek new experiences, obtain novel skills and confront their weaknesses.
Without ambition, many of the world’s achievements, ranging from scientific
breakthroughs to artwork masterpieces, would have never become a reality. Moreover,
ambition can help people to clearly envision their goals, thus, providing direction to
reach their dream step by step without being distracted by life’s twists or other
unforeseen issues in their personal or professional pathways.

Despite the fact that ambition can lead to selfishness so people sometimes ignore
ethical conduct to benefit themselves, this personal trait is still more beneficial to
personal development. A major advantage is that ambitious individuals are more
resilient to challenges. They may regard setbacks as opportunities for personal growth
and they are less likely to surrender when experiencing failure. Furthermore, pursuing
ambitious goals and witnessing progress can instil a sense of self-assurance. As
individuals achieve milestones and overcome obstacles, their confidence grows,
bolstering their belief in their abilities

In conclusion, the essence of ambition in being successful should not be undermined

as this can enrich personal growth and help individuals make a detailed plan to reach
their dream. Although this can make people somehow more selfish, this quality can
cultivate higher resilience to problems and make them more confident, rendering it a
more advantageous attribute. (274 words)

Some argue that music mainly serves as a way for individuals to reduce their
stress and anxiety. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Many people believe that the primary function of music is to help alleviate stress and
tensions. While I concede that music exerts some therapeutic power to relieve mental
and emotional strains, I somewhat disagree as there are still other equally important
features including activism for social initiatives and cultural preservation that should
not be underestimated.

One valid reason for why I support the importance of other roles of music is its ability
to propagate about social issues.Through their songs, musicians can voice their
personal comments on social injustices, or challenge the wrongdoing of politicians,
inspiring the masses to conduct constructive protests for positive changes. For
instance, during the Vietnam war, Bon Jovi composed many works to call for counter-
reactionary actions from American citizens.

To add further credence for my belief is that music holds immense cultural value. By
employing its catchy melodies and rhythms, the older generations can easily capture
the attention and transmit their heritages to younger ones. To illustrate, the Aboriginal
communities often use their traditional music in various rituals and customs to ensure
the continuation of their legacies across generations.

However, I consider that music possesses the unique ability to connect with
individuals on an emotional level, helping them to ease their mind. Many genres,
ranging from classical, pop, or rock which have upbeat and energetic melodies, can
resonate with listeners, influencing the human brain to release more positive hormones
for relaxation. For example, after a long stressful day at work, employees tend to
resort to music to seek refuge or relief from their heavy workload.

In conclusion, I admit that stress reduction remains a prominent aspect of music as it

can assist in controlling emotions. However, I mostly contend that it is crucial to
recognize that music can also be utilised to express personal opinions on public
matters and protect cultural values. Where possible, individuals can explore more
thoroughly to explore other potentials of music to foster its positive impacts on
personal and social well-being. (329 words)

In many countries, the number of animals and plants is declining. Why do you
think this is happening? How can this issue be solved?

The decline in the figures for various flora and fauna species has been a critical issue
facing many nations globally. This can be attributed to the expansion of human habitat
and untenable harnessing of resources; however, educational campaigns and the
financing of environmental protection efforts sponsored by governments are equally
crucial in mitigating the issue.

There are two main culprits behind the declining numbers of animal and plant species.
The foremost one is the habitat destruction caused by anthropogenic factors. Actions
including deforestation, rapid urbanisation or farming and industrial activities have
encroached on the natural habitats. For example, the rampant clearing of forest for
agricultural and housing purposes has led many animal species to die due to the
inability to adapt to new living environments. Moreover, human beings have adopted
several unsustainable and illegal practices impacting the environment.
Overexploitation of natural resources or poaching have pushed many species to the
verge of extinction.

Fortunately, immediate responses from the authorities can curb the worst excesses.
One effective approach is to educate the masses about the importance of safeguarding
the environment and articulate about the consequences of the disappearances of
various flora and fauna on the ecosystem. To illustrate, governments can employ
various media platforms to propagate about the avoidance of consuming threatened
animal parts and other rare plants so people can be more discerning to switch to more
sustainable alternatives which suit their demands. Furthermore, they can invest in the
development of conservation programs to aid in the recovery of endangered breeds,
the safeguarding of their natural habitats and the restoration of degraded ecosystems.

In conclusion, the decrease in animal and plant populations are mostly blamed on the
excessive habitat expansion of humankind and over-harnessing of natural resources.
Where possible, governments should run public awareness campaigns about the
significance of environmental preservation and promote conservation initiatives to
combat the problem. (305 words)

Children are often influenced in their behaviours by others in the same age
group. Some argue that peer pressure is important while others feel it has
distinct disadvantages. Do you think the disadvantages of peer pressure outweigh
the advantages?

The conduct of juveniles is often impacted by peers of similar age demographics. I

believe the merits of self-discovery and enhanced academic performance resulting
from this pressure will overshadow the demerit of bullying.

The foremost benefit of peer pressure is that youths may have many opportunities to
discover themselves through interaction with their friends. By being exposed to
different perspectives, they can learn more about the world around them and
encounter a variety of novel experiences, thus exiting their comfort zones and
exploring their innate talent. For example, one may uncover their hidden music
abilities and interests when being persuaded to enrol in a music course by their

Another positive implication is that befriending good peers can motivate students to
excel in their study. Positive peer pressure can inspire them to set higher scholastic
goals. When peers exhibit dedication to their studies, it motivates others to strive for
similar levels of achievement. To illustrate, if their friends are forming study groups to
improve their results, they feel pressured to join to keep up and not fall behind.

However, one principal concern is that minors may be subjected to bullying. There
have been many situations of school humiliation when young individuals cannot
match the concerted conduct of a group. Divergent thinkers may feel stigmatised and
marginalised if they do not conform to established norms, causing various mental
issues and marking serious emotional aftermaths during their transition to adulthood.
This is exemplified by several suicidal cases that have been reported due to persistent
social isolation at school.

In conclusion, although I concede that the social phenomenon of peer influence can
entail school harassment, I contend that the positive aspects are more beneficial as this
can assist in self-realisation of natural talent and improved learning outcomes. Where
possible, guidance and supervision from adults can help the younger generation gain
confidence to stand against prejudice and discrimination. (310 words)

Some people feel that the private lives of celebrities should not be openly shared
by the media. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is believed that the personal details of famous people should not be publicly
disclosed by the press. While I mostly agree that delving into their personal lives may
encroach on their privacy and exert certain mental health issues, I admit that this
action is somehow reasonable as they are key opinion leaders that shape the behaviour
of a large group of followers.

One valid argument for my agreement is that celebrities have an inalienable right of
having their own space. It reinforces the idea that every individual, regardless of their
public status, deserves a measure of solitude and freedom from unwarranted intrusion.
The insatiable curiosity of journalists may be escalated to certain illegal activities,
including impermissible entry into private properties or unauthorised surveillance,
which may lead to severe infringements on the privacy and security of celebrities.

Further credence to my belief is that this may negatively affect the mental well-being
of public figures. Incessant media reports about their personal stories man induce
stress or depression or in some extreme circumstances, compelling them to commit
suicide. To illustrate, many suicidal cases of Korean idols have been reported due to
harsh comments of the netizens about their romantic relationships.

Nevertheless, I concede that since household names exhibit their role modelling status
in society, they should surrender their privacy to a certain extent. Media coverage can
allow audiences to make informed decisions regarding whether they should support or
criticise them. For example, if they conduct actions against their public statements
such as engaging in unfaithful affairs, their fans should know and start boycotting

In conclusion, I largely contend that the exposure of celebrities' personal lives in

various media outlets to the public is sometimes unjustifiable because this might
violate their privacy and entail many psychological and emotional problems.
However, I acknowledge that this may deter them from conducting unethical acts
against the public’s interests. Where possible, an effective and rigorous legal
framework can incentivise reporters to distinguish the moral work of journalism and
the involvement of illicit stalking activities. (329 words)

Schools should use films, computers and games instead of books. To what extent
do you agree or disagree?

It is argued that educational institutions ought to utilise multimedia tools including

movies, computers or games as replacements for conventional textbooks. Although
newer media platforms may confer a more exciting approach to study, I still mostly
disagree with this opinion as printed publications can be less distracting for students
and a more balanced teaching method is required in the educational context.

I concede that more modern learning materials such as films or other electronic
devices may be more interesting than traditional books. Given that academic content
is not always easy for all students, many regard the perception of knowledge from
textbooks to be boring and hard to understand. In contrast, multimedia education
provides them with more dynamic and vivid aspects to difficult concepts, thus making
the learning process more enjoyable and memorable. This may eventually reduce
chronic absenteeism and motivate them to strive for improved scholastic outcomes.

However, I consider that standard coursebooks are still of paramount importance as

youths can pay more attention to their study. Unlike newer alternative resources which
can divert their focus to more captivating digital content, textbooks offer a more
structured and targeted syllabus so students can absorb knowledge with less
distraction. For example, it is less likely for children to be distracted by social media
networks if they use hard-copy reading materials.

Therefore, I believe that a holistic pedagogical system necessitates multifaceted

strategies. Educators should be more thoughtful to combine the strengths of both
traditional and electronic learning tools to create an enlivening study environment yet
still maintain their academic expectations. To illustrate, electronic learning materials
can be supplementary parts of the teaching curriculum to help reinforce the insights
which students are taught during their class.

In conclusion, while I admit that films, computers or video games can make a lesson
more interesting, I still largely contend that they cannot render books redundant since
school children may experience fewer disturbing situations from traditional reading
materials. Where possible, to achieve an optimal learning environment, the
complement of both teaching methodologies should be applied. (338 words)

Friendships that take place online are not as meaningful as those where people
meet each other face to face. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Many argue that the depth of friendships formed over the Internet is perceived to be
inferior to those established through in-person encounters. I mostly agree with this
notion as offline connections can provide quicker support and more enduring
memories can be created; however, virtual friendships can facilitate more sincere
interactions without the fear of judgements.

One valid argument for my agreement is that friends in real-life are more readily
available in times of trouble. When people are close to others, the immediacy of
physical proximity often allows quicker responses to any calls for help. The actual
presence can range from assisting them with daily tasks, sharing resources or having
profound conversations with gentle comforting gestures, reinforcing the depth of a
long-lasting relationship.

To add further credence to my belief is that when people develop a relationship in a

physical location, they have more opportunities to undergo many memorable
experiences together. They can travel, work on a group project or overcome life’s
obstacles side by side. These shared moments lay the foundation for a meaningful life
which can be recalled as nostalgic stories during a reunion or throughout their
lifetime, instilling a sense of belonging.

Nevertheless, I concede that online friendships give individuals more freedom to

express their thoughts and feelings regardless of concerns of immediate criticism. In
the real world, people may fear directly offering even constructive feedback to their
friends as this may be perceived as being rude. In contrast, the anonymous nature of
having a social media account helps users to share their opinions more freely which
leads to more genuine and honest connections.

In conclusion, I largely contend that befriending peers in an offline situation can foster
more meaningful bonds between people since friends can more rapidly accompany
them during their hard times and create more mutual memories. Nonetheless, I admit
that friendships forged on the internet allow them to articulate their opinions and
express emotions more openly in the absence of being judged, conducive to a healthy
companionship. (322 words)

Các khóa học IELTS Online Cá nhân hóa tại IELTS I-Ready:

 Khóa học IELTS Mất gốc 4 kỹ năng – Pre IELTS:

 Khóa học IELTS Nền tảng 4 kỹ năng – IELTS Foundation:

 Khóa học IELTS Bứt tốc 4 kỹ năng Cá nhân hóa 1-1 – IELTS Intensive:

 Khóa học IELTS Speaking bứt tốc Cá nhân hóa 1-1 – Speaking Acceleration:

 Khóa học IELTS Writing bứt tốc Cá nhân hóa 1-1 – Writing Acceleration


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