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Genetics, Evolution, & Biotechnology

Topic Outline
Recombinant DNA in Plants
Group 3

Group Members: Arroyo, Gerald Fidel

Marquez, Lance Jerard
Olano, AJ Thone
Santizas, Bonifacio Jr. N.


● Introduction to DNA Recombination

○ Etymology
○ History of DNA Recombination
● Concept of DNA Recombination in Plants
● Goals of DNA Recombination in Plants
● Procedures in Making Recombinant DNA
○ Main Steps in DNA Recombination
■ Isolation of the inheritable material (DNA)
■ Cutting of DNA at specific locations
■ Isolation of desired DNA fragment
■ Amplification of gene of interest using PCR
■ Ligation of DNA fragment into a vector
■ Insertion of Recombinant DNA into the host cell/ organisms
■ Obtaining or culturing the foreign gene product
○ Enzymes Used in DNA Recombination Technology
○ Vectors Used in DNA Recombination Technology
○ Techniques in DNA Recombination Technology
● Applications of rDNA in Plants
○ Crop Production

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