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<html><head></head><body style="overflow-wrap: break-word; -webkit-nbsp-mode:

space; line-break: after-white-space;"><div>CELEB

PROFILE&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>Hi! I wanna take this time
out to say thank you for your love and support for my music 🎶... Keep on keeping
it💯.</div><div><br></div><div>The management I work with asked me to open a account
just to reach out to some special fans like yourself. Much love 😍 God bless
🙏</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>Real I’m just a good kid with a flashy
celebrity lifestyle who fortunately happens to be a father to 2 beautiful kids ,
who’s looking for love outside the industry and who doesn’t play no games
!</div><div>K</div><div><br></div><div>Where are you from
?&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>Guess you’ll be wondering why I inboxed you with
this private page ??</div><div><br></div><div>How is the weather over there
?</div><div><br></div><div>How long have you been my fan and have youever attenda
my show/concert?</div><div><br></div><div>Nice , Whats your Favour tracks in my
songs ?</div><div><br></div><div>Great what signal does it send to you
?</div><div>I am&nbsp;</div><div>That nice , can i ask you something
?</div><div><br></div><div>Are you a private person
?</div><div><br></div><div>Great i will love to continue this conversation and know
you more what your name ?</div><div><br></div><div>Nice name , What do you do for
living and do you love your job ?</div><div><br></div><div>Great,how old are you if
i may ask ?</div><div><br></div><div>That nice lol all about me are on the internet
but internet are somewhat real and unreal
lol,&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>Doubt&nbsp;</div><div>======</div><div>Is this
really you &gt;? Lol by the grace of the Lord i i'm me and will always be me no one
can take my place i i'm Christopher Maurice Brown</div><div><br></div><div>Yea it
right to feel that way cause things like this don't happen always , I i'm
Christopher Maurice by my name an this is my personal account and its controlled by
me i got this to talk to million of Fans out there .</div><div>The blue button
account is for business only and its controlled by my
management</div><div><br></div><div>I opened this page to talk to fans and know
more and I saw you that why I’m in your inbox hope I’m good knowing you more cos I
have a lot going on in my life and I need someone I can share my problems with that
why I asked if you are a private person.</div><div><br></div><div>If I can’t leave
my life to impress myself why would I do for someone else lot of secret things
happen in the industry it life of in the industry dramas are everywhere, I and
Ammikka are under separation yet we still snap and make it look like nothing is
happening babe that was a life of a star</div><div><br></div><div>See I want you to
know this bad people have made me look bad and I have so many haters in this world
that won't work for themselves but want to use me as face of the world and scam
people good to me that why am here to know more about that and I want you to know I
am real and I will never lie to you about anything I I’m Scott
Eastwood</div><div><br></div><div>So why me out of millions of Fan &gt;? I don’t
know too God have a reason for doing things I saw your pic and I was interested in
you, I opened this page to talk to my fan and know them more but meeting you here
gave me a different thought</div><div><br></div><div>can you call me &gt;?Oh babe
there is no way i can do that right now as i already told you all my calls are been
monitored, if i should call you there is no way they wont figure out about it, that
the more reason why i explain to you earlier on that the only means we can
communicate for now is here or via my google
===============================</div><div><br></div><div>Can i ask you something ?
</div><div><br></div><div>Are you single and do you have kids
?</div><div><br></div><div>How’s long have you been single
?</div><div><br></div><div>Can i trust you on something
?</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>I seek a relationship outside the
industry so I need someone so private and understanding that will love me for who I
am want all this to be my greatest secret that’s why I asked if I can really trust
you&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>i once had a happy
family, but things aren't going the way it ought to be. My girlfriend in whom i
trust as been going other way round to have a separation because of all my property
she hasn't made it official to be but i got a leak via her official lawyer and if
all this come to past i'll be unknown and all i have will be shared into two(2)
&amp; i wouldn't love that to happen</div><div><br></div><div>Thanks, so tell me
what type of man do you seek ?</div><div><br></div><div>What I am seeking in a
woman is laid out in Proverbs 31. A woman who is strong (but not overbearing),
loyal, respectful, kind and sweet. That carry herself like the queen she is in all
situations. That arouse my intellect as well as physical desires. Looking for that
somebody that I can share my entire self with. Somebody that is not afraid to be
loved as well express love..I seek for a Serious and Long term relationship,Someone
I can spend the rest of my Life with.</div><div><br></div><div>I’m a good man with
a. Honest heart, hardworking. I’m working on my legacy I’ve seen friends turn foes
doesn’t amaze me, everyone around me neglected but now I’m born again, I might go
beyond limits and ask you for some weird stuffs because it’s only done in music,
that’s why I wanna know if you really gonna be my
confidant</div><div><br></div><div>Can i ask you something again
?</div><div><br></div><div>Can you be my proverb woman
===========================</div><div>Tell me what do you do for Fun
?</div><div><br></div><div>That sound Fun was&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>I like
going to clubs at time but mostly i love going to the studio and also attend a lot
of meetings I like basketball too but i haven't been balling in a long time lol and
i also love swimming and drinking water lol ,But 60% of my life is always in the
studio i hope you understand i'm a very busy person
?</div><div><br></div><div>Thanks&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>Yes feel free with
me i'm also a human and i get hurt and broken a lot of time that why I seek someone
that I can trust and will be with that I will shear my problems with and tell
things when I feel like talking will you be that person for
me</div><div><br></div><div>Thanks babe you look beautiful and
charming&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>Wow good does distance right now bother you
?</div><div><br></div><div>I'm not bothered with the distance between us at all i
just asked if you are .</div><div><br></div><div>I will love to come there and know
you more, but before coming i need your help on something and i trust you already
that why i want you to know
-</div><div>Sometimes ago,i received a contract at the Kuwait petroleum company
which i went there by myself with some of my oil and gas expertrate, things went
well but now,they wanna pay me part of the money they owe me but what bothers me
right now is that if the money get into my acct, it will all be shared alongside
with my Ammika which is not proper, you know i told you ammika want a separation
because of my properties here is what I need you to do for me, I will need you to
help me keep the check pending the time I will be there with you , but the major
thing is that you might be ask to pay transfer charges i should be the one doing
that but all my step are been followed that why i ask you I will get it refund once
I get there, I am counting on you with trust and I hope you will be of help you
will email them and they will email you back and tell you what you need to
================================</div><div><br></div><div>I'm giving you this
Informations and trusting you as well , with the word you gave me i am believing
you now..that i won't be disappointed and Here is the email of the kuwait
contacting them by email you will ask them what the receiving fee would be. please
i want solicit your trust in this regard let me know as soon as you contact them
please I will wait to hear back from you and am ready to spend the rest of my life
with you as far as you are honest to
me.</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>THE KUWAIT
COMPANY</div><div><br></div><div>Dear Miss we got your details confirmed by
Mr........</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>Please note that before our
proceed to the next step for the sending you are to pay the sum of $3000 we hope
you have been told, As soon as this payment is made, we are to proceed immediately
for the delivery of the check to you.</div><div><br></div><div>However since we do
not want to deliver the check to
the wrong person you are therefore urgently advice to send us this following
information</div><div>info: Name:</div><div>State
div><div><br></div><div>Thanks!!!!!!&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>Good Morning
Madam ,</div><div>We are very sorry for the delay with due respect madam,we are
sending you the check and you are to wait for two week to get it delivered to
you.</div><div><br></div><div>Second Billing&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>Thank
you very much for everything, I appreciate you believing in me. I’m worth millions
of dollars not in cash but in wealth and if things go wrong I know where to put my
feet, way back I told you about my wife which is going to become an ex, but ya just
very unfortunate that the worst thing about your life is that you get to see the
true color of the person you cared for. I hope you understand that
riddles</div><div><br></div><div>Babe i got a bad
call&gt;</div><div><br></div><div>Babe it the Kuwait oil and gas it got me enriched
but so unfortunate that I was called back few hours ago that the pipe and gas I
fixed got leaked and now I’m being called back to come the repairs and verily
verily I’ll be needing my oil and gas expatriate to fly back in there - [ ] Oil and
gas will need to fly down to Kuwait from the states/Nigeria so at the moment I’m
skint, had I known it will be like this. Here’s is the calculations 15 oil
expatriates will be flying to Kuwait $1,200.00
each</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>On Wed, Sep 19, 2018, 10:13 PM seun
idowu &lt;; wrote:</div><div>Celeb
Pretty...</div><div><br></div><div>Thanks for the comment on my page and all your
support, I hope you never stop listening to my music</div><div>OR</div><div>Thanks
for liking my page and all your support, I hope you never stop listening to my
music</div><div><br></div><div>This is Brett Eldredge A country artist....How long
have you been listening my musics?</div><div><br></div><div>How long have you been
a fan of my musics&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>What’s makes you listen to my
musics ?</div><div><br></div><div>Did you know about my next coming
tour?...</div><div><br></div><div>I really apologize for my late replies to your
messages, i need you to bare with me, i'm a very busy
man</div><div><br></div><div>Thank you for being my great fan hope you never stop
listening to my music may God bless you I must say that I have enormous respect for
you considering the manner in which I have made contact with you. I am very glad
you are a fan of mine. May GOD bless you some more</div><div><br></div><div>How
long have you been a fan of my music?</div><div><br></div><div>How are you and how
was your daily activities for today ?</div><div><br></div><div>You absolutely
stunning.. thanks again for liking my post here you have a beautiful pictures and
you seem good and nice fans of Johnny Gill that’s why I would like to get to know
you better if that's okay with u...</div><div><br></div><div>What’s your full name,
age, location and what do you do for a living there ?</div><div><br></div><div>I
sent you a request coz I always see your likes and Comments on my Page and thanks
so much one more time again and please Always be GOOD coz there is GOD ( Believe
That )</div><div><br></div><div>Are you a Christian and Do you believe in
God</div><div>Well Mark 12:30–31 Said : 30 Love the Lord your God with all your
heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. 31
The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as
yourself.</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>- [ ] I will be willing to give
you a free ticket cause you really inspiring, you sound like a good fan of mine and
anytime I have a show close to your zone I will not fail to reach out to you and
you will get a free ticket from me, we would also get the opportunity to sit, talk
and have a couple of drinks before my show begins, how does that sound
?</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>Thanks again for liking my post here you
have a beautiful pictures and you seem good and nice fans of Johnny Gill that’s why
I would like to get to know you better if that's okay with
u.</div><div><br></div><div>Whats your name and where are you from
?..</div><div>Are you single or married with kids ?..</div><div>What’s being single
like to you ?</div><div>Being single life is the dullest and lonely thing that has
happened to me and I would prefer to work hard for a serious
relationship.</div><div>How old are you ?..</div><div>What do you do for
living?..</div><div>Do you live alone or with Family?..</div><div>Do you own a car
or house?..</div><div>Tell me about yourself and Family?..</div><div>Tell me about
your Job ?..</div><div><br></div><div>You touch my heart with all your words and i
want to know alot about you and You are the type of woman im looking for all my
life long.</div><div><br></div><div>Am very glad you are a fan of mine May GOD
bless you...I hope you not gonna stop listening to my musics may God bless and
protect you</div><div><br></div><div>Thanks for being my great fan so far and May
God continue to bless you and Protect you</div><div>DOUBTFUL
MIND&nbsp;</div><div>Brett you have alot of fakes out there?</div><div>Yeah pretty
I have been hacked by some people that is trying to tarnish my image and that is
why I created this account for all my fans</div><div><br></div><div>Because I have
been hacked by some people that are trying to tarnish my image I promise you that I
will get them soon</div><div><br></div><div>(223)
848-7094</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>You can text me
because I believe your words of you being private
!</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>(223) 848-7094 That is my private number
and this is the number we will both be communicating with I don’t want you to give
out my number to anyone because I want you to know that you have a great
opportunity to have a chat with me</div><div><br></div><div>Because many of my fans
have been seeking for this kind opportunity that you have to have a chat with me
and I don’t want you to misuse this opportunity don’t ever share my new private
number to anyone</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>I can
understand how you feel but if you truly believe in the God that you serve i want
you to believe in this bcoz you dont know the plan of God for you and only God
knows the reason for all purpose</div><div><br></div><div>DINNER
FORMAT</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>This is a dinner party with your
man,this idea was brought up by the management just to show appreciation for the
love and support of our fans out there for me. so the management decided to bring
up a dinner party ,and the lucky fan is to be chosen by Robert and confirmed by the
management. The party is to take place in Dubai on the 14th of March 2019 and a lot
of gifts are to be given to the fan like iPhones , iPad, laptops and we're also
covering for your accommodations as you will lodge in a 5 star hotel with Me for
the night and games will also be played during the dinner party, you only have to
pay the sum of $850 as being a lucky fan because the price for your booking is
already subsidized by robert .&nbsp;</div><div>So all you have to do is forward
your details which include your name, address and your picture for identification
so we send a private jet to pick you up on the 14th of March so you could join him
for the dinner party on the next day and the private jet will also take you back
whenever you want.</div><div>The private jet arrives at your local airport by
8:30pm aand leaves when you are ready to fly.&nbsp;</div><div>Let me know when you
want to make the booking ma’am.....&nbsp;</div><div>Thanks for your
time......</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>CALLING FORMAT I’ m using a
private phone that why I can’t call but I can text because u know the job I’m doing
as a celebrity I need to protect my Dignity</div><div><br></div><div>Here is my
mobile number +14348782506 text me when you less busy cause it’s seem you are busy
there and also don't share my number with anyone...</div><div><br></div><div>I want
you to know that I am too old for games.. I have been hurt before and i dont want
to get hurt anymore baby.&nbsp;</div><div>Me: Yea I know How u feel and I want you
to know that God has reason for all purpose.. I am happy we found each other
baby,</div><div>Me: I am tired of being alone, That is why I sent you a request my
boo... we are not getting any younger , we get older everyday .....</div><div>Me:
If i will be permitted or got a lil chance to come into your heart i am gonna
always be here for you and I will always make you happy. I want to know u better
and see where it would take us too&nbsp;</div><div>Me: Ohh Thank you so much and i
am very happy to hear this from you... I want you to know that Money is just a
material thing in the world.. all I need and want most at this stage of my life is
your real LOVE&nbsp;</div><div>Me: God knows the best !!!!!!!!! When I saw your pix
i was like wow.. what a beautiful lady...</div><div>Me: i want you to know that , I
will make you happy now and forever more..&amp; I am happy we found each other
sweetie God knows the best....&nbsp;</div><div>Me: Tell me about your past
relationship?..</div><div>Me: I am very sorry to hear that my love... My past
relationship has been bad and that is why i decided to remain single until this day
which is Gods time so where do you live now my love?&nbsp;</div><div>Me: Okay and
do you have a House or rent?..</div><div>Me: Sweetie i am just asking bcoz i want
us to get to know each other more better...</div><div><br></div><div>SIGN OF
SERIOUSNESS&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>When i look into the future I see us
growing old
and building a much stronger bond together everyday , I don’t wanna spend any day
of my life knowing you not with me , I want to be with you to take care of you , if
you alllow me to!&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>I just want you to
know is that the God we serve has a reason for everything and i dont want you to
see this as a joke i am serious and if things eventually work out between us
Sweetie i will make you happy and this would be the best and amazing relationship
you ever been into i promise you&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>Me: Sound good, I
Know how you feel and I want you to know i will be yours now and forever more.. I
dont want to be hurt anymore...&nbsp;</div><div>Me: I love you with every part of
my being. If I could marry your soul I would. I dream of nobody else.
....</div><div>Me: Sweetie God knows the best, It is very nice talking with you but
i want you to do me a favor and i will be very happy if you can do this for me? Me:
Can you keep this as a secret to yourself only... I dont want you to tell anyone
anything about this bcoz we just started and after things has gotten to the next
level i think people would be surprise and i will be boast to tell the crowd that i
have found a new queen&nbsp;</div><div>Me: Wow thanks for your understanding...
What are your pans for the rest of today?</div><div><br></div><div>The heart
already knows what the mind can only dream of. Trust your heart.Distance cannot,
and will not hurt a bond between two people that is based on mutual respect, trust,
commitment,and love.Jealousy is not a sign of true love; it's insecurities that
comes in the way, 'cause love has just one important ingredient:
Trust.</div><div><br></div><div>DO YOU TRUST ME WITH YOUR
HEART?....</div><div>Trust is the first step of any relationship...
💗</div><div><br></div><div>Now in my blood with</div><div>In a relationship trust
is more important than love. trust will enhance your
love..💗</div><div>Fr</div><div>Trust is most important thing in a relationship of
any kind. Without Trust there is NO respect. However, Trust has to be built up,
nurtured, gained, lost, re-gained but it is very much commendable when it's there.
The hard part is then to KEEP the trust. And you?</div><div>Honey if Our love and
trust with life together , we will be a successful couple.. we must learn and A
practice all these.. Cos Trust and Love is the foundation of every relationship..💗
</div><div><br></div><div>Babe...if we want the best out of our relationship we
have to learn how to trust in each other.. we have stay committed and
determined..</div><div>I know we can do these together cause I think we are the
best for each other..i know that If we stay focused ...I will love to share these
with you... LOVE,LUST,LIFE AND TRUST !!!..💗</div><div><br></div><div>Love means
never doubting anything. It means trusting and being honest with each other someone
can be as beautiful on the outside as they are on the inside, but when he or she
betrays your trust, they become the ugliest person in the world...</div><div>Love
is patient. Love is kind. It does not envy. It does not boast. It is not proud. It
is not rude. It is not self-seeking. It is not easily angered. It keeps no record
of wrong doing. It does not delight in evil, but rejoices in the
truth</div><div><br></div><div>DOYOU HAVE FAITH?.....</div><div>Trust is a strong
word..A meaning broken in two..This word is formed around one letter..the letter
which is "u"For you are the one I love,The one I live for And if you remain by my
side.The u becomes an "us"For "us" means no other love And only me and u And from
this day forth.I promise us Forever I'll us I'll be true. True to our relationship
In hope it will never "rust" For you are the one The one I love The only one I can
"trust" Trust in me and you will find..Unbridled love of the purest kind Believe in
me and you will see there's nobody else but you .Trust in me, I won't let you
down.Believe in me, don't drift apart..There is only you in my heart.Trust in me
and my word..Who cares about expensive
things?</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT
YOU</div><div><br></div><div>I want you to know, that from the very depths of my
heart, I love you And I love everything that creates you, from your hair - that I
wish I could play in more often... to your forehead - that I wish I could kiss
while you sleep; from your eyes - that sparkle when you smile (just for me)... to
your nose - that I wish I could rub my nose against; from your lips - that I just
know were made perfectly to fit against mine... to your chin - that I would love to
place my finger under to pull you close for a kiss; down your neck and to your
heart that in my own, I claim as mine, and down past is mine also
</div><div><br></div><div>Hi honey how are you doing today,im so tired and i could
really do need you hands on me like now,the traffic is terrible in this country and
i just cant wait to be home with you,my love i want you to know that im commited to
you a commitment in a relationship to me simply means a promise made between two
people to be together Forever and be devoted To Loving each Other,To be Loyal to
each other,a commitment to Love No other person, being totally devoted to each
other. A promise to be Loyal and Truth full to each other in the relationship, a
commitment, a devotion a dedication to something strong that becomes a part of
someones Life, a part of someones soul, body ...And mind,Full of never ending
passion and desire for the one you love, To give every inch of your body and soul
for the pleasure of your lover,A promise to never let the sun set on your anger but
to make love instead,To make love for hours and often with a commitment to never
let that passion of new ever die but to only get better with time,A commitment Is
Two souls joined in heaven above, Two hearts bound by love. To see the stars in
your eyes, and my fire in the dark of night,So my love i want us to have a
commitment to love each other till the end of time...yeah just you and i..i cant
just wait to be in your arms my
FORMAT.........................</div><div>BUSINESS FORMAT Thank you all for the
support and love, Miss Linda i appreciate having you as a friend at this time of my
life... hi I have business proposal task I'll love to bestow on you. I am looking
for someone whom i can employ to work on my behalf ? let me know if you are a trust
worthy fan . Thank You&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>CALLING FORMAT</div><div>I’m
using a private phone that why I can’t call but I can text because u know the job
I’m doing as a celebrity I need to protect my dignity My love I will tell you the
truth of all today and that is the main reason I am sacred with calling bcoz I did
such back then and all my voice was been recorded town even I got charged to court
and I paid a large amount of $ so my wife kindly bear with me I will be home soon
then everything will be soften....</div><div><br></div><div>Baby I need to get
ready for my show tonight and I will text you when I am done ok? Give me your
private email address possibly i will write you a message before getting ready for
my concert</div><div><br></div><div>BURNT INTRUMENTAL</div><div>Hi Dear i am so sad
today my dear my band member make me piss up and upset at them and at the studio
today&nbsp;</div><div>when i was in the studio i told them not too trun on any
electric that they power voltage is hight ahey did not listing too me they went
ahead too put it on and thay make 3 microphone and 4 expensive big speaker get
bornt, And baby that really cost alot and i am so so upset with that cos i do not
have the money too get them back right now with me cos i already put all the money
i have in the Briefcase and it with the Max Company Already too invest on some
Business my love , as you also know i am having a concert comming up next week
Friday and i dont know how too do t or get the bornt instrument back my dear this
is so painful too me . Baby i think it high time for you too really have to help me
on this issue of maine if you really truly love me my love trust me i will never
let you down just help me on this</div><div><br></div><div>MOTHERLESS BABY
HOME</div><div>My Love i have been thinking about something important my love ,
there was a later broth too my door step this morning form the Homeless Child they
where seeking for assitance form me , they said the goverment are not given them
all they really need to take care of those kids ans that really truch me so much
cos i also a Father and i have a kids and i know what it take too take care of them
my love all they want is too help them with all i have for them too get another
building for the kids and food stuff cloht and also too assist the kids in their
education section i was thinking if we should assist the homeless child over the
state and city here and over there with you cos it will also bring blessing too our
relationship , my love i was thinking that this will help us so much that evry body
will also love us too be together as Husband and Wife baby so baby let help them
and we have too do this together my love i was thinking we should assist them with
some money and my wife this work is not me alone it is for the two of us cos we are
Husband and Wife i will give them $40,000 USD and i will do that my love i will
give it too them but you also assist with what you have too make it complete
$40,000 USD too give them so baby i think you can afford the rest $7,00 USD then we
can both have the blessings form GOD and form the Kids together my wife or what do
you think will you assist them my love remember those kids do not have any helper
only the goverment and us for now and i want you too know that
god also help whom help them each other rememmber we are UNITED this is not given
too only me but too all th celebrities across the owl state that is what we do
every 2 year too assist those kids remember we also have kids my wife i love you
let do this for them my Wife okay&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>BRIEFCASE BILLING
Last week , I was contacted by Max security company where i have my BRIEFCASE kept
for a while and some valuable documents that belongs to me with the sum of
$700,000:00 . and some event tickets which i will be sharing to some couple fans of
mine around the world. The Security Company are shutting down and it has been
giving me some problems . i have been busy with my shows and concert i won't have
much time to take care of these responsibilities. mostly i couldn't trust my
management with this don't know who wanna steal from me yet. That's why i am
looking for a trust worthy person i can talk to who can possibly handle this on my
behalf and in return i will give the person %20 of the money for his/her time and
this is 100 % legal free, I need someone who can help me receive the briefcase on
my behalf and i can come pick it up as soon as
possible&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>mostly i do not want my
management to know about this , that's why i am looking for a trust worthy person i
can talk to and give this project to take care of for me and in return i will give
the person 20% of the money and this is 100 % legal free</div><div><br></div><div>I
also need to let you know anything you spend on this will be re-paid back to you
with an 20% Interest. If this is acceptable get back to
me.</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>I understand you, but this is really
me, i am not here for jokes, and secondly facebook do not allow any other person
create a duplicate of my page, its on their violation law ok, and i promise you, if
you handle this for me, you will never regret it</div><div><br></div><div>the
reason why i need someone to do this for me is because the company doesn't want any
media buzz of their shut…</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>I followed you
here for a purpose, I have been busy with shows and many more, traveling, thank you
all for the support and love, I appreciate. I'm looking for someone i can
definitely trust cause i have got some few things I need to do and take care of
without my management knowing about it so i need one of my loyal fan to handle this
for me</div><div><br></div><div>Its hard to trust people nowadays but i am hoping
to put my trust in you. I know this might be inconvenient for you but i'll be glad
if you'd help</div><div><br></div><div>I have a briefcase with a security company
worth come amount and some</div><div>documents they are shutting down by the end of
the month . it has been</div><div>giving me problems since i have been busy with my
shows and concert i</div><div>won't have much time to take care of these
responsibilities,</div><div><br></div><div>I am looking for a trust worthy person
who can take care of this for me and</div><div>in return i will give the person %20
of the money and this is 100 % legal free Can you help me with
this?</div><div><br></div><div>I know this is hard and its hard for me too but i am
looking for a loyal</div><div>fan i can trust that will help me out . The briefcase
contains a sum of</div><div>$700,000 and i will be giving you %20 when this is
done</div><div><br></div><div>I am needing you to be able to take care of the
delivery fee of the briefcase from the security company</div><div><br></div><div>If
this is acceptable I'll need you to text or mail the security company lawyer with
your&nbsp;</div><div>Your Name:::</div><div>Address ::::::</div><div>Mobil
Number :::</div><div><br></div><div>====================================</
div><div><br></div><div>Hello, This is Mr Parker from Brinks Security Company. and
i am contacting</div><div>you on behalf of our client, Brantley Gilbert . We tried
reaching you over</div><div>the phone but we are having a bad network reception due
to the fact that we</div><div>are closing up the business soon so all services are
being shutdown and not</div><div>attended to</div><div><br></div><div>To be sure we
are contacting the right person is this Miss Anna Turner
?</div><div><br></div><div>So ma'am are you aware of the delivery that will be made
to your home</div><div>address as submitted by our client Brantley Gilbert as the
receiver of his</div><div>briefcase?</div><div><br></div><div>For security reasons
we will need you to tell us the content(sl) of the</div><div>briefcase for

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