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Jonelha Nicole D.



1. Is universal moral truth possible with the idea of God? What are the implications and how?

 In my opinion, if a person has faith in God, it assures that there is moral truth to all

people, and it will serve as an example for people to differentiate what is good and what

is bad and make moral decisions. A moral truth that is based on God's presence offers a

solid starting point for evaluating what is good and bad. As the highest power, God sets

universally applicable, objective moral norms and obligations that are unaffected by

individual or cultural differences. However, opinions regarding the nature of spirituality

and its relationship to human ethics decide if achieving global moral truth is possible

given the concept of God.

2. Can a human person really know God’s purpose? If yes or no, what are the implications?

 For me, knowing God's purpose is subjective. It really depends on how people view their

purpose in life. Understanding God's purpose requires a personal perspective and belief

that is based on cultural norms, religious practices, and even one's personal experiences.

Some people may contemplate that by prayer meetings, bible study, or meditation

Humans can understand God's purpose. Some may think that God's purpose is a never-

ending cycle and beyond human comprehension. And course, a people like me- who's

still not sure what God has in store for me. I know, I'm already in my 4th year yet I'm still

contemplating if this course is really meant for me and I'm not sure what I will do after

graduation but if this is in God's plan, I'll be happy to follow and trust His plans. Overall,
one thing is for sure is that I have purpose in this life, even though I'm not exactly sure

what my mission is.

3. Are moral standards dependent on God?

 In my point of view, some people’s moral standards are independent of God but the

majority of people are dependent on God for their moral standard in life. In explanation

to that, I believe those who are independent from God's moral standards are those who

believe that the moral standard can unveil and understood through personal experiences

and life reflection. While those who are dependent are those who believe that God has the

highest power or authority in all things in this World. So it really depends on how a

person views his/her moral standards.

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