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Job Safety Analysis Worksheet


Work location: 132kV OHTL BUT-BUN-

Activity: External Works Lightning protection and grounding device installation AGS1 、 33kV OHTL AGS1-AGS2 、 FQN-FQS;
BUN、 AGS1 substation


Job Team Leader:Zhao Zhongqiang Date:2021-10-02
Engineering department
1. Sequence of Basic Task Steps 2. Potential Hazards 3. Recommended Action or Procedure 4. person in charge

1.1.1 在指定区域内作业,禁止进入未排雷区域
1.1.2 作业前必须与排雷公司人员确认,并取得许可
1.1 人员触雷 1.1.3 发现可疑物及时上报并做好警戒标识,禁止人员擅动可疑物
1. 雷区作业. 1.2 设备损害 1.2.1 使用设备作业时,设置监护人
1.2.2 在指定区域内作业,禁止进入未排雷区域
1.2.3 作业前必须与排雷公司人员确认,并取得许可
1.1.1 Strengthen driver safety awareness;
1.1.2 No overloading, no over speed, no mix loading of passenger and cargo;
1.1.3 Reduce the speed when passing dangerous road, strengthen guiding and 1.1.1 Huang jianchun
monitoring ; 1.1.2 Zhao zhongqiang*Ji
1.1Traffic accident
通过危险路减速行驶,加强疏导和监视 Yihao
1. General risk 1.1.4 Driving carefully when passing dangerous road surface。 1.1.3 Zhao zhongqiang*Ji
1.2 极端天气
一般风险 遇到危险路面,谨慎驾驶 Yihao
1.3 动物伤害 1.2.1 雷、暴雨,沙尘暴天气禁止作业 1.1.4 Zhao zhongqiang*Ji
1.4 安保风险 1.2.2 极端温度(高温、低温)禁止作业 Yihao
1.3.1 防鼠、防蛇、防蝎子
1.3.2 作业前清除地表杂物,
1.4.1 禁止野外夜间作业
1.4.2 野外作业时配备对讲机
1.4.3 野外作业时携带 OPF,每日行程进行报备
1.4.4 人员要熟悉应急响应预案,参加应急演练

2.物资、材料倒运 2.1 Traffic accident 2.1.1 Strengthen driver safety awareness; 2.1.1 Zhao zhongqiang*Ji
Material transportation 交通肇事 对驾驶员加强安全交底 Yihao
2.2.1 Mix loading of passenger and cargo is prohibited; 2.2.1 Zhao zhongqiang*Ji
禁止人货混装 Yihao
2.2.2 No overloading, no over speed and no fatigue driving; 2.2.2 Zhao zhongqiang*Ji
不超载、不超速、不疲劳驾驶 Yihao
2.2 Personnel injury 2.2.3 Check the vehicle condition before driving。 2.2.3 Zhao zhongqiang*Ji
人员伤害 车辆使用前检查车况 Yihao
2.3 Theft, robbery 2.3.1 Strengthen the storage of materials on site, timely recovery of materials on the 2.3.1 Zhao zhongqiang*Ji
偷盗、抢劫 day, prohibit storage on site
2.3.2 Construction site with security personnel, robbery incidents reported in time 2.3.2 Zhao zhongqiang*Ji
施工现场配保卫人员,发生抢劫事件及时上报 Yihao

3.1.1 取得 PTW 和 JSA 。Get PTW and JSA

3.2.1 Only trained person shall do welding job 焊接工作应由经过训练的人
3.2.2 Welding equipment shall be in good conditioned and inspected prior to
use 焊接设备应状况良好使用前经过检查
3.2.3 热熔焊点火时必须使用点火枪,禁止使用打火机。

3.1沟通不畅 3.3.1 Correct PPE’s shall be used (welding goggles, full sleeve shirt,
3.1.1 Zhao zhongqiang
Poorly communicated welding gloved etc) 使用正确 PPE(焊接眼镜,长袖衬衫,焊接手套 3.2.1 Ji Yihao
3.2 Personnel injury 人员伤 等) 3.2.2 Zhao zhongqiang
害 3.4.1 作业前,清理作业区域内的易燃物 3.3.1 Ji Yihao
3.3 The welding line broken 3.4.1 Huang Jianchun
3. Hot work 3.4.2 Huang Jianchun
and aging 焊接线损坏和老 3.4.2 Continuous inspection shall be done by the HSE officer HSE 人员进
热加工作业 3.5.1 Zhao zhongqiang
化 行不间断监督
3.4.3 Correct and enough fire extinguishers shall be installed to deal any 3.5.2 Huang Jianchun
3.4 Fire hazard 火灾
3.5.3Huang Jianchun
3.5 Electric shock 电击 fire situation 安装正确和足够的灭火器应对任何火灾
3.5.3 Huang Jianchun
3.6 Splashes of fir/burn hazards 3.5.1 The welding machine shall be properly grounded.焊机正确接地
火星、燃烧物溅射 3.6.1 Hot work shall be tried to be done in Specified hot work area 尽量在
3.6.2 Barricade area with fire resistant blanket/sheets. warning signs shall be
there 隔离区域应有防火毯,安全警示牌
3.6.3 Hot work area shall be labeled and shall have sign board of
“authorized personnel”动火区域应有指示牌,写着未经允许不许入内
3.6.4 作业时穿戴指定防护用具(防护面罩)。

4.Bitumen work 4.1 Hot surfaces (skin 4.1.1 Wear PPE’s specially . 4.1.1 Zhao zhongqiang
沥青工作 burns)热表面(皮肤烫伤) 穿戴 PPE。 4.2.1 Zhao zhongqiang
4.2 Toxic fumes (headache, 4.2.1 work in well ventilated areas 工作地点通风良好 4.2.2 Zhao zhongqiang
rashes, cough, eye irritation due 4.2.2 Wear a gas mask 佩戴化学面罩 4.2.3 Huang Jianchun
to long exposure etc) 有毒烟气 4.2.3 Follow safety instructions/MSDS 遵从安全指导 4.2.4 Zhao zhongqiang

4.2.4 Job rotation around work site 现场人员轮换
5.1 Manual material
handling 人力装卸材料
5.2 Using damaged electric 5.1.1 Tool box talk and training on manual handling techniques 站班会和人 5.1.1 Zhao zhongqiang
力装卸技巧培训 5.1.2 Zhao zhongqiang
tools 使用损坏的电动工具
5.2.1 Using correct ad inspected electric tools 正确使用和检查电动工具 5.2.1 Zhao zhongqiang
5.3 Using wrong tools 错误
5.3.1 Zhao zhongqiang
5.Installation of copper grounding rod work 使用工具 5.3.1 Visual inspection before using tools 工具使用前进行视觉检查
安装接地极 5.4 Lack of 5.3.2 使用大锤作业时禁止戴手套
5.4.1 Zhao zhongqiang
skills/concentration due to 5.4.1 Frequent breaks to avoid fatigue 按时休息避免疲劳 5.4.2 Gong wenlin
fatigue 缺乏技巧/由于疲劳缺 5.5.1 Giving task to skillful labor 让熟练工操作 5.5.1 Zhao zhongqiang
乏注意力 5.5.2 Correct PPE’s use 使用正确 PPE 5.5.2 Zhao zhongqiang
5.5 Sharp edges 尖锐边缘

6.1.1 Strengthen safety education to staff and manpower, enhance the safety 6.1.1 Ji Yihao
6.1 Unfamiliar with the
awareness of employee ; 6.1.2 Ji Yihao
construction environment,
加强对员工和属地人员的安全教育、提高人员安全意识 6.1.3 Liu Yongqiang
construction condition is bad, 6.1.2 Perform safety education, training and test; 6.1.4 Liu Yongqiang
6.Numb thinking, weaken of safety awareness construction duration is tight, 进行安全教育、培训、考试
思想麻痹、安全意识薄弱 workday is long, operator emotional 6.1.3 Certificate is required for each professional types of work;各专业工种必须
is instability。不熟悉施工环境、 持证上岗
施工条件较差;工期紧张、现场 6.1.4 Reasonable arrange the alternate operation and pay attention to spare-time
culture life according to site condition
7.1.1 佩戴口罩,使用酒精清洁双手,保持安全距离,所有温度记录按中海油
HSE 程序和要求执行
7.1 流行病毒的传播 Wear face mask and use of alcohol to clean hands as well as keep safety
7 疫情防控 7.1.1 Zhao zhongqiang
Epidemic virus spreading distance, and all temperature record should follow up CNOOC HSE
*Ji Yihao
epidemic prevention and control procedure & requirement.
7.2 新冠疫苗接种
7.2.1 所有作业人员必须完成新冠疫苗接种

All the staffs working on the site ensure to be familiar with the details above, and follow the instruction.

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