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Analytical report

An analytical report is a corporate report that examines data, provides conclusions,

and makes recommendations to enable stakeholders to determine the best course of

Research report
This is a document that presents the findings and analysis of a research study
conducted on a particular topic.

Marketing report
The main objective of a marketing report is to evaluate the performance of the
marketing campaigns implemented by your team.
By doing so, the report gathers all the KPIs of your marketing channels and
summarizes them in order to evaluate their effectiveness.
By analyzing metrics such as SEO, social media, customer engagement, and more, the
marketing report gives you a good overview of which strategies are working and
which can be replaced or improved.

Survey report
Survey reports are documents that help a business highlight the findings from a
survey. It does its best to summarize the responses of a survey and objectively present
the information while using visuals like tables, graphs, charts, and infographics to
make reports easy to read.

Annual report
Annual reports are comprehensive longer reports that give in-depth details about a
business in the preceding year. It details the financial statements and achievements for
the specific year.
They could qualify as external reports since many organizations release their annual
reports to the public. In some instances, releasing annual reports may be a mandate for
some businesses.
However, companies mainly design annual reports to review the company’s business
during the year. They help stakeholders become aware of the performance and inform
shareholders and others about the financial performance.
Eightfold Path
Right Understanding: Reflect on a situation where you demonstrated understanding and empathy towards

o I remember when my classmate didn't have snack during the recess since I know that they
can't afford having a snack that day so I share my snack to him.

Right Speech: Describe a time when you used words that were kind, honest, and helpful.

o Informing a tindera that they gave me too much change. In this scenerio I show the word of honest

Right Action: Share an experience where you acted in a way that was ethical and considerate of others.

o My parents told me to always say goodbye before leaving the house so she knows where I'm going, but
sometimes I forget to say goodbye, so when I leave the house without saying goodbye when it's a rush
day, I will call them by phone or message where I'm going to not make them worry.

Right Livelihood: Discuss how your future career aspirations align with the principles of the eightfold path.

o My dream career which Architect has a great impact that will give a better architectural buildings and

Right Effort : Reflect on a challenge you faced and how you persevered with determination and resilience.

o Pursuing my dream profession giving me a determination and effort to reach this goal.

Right Mindfulness: Describe a moment when you were fully present and aware of your thoughts, feelings, and

o I decide to get a GAS strand in Carigara National Vocational School since I don't have choice even I
want STEM because it fits to my college course but sadly only in private school offering a STEM.
Since we can't afford the private school I don't have choice but to get the GAS strand and accept the

Right Concentration: Explain how you practice focus and concentration in your daily activities.

o By eliminate the distraction like close social media and other apps, silence notifications, and keep your
phone hidden from sight in a bag or backpack. Keep Your primary focus is to complete what you need
to do. Shutting off both internal and external disturbances can help you to concentrate.

Right Intention:

o Courting and showing her a pure intention.

Performance Task
No. 3
Submitted by :
Mark Joseph Paragas
Julie Ann Suri
Galo Permejo
Jackie Eco


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