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D: Does it represent only the present life, or is the strand the history of the


N: Yes, and the future and the ... well, the soul. That it is.

D: But if it is already interwoven, does this mean everything is set.

N: Oh, no. In some areas of the strand it is set, depending on the last journey of
the soul at that time, because some lives it chooses to lead do not have free will.

D: They do not? Or they do not know they have? N: They do not have free will.

D: So not every entity has free will?

N: That's correct. It depends on the life it chooses. If it chooses a human life,

it has free will. But if it chooses a different existence, in some instances it
does not have free will. So therefore the strand changes in its texture and its
illumination and its color and its thickness and its connection to other strands.
It's very complex.

D: So it all depends on the lesson the soul is learning at that time.

N: We would not call it a 'lesson' as such. We would call it ... remembrance. For
the soul knows all. It knows all. It knows everything about all there is to know.
It just does not always remember. And depending on the life it chooses to live, it
remembers sometimes, and it remembers not sometimes.

D: If it is a human life it would get confusing if we remember all those things.

N: It is a life that the soul chooses when it is wanting to clear much. It would
not choose a human life otherwise, for it is a difficult existence to choose, on
many levels. It is also a very stimulating life to choose. For it is very full.
Full of emotion and feeling and texture and vibrancy. In many other lives that a
soul chooses there is not much variation. There is not much texture. For they
sometimes do not have the third dimension to even relate to. They know not of the
third dimension.

D: Do they have to go through those type of lives before coming into an Earth life?

N: Not necessarily. It depends on the soul's choosing. Then, of course, many souls
have chosen many Earth lives, and get stuck on the third dimensional wheel. And
they do not even know of other existences, therefore creating more karmic
connection, and therefore having to return to Earth. For the soul it can be a
frustrating thing, for they understand on the other side that there are other lives
that can be lived. But they are so locked to the Earth plane they cannot leave it.

D: They have to finish all that first.

N: Not always all of the karma created by the karmic force. But much of the time
there is so much to do, if they were not to have another Earth life they would lose
the opportunity to get a body to come back to. And they would miss the connections
they must make. They might miss the opportunity to contract with the next soul they
must connect with. They tend to stay in similar circles. And those, like Norma, who
know they do not need to be here very often, tend to move in circles of similar or
like souls, and also journey out of them.

D: But if they lose the opportunity to connect, it would take a great deal of time
before they had the opportunity again. And that karma would have to be repaid
eventually and cleared up. Is that what you mean?
N: Yes. Norma is very aware of this. Those who are stuck in the third dimension are
not truly aware. They know in their knowledge somewhere, especially inbetween
lives, that there are other lives they can lead. But they know they must stay in
the Earth dimension to fulfill the karmic debts. Or else they will miss out on the
opportunity, and have to stay in spirit form for a long time. They can go to other
alien lives, other dimensional lives. But they know that it limits them, for they
miss to connect with those lives that are earthbound lives, that they must fulfill.

D: But in the other lives, where they aren't even aware of the third dimension, do
they also create karma?

N: Oh, yes! (Emphatic) Oh, yes! It is part of the soul's journey to create karma.

D: And work it out.

N: It's to lift the vibration of that soul, to bring them back home to the God

D: But in the other lives they do not create the intense karma that we do with the
human body?

N: It can be as intense, yes. And sometimes they can get stuck in an alien life.

D: For the same reasons? (Oh, yes!) But as I'm aware of it, in some of the alien
lives, they can live as long as they want. (Yes) So they would have plenty of time
to work things out.

N: We speak of lower alien lifeforms.

D: Can you tell me about that?

N: There are some who are like colonies of ants, in a sense. Who do not necessarily
have bodies. They are energy, but are of one mind, so to speak.

D: Like a group?

N: Yes. And they move maybe like a flock of birds. And maybe move like ants. They
connect with each other like a colony. They move as one, but as single entities.
And they do not have the karmic intricacies that the human form does. It is more
like a group karma, where they agree to do certain work together as a group. So if
it is not fulfilled, it is not integrated and released.

D: Are there others that are lower types of alien lifeforms?

N: They can be workers for higher lifeforms. But the irony is that the souls of the
higher lifeforms can sometimes choose to be a worker. Moving from different levels,
so to speak. It is a fallacy that a soul moves upwards. It is not from one higher
lifeform to the next higher lifeform. It's not like that.

D: We tend to think that way.

N: No, it jumps and twists. For all sorts of reasons a soul will choose a journey.
Just sometimes for the fun of it, for the experience.

D: To go back and experience something that's different at the time.

N: Yes, it adds to the tapestry. It adds to the complexity of the soul.

D: The variety.

N: Yes, it adds. It gives. It fills. It makes the soul more complete. It's another
piece of the puzzle.

D: That makes sense to me. -- Norma was wondering if she had a galactic connection.

N: Oh, yes! She is aware of the galactic lifeforms she has been, but she's not
aware of the details on a conscious level. She knows much of herself. And she is
learning much in this life. Unless she truly wants to return to third dimension,
she will not need to come here again.

D: So she is more or less completing her job here?

N: There is never any completion as such, because you can come and go as you
please. But she does enjoy the free will aspect of this journey.

D: So at any time a soul could decide it doesn't want any more Earth lives, and go
on and try something else.

N: Only if it's cleared much of its karma. For, as we said, you can be locked to
the Earth plane for many lifetimes. Because, of course, the more lifetimes you
live, the more you are locked here, for the karma that you create.

D: So it's better if you clear it all if you want to go on somewhere else.

N: And many souls are aware of this. Not on a conscious level, of course; that's
why they cram so much into one life. Many souls that are here at this time of the
Earth's evolution, have had extraterrestrial lives. And many are not quite
consciously aware. More are now on this Earth plane than ever before, for they are
here for a reason: to help lift the vibration of Mother Earth.

In Keepers of the Garden Phil said many souls that had never known Earth lives had
volunteered to come to help the Earth at this time in its history. They were the
infusion or transfusion of new blood, the ones who have never known violence.
Because they do not have this in their soul's history they can help to change the
vibration of the Earth and raise it to a higher dimension where such things as
violence are impossible.

D: This is what I have been told. That we are moving away from the violence, and
going into a different evolutionary period for the Earth?

N: Oh, yes, and Mother Earth has created this.

D: Because she is also a living entity?

N: Of course.

D: Which many people don't realize.

N: No, and she must interact with the other planets of this galaxy. And then of
course, beyond it as well. It's bigger than you think.

D.: Yes. I have heard that not only is there the tapestry room which represents the
souls, but is it more complex than that.

N: Oh, yes. The tapestry room represents only those souls who are working in this
universe, and the many universes beyond. But there is more than that.
D: Are there other tapestries, as an example, as an analogy?

N: It is like that, but that is such a simplified explanation. Words cannot

describe. Imagine, or visualize, the universe, and then send that to the infinite.
And you will get an idea that each star represents a life, a soul. And you will be
just touching on what it is all about.

D: But the stars are physical objects, aren't they?

N: Yes, but we are using the universe as an example of how many and how complex
soul journeys are. If you visualize or imagine that each star represents a soul and
its journey to the infinite, you will understand how vast we really are.

D: No limitations really, unless we place them upon ourselves. Is that correct?

N: Each life that is chosen by the soul represents a limitation for a reason, a
lesson, for clearing or bringing closer to the source, because that is our soul

D: To return to the source? (Yes) But we have much to do before we can return
there, don't we?

N: And isn't that the adventure?

D: Yes. All the stumps and bumps along the way.

N: Norma has been many lifeforms of all descriptions. And she is aware of this. She
has already connected to those. What she does not understand is the vastness of her
greatness. She believes that choosing this human form is belittling in some ways.
She does not truly believe that she can be so great, knowing who she is in human
form, with the foibles and the blockages of the human life she is living.

D: Isn't that true of all of us?

N: Oh, yes. But many souls do not even recognize their greatness, and have not even
touched on the fact that they are great. For, of course, we all are.

D.� But in that respect, all of us are grander on the other planes, the other
dimensions. When you say 'greatness'; how do you define that?

N: All souls are great, of course, for they are part of the source. Many souls do
not understand or know of their greatness, and therefore cannot feel the turmoil
that Norma is feeling. For they do not have it in their consciousness. The turmoil
she feels is that she is consciously aware of the greatness that she is. She cannot
resolve the fact that she is in a human body, and that part of her journey is to
integrate the greatness. The greatness that we speak of is her place in this plan.
She is part of a bigger picture, the soul that is Norma.

This sounded familiar. The subconscious or higher self has said the same thing
about many of my other subjects. Apparently we are all much greater than we give
ourselves credit for. If we could only recognize this God spark in others, there
would be no judgment, no prejudice. We would see that we are all souls on journeys
working out different phases of karma. All attempting to return home to the God

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