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Coaching- & Consulting-Guide CLIENT NAME: DATE: APPOINTMENT No.


Where is your client now? What does the process from STATUS QUO to DESIRED RESULTS look like? Where does your client want to go?
What do they believe in? Can you come up with a step-by-step plan to guide your client? What will their life look like in the future?
What is their situation? What are their current steps and is there a bottleneck? What situation do they imagine?

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What is the ONE thing that we can already Note here what you've agreed to take action on. What do you want to discuss in more What are the underlying reasons why they
solve for them today to make their session detail in the next meeting? want to achieve these things in their life?
absolutely brilliant?
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1. INTRODUCTION 9. Good bye

Greeting, small talk, create buy-in. Say goodbye to your client.
Coaching- & Consulting Guide SCRIPT part 1
1. Introduction
a. Smalltalk and Intro
“Hey NAME, nice to talk to you. Please tell me briefly how you feel and how you feel about the current session". - Thank you! What I hear is
b. Creating buy-in for coaching
"Thank you. Are you ready for us to take the next important step together today?" YES "Thank you very much. Then let's get started."
2. Where do we want to go / What do we want to solve today?
a. "What's the reason why we're sitting here together today?
The main reason is SUMMARY OF THE GOAL WHICH HAS BEEN WORKED ON WITH CLIENT. (Example: double sales in 8 weeks, become more
relaxed, save time)
b. Today we are taking the next step towards that goal and we’ll look at what obstacles stand in our way. Does that sound good to you?" YES
"Thank you!
c. Imagine the end of the session / you’ve achieved your desired result: How does it feel/What do you see?/ Describe in more detail! Thank you.
3. Find why and show why
a. QUESTION: What would that lead to if you did more of X? What would be simpler or easier in your life? NOTE. RETURN QUESTION Correct? YES
Thank you!
b. REQUEST: That's interesting. What exactly do you mean by that? Tell me more about it. Describe it in more detail. Thank you. RETURN
QUESTION Correct? YES Thank you!
4. Find status quo and obstacles (Analysis of the ACTUAL state / Finding necessary adjustment / Isolating beliefs)
a. Repeated Session: “Last time we discussed SEE NOTES OF THE LAST TIME. Is that correct?" YES "Thanks!"
b. First Session: "Let's take a closer look at where you’re standing right now. What I know so far is that you’d like to have PAIN X GONE. Correct?
YES or ADDITIONAL INFOS That's interesting. Tell me more about it. → NOTE
c. For all sessions: Thank you. What are the things that come up again and again, why you can't get any further/what is still holding you back?
Thanks a lot! REPETITION Correct? YES Thank you! (Listen carefully, recognize beliefs → NOTE)
5. Focus on the ONE thing that currently has the greatest impact ("strategy to overcome bottlenecks")
a. Looking at what’s in the way/not working yet/not bringing the results yet: What would be the ONE thing that, if we were to develop a step-by-step
plan right here and now, would solve all the other things immediately / make it a lot easier? NOTE
Coaching- & Consulting Guide SCRIPT part 2
6. Build a bridge and develop a plan for the project (ACTUAL STATE → BRIDGE → DESIRED RESULT)
a. So we now look at how we can build this bridge from the actual STATE (S) to the desired RESULT (R) of that ONE ISSUE (OI).
b. Coaching: (You ask questions so that the client develops the plan themselves) → We start with the end (R) and work our way to the S. Are you
ready? YES! What do you think must happen before reaching R of OI? Example: "website needs to go online" ANSWER Very good, thank you!
What do you think must happen before that? ANSWER e.g: Texts published. Very good, thank you! What do you think must happen before that?
ANSWER ...etc RETURN TO S. Very good. What steps have to be taken now? ANSWER Very good. → go to 7.
c. Consulting: (You give the plan and involve the client with questions about the meaning and whether they would like the result) →
What kept you from reaching R so far, NAME? YOU: REPEAT THE PROBLEMS THE CLIENT NAMED. We've identified that the OI is the main
reason. The bottleneck. Write that down. [... → ] So the first thing we do now is STEP 1, which brings us closer to R. Does that make sense? YES.
Why do you think that makes sense? What would that lead to? ANSWER Thank you. Very good. In the second step we do STEP 2 [ ← ...] REPEAT
TO GET TO R. Very good. What steps need to be taken now and what does each step lead to, NAME? ANSWER Very good.
d. (Selling: Focus on WHAT STEPS need to be done and WHY. Don’t tell them the HOW. The HOW will be worked on when they’re your client ;) If
they do ask about the HOW, keep it very surface level and simple. More on that in MODULE 10.)
7. Summarize action plan OR win client (closing)
a. Repeat session: Summary → Very good. Then let’s we write down all the steps and tasks. Sounds good? YES. Thank you. So what tasks have to
be done now? Add date and time. (Example: "Research of content for website completed by 12.3.2019, 12:00") Thank you! How are you going to
update me once this task is done? (Mail, Whatsapp, Other Tool...) Very good. How would you like me to support you if you can’t get it done?
b. First session: → Pitch see closing script in Module 10
8. Arrange a follow-up appointment
a. Repeat session: Very well, then let’s make an appointment for next time. ENTER IN CALENDAR AND LET CLIENT REPEAT AND CONFIRM. Next
time we’ll talk about TOPIC X, so that ...
b. First session: → see Module 10
9. Goodbye
a. Repeat session: SUMMARIZE WHAT WAS DISCUSSED. PRAISE. Example: I’m happy how fast you’re progressing. Always one step at a time. I
enjoy working with you, because you execute things. Others only dream and you do. Again and again. You stick with it and you get your results
more easily and faster. Very good! Then we will see each other on the agreed DATE. Until then. Optional: If you have any questions, please
contact us via the OFFICIAL CHANNEL.
b. First session: → see Module 10

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