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The development of technology has made it possible for people to travel to other

countries. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this tendency?

The proliperation of technology has enabled invidiuals to travel overseasThe

development of technology has helped people to travel to different places.
On the one hand, The development of technology has made it possible for people
to travel to other countries. Technology has made planning the trips easier. All the
information you need to plan a perfect trip is available online. By spending just a
few hours surfing the internet you can find all the essential information you will
need about the chosen destination and Technology has made planning easier, all
the information you need to plan a perfect trip is available online. By spending just
a few hours surfing the internet you can find all the essential information you will
need about the chosen destination. With the help of technology, people can book
flights, accommodations and even desired activities in minutes.
On the other hand, it is inevitable that there are certain demerits brought about by
this develoment. The first drawback to mention is that as the development of
technology grows stronger, technology can control us.We should ensure that we
are still in a position where we can control the technology. It will be too easy to
suddenly discover that technology is controlling us.Secondly, We may be lazy and
to the development of technology make us steal money or use scam websites to
make money.

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