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To: ccarreon2@arizona.

Subject: Project Feedback

Hello Christian,

I want to express my sincere gratitude for the genuine efforts and positive attitude you bring into the
group. Your speeches are insightful due to the large amounts of research you carefully filter through to
create a cohesive piece that elevates our presentation. The positive energy brought by you greatly
enhances the group dynamic, allowing for a more collaborative and uplifting environment.

To keep continuing this positive work environment it is important to show up on time. In the past I have
noticed you arriving late to meetings with and without our preceptor as well as to class. This last
preceptor meeting you were late by a few minutes which slightly disrupted the flow of things. However
the team was quickly able to get back on track due to your positive attitude. Through showing up on time
the group spirits can remain high throughout the meeting without disruptions.

Additionally, to better grow the team dynamic is essential to speak up about your ideas. When discussing
our last presentation you mentioned engaging the audience by giving them small bags of chocolate
covered espresso beans stating something along the lines of “every company has a bitter aspect however
we can help sugar coat it”. I thought this was a wonderful idea however it was towards the end of class
and not heard by the entire group so the idea was neglected. By speaking up the team relations can
improve through inclusive collaboration.

Furthermore, I think it is important to be more facially expressive when presenting to better engage the
audience. You do an excellent job at using hand gestures to engage the audience but your facial
expressions do not match the same enthusiasm. In this last presentation you moved around through
walking and moving your hands but lacked smiling even when stating a relatable when comparing
Starbucks to a small army. Through adding a smile periodically it can engage the audience in more
meaningful ways.

I want to thank you again for your invaluable contributions to the team. You are consistently reliable,
hardworking, and positive despite the difficult tasks. Overall, I think you can improve your
professionalism in small ways consisting of being more timely, outspoken, and expressive. However you
are still extremely talented in presenting, these are just small improvements that can make you that much

Thank you,
Caitlyn Kroeger

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