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PART 1: Stages of life

1. Do you enjoy your current stage of life?

Yeah, I find my life quite enjoyable at the moment. It's a time where I'm balancing
various responsibilities and opportunities, which keeps things interesting. I'm learning a
lot about myself and the world around me, and I feel like I'm making progress towards
my goals.

2. In which stage of your life were you the happiest?

I’d say that my college years were the happiest stage of my life so far. It was a time of
freedom, exploration, and personal growth. I made lifelong friends, discovered new
interests, and felt a sense of excitement about the future.

3. Which stage of your life do you think the most important?

While every stage of life has its own importance, I think the present stage is the most
crucial. It's where we have the opportunity to make decisions that will shape our future.

4. What’s your plan for your next stage of life?

As for my plan for the next stage of life, I'm focused on continuing to pursue my
passions and goals. Whether that involves furthering my education, advancing in my
career, or exploring new opportunities, I want to continue challenging myself and
growing as a person.
PART 2: Describe an indoor or outdoor place that you find easy to study

One outdoor place that I find incredibly conducive to studying is a peaceful park nestled
within the heart of my city. It's called Thong Nhat Park, and it's located just a short walk
away from my apartment.

I first stumbled upon this serene sanctuary during one of my leisurely strolls around the
neighborhood. The moment I stepped foot into the park, I was captivated by its tranquil

Whenever I visit the park to study, I typically bring along my backpack filled with
textbooks, notebooks, and my laptop. Finding a quiet spot under the shade of a big tree,
I spread out my study materials and immerse myself in the task at hand.

There are several reasons why I find Thong Nhat Park an ideal study spot. Firstly, the
natural surroundings help me feel more relaxed and focused. The fresh air and gentle
rustle of leaves provide a refreshing change of scenery from the confines of indoor
study spaces. Secondly, the absence of distractions allows me to concentrate better on
my work. Unlike bustling coffee shops or crowded libraries, the park offers a serene
environment conducive to deep learning and productivity.

All in all, the park is close to perfect to me, so I don’t think there exists a better option

Part 3
1. What are your distractions when studying?

When studying, distractions often come in various forms. For many people, the most
common distractions include the constant buzz of social media notifications,
interruptions from noisy surroundings, and occasionally, their own tendency to drift off
into unrelated thoughts. These distractions can significantly hinder their focus and
productivity, making it challenging to retain information or complete tasks efficiently.
Therefore, finding effective strategies to manage and minimize these distractions is
essential for maintaining concentration and achieving academic success.

2. How to overcome disturbances while studying?

To overcome disturbances while studying, a number of people find it helpful to create a
designated study space that is free from distractions. This might involve turning off
notifications on my phone, using noise-canceling headphones, and practicing
mindfulness techniques to maintain focus. Additionally, setting specific goals and
breaking down study sessions into manageable chunks helps others stay on track and
minimize interruptions.

3. What's more important, qualifications or experience? Why do you think like


In my opinion, both qualifications and experience are important, but they serve different
purposes. Qualifications provide the necessary knowledge and skills required for a
particular field, while experience offers practical application and real-world insight.
Depending on the context, one may hold more weight than the other. For entry-level
positions, qualifications might be prioritized, whereas for more senior roles, experience
could be valued more. Ultimately, a combination of both qualifications and experience
often leads to the most successful outcomes.

4. What are simple values that students are able to acquire in school?

In school, students have the opportunity to acquire simple yet invaluable values such as
discipline, teamwork, and resilience. Through academic challenges, extracurricular
activities, and interactions with peers and teachers, students learn the importance of
perseverance, cooperation, and adaptability. These values not only contribute to
academic success but also lay the foundation for personal and professional growth in
the future.

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