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Quiz #02 SEE

Roll No: FA21-BSE-022

Name: Muhammad Usman Tariq


Ans: Value-Based Software Engineering for the Environmental Conservation App

Here's how we can integrate value-based software engineering (VBSE) principles to develop a mobile
application for the environmental nonprofit:

1. Identifying Values and Stakeholders:

 Stakeholders: Identify key stakeholders like the organization's leadership, potential donors, and the
target audience (environmentally conscious individuals).
 Values: Through workshops or surveys, identify the organization's core values (e.g., education,
community building, advocacy) and the target audience's values (e.g., convenience, reducing personal
environmental impact).

2. Prioritizing Features based on Value:

 Value Impact Matrix: Create a matrix with features on one axis and stakeholder values on the other.
Assign scores based on how each feature contributes to a specific value (high, medium, low). Features
with high scores for both the organization and target audience get prioritized.
 Example: A "carbon footprint calculator" feature scores high for both the organization's educational
value and the user's value of reducing their impact.

3. Incorporating Features:

 Minimum Viable Product (MVP): Start with an MVP focusing on high-value features like a news feed
with educational content, tips for sustainable living, and calls to action for volunteering or donating.
 User Feedback Integration: Continuously gather user feedback through surveys and A/B testing to
understand which features resonate most and iterate based on that data.

4. Measuring Success:

 For the Organization: Track metrics like app downloads, user engagement (time spent, feature usage),
increased website traffic, volunteer sign-ups, and donations.
 For the Target Audience: Conduct surveys to measure:
o Increased knowledge of environmental issues.
o Self-reported adoption of sustainable practices.
o Positive sentiment towards the organization and its mission.

Additional Considerations:
 Accessibility: Ensure the app is accessible to users with disabilities, aligning with the value of inclusivity.
 Sustainability: Design the app for energy efficiency and consider ways to promote sustainable app usage
practices within the app itself.

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