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La matèria de Llengua anglesa de 4t d’ESO serà avaluada, de manera competencial, a partir
dels següents criteris i activitats desglossades en las dimensions pròpies de l’àmbit lingüístic.


DIMENSIÓ 20%  Activitats de fonètica i pronunciació.
COMUNICACIÓ ORAL  Exercicis de comprensió oral.
 Audicions (àudios, vídeos, obres de teatre).
 Exposicions orals (presentacions/videos)
DIMENSIÓ 30%  Exercicis de comprensió de diferents textos a cada
 Lectures en veu alta.
 Comprensions lectores.
 Proves dels conceptes d’unitats (comunicació, lèxic,
ortografia i gramàtica).
DIMENSIÓ LITERÀRIA 10%  Lectura de textos literaris.
 Treball o examen sobre les lectures.
 Lectures en veu alta.
DIMENSIÓ EXPRESSIÓ 30%  Proves dels conceptes d’unitats (comunicació, lèxic,
ESCRITA ortografia i gramàtica).
 Expressions escrites .
 Activitats de classe que es considerin avaluables.
DIMENSIÓ 10%  Respecte i valoració de la diversitat lingüística de
ACTITUDINAL I l’entorn multilingüe i del món.
PLURILINGÜE  Participació.
 Comportament i respecte per les participacions i
aportacions d’altres companys i torn de paraula.
 Presentació de deures.
 Puntualitat.
 Activitats voluntàries.
 Activitats relacionades amb la competència plurilingüe i


 Llibre Together 4 (Students i Workbook)

 Ordinador personal (o mòbil depenent de l’activitat; connexió WIFI)

Rubriques per avaluació expressió escrita

0.5 1 1.5 2 Total

Task Inadequate completion Task is generally not Good completion of Very good completion
of task completed with. task of task with no

(S’ha significant parts not significant omissions

complert la included in terms and few irrelevancies
tasca?) of content and/or

Structure Very little evidence of Use of some simple Good use and range of Accurate use and wide
(S’ha fet linking words linking words to linking words and range of linking words
servir una connect ideas to help linguistic devices and linguistic devices
estructura Very limited the reader understand which are generally which are used
adequada?) organisation of text, is insufficient used appropriately to appropriately to
according to the connect ideas and connect ideas and help
task Insufficient help the reader the reader understand
organisation of text, understand the text the text
according to the task
Good organisation of Good organisation of
text, according to the text, according to the
task task

Grammar Numerous basic Frequent basic Good use and variety Some complex
(S’ha fet grammatical errors grammatical errors of basic grammatical grammatical structures
servir which often make text which make text structures used with minor errors
estructures impossible to generally difficult to Accurate use and wide
gramaticals understand understand Some complex variety of basic
adequades?) grammatical grammatical structures
structures used with
errors which may
make parts of the text
more difficult to

Vocabulary Insufficient Insufficient Good range of Accurate use and wide

(S’ha fet vocabulary and vocabulary and vocabulary but some range of vocabulary
servir grammatical structures grammatical structures errors
vocabulari to complete the task to complete the task. Use of synonyms to
adequat?) Some use of avoid repetition
Lots of repetition synonyms but some

Overall Generally Often Nearly always Fully comprehensible

(Es pot incomprehensible incomprehensible comprehensible Spelling is nearly
entrendre el Significant errors in Spelling is adequate Spelling is generally always accurate
text? Es spelling accurate
llegeix bé?)

Rubriques per avaluació expressió oral

0.5 1 1.5 2

Task Inadequate Inadequate Good completion of Very good

(S’ha complert la completion of completion of task task with minor completion of task
tasca?) task with significant omissions with no significant
parts not included in

terms of content omissions and few

and/or irrelevant irrelevancies
Fluency Produces some Produces quite long Produces long Communicates
(S’ha parlat amb short sentences stretches of stretches of speech spontaneously and
fluïdesa?) continuous speech which are clear naturally
Very noticeable
hesitation Frequent long pauses Occasional hesitation Occasional hesitation
to search for patterns to search for
and expressions
expressions with a
few noticeably long

Grammar Frequent basic May use complex Some complex Some complex
(S’ha fet servir grammatical grammatical grammatical grammatical
estructures errors which structures but errors structures used but structures used
gramaticals make speaker make the not always successfully
adequades?) difficult to speaker difficult to successfully
understand understand at times

Vocabulary Minimal Adequate use of Adequate range of Accurate use and

(S’ha fet servir vocabulary to grammatical vocabulary wide variety of
vocabulari complete the task structures to vocabulary
adequat?) and major errors complete the task Some use of
make synonyms but some Use of synonyms to
speaker Adequate range of repetition avoid repetition
generally vocabulary but some Occasional minor
difficult to repetition and basic errors
understand errors

Pronunciation Pronunciation Pronunciation and Pronunciation and Pronunciation and

(S’ha mostrat una and intonation intonation noticeably intonation generally intonation always
pronunciació strongly influenced by first clear and natural and very clear and natural
adequada?) influenced by language, don’t although there may and these are used to
first language, always sound be some errors, the emphasise meaning
don’t sound natural and meaning is clear and attitude
natural, sometimes affect
generally comprehension

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