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Approved by

Business English Lectures Student Name

Dr. Sri Hartiningsih, MM., Arabela Refo Widhiarti

0728026401 202010100311111

The Chief of English Language Education Department

Drs. Jarum, M.Ed


I. Background
As the global workforce continues to evolve, the ability to adapt, communicate, and
collaborate effectively becomes increasingly paramount. This internship endeavors to not
only enhance the academic discourse on the integration of practical experiences in
educational frameworks but also to empower future professionals with the skills needed
to thrive in the competitive world of business. As time progresses along with
technological advancements, banks are no longer known solely as places for borrowing
and saving money. Now, banks also offer other services such as insurance, Hajj savings,
and facilitate payments for various public bills.

One of the banks that provides these facilities is PT Bank Republik Indonesia
(Persero) Tbk. PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. is a financial institution that
operates under the auspices of the State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN). In order to
maximize its role as a financial institution in serving the needs of the community and the
country, branches of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. are now present in almost
every region of Indonesia.

BRI Sidoarjo Branch has a significant role in supporting the MSME sector and the
local economy. As a financial institution that aims to encourage financial inclusion, BRI
Sidoarjo Branch is an integral part of advancing small and medium businesses and
strengthening the economic foundations of local communities. PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia
(Persero) Tbk. The Tulangan Sidoarjo Branch Office also provides opportunities for
students to carry out field practice. This is done so that students can see directly and
practice what they have learned from learning at their university. Employees at PT Bank
Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. The Tulangan Sidoarjo Branch Office always helps
students in the practical process which lasts for approximately 30 days.

The choice to do an internship at BRI came from my desire to gain in-depth insight
into how BRI operates in supporting the development of MSMEs and society. I am
confident that this practical experience at a leading banking institution will provide a
solid foundation for understanding the challenges and opportunities in the banking sector.
II. Purpose

1. The main goal of an internship is to gain practical experience in the real world.
Through an internship at BRI, one can apply their academic knowledge to everyday
work situations.

2. Internships at BRI can provide an in-depth understanding of the banking industry,

including operational processes, regulations and the latest trends in the financial

3. Internships at banks provide further insight into financial management and

investments, which can be beneficial in both personal and professional life.

4. During an internship, a person can build a network with professionals in the banking
industry, including BRI employees, which can be useful for future career
I. The Time

November 20th 2023 – Desember 20th 2024

II. Student Name/Number

Arabela Refo Widhiarti (202010100311111)

III. Closing

In conclusion, Internships at Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) can enrich practical skills in
various fields. from data analysis to risk management in applying theoretical knowledge to
real work contexts. This internship can improve skills in decision making, problem solving,
and interpersonal communication.

It is important to note that an internship at BRI is not just about work and technical skills.
However, this internship activity provides an opportunity to get involved in social initiatives
and community empowerment. Being involved in these activities provides a broader
perspective on banking social responsibility and the positive impact that a financial institution
like BRI can make.

Apart from that, this internship at BRI provides an understanding of how important
collaboration and effective communication are in the work environment. This internship
provides an opportunity for students to exchange ideas with experienced professionals and
gain their views on emerging banking industry trends.

Overall, an internship at BRI not only provides practical experience in the world of banking,
but also forms critical values in your future career path.

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