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Nama : Arabela Refo Widhiarti

NIM : 202010100311111


Education attitude (affective) is closely related to one’s own values. The attitude is a
reflection of a shared value. Therefore, educational attitude is basically educational value.
Value is concept that is in the human mind that is hidden, is not in the empirical world,
values associated with one’s view of good and bad, beautiful and nor beautiful, worthy and
unworthy, unfair and unjust, and so forth. One’s views about all it does is intangible, we just
might be able to tell from the bahavior in question. therefore the value is essentially the
standards of conduct, measure or criterion that determines a person of good and bad,
beautiful an nor beautiful, worthy and unworthy, and so forth, so that the standards which
will color the person’s behavior.

Summary :
Education attitude (affective) is closely related to one's own values. The attitude is a
reflection of a shared value. Therefore, educational attitude is basically educational value.
Educational value is basically the process of planting a value to the learner is expected
therefore that students can behave in accordance with the views he thinks is right and does
not conflict with the norms in force.

Sumber :

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