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1. I have read on google some of Stephen D.

Krashen's theories regarding second language

acquisition. from some that I read I know Krashen's theory of second language acquisition
consists of five main hypotheses:
(1) The Acquisition-Learning hypothesis, (2) The Monitor hypothesis,
(3) The Input hypothesis, (4) The Affective Filter hypothesis
(5) The Natural Order hypothesis.
Of the five hypotheses put forward by Krashen's theory of second language acquisition, I am
interested in and agree with The Affective Filter hypothesis. because I think the most
important thing for someone to learn a language is the emotional factor and the learning
environment for someone must be positive and comfortable without feeling pressured. so
that in doing the learning can do well and of course will be more easily and quickly accepted
as well as remembered.

2. Technology really helps me in learning English. the use of technology that is easy and fast
makes it easy for me to learn languages. through technology and YouTube applications or
podcasts can help me to get to know new vocabulary better. I can also find out how to
correctly pronounce every word in English. when I have difficulty in interpreting words I can
directly ask Google which I can quickly find out the meaning. So, technology is very
influential for me to learn English.

3. I tried to find out various kinds of SLA theories on the internet. from several theories that
I have read, I am interested in cybernetics theory. Cybernetics is a control system theory
which is based on communication (submission of information) between the system and the
environment and between systems, the controller (feedback) of the system functions with
respect to the environment. The basic principle of cybernetic theory is to respect the
existence of 'difference', that one thing will be different from another, or that something
will change over time. Learning is described as: INPUT => PROCESS => OUTPUT.
Cybernetic theory is implemented in several teaching approaches and learning methods,
which have been widely applied in Indonesia. For example virtual learning, e-learning, and
Some of the advantages of cybernetic theory:
1) Everyone can choose the most suitable learning model for himself, by accessing through
the internet learning and its modules from various parts of the world.
2) Learning can be presented in an interesting, interactive and communicative way. With
multimedia animations and audio interference, students will not be bored sitting for hours
studying the modules presented.
3) Thinking of the world as a 'global village', where people can get to know each other, can
communicate with each other easily, and learning can be done anywhere without being
limited by space and time, as long as the learning facilities support it.
4) Books of teaching materials or other learning resources can be obtained authentically
(according to the original), quickly and cheaply.
5) When asking or responding to teacher or instructor questions, psychologically students
will be more daring to express them, because students will not feel afraid of being wrong
and bear the consequences of their mistakes directly.


1. In my experience doing hybrid learning in almost 2 years, there are several

applications that are used in learning activities using Zoom, Google Classroom,
Moodle and Edmodo. After I do activities using these applications, I think Zoom and
Moodle are the best applications and the easiest to use compared to other
applications. This Moodle e-learning application allows students to enter digital
classrooms to access learning materials. By using Moodle, teachers can create
learning materials, quizzes, electronic journals and others. for the activity of
delivering material by the teacher, it can be done using zoom because students can
see and hear directly, not only that, students can also express their opinions and
questions directly in learning activities carried out using zoom.

2. In my opinion, Moodle and Zoom are the best applications for hybrid learning
activities. however, in using the application there are some problems that may
occur. The first is definitely internet network access. where students live is different
from one another which makes it difficult if there are students in the area who have
bad internet connections so that learning is disrupted. students cannot follow the
lesson using zoom if the internet connection is bad or unstable. With the Moodle
application, it will help students in areas with unstable internet connections not to
miss learning materials. teachers can write or send material via Moodle so that
students who have bad internet connections can participate in learning activities.

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