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Juan Sumulong Campus

Junior High School Department
2600 Legarda St. Sampaloc, Manila

PACUCOA Accredited-Level II

English 7

DLP Activity No.1

Activity Title: Multimedia ( text,graphics,video,animation,audio)

Learning Target: Identify the components of multimedia
Create a digital storytelling with the the use of appropriate
multimedia resources to convey a creative story of their group

Concept Notes:
 Multimedia -comes from the word multi-, or "many," rooted in
the Latin multus, "many or much;" and media, the plural form of medium, or"system
of communication."
 A form of communication that combines a different content forms, such as
text,audio,animations, videos, and animation.
 An interactive media that provides multiple ways to represent information to
the user in a powerful manner.
 Text- are characters that used to create words,sentences of paragraph.Text
alone provide information. Also it can have various fonts and sizes.
 Graphics are defined as visual presentations such as artwork,drawings or design
ma’am.It is used more often than text to explain a concept and to present
background information.
 Slideshow is an examples of graphics.It is a presentation used to communicate
information through series of slides.Along with regular text, it can be contain
numerous types of tables, images,drawings,charts and links.
 Audio it is a multimedia application that may require the use of speech,music
and sound effects.These are sounds that can be added and combined with all
other media types in so many ways.A podcast is an example of audio multimedia
. It is an episodic series of spoken word digital audio files that a user can
download for easy listening.
 Video is a series of electronic signals used to generate a steady source of images
which stimulate movements.Videos can utilize graphics,pictures,text that are
used for entertainment,education and other purposes.Examples are film,you
tube videos and TV programs.
 Animation is a simulation of movement created by a series of illustrations or
photographs displayed in a rapid succession.Example is a flip book animation.
Name:____________________________________________ Date:______________
Grade Level & Section:_______________________________ Score:_____________

Exercise 1
Directions: Identify the following multimedia examples with the appropriate type of
resources. Write your answer in the space provided before the number.

_____1. Podcast
_____2. Slideshows
_____3. Prezi Presentation
_____4. Vlog of Toni talk
_____5. Infographic about Health Living
_____6. Lion King Advertisement
_____7. Flyers
_____8. Spotify
_____9. Aladdin
____ 10. News Article

Exercise 2
Directions: Choose the appropriate multimedia resources in each sentence. Encircle
the letter of the correct answer.

1. What multimedia resource primarily relies on written content to convey

A. Audio B. Graphics C. Text D. Video

2. Which multimedia element is associated with sounds, music, or spoken words?

A. Audio B. Graphics C. Text D. Video

3. What type of multimedia resource involves visual elements such as images, charts,
or diagrams?
A. Audio B. Graphics C. Text D. Video

4. Which multimedia element adds movement and dynamics to visual content?

A. Animation B. Graphics C.Text D. Video

5. What multimedia resource combines visual and auditory elements to tell a story
or convey information?
A. Audio B. Graphics C. Text D. Video

Directions: Create a 3-MINUTE digital storytelling with the the use of appropriate
multimedia resources to convey a creative story of your group.

DEADLINE: February 8,2024 at 3:00 pm. Upload it in the google drive in our group
Content - 30%
Creativity- 30 %
Presentation- 15%
Appropriate use of Multimedia-25%
Total 100%

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