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Growth & Development

In the Corn Belt, which covers much of the Midwest

including Kansas, corn is an integral component to
the success of agriculture. Throughout the growing
season, the corn plant undergoes a series of
developmental stages as it grows from a seed at
planting to a tall plant with an ear at harvest. The
following information highlights various stages of
growth and development of corn throughout the
growing season and various problems during
planting and germination.

Ready to learn more? Read about abnormal ear

development (pdf).
Planting Conditions

Seed Depth

It is important discuss seed placement at planting

before we reach plant growth.

In the field in this photo, the

planter was set at a depth of 2 inches. This was
due to this planting date occurring early (early
April), which resulted in cool soil temperatures.
Planting shallow in this situation places the seed in
an area of higher soil temperatures, which will aid
in faster germination. Planting corn into a soil
temperature ranging from 50 to 55 degrees
Fahrenheit may take 18 to 21 days to emerge,
while between 60 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit can
emerge in 8 to 10 days. Knowing the soil
temperature at the planting depth being used is
important in understanding when emergence can
be expected to occur.
Residue Management

Another factor that is important before seedling

emergence is residue management when no-till
systems are implemented. Pictured here are two
rows with varying amounts of soybean residue.

The left row has a higher

amount of residue covering the row compared with
the row on the right. Due to this, the left row has a
less uniform stand. This is due to cool soil
temperatures as the residue inhibits penetration of
heat from the sun. Residue will not only further
delay emergence, but can also cause uneven
stands, which can also decrease yields.
Management of corn or sorghum residue is more
critical due to the higher amounts that remain in
the field compared to soybeans.
Soil Moisture

Soil moisture also requires consideration at

planting. While moisture is important to consider
during planting, doing so when the soil is too wet
can cause crusting.

Crusting occurs when water

and pressure causes soil particles to "glue"
together, creating a layer that is very difficult to
penetrate. In this photo, a large clod was removed
from the surface, revealing this plant. The
yellowness of the plant illustrates its clear
deficiency for sunlight. The likelihood of this plant
surviving at this point is low. In the event of
crusting occurring in the field, rainfall is usually the
best method to solving the problem. However,
rainfall can also cause crusting to occur if the
rainfall intensity is too hard.
Seed Germination

Now that the seed is in the

soil, it will begin to absorb water and begin to
swell. When enough water has been absorbed and
the soil temperature is favorable, germination will
occur. The first root called the radicle will then

The picture illustrates the radicle beginning to

elongate, approximately ten days after planting.
Soon after emergence of the radicle, the mesocotyl

will begin to elongate. The

coleoptile, which is a protective sheath over the
mesocotyl, is seen first when emergence occurs.

Mesocotyl elongation is very sensitive to soil

temperatures. If soil temperatures are too cool,
elongation will be slow and emergence will be
delayed. Pictured are the developing mesocotyl
and coleoptile.

Pictured in this photo are

coleoptiles breaking through the soil surface.

Identifying Stages of Growth

From breaking through the soil surface to maturity,

the plant will undergo several growth stages.
These stages are separated into two groups:
vegetative and reproductive. The point that
separates these two groups is the appearance of
silks. Listed below are both groupings and their
respective stages.
Vegetative Stages Reproductive Stages

VE Emergence R1 Silking
V1 First Leaf R2 Blister
V2 Second Leaf R3 Milk
* R4 Dough
V6 Sixth Leaf R5 Dent
V10 Tenth Leaf R6 Black Layer (Physiological Maturity
V(n) nth Leaf
VT Tassle

Vegetative Stages


The first stage observed in the vegetative period is

known as VE, which is emergence. At this period,
the coleoptile is fully visible, yet no leaves are fully

Full development of the first
leaf is known as V1.

The number of leaves that are completely

developed determine the vegetative stage the plant
is at.

Although there are two leaves present on this

plant, it is technically not at stage V2. Full
development is achieved when the collar of the leaf
is fully visible.

The collar is found at the base

of the leaf. This will be explained in further detail
at a later stage. Another attribute of this stage is
the uniqueness of the leaf.

The first leaf on a corn plant has a rounded end,

known as the flag leaf. This is the only leaf on the
plant that exhibits this trait. When determining the
number of leaves on a corn plant, the flag leaf
should be the first leaf counted.

This picture illustrates a corn plant with the seed

exposed at V1. Located below the seed is the
radicle. The area above the seed to below the soil
surface is the mesocotyl. At this time, the growing
point of the plant is located below the soil surface.

To illustrate V2 and to
establish a better understanding of the leaf collar,
please examine the following two pictures.
While these two plants look similar, they are not at
the same growth stage. The first plant would still
be considered V1, while the plant in the second
picture is V2. Zooming in will aide in the
investigation of the differences.

This photo reveals the collar

of the V2 plant from above. After zooming in, the
image reveals the collars of the first two leaves.
Despite a very large second leaf, on the plant in the
first photo, the collar is not fully exposed.
However, this plant will reach V2 shortly hereafter,
probably within 24 hours.
At this stage, the growing
point of the plant are now above the soil surface.
Tillers also start to become visible at this stage.
Also, leaf senescence, which is the process of
degradation and death, begins to occur to the first

At this stage, many ear

shoots, which are the potential ears, are now
visible on the plant. Usually, the ear shoots that
are located higher on the plant are those that will
develop into harvestable ears. Nutrient and dry
weight accumulation also increases greatly around
this time, which results in greater water and
nutrient requirements.

Tassel formation is now starting to become visible

at this stage, as shown in the photo to the right.


This stage occurs when the tassel is completely

extended and silks are not yet visible. This stage
also signifies the amount of vegetative growth that
will occur on this plant, as all leaves that will be
grown on the plant are now visible. The tassel will
usually be visible for 2-3 days prior to the silk
emergence, depending on the hybrid and
environmental conditions.

Pollen shed will now occur from 2-3 week. The

plant is most vulnerable to hail damage at this
period due to the tassel being completely exposed
and possibly destroyed if hail were to occur.
Reproductive Stages

R1 - Silk

This stage occurs when silks

are visible outside the husks. The silks serve the
purpose of capturing pollen that falls from the
tassel. The captured pollen grain moves down the
silk to the ovule, where pollination occurs. This
process takes about 24 hours.

Environmental conditions are very important during

this growth stage. Stress during this time can
cause poor pollination or kernel set. Lack of
moisture can cause the silks to become too dry
and can greatly limit their ability to transfer pollen.
R2 - Blister

Kernels at this stage are very

small and white in color. The fluid that fills the
kernels at this stage is usually clear in color. The
silks are now beginning to dry and darken to a
brownish color. The kernels at this stage are about
85% water and will gradually decline from this
point until harvest.
R3 - Milk
Kernels now begin to show a
yellowish color on the outside. Also, the inner fluid
now has a milky texture, which is caused by
accumulating starch. The cob also also gained a
considerable amount of size and volume
considered to it at R2.

Dry matter accumulation is occurring at a very high

rate now. Any stress that occurs during this stage
can limit kernel size and weight.
R4 - Dough

The ear now begins to display

a brighter yellow in color. Also, the accumulated
starch in the kernel begins to thicken from its
earlier milky consistency. The cob also begins to
develop a reddish color.
R5 - Dent
This stage is easily visible, as
kernels are now dented. This occurs as the
moisture content of the kernel begins to decrease
at a faster pace. At the beginning of this stage, the
kernel will be about 55% moisture.

The starch in the kernel continues to evolve from

the pasty consistency of the dough stage to a
much harder texture. This starch will begin to
harden at the top of the kernel and work down
towards the cob.

Stress at this stage will only affect kernel weight.

An early frost during this period could also have the
same effect.
R6 - Physiological Maturity

This stage occurs when the

kernel has achieved its peak dry matter
accumulation. The hard starch layer has now
reached the cob and a black abscission layer,
called the black layer, has now formed. This black
layer signifies the kernel is finished with its growth
for the season. The kernel at the start of this stage
is 30-35% moisture, depending on the hybrid and
environmental conditions.

The growth rate of a corn plant is slow at the

beginning of the season, but increases with the
presence of each new leaf. Under non-stressful
conditions, the time between new leaves will
decrease as the season progresses. The plant is
most vulnerable to stress during silking, when
important pollination events are occurring.

As the reproductive stages progress, the effect of

stress on seed weight will decrease, while the
effect on seed number will be minimal after R2.
Highest yields will be achieved in areas where
environmental conditions are favorable for these
growth stages, especially R1. Unfavorable
conditions early in the season will limit leaf size,
which will decrease photosynthesis, while stress
later in the season can affect pollination in the
form of kernel size and number.
 Ritchie, S.W., J.J. Hanway, and G.O. Benson.
1993. How a corn plant develops. Spec. Rep. 48
(revised). Iowa State Univ. of Sc. and Technol.
Coop. Ext. Serv., Ames, IA.

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