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(-)Iil:{lli\N lýLiNl) N(jll.1 lt 1,1i.)лчрl]i\l,l1,1i

рRlчАтЕ & coNtlDINllдl.

Маrсh 2"ý, 2_024

Positioп Г&В Attenclatlt

Poýition l.eve| & Grading Levcl 1 [tutrrге Leaderl
сопtrасt ýtatus Single Status

l{eporting Liпе F&В Sltpervisoi оr designate

Actual Jоiпiпg Date Арril 202"4

f Ir +t)r+41,14 4,J,l,'1 . wgJуr.rlхоя.еоllt

' (/ |]:ll1r.,,illl}liii'iil),tl.ili(,lililrlx,]ý,{]Om
|)age 1 of ],0
probation Регiоtl
(.}|-],lдl l.i\N lSt,лN1.1 N()lff

6 Mcлtths frrrпl the d;lte

I l I,1.]s1,11)\|,l l,Y

о{: соtтtrпепсёmеllt
Monthly !iasic -ýa|ary Annrral grояs QАR 20,400 payable rпопthlу at tlle гаtе of QAII 1,700 grоýý
Ассо m пrо clatio tt Shпrеd RoorT рrочitlеd irt Heartist Accotnrnodations iп liпе lvittl the
соmрапу 1rolicy
'Гrа nsportatioп Trat,lsportatioll ivill lэ* prclvicled iп line wiLh tlre соtтрапу policy

}Vorklng Ноurs l:crrty-eigh[ (аВ) hoirrs рег week over б wогkiпg clays

Notice period 0пе г\4опth

Алшuаl teave. 2"1 Cnlendar daр per annllml lп{rе.аsý to }0 dnys after 5 уеаrs of
сопtiпчоцs service
Vaýation lilight Ticket Есопопlу ,class rеlurпs alrfýre to Tashkent, Uzbeklstqh fоr,sеlf ёчеrу'24
}lопtе Destination Tas hkerlt, Uztrekistarl

Telepllotte Allowance lп line with the сопrрапу ;rolicy

Position, Grade & Place of Work:

],.1 The Fiгst Раrtу at апу tirпе cluring,the'|'ernt of this co|itract mау assign the secclllci Рагtу, with llislher'
cllrrent jotr descriptiorr, ог assign ltiпt to work iп апу оthеr саlrасitу, iп апу of its ciepalln]ents, branch
locations, оr its a[filiates. Thc. Place tlf work is iп Qаtаr.

t,? Yоu sllall devote уоuг wоrk tirпе; knowiedge, апd attention to уоtlг cluties and саrrу out уоur duties with
thc Соrпрапу with due tiiligence апсl in а рroреr lnanner апd use уоur best skills апr| еrrгjеачоrs to
ftrrtllег tlre bttsitress aIld intereýts пf tlre Соmрапу.

Duriпg уоur реriоd crf еrrtрlсlупlеnt with the Cornpany уоu will регfоrпr suclr cluties acts, and tlrirrgb as
аrе поrrпаllу to Ье реrfоггrrеd Ьу you ог as wottlci hе assigrrerl to yott iп tlre рr<lреr реrfоrtпапсе of yottr t

еrпрlоупlепt апd геаsопаЫу llесеýsаrу iп апd about the carryirrg crttt of yotir fttrrctinlls as yotlr сопtrасt
position апсi qссаsiопаllу you nlay Ье rеqirirесl to регiоrrп duties of а rеаs<lпаЬlе паturе оthег tltatl what
чоu wеrе originBity hiгесl fог, ечеп if they аrе uпdеrtаkеп Ьу оthегs frошt tilne to time;

1..4 Probationary Psriod; Yott will Ье qinployacJ оп рrоЬаtiоп for а periocl of six (6) lnonths, tliirirlg which
еithег раrtу has the right to termil]ate ttte еtпрlоуrтtегIt ё8гёеmепt witlr 30 days',written аdчапсе notice
itr ассоrсlапсе with Агtiсlе З9 0f the Qаtаг Labour Law. The ргоЬаtiоrl peгiocl is попrепеwаl.llе апti fоr
опе time опlу, Tlre Secotlcl I)arty mау tertrtinate this Contract сiuriпg the РrоЬаtiопаrу Perioti, аltеr
пФtifуiпg the |-irяt Раrtу iп writirrg апсl suЬjесl tcr the following condltions;

а, lп the ечепt tIrat the St:colltJ раrtу decicJes to tгапsfеr its sponsorship t0 апоthсr спlрlоуеr,
the Seconcl party slrall notlfy the First party orte nronth at least рriог to rhe tеrmiпаtiоп tlate
апсl shall рау the Fiгýt Раrty conlpensation equivalent to two months' basic salary- Tlle nebv
епrрlоуеr must соtтрепýпtе the old еmрlоуеr а l)оrtiоп clf гecrttittnetrt {ees апd tlre аir ticket,
cappe<l at two rnonths of the спrрlоусе's bnsic wage. Thc Cotrrpany mау retain such ;iпlclurtt
until sесtlгiпg the saine fгоrrl the rtew еtпрlоуеr, ог if the Еrпрlоуее rJecides io ýtay iп (Ъtаr
uпсiеr а farrtily lrtenlber sроrrsоrshi;э.

Ь. ltr Lhe ечегtt thal: the, Ёtlployclc clccicles to rettlrn back to his/her ()оuпtIч, the secollcl ;larty
shall пotify tlle FirSl. ['агtу two nronths ргiог to the teInrinotion clate,

1,.5 Yоцr погtпаl working hottrs will Ье ап ачеrаgе 0f forty-eight (4В) hоurs реr wcek, В hоurs 1эеr tlay,
exclusivc of rTeaI lrгеаks, Please note that working hours are schec|ulecl hy tlrcl Соmрапу lэвsесi оп
business |evels апсl mау Ье extended,

l Фdо

?d507 !чJУ| \gJ,,!ia 19? - 1,rýIilll)з / З09 . {y'Lir/b9 Jnбbrill .Jkш . аэ9rl . фJttbful ,Ьuф , q|lшgt рЬ}. .Дlfuиuф *rJs] rhtl йtril}rф r,,lrtlul,lu

) E:inrý;{ifiHfýiiýlandФrix()ý.cr,}m p:{.ff7d:,1lil/,l44n,. *Фw.rlюý,*Ё}it: ,

r\1 r'
Раgе 2 of

tJti,li\,1j+\N lýl,дNl) N()II.I,I l l lr l51,1 l,\LIl,Y





0etaifirn |,iland t\lOttn ЦO*pita{ity. Lusail StrcЁt, |_us.|ll 1{orltl - I}Фhil - Фаtаr .zопё - ,6t) 1,$kcet - Зо5 / Buiidln(| . !ýl? Ро. I},oxl 2.1ý07
r:,irirё,qоtяirапiý|*пlrФriхi)8.sай Р: +074,ll44 {,.{rl.d ! www,rJiоr.Ёопi

l)age 3 clf 10






y;f ft l ,р,ф

0dttllfat1 l$lallti NOItll l{Фýpltaltty, Luýoil _qitr9st; t"U$.lil hlorlh - DФhа * ФotФi .Zоп9 - бг}/ $trеёt - ýt)ý ./ Bu|l('in9 - l0? РФ,,ВOя;,2.i5о7
ý: tв{nýotalfnniýlailiJ(}lix*ýKФm Рl J:!}.7{:r1l4d 44i4 . Фll*и.llкtý.сýhr

Раgе 4 о{ 10

1|.J V,/
Y ,,/
(.llj]l лllrдN lýLr\}]l l ]'it ll(l1 l l I( lliPl ll\1.1'l'Y

5.3 Relocatio lt
lf you аrе t,е(:гuilеd frош clutside 0f Qfltilг, thc сопrрапу rvill 1lroi,ide а o|,}e-wrty есопOпlу"сlа5s fligh{;
ticl<et fоr you and уоur aUthol,izccl clependants frоrп уоttr l{olтle Destinati()n to Q(rtаг ргiоr t0 у<lttг Date
of Irrrploymertt.

5.4 Repatrlation
Uроп the tcгlniilatiol,| ог expiratiott of the enrployrnent of the ErTployee regarclless rэf tlte rсаsоп fоr
such tel,rtrinatioп, thc CorTpany will рrочidе thc Еmрlоуес апсl their authorizecl clelrenclants with а one-
way аiг ticket t)n есопопlу class to геttrrп lэасk to his/hcr hotne соuпtrу, }{оwсчег, iI thc Ёшрlоусе finds
art alternative el]]ploylтlellt opporttlnity Withlll O,atar ог rJecicles to stay in Qatar uпсtеr а fal}rily trlenll;er
ýропsi}r.9hir}l t}riswill not Ье applicqble, and the COпrpany will Ье ехепlрtеrl frаm re[)aIriation сопсlitiопs,

ý.5 Authorizatiorr fог DerIuctions

Сопlрапу vlill lэe err[itled at аllуtirпе duriпg yotrr cn]pIoylnent апd in;rny ечепt o1l terrnirlation of
уоur епtр|оупlеlit to clelJtrct frопl yoLlr salary оr other rеlпtlпегаtiсlп рrочiсlес:l fог in this letter оr fгоrrl
arty othel; sllrYlý owe(' ot, owing }ry the Cclmpany t0 you/ any п]опiеs due frotn yoll t() the Cclrnl:any
including but lTot linrited to аlly outstaпcling loaпs, overl)ayrnents, advances, the cosl of repairirrg arty
clanlage ог loss to ttte Cc-lmpanl"s рrорегtу caused lry yoLl, ог ally часаtiоп yotr have tаkеп iп excess of
уоur рго-rаtеd elltitlemn}lt ас{ruеd tcl the ге|ечапt date,

Gепеrа l

Adtjitiorlal details rеgаrtliпg tlte corTtpellsation artcl benefits рrоgrапls lloted al:ove will l:e provided to
уOu t,lpoll ytlttr hiге. Tlre actual terms of all c:otTtpertsatlOn alld beneiit plans arrd l)rоgrаIп5 аге set otlt iп
trrolicies, ;эlап docr-inrentýl 0r 8rоuр iпsttrапсе сопtгасts, whi(:h shall gоvеrп in the event of а conflict.with
this lеttег оI апY otl]er docurient. The Соrrrрапу rеýегVOý the right to ntodify, аrпепd or tеrпriпаtе апу
оr all llf its ernployt:e cotnpettsation апсl }renefit plans, privileges, attcl апу of its policies atld procetJut'es
at апу tilT]e.

5,7 pre- Conditioný of Епlрlауrпеflt

This аgrееmепt is ехрrеsslу clependent [lpon yoll Ьеiп6; rпесliсаllу fit to rеsiсlе arlcJ wогk iп the Rixos
Qetalfan lsland North HOýpitality,tLC and upon the same Ьеiпg, and cоntilluin8 to Ье permittecl lэу the
competent authclrities in Qаtаг (the "Authorities") апd tll]on уоLlr holding and continuing to hold valid
clocunrentation as applica[:le and,any other rеqllirеd con9ents, аррrочаis, апd aLlthorizations frоryl the
дr,rthorities ancl yr.ltl're corrlplying with all other raguirenlents (if any) оГ the AuthФrities arising out of
уоur eпlploynrent with the Соmрапу опd o|herwise,

The Сопrрапу will take all rеаsопаЬlе steps requirecl iп оrсlеr to ol)tail,| а residence visa fсlr чоu an(i will
assist wilh the applicatioll fоr rеsiсlепсе visas f'оr уоur eligible dependentý "а5 applicable", Yotr аgrее to
prrlvicJe ttle Сопlрапу promJ:t|y with sut;ll clocttlTlents, illfortnation, апtJ assistance as it lnay rеquirе in
оЬtаiпiпg оr in atly way cJealiпg with yollr reýidence visa апd the r'eýldence visas for уоuг сligilэlе

Emlrloyment Теrms and Сопrlitiопs апtl Confidentiality

а, Duгiпg уоur etllployment with the Соmрапу, уоu txay Ье еntrusted with, llave disclosetl to
yolll оr have access to cer:tain trade secrets and information (whether сlr поt iп wгitiпg), iп
rеýресt crf the tlusiness, developmetlt, ореrаtiФпý. апd financill8 фf the Соmрапу ancl of
AccOr, itý tliчisiопs, affiliatcs. suЬзidiагiеs, 1rаrttrеrshi;rз and brands (tоgсthеr, the "Accor
Group") and the Ассоr Grottp's,dealirlgs, tran$actioný апd affairý which rпау have aýtual or
I)otёntial ecollolllic value to the Ассоr бr:оuр апсl which ilrе tзr mау Ье confidential
iпfоrrпаtiоп оr рrорriеtаrу апсl iý ri0t 8епёrаllу ачаilаIэlе to ог kпоwп Ьу the public
('1Cclnficleпtia! lnfclrnration"). Stt<:lr confidentiaI iпfоглlаtiоrl ffiаy inclucls, lrut is поt limited

(rýtitlfsп lsland NФrth t{oýpiteiity. Lusa|l st{eut. l"(,il!i| N9}tn - ,DolЁ .. Ёпtаr IZФпе - 6$ / ýjtrBet " ýos / }Зtllldl/io - 19? Рё,, Вок: 24507
''liкos |]: illfb.qЁtaifaniýlяn(l{atlixob,ýorn р: +974 i1l44 4444 . wФw.rl)aof,co}fl

Page 5 ol 10
.l ,У

t]ll l';\II ДN lýl i\ Nl) l.{t }lf l'l l lltlýt'l'll\l,.ГI'Y

to: (а) analysis апd facts rёlatinB to prospective ir]vёstments апd/оr cot,lsumtnatecl
illvestrnellts, stIate8ic 1.llalls, апt! forecasts; (lr) Ассоr Grсluр attcI thirc|-1larty firlalrcial
lпf<lrmation; (с) Ассоr Gгоuр policies ог practlces ппd cttstomer, еtпр|оуее, апd челdоr lists;
(d} апу c{ealilrgs, trattsactions or affairs of arry tгаtJе seclet оr рrорriеtаrу t,naterials оr апу
such сопfiс{впtiаl iпfогпlаtiсlп of tlre Дссог Grcrtlp; апd (е) the Acr:or Grrruр's temirlate Фf, or
exec:utцti copies of, СоrпВапу mапа&епlепt аgrФеmепtsl lе{,tегs of inteIlt, апс,l rеsеаrсh,
strategic апd developrTent infоrrnation, financial iпfоrmаtiоп, rооrп йtе5, апd [rusilress

tJ. YOu аgrее that yоu wi|[not at апу tirTre с{uгillg оr аttег уошг регiоd of еrпlзtоуiлеllt with the
Соmраrtу c{isci<ise оr c|ivulge this inforrnatiol1 to апу persoll ()r entity oLrtsicle of tlre дссоl
Grоuр апd that уоu will опlу share suclr infortnaticl.n withiп the Аrсrrг Grоuр iп ассогс.lапсе
rvil"h соrроrаtс poIicies апсl/оr as instrltctecl hу уоrrг llnnlecliate Stlреrчisоr. Withotlt
геstгiсtiоrl, yoLl аgrсе t}tat yotl will поt trsu. this СопГiсJепtiаl lnforlnatiol,t (incluclirrg lrur поt
lirTritecl io kпОr,rl|еdбе, cOntracts, апсl сопгtеgtiопs) {ilr the benefit of апу реrýо11 оr,eпtity
other tlran the Ассоr Gгоuр clr the Соmрапу,

Duriлg уоиr eпrlrloytlent with the Соr,прапу, уоu vyill nor orl уоllr own accotint поr in
cortjLlnctiort wlth оr оп behalf of апу реrýOп, firtn, согllогаLiоп, оr <lrganizltticllr, lre engaged,
ог interesied eitlter directly ог incJirectly, lrl апу capacity, tracle, l:ttsiгtt:ss, <lccrrpatiolt оr
activity wlrit:lr irl the Cc:mparly's dеtегmiпаtiоп (in g<lorl faith) mау lre in ctrnllict оr irt
colпl)etitiol] witll the Cotnpatly's interests апсl lrusincss. hiпtlег or otlrerwise iпtеrfеrе with
the J:егfоrrпапсе of уоuг cluties ttоr will yorr рlап оr takc atly рrеllпtlпаrу ýtel:s? either аlопе
ог with otlrers, to set up ог participate itt arty busirress епtеrрrisе that WOLllcl Ье in
conlpetitlol1 with the Соrпрапу's interests сlг [:lrsittess.

tl. Ycru shalI llot dtlringtile contintlance of уоuг etnploylnel)t, оffег, give, solicil. ог rcccive alty
hriЬе оr gгatLritous раупlепt whatsoever lп геlаtiоп to the buýineýs оГ the Colnl)any оr its
affiliates ог dcl any act which mау have ап adverse effect orl ог lle рге.iudit:iаl to the business,
repritatiol] оr gr,loc|will ctf the Сопlрапу or its a[filiates,

Dttring the period оf уоuг erTploytnent with the Сопrрапу, уоu rпfiу поt, without the рriоr
written сопsепt of the Соrпрапу, ctirectly оr iпrJirесtlу as рriпсiраl, ageirt, sharehtllderi
l)al,tneri апсI enlployee оr iп апу оthеr capacity, епgаgе in оr Ье interestecl iп апу other
lrr"lsines;s whiclr lvill геi;trirе ycltlr attendance сrI attentioп duriпg voLrr, warking hotrrs,

wаrrапt апd lrndertake tlrat your еmрlоylт}ёпt Ьу the Сtlгпраllу does поt апd will поt
Ьrеасh апу а8rееfilепt or оlэligаtiоп wltich ytэrr пrау llave епtеrесl iлtо с<lпсеrriiпg
conf ider]tial iпfоrпlаtlоп }:eiclnging to апу оthеr lrаrtул Yor-r wагrапt that any iпfоrlпаtiоп you
tTtay сtг will disclose to the CoInpar]y оr l|se in the соursе of performing уоt,rr cluties will поt
iпсlttс{е апу ctllrfldeпtial iпfоrrrrаtiоп whiгh r7<lrr аге аwаrе is
рrорriеtаrу to thiгсl partieý,

Ф, Сопf itjarrtial lпlоrrпаtiоп, whether c.ievelclpecl Ьу you or togetlrer with otherli iп the course cf
уоur erTployment With the Соrпрапу, wi|l Ье ап<1 shaIl rепrаiп th* рrоlэеrtу of tlre Ссlпlрапу.

h, UрФп ternlination of your епlрlоупlепt wltir the СOrтlрапу (howsoever arising) оr uроп earlier
re(lLlest try the Contparry, yott slrall inlrnecliately return ro the CotTlrany alI rjoctttneltts оr clata
(whether compitterizecl ог not), гесоrds, itenrs, nraterials, arld all other рroрёrtу iп your
possessiolr, сопlrоl ог custocly Ьеlопgiпg t() the Соmрапу or the Дссоr Grclr,tp, оr contaitting
ConfidentiaI llrforrnation arrd, irlclucllttg withotlt IirTlitatlon: clrawings, tapoý, tарё f есогсl]пg-ý,
lilшерrlпts, reports, manuaIs, Comparly tпапабеtтелt аgrееmепtý, lеttегs of [ntent,
согrеsропdепсЁ, cllýtomeг, supplier, developer ancl еmрlоуее lists, cOmputer рrogrапrs, апrI
all оtlrс:г mаtегiаls and all colries (includirlg е|есtrопiс clr sclft copies) tltегеоf rеlаtiпg in atly
way tr,l the Coml:any's оr its tэrапds' l.ttrsiness, strategy оr flпапсеs оr in atry !чау оbtained Ьу


li:: illit],{1tltйifallii;iiltt(]iii!rilcrlr:trri li,: i,97..] ril4,1 4444 . w\,lW.rlяoý,coltr

Pagl: б of 10
{.)]i'l;\lli.\N lýl.дNI) Nt.)l(l tl П()!i|'l ll\l,Гt'Y

yclrr сluriпg the coLll,se оf'уоur enprloyment, Yott f urthеr agree tt]at уоu wi|l поt keep сlr retaitl,
оr allow апу оthег реrsоп оr entity t0 take оr letaitr, arty of the foregoilrб iniorrnation оr
copies (inclucling еlесtгопiс оr soft colries thereof),

Yor,r acknow|tlrlge that tlre confidentiality 1rrovisIotrs set out in this Alticlc 4 аrс fair,
reasorlahle, antl песеssагу atrt| аrе rеаsопаЬlу reclttired fоr tlie prcltectioll of the Сопll)апу
and tlrat апу violatlcln <lr coпtiltuect violation of arly рrсlчisiоп of this Дrtiсlе 4 will thc
Соrпlrапу irгерагаЬlе injury, and уоu expressly agree that the Соmрапу shall Ье entitled, iп
aciditlon to dam;lges апс,l atly оtltег remedies provided hу law, геglаrdirlg tlre strcll violaiioll
с:r corttinttecl vio|ation try ycltt.

I'lre [thics & CSIl Clrarter is enclostltl апсl is hеrеЬу iпскrгроrаtссl into this Ietter авrееll1епt.
Тhе Соrпрапу t"ёsегчеý the right to a|nerld or introdtlcё а пеw Ethics & CSR Сhаrtег frоm time
totiпle, YouwilltredealjngdirectlywiththepubticanditistherefclгeK:ritit:alt,hatatall tilneS
duriпg уоtlr еmрlоупtепt wlth tlre Cotnparry yclu асlhеrс stгiсtlу to the [thics & CStt Сhаrtег.
h ýigпiпg апd rеtчrпiпg tttis letter пgrееmепt, уоu cort{irrn that yoLt strall at all tinles rеsресt
iurthег agree, tcr abide Ьу all pglicies, rrtles, antl ýtandarcls Qf сtrпduсt set dоwп lry the
Cotnparry alrcl Ассоr frоm tinle to time,

k, yоu 'fuгthеr аgrее ,tn abide [:у all prl|i.cieý, rulеý, and Еtgпс|аrdý of сопduсt ý€t dOц{п h,y_ !hе

l. Ttre;protllsions qf th|s Дпtiсlе 4 slrall sцrчiуq апу termlnation ot урut.епlн!оуфепt ýП'd ýhall


Reslgnatlon f Termlnatloш
Ernployeeý, оп tlre Рl:пЬацlопаф.,рвriild.mвуitеrmlваtе,thЬ ,Conti,.sct,wit{IФt{,t iuýt!ficatjon ппd, wltho.ut
соmрrЬпiаtiоfi uрd,п natlfying:tha Емр!оllее,lпwlitlпg at iвaBt опоirtоп}h,lrеfоrе tlre terrTination date;

gшр!оуGrýhпdiеаlрlоуtёёý wllo.fallto mе€t thе|r пýtlсё]rеquirеmепtsФ!llbe liable*o |]ayсоmрёпýаtjOп

cqtriva|ent tФthe йоrkеrls: baslc vrtage,for,the лotlce perlod оr the геmаiпiпg рагt of the notice реriod,
to hе sýr,vёcl,while,a,ioreign wоrkеr who leaves the сOuпt|:у without honorlng t[ertotlce:pe,rind,could
Ье Isýued with а potential оп€:уеаr lаЬоur Ьап lп Qatar.

your еmЁiруmепti mау Ь,е terrTiina,ted without notlce in the ечепt of serlo,us rлisqппd,чсt aý.deflnBd, Ьу
соmр,апу pollcy ancl iп accotdance wlth Qatar Labor Law,

After completion of,the Probatlon Period,

а, Опе tтont}T notice must Ье glчеп Ьу ещрlоу,ееr if:the sеrуiсЬ,Ё leýs than two уеаrý with the

,,', .' .',,,, b;,Дty,9,mgлthnpticepe.rlodapplie1tQworkersservlngnrorethan,twýyearдulith,thegarTý


,th'e Еrпtilоусlrr:еiiёtчсs,thеriýhttорзууоu,чоurЬ{ýlсmопthlуýа|аrуапd,апYоthеrrпопthlу.аllоwапсеs.

eithe|, раrtу terminates thb Сgпtrасt йithout соrлрliапса with the ýaid пФtiЁо p-ýilбd, ,1|ig
torminatin8 party ýhall рау the Other party ,comperisatioп equivalent, tb thё hotlce period, оr the
rеmаiпiпg period,thereof Ьаsёd on the baslc salary.


?4ýо7 цi.'J! ф!r& l92 .

ьrшt|lдП,l / З0}. Ф,I),/ 69 , {n}}fulr|
l$ai .
фgr]I , diJtirlb'l Jp,g' , J}On$ c)Lil . rД'Ця!Od aup iiЦl Фt!+l1!n,JJ,!}'.t{Д
l'{ixotOsltoifonlslgnrjNфгltil.{oýpllfllityil"usailýtreýt,l_us;jltNёt(h - l)dlй - ()iltat .Zano,-69/StreФt- Зoý/B,tllldjng- l92 Fo,Biri(:2a5o7
Ii:ll)l-.],1:l}:tf,ifanllrallc]ieiriIOt.c,rtrn Рi }o'l}l,il{?tr ,1,14,i , r,lvJW,rl,{oý,*onr

Ра8е 7 cl 10

Ь, lf the SесопсJ [)arty tеrmiпаtе5 this Contract witho,trt conlpliarrce with the said пotice period,
the Sесопd Раrtу shall рау to the Fiгýt Рагty coll,lpеIlýotio11 equiva|e пt t0 thc пФtiсе реriоd оr
the retnaitring реriосl thеrеоf based оп the hasic; sаlагу.

с. |п liпе with the Соttпtгу's lalrotlr rеgulаtiопs, if the Second Раrtу left the ýtate of Сlаtэг
withotlt ссlmрliапсе wlth thiý notice period, the ýuсопd Раrlу пlау not Ье аЬ|е to aptrlly'for а
new work perntit fоr опе уеаг cotInrencing frorTr the lеачiпg date,"l"}re Sccotrcl Party may llot
Ье entitled to s;lonsorship trапsfеr itr case of The ýecond Partyls Ьrеасh of thiý Contraci, lп
апу case sропýOгshiр tгапяfеr sliall Ье sulr|ect to the first рагtу's ргiог approval of the
resigllation al:plication subrTitted lry the Secon<J party,

ti: info.qetBllilniяlaffJФriХoý,c0rn {ý)]j|.l /rl44 4444 . цrwtr.rlxoýlGott1
Page В of 10
ýнi\lllл}l Iýl,,лNl] N{lл:t]I { I ll.)$lц,I^Ll:llY

The First Party is епtitlеtl to dеrjrлlсt fгоtл апу |lаушепtý clrre to tlie ýer:ct,пci party (wltether ьу
way of salary, аllоwапсеs, епd"оf-sегчiсе berrefits, оr rrthег рауrпепts), апу ancl all clctrts оr
alnollnl5 clwecl Lly Seconcl Раrtу to Firýt Party at tlte l'еrrпiпаtiоп Date. This irlclriclcs
rераУmепt of апу аппuаl lеаче taken iп excess о{ уоr.rr ассrLrеd entitlements at the
'геr|llirlаtiоп [)ate, r.lг, ап uпраiti loalt r:г ally kiпd of paynrer]t5 (lL|c to the First Раrtу.

Дlrу ехрiгу оr tertTlinatitltl trf еrпрlоуrпспt with thc Соrпрапу slrall nclt, rliзсhаrgе оr vary: (а)
апу гigltts ог obligatioпs о[ the partios which аrс ехl:геssеd оr iпtепrjесl to survive the
terrnination of this offer, inclucliltg but поt limltecl to the conficlentiality obligatiorts set out
hегеiп; оr (Ь) апу оthеr right or rernecly available to еithсr l)arty at law,

r, lf уоu are Ьеiпg paid irr lieu of nr"ltice iп ассgrсlапсе wirh rhiý дgrееmепt, you shall Ье pai<J а
lutп;r stim equivalent to vоLlr salary altd alloulances геfеrrесl tr: irr this Дgгееtlrепt for thc
rеtпаiпiпg поf ice periocl.

ь. Оп clr lзеfоrе tlrц 'l'errnitrfition Date, you muýt rеturп to tlte ljotel all items of, propel.ty
lэеlолg,itlg ttl the 1-1olel that is iп уочг posýession оr uпdег уоuг control, iпсlrrtiiпб апу keys,
creclit сагds, passes, сопll]utеr discs, clocltnrents, fiпапсiаl апri/ог сопtrтtегсiаl inforntaticrrl,

6.3 Miscellaneous
а, А valici апсi triпclirrg LoIItгасt о[ erltploytrtettt, ()ll the tertTs ancl conclitiorts,5et out ill this
|etter аgrеепlепt and inc|uding the Дссог Ёthics & CSR Charter will exist lэсtwееп you ёпсl
the Сопlрапу огl yotlr acceptal,](:e of this оffеr апd satisfactiorr of all of the collditiOns set ()ut
hегеiп, I]iease епsuге that all tllr,пls ancl сопditiопs as set out above аrе acceptable to уоu.
You hегеlrу accept and аgrее thst tl]i$ сOпtrасt of ernployrnent fоrmеd hy уоuг acceptance
of this оffег cotrtains the sole arlcI еlttiге аgгееmеtlt апсl r,lttcleгstanciing between yotr апсl the
Соtп;rапу with rеsресt to its sulr,iect rnatter, and it suрегsесlеs and герlасеs all рriсlr оr
contemporaneor-rs tlegotiationý? аrrаг}gеmепtý, а8rееп]епts, rерrеsепtаtiопs оr ргоtзlisеs
betweert you ancl tlte Соlпрапу whether written оr оrпl, ехргеss or irnplied all of which shall
Ье deenreci to have Ьееп сапсеllеd Ьу пrutuаl agreemetlt, Ný чагiаtiоп оr additiorr tcr this
contract alrd по wаivеr of апу рrочisiоп will Ье valicl оr binciing urtless iп writing signerl Ьу ог

ь" You сопsепt to the Соmрапу ог a1,1y associatetl соmрi}пу withirr the Ассоr Grotrp holcIing arld
processing both etectronically allcl nlanually, the tJata (inclucling реrsопаl ýensitive clata ancl
iпfоrlrrаtiоп contained iп e-rTlail апс| e-rnail attachnrents) it collects, stores, апd/оr рrосеssсý,
which re]atcls to yotl fог tha рtiгроýеý oithe adnriniýtration апd п]апп8еlnent of its lrusirress,
You also аgrее to the Соmралу or апу associated сопlрапу {оrwаrdiпg this clata to Фthеr
offices it tTay have fоr storage, ргосеssiп15, clr arlntinistrative рuгроsеs апсi yotl ((зnsent to
the {JclrTparry'or апу associatecl соmрапу clisc|osing tlrеiг рсlгsопаl data {inclLrding seлsitive
pcrsonal data) to tlrird parties whеrе,suсh disclrrsureis fоrthе legitirTate bшsiness рuгрOýеý
of the Cotrtparly ог any associatecl соlгlрапу clr is nccessary fоr adпlinistrative (iпсluсliпg hut
rrot lirTritc:d to clata processing) реrsоппеl, nlanagenierlt, legal arlrJ/or regtllatory рurрOsеs,

Yоu have the light to access and rectify yor-rr clata (including personal seпsitive data) uроп
req tJ e5t.

м,Ёý l

lblancl l,,loath нФrЁltоli!у, t.Usai1,9lrget,, Lцзоll 1,1()i th - DOh0 - ()olar .аOhё - 6ý / gtreet - lQý ,/ Btilldillo * |{l2 tlrr вох: 24 ýо7
F: i.lFoIl{i!t.iifsi,lii]anr]Ф_iritrrý,cг{(l] i)] }{.)7il 41.1"l /444 . www.r'xor,coltl

Page 9 of 10
, ffi
rJц ttitt.лN lslлNu Krlttтlt tлоsргtлtлгrч

This,employmёnt сопtгасt shall Ьеgочеrпесl Ьу апd construed iit accorcjancevrith applicable

lawý of the State of Qatar, ancl the !arties ugr*Ъ to submlt to the exclusive jurisc,licribn tlf the
Doha, Qatarcourts, This Еmрlоуmепt cQntract is gочеrпесl Ьу first-:by"Гirst partyls 1э_оliсiеs iп
effect frоm time to time. ln the ечепt that попе of this сопtrасt:оr First lrurtlr', poliri", ur"
поt rеgulа,tlПg а partlcttlar пiatter, thФ lаЬоцr Law Nо,, t4 of 2004 with its amenclnlents]ёlld
аПу rеlаtЫ lilW shal| govern sшсh trlаttеr. The Parties hereto,;igliýё t0, $uhщIt antr dlspute
аrlýillg ot|t of this contract to the excluýlrle juriscllction 0f the соurts iп the State olQatar.

6,4 You acknowleclgB апrJ agree that the tеrms, апсJ conditlons of this letter аrе strictly confidential апd аrе not
to Ье cliscusse<J_ witli ot}rer ernployees with the ехaерtIоп о,f уошr lrпЙеdiаtе Suреrчisоr оr Ta|ent & Cultur.,

Tbis Сопtrасt hаs;Ьеал dr:afted iп two origlnal сOuпtеrраrtý, a,copy,for each Partr7 fоr песе55аrу aetiotl a.lld
the thircl сору fог attestation iп the Mlnlsiry of Lаtlоr.

Теmчr,,wе look forward to wрrklпg with you, We have every confidencc that уOu will do ап ёхсеllепt joti


l, Tenrut Alrdujali[ov have reacl ancl unclerstrrod the above. l hеrеЬу ac:celrt efiploylт]ent with the Согпрапу
оп tl]e tсrпls апсl conditions set out in this lеttег,



o"t", О,1. О|Э_rа/О2ё ф,


l?ixdsd)eboifё,l l9landNФ,,thHosr)llallty,l.usailЯtrect.L(rTail NrY[li*Oпhл"Qаtаr.Z:,rпч_ý9/ýtгдеt-эOs/вtitаlпо_l92,R).t:}ох:?jI5о7

Е: i!}fо.сlоtаifапlб1.1пdфrlкоs,еоm i?; +974 4l.[/,t 4444, . wwч.f lхов.dоrrl

Раgе 10 of 10

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