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‫‪Grade: 10E‬‬

‫‪Weekly Newsletter‬‬
‫‪10 Mar. 2024 - 14 Mar. 2024‬‬
‫‪Classwork Table‬‬
‫‪Subject‬‬ ‫‪Classwork‬‬

‫_ مراجعة أساليب وطرق كتابة الفنون النثرية‬

‫الّلغة العربية‬ ‫(قصة ‪،‬مقال ‪،‬وصف ‪،‬حوار ‪،‬رسالة)‪.‬‬

‫_ حل أوراق سنوات سابقة من خالل المراجعة‪ ،‬للتعرف على أداء الطالب‪.‬‬

‫_ ناقش المتعّلمون فضائل شهر رمضان الُم بارك وتبادلوا الّتهاني‬

‫والّتبريكات بقدومه في جٍّو من الشوق والحماس للّص يام واإلكثار من‬

‫األعمال الّصالحة‪ ،‬وتنّبهوا إلى أبرز محظورات الّص يام وبعض األمور‬
‫التربية االسالمية‬
‫التي من شأنها أن ُتنقص أجر الّص ائمين‪.‬‬

‫_ قرأ المتعّلمون اآليات ‪ 195-189‬من سورة آل عمران مع توضيح أبرز‬

‫األمور التي وردت فيها مع تقييمهم على قراءة اآليات‪.‬‬

‫‪English‬‬ ‫_‬ ‫‪Students sat for their speaking and listening final exams‬‬

‫‪Physics‬‬ ‫_‬ ‫)‪Revision and solving (General physics worksheet‬‬

‫‪The students answered questions related to paper 6‬‬

The students practiced solving paper 6
They received paper 4

-They received paper 2 (Word,access,powerpoint)

ICT -Students took a final exam (paper 1)

PE - The students reviewed the Table Tennis skills and were

assessed on them.

_ The students were able to:

_ Solve past papers questions paper 2 and paper 4

_ Students are working on their course work and external

Art and Design exam project

_ Students were able to:

_ Have an in-class revision on the finals topic

Food & Revision and practice for practical exam


Note: Please refer to the exams table shared with you via B12
for the upcoming assessments

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