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‫‪Grade: 8‬‬

‫‪Weekly Newsletter‬‬
‫‪10 Mar. 2024 - 14 Mar. 2024‬‬
‫‪Classwork Table‬‬
‫‪Subject‬‬ ‫‪Classwork‬‬

‫_ تم شرح درس من رسالة الملك عبدهللا الثاني و الخروج باألفكار الرئيسة للدرس‬

‫و المعاني الصعبة ‪.‬‬

‫_ تم مناقشة الطلبة بقضايا لغوية و حل أسئلة الكتاب صفحة ‪.33-32‬‬

‫الّلغة العربية‬
‫_ تم مراجعة األسماء الخمسة وحل تدريبات الملزمة ‪.‬‬

‫_ تم عمل تغذية راجعة لجميع ما سبق ‪.‬‬

‫_ تم تقديم االختبار النهائي لمادة التعبير ‪.‬‬

‫_ ناقش المتعّلمون فضائل شهر رمضان الُم بارك وتبادلوا الّتهاني‬

‫والّتبريكات بقدومه في جٍّو من الشوق والحماس للّص يام واإلكثار من‬

‫األعمال الّص الحة‪ ،‬وتنّبهوا إلى أبرز محظورات الّصيام وبعض‬
‫األمور التي من شأنها أن ُتنقص أجر الّصائمين‪.‬‬
‫التربية االسالمية‬
‫_ تأّم ل المتعّلمون حول أحداث غزوة بدر الكبرى حيث ناقشوا األحداث‬

‫التي سبقتها ومن خاللها استنتجوا أسباب المعركة‪ ،‬وقاموا بتوضيح‬

‫مجريات المعركة وأحداثها ونتائجها و استنتجوا أثرها على الّد عوة‬
‫اإلسالمّية وشاهدوا فيديو من فيلم الّر سالة عن غزوة بدر‪.‬‬

‫التربية الوطنية‬ ‫_ تم انهاء متطلبات مادة التربية الوطنية والمدنية لهذا الفصل‬
‫_ قمنا بمراجعة المادة المطلوبة في االمتحان النهائي‬

‫_ تعلم الطالب آلية الدراسة الفعالة ما قبل االمتحان‬

‫_ اذا وجد استفسار او مالحظة حول المادة الرجاء التواصل معي عبر ‪B12‬‬
English Revision Week
Reading Comprehension
Students were able to:
● Review the reading comprehension task (Paper 1)
● Highlight the importance of memorizing words in answering
paper 1.
● Answer an entire paper with the teacher to make sure that
students are able to deal with this section.

Students reviewed and practiced exercises relevant to the following
● Conditional If

● Punctuation
● Tenses
● Will vs. Going to
● Few / a few / Little / a little

Each student received a card with a particular topic. After 10
minutes of preparation, the teacher asked each student individually
about his or her topic.
Students reviewed the various themes of the essays included in the
Checkpoint. In addition, they reviewed the short emails/messages.

Students were able to:

‒ Review physics chapters by solving classified past papers. (Forces,
Energy, The earth, and space)
‒ Review Biology chapters by solving classified past documents.
Science (Human genetics and development system, Excretory system,
carbon cycle)
‒ Review Chemistry chapters by solving classified past documents.
(Density, groups of the periodic table, reaction of metals, Bonding,
and structure, planet Earth)

Students were able to:

_ Understand that a function is a relationship where each input

has a single output.

_ Generate output from a given function and identify inputs

from a given output by considering inverse operations

(including indices).

_ Understand that a situation can be represented either in words

or as a linear function in two variables ( of the form y=mx+c

or ax+by=c) and move the two representations.
_ Use knowledge of coordinates to find points on a line


_ Solve all related questions on paper1 and 2 past papers


_ Students book (Pg187 to 199)

_ Workbook (67 to 71)

_ Dear Parents:

_ You can find all related Term 2 “Worksheets , Quizzes

Answer keys on Google classroom”

_ You can find out related checkpoint past papers on google

classroom with the answer key.

During this week, students started with lesson 3.1 (P: 62 & 63).
Students learned:

_ How to create an empty list in python

_ How to store a series of values as a list variable

_ How to append a new value to an existing list

_ How to ask user to input a value and assign it to a variable

_ Influenced by Henri Matisse, students expressed their
Art & Design creativity in final projects, offering unique views from their

- The students reviewed their Table Tennis skills and were

PE assessed on them.

During this week, students had fun creating a paper table that can
hold a mobile phone for 20 seconds without collapsing. Students

_ How to use their creativity to build a strong and neat design

of a table with only papers and tape

_ How to test and refine their design to make it more sturdy to

STEAM hold a mobile phone.

_ How to check the stability of their design and add more

support to the weak areas

_ How adding few triangles to their design can make it more

sturdy to hold heavy items

_ How effective teamwork is in getting a final project done


Note: Please refer to the exams timetable and topics list

shared with you last week for the upcoming assessments

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