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Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobin uria (PNH)

DX :

acquired genetic defect of hematopoietic stem cell CBC :

anemia or panoytopenia

→ PIGA gene on X chr -


glycosyl phosphatidylinositol (GPI ) anchor loses protective effect on RBCs .

Flow cytometry :
absence of CD 55 & CD59 on RBC
RBC destruction by complement & RES → intra & extra vascular hemolysis Coombs Test Negative
→ -

( absence of complement inhibitors) →

also platelet activation & thrombosis
involved proteins CD 55 / DAF ; CD -59 / MIRL}absent impaired neutrophil function Serum : I haptoglobin
: .

can also occur in pts w/ aplastic anemia

Hemolytic anemia pancytopenia & thrombosis ,

Tx :

Pallor excessive fatigue & weakness

Prednisone → initial
→ Intermittent Jaundice .

Eculizumab →
anti -

CS antibody (complement -1 )

Episodes of Hemoglobin uric → Pink / red / dark urine -

Bone marrow transplantation it Bm hypoplasia

Venous Thrombosis in unusual locations eg .

hepatic ,
cerebral abdominal

Allo genic stem cell transplantation

→ Vasoconstriction .

Iron & folate supplementation

Headache pulmonary HTN

Abdo pain dysphagia , ,

erectile dysfunction

complications :

→ T Risk of Infections •
Vasoconstriction & thrombotic emboli
t risk of acute leukemias

↳ 0

Enzyme Defects
Glucose 6- -

Phosphate dehydrogenase 166 PD ) Deficiency DX :

Blood smear : irreg contracted

due to macrophages removing denatured

most common human enzyme deficiency 6400 million worldwide) •

Bite cells I fragmented RBCs) hemoglobin inclusions of RBCs ltieinz bodies)

bk 0×1 stress causes Hemoglobin denaturation Hb precipitates
linked recessive affects males lmost severe) Heinz bodies as small inclusions wli

- -

a- 6PD rate-limiting enzyme of pentose phosphate pathway that reduces NADP NADPH → ( which can neutralize Ros ) & free radicals
ghost red cells (Hb retracted to

w/o glutathione RBCs susceptible to oxidative stress that can damage RBC membranes
→ → Intra -
& Extra vascular Hemolysis
Hemi -
one side)

causes of T Oxidative stress are triggers of hemolytic crisis : -

Polychromatic macrocytes
→ most common cause :
bacterial I viral infections
blot NADPH + destruction of Phagocytesed
pathogens .

signs of Intravascular Hemolysis

FAVA beans drugs 1 anti malarial quine sulfa limp smh Nitrofur NOVMOCY tic anemia T LDH

NSAIDs ciprofloxacin )

. . , ,

→ Inflammation produces free radicals → diffuse into RBCs metabolic acidosis

T Reticulocyte count .

I Hapto globin

T Unconj Bilirubin
Hemoglobin uria

( normal btw crises ) screening Test : fluorescent spot test

CF most asymptomatic
- :

add GGP & NADH → measure NADPH fluorescence

recurring hemolytic crises may occur w/ triggers

arise w/ i 2- 3d after Tox stress


Confirmatory Test Quant -66 PD enzyme analysis :


sudden onset back or abdo pain


Jaundice 1 neonatal usu w/o hemolysis)

Tx : avoid triggers

dark urine
blood transfusions only in rare ,
severe cases

transient * selective advantage in areas endemic malaria for carriers


recurrent severe infections → sx of chronic granulomatous disease ( hetero . females ) → less severely affected esp .
A falciparum

Pyruvate kinase Deficiency


autosomal recessive defect in PK

PK catalyzes last step of glycolysis (converts phosphoenolpyruvate →

glucose only energy source for RBCs .
w/o PK ,
ATP deficiency in RBC
↳ →

disrupts gradient along RBC membrane Rigid RBCs
accumulation of 2,3 bisphosphoglycerate T release of Oz from - →
→ →

T extra vase
→ masks

syrup of anemia

CF usu symptomatic DX t.PK enzyme gene mutation activity PKLR

: :

Newborn jaundice due to hemolysis .

Gallstones .
Blood film poikilocytosis & distorted prickle cells
" "


Frontal bossing , leg ulcers


Pallor fatigue
, ,
weakness .

Rare :
hydrops fetal is -

Tx Phototherapy and / or exchange transfusions


splenectomy if severe anemia or exces enlarged spleen .

Hemoglobin opathies
Hemoglobin C disease

B- globin mutation ( glutamate replaced by Lysine) DX :

- -

Hemoglobin C formed Hess soluble than HBA → forms crystals → RBC dehydration Amato)) -

Peripheral smear in HOMOZY

Anisopoikllocytosis ,

TRBC rigidity & + deform ability → extra vase

& shorter
Target Spherocytes
cells & shaped ,
Rod -

containing precipitated hemoglobin C Crystals

RBCs + oxygen binding capacity

CF :
mild hemolytic anemia → Jaundice , Splenomegaly
* Hbsc
gene mutation lone Hbo .
one Hbs ) → milder -
TX : folic acid supp to counter RBC .

sickle cell disease [see other note]


Thalassemia [see other note]

Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia

1 Warm Agglutinin Disease 2 . Cold Agglutinin Disease


autoimmune disease w/ heat sensitive I 37°C) antibodies


binding to RBCs → taken up by RE macrophages → -

autoimmune disorder w/ cold sensitive co -

4°C) antibodies
parts of membrane lost I becomes more spherical binding to RBCs agglutination I lysis of RBCs

agglutination IT Extravascular hemolysis by RES spleen

→ & liver -

mainly IgM antibodies → Intra & Extra vascular hemolysis

- -

mainly IgG but could have complement action as well → intra mediated through complement system

but little to no intravasc .
hemolysis 1 unlike cold lgml

usually idiopathic some 2° ,

causes :

mostly idiopathic but some 2° causes :

Mycoplasma pneumoniae or EBV infection

malignancy lymphoma CLL :

Malignancy eg Cell

. .

Autoimmune diseases : SLE .

Walden Strom macroglobulin emia


Drugs rifampin phenytoin penicillins

, , ,
d- methyl dopa

CF : more acute & severe than warm


CF :
onset gradual .
Often remit & relapse .
Anemia → pallor fatigue weakness , ,

hemolytic anemia w/ varying severity fatigue pallor Painful cyanosis of extremities Cairo cyanosis)



, ,

mild splenomegaly .

Lived 0 reticular is (reddish blue discolouration of skin in net-like pattern


DX :
Extravascular hemolysis →
spherocytes agglut .
. RBCs ,

DX :

polychromasia -

Peripheral blood spherocytes polychromasia :

, ,

Coombs ⑦ agglutination of RBCs


coomb 's ④
Agglutinin titre ( through warmer circulation )
no IgM b/c eluted off as passing

Tx : -
T cold .

1. remove / Tx underlying cause •

ti Gd CH
Monoclonal Ab

Anti -

tx of choice
( Rituximab) } ""
" "et"" " "

Tx :
mild → avoid cold exposure
4. Splenectomy -

if above tails mod -

severe →
immunosuppression w/ Rituximab
5. Immunosuppression
6. Folic acid supp if severe or chronic .

Comp : VTE
7. Blood Transfusion it severe anemia lymphoproliferative disorders
8. High dose 1g
9. VTE prophylaxis Prognosis :
Spon remission w/ i few weeks common


Hemolytic Disease Of Fetus & Newborn IHDFN )

blood group incompatibility btw mother & fetus → leads to destruction of fetal RBCs by maternal Antibodies

ABO incompatibility maternal antibodies :

(anti A and/or anti B) against nonself
- -

antigens of ABO system even if sensitization has

not occurred → fetal hemolysis may occur during 1st prey .

present in ~ 201 .
of all pregnancies ; however only 5- 101 newborns .


Rhesus incompatibility :

in Rh neg mother & 12h pos newborn : maternal exposure to fetal blood lfetomaternal hemorrhages → production of maternal
- -

IgM antibodies
against 12h antigen ( 1st borns not affected ) → sero conversion overtime to Rh IgG cable to cross placental -

in subsequent pre g. w/ Rh pos newborn rapid production of maternal IgG anti D antibodies to fetal RHD antigens
- : -

→ Rh -

IgG agglutination of fetal RBCs w/ hemolytic anemia → risk of HDFN w/ possible hydrops fetal is

Rare following routine anti D -


Kell blood group 2nd most :

common cause of severe HDFN after 12h disease

Rts for HDFN : maternal exposure to fetal blood during pregnancy 10.01 -0.03mL of fetomaternal hemorrhage sutiicientl

antenatal procedures

amniocentesis C section termination of preg :


prey related complications ectopic pre g. placental abruption

→ - :

DX req evidence of hemolysis in presence of letomat blood incompatibility

CF : -

Prenatal DX :

Prenatal Hydrops fetal is corny expected in rn inwmp )

: -

uts determine hydrops fetal is


Postnatal :
Doppler of fetal BV T flow rate indicates fetal anemia
- :

neonatal anemia

Hypoxia -

Postnatal DX :

Hepato splenomegaly

Prematurity -

coomb 's Test if newborn has signs of hemolysis


Neonatal jaundice

scattered petechia -

Rhin comp : positive
→ ABO incomp : weak positive or negative

Tx :

prenatal :

Intrauterine blood transfusion via umbilical vein ,

Anemia iron supp & RBC transfusion

: lit necessary)

artery peritoneal cavity

or heart -

Hyper bilirubin emia phototherapy & :

exchange transfusion iii. necessary )

Possible NIG in severe cases


severe : NIG

screening :

A. ABO & Rh
typing of mother → Rh ④ no further
screening needed .

12h -0 =
screening for Anti D antibodies -

if NO (not sensitized )
↳ =
repeat at 28 Wks gestation & delivery
↳ if YES (sensitized ) =
( anti D antibody titre i. 8)

> → amniocentesis & imaging

B. Feto maternal Hemorrhage in Rh -

neg mother
I. -

conduct rosette test (initial test of choice) →

qualitative test to see if feto maternal hemorrhage has occurred

maternal Rh neg blood incubated w/ RhoA 1g which binds to Rh pos RBCs



addition of enzyme treated DCE indicator cells → Rh pos fetal RBCs form rosette
- -

II. If Rosette test positive → conduct Neibauer Betke test -

( quantitative test I
maternal blood smear exposed to acid then stained

adult Hb removed by acid whereas Hbflfetai) not →

appear pink on (t ) test

amount of Hbf determines amount of Anti -

D 1g necessary

C. Fetal Rh genotyping →
not routine

2. Anti D Immunoglobulin ( Rho a- AM ) 300mg 1150014) w/ IM


only indicated in un sensitized mothers (no benefit in sensitized )


administer during 28th wk gestation & w/i 72 hrs following birth of 12h pos -
→ not necessary if father confirmed 12h neg -

efficacy relies on antibody mediated immunosuppression


also indicated in : after miscarriage ectopic preg , .

or termination , bleeding during preg .

after invasive procedures eg Cvs
Microangiopathic Hemolytic Anemia Macroangiopathic Hemolytic Anemia

Eti :

Eti :


HELL P syndrome -

congenital cardiovascular anomalies


HTM emergency

moderate & severe aortic stenosis


malignant HTM -


prosthetic heart valves



Drug induced

eg quinine Tmp

smx , cyclosporine

Extracorporeal circulation
dialysis RBC destruction in feet
Exertionat March Hemoglobin uric

during strenuous exercise


systemic micro thrombi plug small vessels physical


RBC destruction in systemic circulation (large vessels )

intravascular shearing of RBCs passing through small -

vessels → Intravascular hemolysis schist ocytosis

, ,
t free Hb due to mechanical forces applied to RBC membrane
* also thrombocytopeniaconsumed) →
intravascular hemolysis schistocytes T free Hb
ymicrospherooytes hepatocytes ,
, ,

CF : -

CF :

anemia →
pallor fatigue anemia →
pallor fatigue

, ,

Jaundice -

organ dysfunction renal dyst mental
→ status o

Petechia e due to thrombocytopenia

Tx :
depends on cause
Sickle Cell Anemia
Hereditary Hemoglobin opathies

Increased incidence among Sub-Saharan African Indian . , I -

Prenatal :
CVS & DNA analysis @ 8-12 wks gestation
Middle Eastern or Mediterranean heritage screened
☒ ¥-0 Neonatal screening all newborns


Africa has highest prevalence of disease 130% heterozygote ) (t ) Repeat electrophoresis (a- OLD STANDARD)

→ : Hb
Hbs gene carried by 8-1. of African American pop in
É distinguish type

→ will

most common form of intrinsic hemolytic anemia worldwide -

older children & adults

Liquid chromatography & isoelectric focusing to

Point mutation in B- globin gene @

quantify Hb subtypes
↳ Glutamic acid → valine (single aa substitution) .

sickle cell Test detects sickle cells in blood smear :

2 d- globin + 2 mutated B- globin Hemoglobin S ( Hbs) under anaerobic conditions


Peripheral Blood smear sickle cells lore scent shaped) : -

variant Glutamic acid Hemoglobin C ( Hbc )


* : →
Lysine Target cells Howell Jolly Bodies -

Heterozygosity w/ Hbs & Hbc Hemoglobin SC disease Imaging hair on end

↳ "

ray skull crew cut


:X -
→ - -

intermediate severity btw trait & disease

due to periostealrxntoerythropoietic

BM hyperplasia
Autosomal Recessive Hb Normal Trait Disease

Disease monitoring Palm function tests

" "
HBA 95 -98% 0%
Heterozygotes ( Hbs A) trait 60%
sickle cell


Hbs 0% 40% 75-951

Homozygotes ( Hbss) sickle cell anemia Transcranial Doppler UK 1 stroke risk)


Hbf < a . <z, ,

, , ,, ,

when deoxygenated .
polymerizes →
rigid crystal ,

like rods
distort membranes →

Prevent infections pneumococcal & :

can be triggered by


at which poz level sicking


Hypoxia eg .
high altitudes (depends on % of Hbs (trait
vs .
diseased I meningococcal vaccines
Infections -
sudden 8in temp .
stress 0

Daily penicillin prophylaxis ( until syrs)

Dehydration Acidosis J If ? sepsis IV 3rd gen cephalosporin ceftriaxone)
Pregnancy leg

- -

I -

? meningitis → add vancomycin


sickle cells lack
micro circulation
& adhere to vascular endothelium

vascular occlusion & infarction
¥ -

Prevent Vaso -

occlusive crises & manage Anemia

2. Extravascular & Intravascular hemolysis common triggers

lñitiic oxide depletion)

stimulates erythropoiesis IT Hbfso Hbs

anemia folate deficiency CT demand due to T RBC turnover)


Hydroxy urea 1St =

Line proportionately episodes

, for freq acute painful episodes

or other vaso ou -

events OR severe symptomatic anemia .

3. Body produces

THBF to compensate for t HBA se


added if 9 not sufficient



OR Blood Transfusions
CLINICAL FEATURES L Glutamine in recurrent acute complications of sci

Tanti oxidant capacities → t sicking of RBCs

T free
glutamine → -

SE : Constipation ,
Nausea headache cough pain cabdo back chest )
, , , , ,


Folic acid supp .

often asymptomatic -

Cholecystectomy if cholelithiasis
gross hematuria due to renal Partial / Full splenectomy prevent recurrent splenic sequestration
painless papillary necrosis to
- -

↳ often
only symptom

Hyposthenuria nocturia enuresis :


Recurrent UTIS

Prompt supportive Tx
RARE disease symptoms if deficiency Hydration Nasal 02
severe Oz
- -

Pain Mgmt w/ NSAIDs 1- opioids .

Bed rest

TE prophylaxis

30% develop symptoms 1st year of life

: ~
; 901 by 6yrs > .

Blood Transfusions :

surgery ( pre op )

acute seven ysymp anemia


manifests after Gmo age as production HBF I & Hbs T

- .

→ ,

2. prophylaxis of acute Vaso occ events (stroke multi

organ fail ) pregnancy
. .

splenomegaly in childhood splenic atrophy in adulthood Exchange Transfusions Cerythrocytapheresis)


Acute Hemolytic crisis (severe anemia) •

automated removal of erythrocytes containing Hbs &


splenic sequestration crisis acute LUQ pain BP :

simultaneous replacement w/ Hbs free RBCs -

G splenic Vaso -

occlusion →
entrapment & pooling large amounts of blood in spleen intravasc . v01 .

if acute Vaso -

Occ . crisis

Aplastic crisis : acute ,
severe t in Hb , , reticulocytopenia E

Adv :
rapid effect precise control of Hbs &
iron accum .

↳ Dysmorphic RBCs susceptible to

parvovirus 1319 infh →
temp .

suppress bone marrow erythropoiesis

→ RBC aplasia

Disadv :
expensive ,
not avail .
, experienced practitioner

Hyper hemolysis :
Intravascular & extravascular hemolysis (RARE) I
Infection : pneumonia meningitis osteomyelitis CURATIVE

, ,
1salmonella spp , stop . aureus)
in homozygous children 16 yrs w/
Allogenic BM

sepsis 1 strep pneum ) Transplantation


severe disease
. .
. events :

crises : recurrent episodes of severe deep bone pain & dactyl it is

most common symptom in children & adolescents Screening for complications :

.CdÉ¥¥e¥ )

acute chest syndrome → new chest infiltrate & resp syrup regular blood work 413C reticulates iron BUN ) LETS Cr

, , , , ,

priapism → sustained erection > 4 hrs not from sexual excitement ,

UIA annually ( proteinuria & glomerulopathy)

→ stroke (common in children ) •

Transcranial doppler Uls annually until lbyr

Acute sickle hepatic crisis RUQ pain jaundice →
, ,
nausea , fever ,

Retinal exams annually from 8 yrs

ECHO in late child /early adult for palm HTN
hepatomegaly T transaminase


Infarction of any organ Ise"pieen) & avascular necrosis

chronic hemolytic anemia → fatigue weakness pallor SCD & MALARIA

, ,

chronic pain -

individuals w/ sickle cell trait less likely to develop


Chok lithiasis (pigmented stones) severe forms of malaria & have t parasite prevalence ,
Group of hereditary hemoglobin disorders due to mutation of a or B- globin chains


a thalassemia : most common in Asian & African descent B thalassemia most common in Mediterranean descent

provides partial resistance against malaria found in regions where malaria is endemic & those emigrated from these regions
. .


autosomal recessive

a -

that : whole gene deletion of at least one of four d alleles on chr 16 .

severity of disease depends on # of defective d- globin alleles
1. Silent carrier (minima form ) one defective allele C- a / da) → Normal Hb slightly microcytic Hb Barts in 1- 3%
. .

2. Alpha That trait (minor form) two defective alleles c- a/ a or

. laa) → asymp anemia w/ low MCV MCHC Hb Bart in 5- 10%
: - - -


3. Hemoglobin H disease 1 intermedia form) three defective alleles f- 1- a) → excessive production of pathologically altered HBH Hours chains)

4. Hemoglobin Bart disease Imajor form) four defective alleles → excessive production of pathologically altered Hb Bart ( four Y chains / tetramers)
: -

B- That :
mutations (single base) in promoter sequences or
point splicing sites on chr 11. ( coded by 2 alleles)

1. B- That minor / Trait one defective allele


2. B- That major Hooley anemia) two defective alleles :

3. B- That combo of one defective B- globin allele & one defective Hbs allele
sickle cell :

4. Hemoglobin E /B- That combo of one allele w/ HBE variant done defective B- globin allele
: →
highly heterogeneous clinical spectrum
5. Hemoglobin E disease :
homozygous for HBE Variant →
can resemble B- That minor

Anemia due to inefficient erythropoiesis & increased hemolysis

✓ \ ↳hen either dorp chains reduced > TT EPO

a- that B- That I d
( intermedia
& major ) ( minor &
major )
compensatory overproduction marrow expansion

"" "" " " "" "" " " ^ "" " "" "" " " "" " " " "" "" " " " "" " " " "
ti ti t bone deformity
It d- chains
, It B- chains
, excess globin chains precipitate hyper metabolism
t ti & form inclusions w/ i RBCs
impaired pairing of a with Ty ,
8 chains t gout
Bandy chains -
t folate deficiency
I THBF & Hb Az hemolysis
T iron absorption
TTHBH or Hb Bart Ketan

( higher affinity to 0, ) I Transfusions

splenomegaly ←
t, Protective in infants until overload
+ 02 delivery to peripheral tissue 6 months ,
then .
endocrine deficiency

÷ .
cardiac failure
Yersinia infection


d- That :

1. Silent carrier →
asymptomatic -

B- That
2. Trait mild hemolytic anemia w/ normal RBC & RDW 1. Minor unremarkable symptoms How risk of hemolysis


than B- that *
3. HBH * less severe
rarely splenomegaly)

jaundice & anemia at birth 2. Major


chronic hemolytic anemia that may require transfusions -

severe hemolytic anemia that often req transfusions .

↳ 2° iron overload hemochromatosis

hepato splenomegaly
→ 2°

hepato splenomegaly -

growth retardation
skeletal deformities Hess common )

skeletal deformities thigh forehead prominent zygomatic bones & maxilla)


4. Hb Bart 's hydrops fetal is syndrome


transient aplastic crisis 12 to Parvovirus 1319 in-1h )


intrauterine ascites & hydrops fetal is severe hepatosplenomegaly 3. Sickle cell B- That → features of sickle cell disease

& often cardiac & skeletal abhor .

severity depends on amount of B- globin synthesis


incompatible w/ life ( death in utero / soon after birth)


Initial :

CBC : microoytic hypochromia anemia (Mcv 80 MCH 27) variable Hb levels normal RDW higher RBC than in iron def anemia <

, , , , ,

Hemolysis eval coomb 's negative I Haptoglobin TLDH.treticulocytes.unconj.BR T normal iron studies
, , ,

Peripheral Blood smear HBH inclusion bodies Target cells Teardrop cells Anisopoikilocytosis Erythroblasts Basophil ic stifling
. . . , ,

2 ↳

Am boss 2021 ,
AM boss 2021 ,

Hair on end
Am boss 2021

a- That minor a- That Intermedia / B That minor /

HBH disease intermedia / major


HBAZ Normal 110W Normal / Low High

Hbf Normal Normal / High High I thin may

HBH maybe present Present Absent

* suspect B- That minor if HBAZ > 3.5% ( normal 1. 5- 3.5% ) *

Prenatal Diagnosis

Confirmatory :

d- That
Detection of variants

hemoglobin amniocentesis if risk of HBH and hydrops fetal is


Hb -
→ Qualitative
Automated HPLC (high performance liquid chromatography ) → Qualitative

& Quantitative

Uts detects hydrops ,

can confirm w/ DNA studies

Genetic studies (PCR based ) → specific mutations -


B- That

Bone Marrow Aspiration (not routine) → rule out other



Amniocentesis 45152 (not ideal )

IMAGING (not routine )

chorionic Villus sampling -11152 →


Skull X-ray ( AP & lateral ) → assess craniofacial abn .

high forehead prominent zygomatic bones & maxilla Chipmunk facies

" "


hair on end crew cut sign

↳ "

Thalassemia intermedia could mean

- - " "

CXR : for suspected extra medullary hematopoiesis in thorax -

2 combo mutations but some B- globin made

↳ mediastinal or pulmonary masses -

homozygous B- That but more HBF prod than usual


↳ extension in ribs "

rib within rib

p That trait t unusual severity or other globin abn

- -

evaluate effect symptoms


MRI spine mass due


to extra med

A- That homozygous + d- that trait


hematopoiesis pseudotumours →
t, a :B chain imbalance :
did chain precipitation
t, ineffective

Iron Chela tors
patient education genetic counseling screening tests for relatives


Thalassemia minor :
usually treatment req 'd
no .
Desferroxamine ( DEO )
Folic acid supplementation may be used episodically eg pregnancy int .


subcut portable syringe driver pump


12 -18ms of

Thalassemia intermedia / major


when serum ferritin 1500-2000 after transfusion

1. Transfusion therapy ( erythrocyte concentrates)

-0 before age 4
→ variable but
4-5 nights / week
Units every 3-4 wks (frequency depends severity)

usu 2-3 on
Toxicity Ototoxicity Ophthalmic changes bone changes
↳ indicated for Hb -70g / L OR marked clinical symptoms
. ,

& short stature hypersensitivity local lumps/ abscesses

Target > 90-100 GIL
: , ,

* remove WBC to ti reactions *

Deferasirox Coral ) -
1st Line
2. Surveillance & Treatment of complications of DFO Deferi prone
2- 5 ✗
potency 10x

Iron overload chelating agents leg deferasirox)

once daily
Gallstones asthenia extra medullary hematopoiesis pseudotumours skin rash renal impairment

, , -

se : a- 1. , ,
Abn LF -1s

Endocrine disorders : diabetes , osteoporosis


Splenectomy : in
pts w/ severe splenomegaly *
pre op vaccination & penicillin prophylaxis
Deferiprone (oral )
stem cell transplantation (alto genic HSCT) potentially curative PBS if unable to take DFO

↳ use HLA matching sibling usu SE

agranulocytosis neutropenia joint effusions
- -

, , ,

Gene Therapy (experimental ) zinc deficiency abnormal LFTS


Hb Barts : no tx , majority terminated as fetal / maternal mortality risk

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