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The Wizard of Oz
Ocaso Collection
By Isadora Lima

The Patterns in this Collection CANNOT be sold, reproduced, distributed or translated without authorization.
You can sell the pieces made through this PDF, giving credit to the designer.
®2023 Ocaso’s The Wizard of Oz Collection - by Isadora Lima
@ocasoentrelinhas - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Hi, Beautiful!
My name is Isadora, and I am the Artisan
and Amigurumi Designer at Ocaso
I am the Creator of the Patterns that are
part of the Ocaso Collection, The Wizard
of OZ, creations inspired by the
characters from the renowned book by
Lyman Frank Baum, The Wizard of OZ,
plus my look and my sensitivity as an
artist who also carries affective memories
of that story of friendship, dreams and
Did you like my work? To ensure its continuity,
I need your collaboration in the fight
against digital piracy.
There are several groups of criminal people who steal
my work, and share it in illegal groups or sell it on
different platforms, altering the file to hide
my authorship, and profit
dishonestly and illegally at my expense.
Help me report them and do not condone these
crimes. I, Isadora, from Ocaso Entrelinhas, own the
rights to this file, and sell its individual license, so that
you, who bought it in the Ocaso website, can make the
pieces whenever you want to and receive
my help whenever you need it.

Translated by Nathalia Consolin


I remind you that this file is for individual use, protected by

copyright and registered with the CBL (Brazilian Book Chamber) and
for this reason

X share this file, under no circumstances, with other people, on
social media, groups etc;
X publish this pattern without my authorization;
X commercialize this PDF, or part of it, in courses or other
teaching channels.

X Print this file for your use only;
X Sell the toys made from this pattern;
X Make free adaptations;
X Publish your work based on this pattern.

I only ask you, kindly, to provide me with authorship credits,

tagging my IG, in case of disclosure on social networks. This way,
you help to strengthen my work and the ethics of our profession.

I will love to see your characters from The Wizard of Oz

Collection! So tag me!
So that I can follow and help
spread your work, use the hashtag (#)
Materials List
100% Cotton and Mixed Yarn (Cotton + Acrylic),
compatible with crochet needles No. 2mm - 2.5mm
Traditional Amigurumi yarn (Círculo) 100% Cotton - TEX 492 - in the colors:


3611 7030 8990 7569 7563 8001 3154 7148


2012 2930 1112 7625 8797 8008 5368 5745

2mm and 2,5mm CROCHET HOOK
on the website:
Permanent Fabric Glue
Optional: Wire to articulate the arms
4 9mm Black Safety eyes
Black and Silver embroidery thread

MR – magic ring
st - stitch
sc – single crochet
fpsc - front post single crochet
bpsc - back post single crochet
sl st – slip stitch
inc – increase
Tinc - triple increase (3sc together)
dec – decrease
Tdec - triple decrease (take the loops of 3 sc together)
ch – chain
BLO - back loops only
FLO - front loops only
HDC - half double crochet
DC - double crochet
TC - triple crochet
rsc - reverse single crochet (crab stitch)
tin man
Ocaso collection
By Isadora Lima

®2023 The Wizard of Oz - Ocaso Collection - by Isadora Lima

@ocasoentrelinhas - All rights reserved.
Box / Chest
Part 1 - lid 01 02

Make it in LIGHT GRAY

01. 6sc in a MR [6]
02. 6inc [12]
03. 1sc, 1Tinc, (2sc, 1Tinc)x3, 1sc [20]
04. 2sc, 1Tinc, (4sc, 1Tinc)x3, 2sc [28]
05. 3sc, 1Tinc, (6sc, 1Tinc)x3, 3sc [36]
06. BLO, 4sc, 1Tinc, (8sc, 1Tinc)x3, 4sc [44]
Fasten off and hide the yarn tail
Attach the yarn, in the same color, in the left ofver loops in row 06, -Image 01- and
make: 36sc Fasten off and hide the yarn tail and set it aside for now.
03 04
Part 2 - Small box
Make it in BLACK
01. 6sc in a MR [6]
02. 6inc [12]
03. 1sc, 1Tinc, (2sc, 1Tinc)x3, 1sc [20]
04. 2sc, 1Tinc, (4sc, 1Tinc)x3, 2sc [28]
05. 3sc, 1Tinc, (6sc, 1Tinc)x3, 3sc [36]
06. FLO, 4sc, 1fpsc, (8sc, 1fpsc)x3, 4sc [36] NOTE: the fpsc is not made in FLO
07-09. 4pb, 1fpsc, (8sc, 1fpsc)x3, 4sc [36 - 3rows]
Fasten off and turn the piece over, placing the wrong side of the weave outwards,
so that the loops of the stitches in row 06, made in FLO, are visible. Set it aside
for now.

Part 3 - big box 05

Make it in LIGHT GRAY

01. 6sc in a MR [6]
02. 6inc [12]
03. 1sc, 1Tinc, (2sc, 1Tinc)x3, 1sc [20]
04. 2sc, 1Tinc, (4sc, 1Tinc)x3, 2sc [28]
05. 3sc, 1Tinc, (6sc, 1Tinc)x3, 3sc [36]
06. 4sc, 1Tinc, (8sc, 1Tinc)x3, 4sc [44]
07. bpsc [44]
07-09. 5sc, 1Tinc, (10sc, 1Tinc)x3, 5sc [44-3rows] Now we’ll join the boxes

®2023 The Wizard of Oz - Ocaso Collection - by Isadora Lima

@ocasoentrelinhas - All rights reserved.
Continuing - box / chest
joining the boxes
Still in the Big box, without fastening off, fit the small box inside the big box, and
crochet them together, joining them, making 44 sc

NOTE: The number of stitches in the last rows of the boxes are different.
Therefore, when making the joining stitches, when you reach the corner of
the box, you will make 2sc only in the Big Box - Image 07 -, continue joining
them normally, and repeat the process again in the other corners, until
the complete joining the boxes.

Continue, without cutting the yarn, to join the lid

06 07 08

joining the lid

From the stitch where you stopped, when joining the boxes, make another: 6sc, to
reach the corner of the box.
Turn the work over, and joining one of the sides of the lid to the end points of the
box, make: 12 sl sts - Image 09 -

Fasten off, and set the Box/Chest aside for now.

09 10

®2023 The Wizard of Oz - Ocaso Collection - by Isadora Lima

@ocasoentrelinhas - All rights reserved.
feet/legs 2x
Start working in DARK GRAY to make the feet
Chain 7, and from the 2nd chain from the hook, make:
01. 5sc, 1Tinc, 4sc, 1inc [14]
02. 1inc, 4sc, 3inc, 4sc, 2inc [20] 11 12
Change to LIGHT GRAY
03. BLO 20sc [20]
04. 20sc [20]
05. 4sc, (1dec, 1sc)x4, 4sc [16]
06. 4sc, (1dec, 1sc)x3, 3sc [13]
07-08. 13sc [2rows]
09. 1dec, 11sc [12] 13 14
10. 12sc [12] stuff as you work
11. 5sc, 1dec, 5sc [11]
12. 11sc [11]
13. 1dec, 9sc [10]
Change to BLACK
14. 10sc [10]
Fasten off and hide the yarn tail - Image 11 -

Sole Detail
Attach the DARK GRAY yarn to the 1ºst left over loop in row 03 - Image 12 -
and make:
01. 5sc, chain 10r, skip 9st and continue: 6sc - Images 13 and 14 -
02. 5sl st, in the stitches you’ve skipped, make: 9HDC - Image 15 - and continue:
6sl st Fasten off and hide the yarn tail

Fold the weave of the sole downwards, making the stitches in these two rows turn
out on the wrong side, and create a straight base for the feet - Image 16 - With the
BLACK thread and a tapestry needle, make an embroidery, passing the thread
through 2X around the foot, close to the work of the sole - Image 17 -
15 16 17

®2023 The Wizard of Oz - Ocaso Collection - by Isadora Lima

@ocasoentrelinhas - All rights reserved.
Leg Detail 2x
Start working in DARK GRAY to make the detail
Chain 21, close it into a circle with a sl st - Image 18 - and continue working in
spiral crochet:
01. in the chain loops: 21sc [21]
02-06. 21sc [5rows]
07. (1dec, 5sc)x3 [18]
08. 18sc [18]
09. (1dec, 4sc)x3 [15]
10. 15sc [15]
11. (1sc, 1dec)x5 [10]
Change to BLACK
12. BLO 10slst [10] Fit the leg into the detail and make the next row
joining the stitches from row 14 of the leg with the stitches from row 12
- Images 20 and 21 -
13. joining:BLO 10sc [10] Change to LIGHT GRAY and continue to finish the

18 19 20 21

finishing the legs 22

Continue working in LIGHT GRAY to finish

making the legs
14. BLO 10sl st [10]
15. BLO 10sc [10]
Stop here to embroider the detail using a
Silver embroidery thread - Image 22 -
16-22. 10sc [7rows]
23 24
Stuff as you work
Fasten off both legs. With black thread, circle
all the rows of the leg that are above the leg
detail, creating the stripe detail.- Image 23 -

®2023 The Wizard of Oz - Ocaso Collection - by Isadora Lima

@ocasoentrelinhas - All rights reserved.
Joining the legs
Position the legs with the feet slightly turned inwards, attatch the LIGHT GRAY at
a central lateral stitch on the doll's right leg - Image 25 - , chain 5, and attach it
to a central side st on the left leg with 1sc (this is the 1st stitch of the first joining
row) - Image 26 -
01. 10sc (in the left leg), 5sc (in the chain loops), 10sc (in the right leg), 5sc (in the
other side of the chains) [30]
02. 30sc [30] Caption: BLO - Taking only the back loop of the st| NR - pb
Normally, taking both loops
03. BLO: 10sc | NR: 5sc | BLO: 15sc [30]
04. 30sc [30]
05. BLO: 11sc | NR: 3sc | BLO: 16sc [30]
Fasten off and leave a long taill for sewing.
25 26 27

TIn ruffles
Attach the DARK GRAY to the indicated stitches, and do as following:
RUFFLE 1: Attatch the yarn to the 1st frontal loop, from the left over BLO loops
in row 03 - Image 28 - and make: 2 chains, 24DC, 2 chains, 1sl st

RUFFLE 2: Attach the yarn to the 1st frontal loop, from the left over BLO
loops in row 05 - Image 30 - and make: 2 chains, 27DC, 2 chains, 1sl st

28 29 30 31

®2023 The Wizard of Oz - Ocaso Collection - by Isadora Lima

@ocasoentrelinhas - All rights reserved.
detail 32 33
With Black embroidery thread, make
three lines between the rows of where
you’ve joined the legs, and between the
Ruffles work: - Images 32 and 33 -

Sewing the legs to the box/chest

Identify the stitches in the Box, guided by the images below and indications:
Bottom part of the box, where the legs will be sewn:

4 4
stitch loops: 11

30 in total

Position the Box on the legs, so that the lid opens as shown in the image above,
and sew the 30 stitches from the last row connecting the legs, to the 30 stitches
at the bottom of the box, taking only the front loops of the stitches. Finally, stuff
the space between the box and the legs. - Image 37 - Check the images below:

34 35 36 37

My attempt here is to help you as much as possible in making the pieces in this
collection. That's why I strive, in addition to creating unique amigurumi, to explain it to
you in detail. It's a lot of work, care and love involved! I remind you that to guarantee
the continuity of my work I need your collaboration in the fight against digital piracy.
There are several groups of criminal people who steal my work, alter it and sell it,
making a dishonest and illegal profit at my expense. Help report it and do not
condone these crimes.
®2023 The Wizard of Oz - Ocaso Collection - by Isadora Lima
@ocasoentrelinhas - All rights reserved.
I, Isadora, from Ocaso Entrelinhas, am the holder of the rights to this file, and I
need this work to guarantee my livelihood, to support of my family, and the
artistic and sensitive continuity that I research, develop and share. What you buy
from me is an individual, non-transferable license for my work, so that you, who
purchased on the Ocaso website, can make the pieces whenever you want and
receive my support whenever you need. Thank you very much in advance for
your respect and understanding.

Making the head

Attach the LIGHT GRAY yarn to the 1st loop of the 11 stitches 11pt
from the top/back part of the box - Image 38 - and make:
01. 11sc (rear part), 4sc (lateral 1) | BLO: 11sc (front part), 4sc (lateral 2)
02. 1dec, 7sc, (1dec, 1sc)x3, 6sc, (1dec, 1sc)x2 [24]
03. 1dec, 5sc, 3dec, 7sc, 2dec [18]
04. 9dec [9] stuff it - Image 41 -
38 39 40 41
front part of the body
back part of the body

05. 9sc [9]

Change to DARK GRAY
06. 9inc [18]
07. (2sc, 1inc)x6 [24]
08. (3sc, 1inc)x6 [30]
Change to LIGHT GRAY
09. BLO 30slst [30]
10. BLO 30sc [30]
11-19. 30sc [9rows]
EYES: Position between rows 13 and 14, 6 stitches apart;
EMBROIDERY: Embroider a white line on the side of each eye - Image 42 -
NOSE: Embroider with DARK GRAY yarn, taking the stitches on row 11 to 17
- Images 43 and 44 -
®2023 The Wizard of Oz - Ocaso Collection - by Isadora Lima
@ocasoentrelinhas - All rights reserved.
continuing the head
42 43 44 45

Stuff it and continue... 46 47 48

20. (1dec, 3sc)x6 [24]
21. (1dec, 2sc)x6 [18]
22. (1dec, 1sc)x6 [12]
23. 6dsc [6]
Close it with a reverse MR.

49 50
ears 2X
Make them in LIGHT GRAY: 10sc in a MR, fold it
and close the ear, joining the stitches, make :
5sc - Image 47-
Fasten off and leave a long taill for sewing.
Sew them on the sides of the head, at eye level, 3st away from each eye.

funnel hat
Make it in DARK GRAY. Start making 33 chains, close it into a circle and
work in spiral crochet - Image 51 - making:
01. 33sc (in the chain loops) [33]
02. (9sc, 1dec)x3 [30]
51 52
03. (4sc, 1dec, 4sc)x3 [27]
04. (7sc, 1dec)x3 [24]
05. (3sc, 1dec, 3sc)x3 [21]
06. (5sc, 1dec)x3 [18]
07. (2sc, 1dec, 2sc)x3 [15]
08. (3sc, 1dec)x3 [12]
09. (1sc, 1dec, 1sc)x3 [9]
10. (1dec, 1sc)x3 [6]
11. 3dec, chain 6 and from the 2nd chain from the hook, make: 5sl st
Fasten off and hide the yarn tail.
®2023 The Wizard of Oz - Ocaso Collection - by Isadora Lima
@ocasoentrelinhas - All rights reserved.
HANDLE: make in LIGHT GRAY: chain 20, leave a long tail at the beginning and end.
DETAIL: Embroider in black, the space between rows 01 and 02 of the hat.
53 54 55 56

hands 2x
Make them in BLACK
01. 6sc in a MR [6]
02. FLO, 1slst | 1ºfinger: chain 3, and from the 2nd chain from
the hook, make: 2sl st | in the next stitches, make: FLO 2sl st
Together in the same stitch, make the 2nd and 3rd fingers in
the same way: chain 4, and from the 2nd chain from the hook,
make: 3sl st | in the same base stitch, make: FLO, 1sl st and
make the 3rd finger like the 2nd one. In the next base stitch, 58
make: FLO 1sl st. Together in the same stitch, make the 4th and
5th fingers in the same way: chain 4, and from the 2nd chain
from the hook, make: 3sl st | in the same base stitch, make:
FLO, 1sl st and make the 5th finger like the 4th one. In the next
base stitches, make: FLO 2sl st. Fasten off.
01. 6sc in a MR [6]
02. FLO, 3slst | Together in the same stitch, make the 5th and
4th fingers in the same way: chain 4, and from the 2nd chain
from the hook, make: 3sl st | in the same base stitch, make:
FLO, 1sl st and make the 4th finger like the 5th one.
In the next base stitch, make: FLO 1sl st.
Together in the same stitch, make the 3rd and 2nd fingers in
the same way: chain 4, and from the 2nd chain from the hook,
make: 3sl st | in the same base stitch, make: FLO, 1sl st and
make the 2nd finger like the 3rd one. In the next stitches, make:
FLO 2sl st. 1st finger: chain 3, and from the 2nd chain from
the hook, make: 2sl st | and make: FLO, 1sl st in the same
stitch. Fasten off and set the hand aside for now.
®2023 The Wizard of Oz - Ocaso Collection - by Isadora Lima
@ocasoentrelinhas - All rights reserved.
61 62
Arms 2x
Attach the DARK GRAY yarn to the hands
FLO loops - Image 60 - and make:
01. 6sc in the loops [6]
02. (1inc, 2sc)x2 [8] 63 64
03-08. 8sc [6 rows]
09. BLO 8sc [8]
Change to BLACK
10. BLO 8sl st [8]
11. BLO 8sc [8]
Change to LIGHT GRAY 65
12. BLO 8sl st [8]
13. BLO 8sc [8]
Stop here to embroider the detail in Silver - Images 61 and 62 -
14-18. 8sc [5 rows]
19. BLO 8sc [8]
Change to DARK GRAY
20. 8sc [8] Make 1slst and turn
21. BLO make: 2 chains and 1DC in the same st, continue making
another 7DC, and in the last st: 2chains and 1sl st - Image 63 -
DETAIL: Attach the DARK GRAY yarn to the BLO loops in row 19
- Image 64 - and repeat the same sequence as in row 21.
Attach the DARK GRAY yarn to the loops in row 9 in the arms, and make:
01. 1inc, 7sc [9]
02. (2sc, 1inc)x3 [12] 68 69

03. 12sc [12]

04. (3sc, 1inc)x3 [15]
05. 15sc [15]
06. (4sc, 1inc)x3 [18]
07-08. 18sc [2 rows]
Fasten off. With black thread, circle where rows 13 to 17 of the arms, creating the
stripe detail. - Image 65 -
SEWING - Sew the arms to the side sts of row 01 of the top/head.
®2023 The Wizard of Oz - Ocaso Collection - by Isadora Lima
@ocasoentrelinhas - All rights reserved.
Cowardly Lion
By Isadora Lima

®2023 The Wizard of Oz - Ocaso Collection - by Isadora Lima

@ocasoentrelinhas - All rights reserved.
Head 01 02

Start with MUSTARD

01. 6sc in a MR [6]
02. 6inc [12]
03. BLO, (1sc, 1inc)x6 [18]
04. (2sc, 1inc)x6 [24]
05. BLO 24sc [24]
06. 6sc, 2inc, 8sc, 2inc, 6sc [28]
CAPTION 1: BLO - taking only the back loops | NR - make sc normally,
taking both loops.
07. BLO: 8sc | NR: 12sc | BLO: 8sc [28]
08. 7sc, 2inc, 10sc, 2inc, 7sc [32]
09. BLO: 9sc | NR: 14sc | BLO: 9sc [32]
10. 8sc, 2Tinc, 12sc, 2Tinc, 8sc [40]
11. BLO: 12sc | NR: 16sc | BLO: 12sc [40]
From row 12 to 14, you work alternating between MUSTARD and BEIGE.
Change colors when asked, follow the caption:
12. MU: 16sc | BE: BLO: 8sc | MU: 16sc [40]
13. MU: BLO: 12sc, NR: 4sc | BE: 8sc | MU: 4sc, BLO: 12sc [40]
14. MU: 8sc, 2dec, 4sc| BE: BLO: 8sc | MU: 4sc, 2dec, 8sc [36]
Keep working only in MUSTARD
15. BLO: 10sc | NR: 4sc | BLO: 8sc | NR: 4sc | BLO: 10sc [36]
16. 4sc, (1dec, 1sc)x3, 3sc | BLO: 4sc | NR: 3sc, (1dec, 3sc)x3, 4sc [30]
17. BLO 30sc [30] Fasten off and hide the yarn tail.

EYES: Position the eyes between rows 09 and 10, 6 stitches apart. Embroidery:
Embroider a white line on the side of each eye. - Image 03 -
NOSE: Attach the DARK BROWN yarn to the loop of the 1st BLO stitch on row
12 - Image 04 - and make: 1sc, 1HDC, 1HDC inc, 1HDC, 1sc. Fasten off, and
secure the stitches, sewing them on the same row as the nose work.
Embroider using MUSTARD yarn above the eyes to create the eyelids. - Image 06 -

03 04 05 06

®2023 The Wizard of Oz - Ocaso Collection - by Isadora Lima

@ocasoentrelinhas - All rights reserved.

Continuing the head

Attach the BEIGE yarn to the last loop of the 8 stitches made in BLO in row 14
- Image 07 - and make:
01. 2chains and 1DC in the same st, 7DC inc [16] turn
02. 8dec [8] - Image 09 -
Fasten off and leave a long tail for sewing, and sew the snout stitches to the
beige stitches made in row 12, below the nose - Image 10 -

08 09 10 11

14 15
Attach the BEIGE yarn to the loop of the
1st BLO stitch in row 16 - Image 12 -
and make:
4DC finished together. Observe the -
Images 13 and 14 -
12 13 16 17

EMBROIDERY: Using BLACK thread, make the muzzle as shown in - Images 16

and 17 - stuff the head afterwards.
I’m here again to remind you that there are several groups of criminal people who steal my
work, modify the file and sell it, making a dishonest and illegal profit at my expense.
Because it is a criminal act, many delete the Copyright page that explains the individual
and non-transferable license for use. Hence the recurrence of this warning, in the middle of
the pattern. My attempt is to inform and join forces so that we can increasingly work in a
safe and respectful environment.
®2023 The Wizard of Oz - Ocaso Collection - by Isadora Lima
@ocasoentrelinhas - All rights reserved.
Just as the Cowardly Lion searches for courage, I find myself constantly
searching for it, to resist the work of creating and selling my creations,
which I love so much. At the same time, making a living from this art haunts
and devastates me due to the many thefts and disrespect that surround me. The
pieces I create are a big and important part of me, and who I am. They excite
and make you feel because they are full of meaning.

NOTE: Make the Mane Locks with the last row of the head facing you. This way
you ensure that the strands are curved, and that the back of the strands'
weave is visible. - Image 18 -

part 1 - 15 LOCKS

Attach LIGHT BROWN yarn to the loop of the last BLO stitch from row 17 of the head
- Image 18 - and make the Locks as follows:
LOCKS from 1 to 4: chain 6 and from the 2nd chain from the hook, make:1sc, 4HDC.
Skip the
Licenciado loop
para of the nextMejía
Sandra_Guadalupe stitch of row17,
mendez, and make 1 sl7292680617,, st in the5next, to start
de dezembro the
de 2023
next strand - This will apply to all strands!
LOCKS from 5 and 6: chain 7 and from the 2nd chain from the hook, make: 1sc,
LOCK 7: chain 8 and from the 2nd chain from the hook, make: 1sc, 6HDC.
LOCK 8: chain 9 and from the 2nd chain from the hook, make: 1sc, 7HDC.
LOCK 9: Do the same as in Lock 7
LOCKS 10 and 11: Do the same as in Locks 5 and 6
LOCKS from 12 and 15: Do the same as in Locks 1 to 4
18 19 20 21

part 2 - 10 LOCKS 22

Attach LIGHT BROWN yarn to the BLO stitch in row 15 of the

head, indicated in - Image 22 - and make the Locks:

10 equal LOCKS: chain 8 and from the 2nd chain from the
hook, make: 1sc, 6HDC. Skiping 1st from the base and
making 1sl st.
®2023 The Wizard of Oz - Ocaso Collection - by Isadora Lima
@ocasoentrelinhas - All rights reserved.
Continuing the mane
part 3 - 12 LOCKS
Attach LIGHT BROWN yarn to the BLO stitch in row 13 of the head, indicated in
- Image 23 - and make the Locks:

12 equal LOCKS: chain 8 and from the 2nd chain from the hook, make:
1sc, 6HDC. Skiping 1st from the base and making 1sl st.

part 4 - 12 LOCKS
Attach LIGHT BROWN yarn to the BLO stitch in row 11 of the head, indicated in
- Image 25 - and make the Locks:

12 equal LOCKS: chain 9 and from the 2nd chain from the hook, make:
1sc, 7HDC. Skiping 1st from the base and making 1sl st.

part 5 - 9 LOCKS
Attach LIGHT BROWN yarn to the BLO stitch in row 9 of the head, indicated in
- Image 26 - and make the Locks:

9 equal LOCKS: chain 8 and from the 2nd chain from the hook, make:
1sc, 6HDC. Skiping 1st from the base and making 1sl st.

23 24 25 26

part 6 - 8 LOCKS
Attach LIGHT BROWN yarn to the BLO stitch in row 7 of the
head, indicated in - Image 27 - and make the Locks:

8 equal LOCKS: chain 8 and from the 2nd chain from the
hook, make: 1sc, 7HDC. Skiping 1st from the base and
making 1sl st.
®2023 The Wizard of Oz - Ocaso Collection - by Isadora Lima
@ocasoentrelinhas - All rights reserved.
Continuing the mane
ATTENTION! Now you will change the position of the lion's head, in
relation to you, to crochet the locks of parts 7 and 8. - Image 28 -
Turn the top of the head towards you, and no longer the last row of
the head, as you did before. And make the indicated locks.

part 7 - 12 LOCKS
Attach LIGHT BROWN yarn to the BLO stitch in row 5 of the head, indicated in
- Image 28 - and make the Locks:

12 equal LOCKS: chain 10 and from the 2nd chain from the hook, make: 1sc,
8HDC. Skiping 1st from the base and making 1sl st.

part 8 - 6 LOCKS
Attach LIGHT BROWN yarn to the BLO stitch in row 7 of the head, indicated in
Licenciado para Sandra_Guadalupe Mejía mendez,, 7292680617, 5 de dezembro de 2023
- Image 27 - and make the Locks:

6 equal LOCKS: chain 10 and from the 2nd chain from the hook, make: 1sc,
8HDC. Skiping 1st from the base and making 1sl st.

28 29 30 31

ears 2x
Make it in MUSTARD
01. 6sc in a MR [6] 33
02. 6inc [12]
03-06. 12sc [4 rows]
Fasten off and leave a long tail for sewing.
Position the ears on the lion's head, considering a
diagonal line in relation to the eyes, and sew them
- Image 33 -
®2023 The Wizard of Oz - Ocaso Collection - by Isadora Lima
@ocasoentrelinhas - All rights reserved.

arms 2x
Make it in MUSTARD
01. 6sc in a MR [6]
02. 6inc [12]
03. (1sc, 1inc)x6 [18] 35 36 37
04. 18sc [18]
05. (4sc, 1dec)x3 [15]
06. (1sc, 1dec)x5 [10]
07. (3sc, 1dec)x2 [8]
08. 8sc [8]
09. (3sc, 1inc)x2 [10]
10-21. 10sc [12 rows]
Fold the arm and close it making 5sc - Image 34 -
CLAWS: flatten the lions paw - Image 35 - and in DARK BROWN, embroider
the claws, taking the 3 first arm rows.
Don’t stuff the arms, fasten off and set them aside for now.

Legs 2x 38 39

Make it in MUSTARD
01. 6sc in a MR [6]
02. 6inc [12]
03. (1sc, 1inc)x6 [18]
04. (2sc, 1inc)x6 [24]
05. 24pbsc [24] 40 41
06. 6sc, 12HDC, 6pb [24]
07. 6sc, (1dec, 1sc)x4, 6sc [20]
08. 6sc, 8HDC, 6sc [20]
09. 6sc, 4dec, 6sc [16]
10. 4sc, 4dec, 4sc [12]
11. 12sc [12]
Embroider the claws with DARK BROWN yarn, taking rows 05 and 06
12. 11sc, 1inc [13]
13. 6sc, 1inc, 6sc [14]
14. 13sc, 1inc [15]
15. 7sc, 1inc, 7sc [16]
16. 15sc, 1inc [17]
17. 8sc, 1inc, 8sc [18]
®2023 The Wizard of Oz - Ocaso Collection - by Isadora Lima
@ocasoentrelinhas - All rights reserved.
continuing the legs 2x
Continue in MUSTARD
18. 17sc, 1inc [19] Vá colocando fibra
19. 9sc, 1inc, 9sc [20]
20. 19sc, 1inc [21]
21. 10sc, 1inc, 10sc [22]
22. 21sc, 1inc [23]
23. 11sc, 1inc, 11sc [24]
Stuff as you work, fasten only the 1st leg off, DO NOT fasten the 2nd one
off. Continue to joining the legs.

Joining the legs

From the stitch you stopped, on the 2nd leg, position the legs next to each other -
Image 43 - and join the central part of these legs, making 5sc, joining the central 5
st of each leg - Image 44 - then fasten off.

43 44 45 46

After joining the legs, attach the MUSTARD yarn to the next stitch, on the back of
the body, on the left leg - Imagem 47 -
For most of the rows of the body, you will work with two colors: MUSTARD and
BEIGE, You may use the tapestry crochet technique, or Jacquard, leaving the excess
yarn left on the wrong side of the weave
01. in the left leg: MU: (2sc, 1inc)x5, 3sc, 1inc)x5, 3sc | BE: 2inc (one in each
leg) | continue in the right leg: MU: 3sc, (1inc, 2sc)x5 [50] 47
02. MU: 23sc | BE: 4inc | MU: 23sc [54]
03. MU: 23sc | BE: 1inc, 6sc, 1inc| MU: 23sc [56]
04. MU: 23sc | BE: 1inc, 8sc, 1inc| MU: 23sc [58]
05. MU: 23sc | BE: 1inc, 10sc, 1inc| MU: 23sc [60]
®2023 The Wizard of Oz - Ocaso Collection - by Isadora Lima
@ocasoentrelinhas - All rights reserved.
continuing the body
06-09. MU: 23sc | BE: 14sc | MU: 23sc [60-4 rows]
10. MU: (4sc, 1dec)x3, 5sc | BE: 14sc | MU: 5sc, (1dec, 4pb)x3 [54]
11. MU: (3sc, 1dec)x3, 5sc | BE: 14sc | MU: 5sc, (1dec, 3pb)x3 [48]
12. MU: 17sc | BE: 1dec, 10pb, 1dec| MU: 17sc [46]
13. MU: 10sc, 1dec, 5sc| BE: 12sc | MU: 5sc, 1dec, 10sc [44]
14. MU: 16sc | BE: 1dec, 8sc, 1dec| MU: 16sc [42]
15. MU: 10sc, 1dec, 4pb | BE: 10sc | MU: 4sc, 1dec, 10sc [40]
16. MU: 15sc | BE: 1dec, 6sc, 1dec| MU: 15sc [38]
17. MU: 9sc, 1dec, 4sc | BE: 8sc | MU: 4sc, 1dec, 9sc [36]
18. MU: 14sc | BE: 1dec, 4sc, 1dec, 1dec| MU 14sc [34]
19. MU: 14sc | BE: 6sc | MU: 14sc [34]
Fasten off the BEIGE and keep working in MUSTARD
20. 34sc [34]
21. 6sc | joining the 1st arm: 5sc | in the front of the body: 13sc | joining the 2nd
arm: 5sc | continue: 5sc [34] - Images 49 and 50 -
22. 10sc, 2dec, 7sc, 2dec, 9sc [30]
23. 30sc [30]
Fasten off and leave a long tail for sewing.
Stuff the body - Image 51 -

48 49

®2023 The Wizard of Oz - Ocaso Collection - by Isadora Lima

@ocasoentrelinhas - All rights reserved.
50 51 52

SEWING THE HEAD: Position the head on the body, and sew it. Use pins to
help you. Remember to stuff the space between the head and body when you
are close to finishing the seam. - Image 52 -

Start working in MUSTARD. Leave a long yarn tail at the beginning of the work, to
sew the tail to the body when the it is finished.
Chain 8, close it into a circle and work in spiral crochet
01. 8sc in the chain loops [8]
02-10. 8sc [9 rows]
11. 1dec, 6sc [7]
12-16. 7sc [5 rows]
17. 1dec, 5sc [6]
18-22. 6sc [5 rows]
Change to DARK BROWN 53 54
23. 6inc [12]
24. 12sc [12]
25. (2sc, 1dec)x3 [9]
26. (1sc, 1dec)x3 [6]
27. 3dec [3]
Finalize it with a reverse MR

SEWING THE TAIL: Position the tail in the center/back of the body, between
rows 4 and 5, and sew it. Use pins to help you. - Image 54 -

®2023 The Wizard of Oz - Ocaso Collection - by Isadora Lima

@ocasoentrelinhas - All rights reserved.
By Isadora Lima

®2023 The Wizard of Oz - Ocaso Collection - by Isadora Lima

@ocasoentrelinhas - All rights reserved.
arms 2x
Start working in LIGHT BEIGE 01
01. 6sc in a MR [6]
02. (1inc, 2sc)x2 [8]
03-08. 8sc [6 rows]
Change to BLUE
09. BLO 8sl st [8]
10. BLO 8sc [8]
Change to WHITE
11. BLO 8sl st [8]
12. BLO 8sc [8]
13-18. 8sc [6 rows]
Make 1sl st and turn, we’ll start making the sleeve.
19. BLO, make 3chains and 1DC in the same st, and keep making 2DC
together in every base stitch [16] - Images 02 and 03 - make 1sl st in
the 3rd of the 3 initial chains to finish the row and continue
20-21. 16DC [2 rows]
22. 8dec [8] -
Fasten off and hide the yarn tail. DON’T STUFF THE ARMS.
DETAIL: In DARK BLUE, embroider a line between rows 09 and 10.
- Image 01 -

02 03 04 05

Shoes 2x
Make it in RED
Chain 8 and from the 2nd chain from the hook, make:
01. 1inc, 5sc, 4sc together, on the other side of the chains: 5sc, 1inc [18]
02. 2inc, 5sc, 4inc, 5sc, 2inc [26]
03. 26bpsc [26]
04. 26sc [26]

®2023 The Wizard of Oz - Ocaso Collection - by Isadora Lima

@ocasoentrelinhas - All rights reserved.
06 07
continuing shoes 2x
05. 8sc, 9HDC, 9sc [26]
06. 7sc, (1dec, 1sc)x4, 7sc [22]
07. 7sc, chain 6, skip 7 st, and make 8sl st
Fasten off and hide the yarn tail.

Feet/legs 2x

Start working in BLUE

Chain 7 and from the 2nd chain from the hook, make:
01. 5sc, 3sc in the same st, on the other side: 4sc, 1inc [14]
02. 1inc, 4sc, 3inc, 4sc, 2inc [20]
03. 20sc [20]
04. 5sc, (1dec, 1sc)x3, 6sc [17]
05. 17sc [17]
06. 4sc, 5dec, 3sc [12]
07. 12sc [12]
08. (2sc, 1dec)x3 [9]
09. 9sc [9] Stuff it
10. 1inc, 8sc [10]
11. BLO 10sc [10]
12. 1inc, 9sc [11]
13-20. 11sc [8 rows] Stuff as you work
Fasten both legs off.
Go back with BLUE yarn to the loops on row 11 - Image 09 - and make: 10sc.
Then in DARK BLUE and a tapestry needle, embroider around the stitches on
row 11 - Images 10 and 11 -

08 09 10 11

®2023 The Wizard of Oz - Ocaso Collection - by Isadora Lima

@ocasoentrelinhas - All rights reserved.
joining the legs
Position the legs with the feet slightly turned inwards, attatch the WHITE yarn to a
side central stitch of the right leg - Image 12 - , chain 3, and attach it to a side
central stitch in the left leg with 1sc (This is the 1st stitch of the first joining row)
- Image 13 -
01. 11sc (in the left leg), 3sc (in the chain loops), 11sc (in the right leg), 3sc (in the
other side of the chain loops) [28]
02-05. 28sc [4 rows]
06. 5sc, 1dec, 10sc, 1dec, 7sc, 1dec [25]
07. 5sc, 1dec, 9sc, 1dec, 7sc [23]
Continue working to make the blouse
12 13 14

Now you will add the BLUE yarn to the weft, and you will work simultaneously with
both yarns, WHITE and the BLUE. Alternating colors, from stitch to stitch,
one stitch with one color, another stitch with another color, for the next 3
Caption: WH- WHITE| BL- BLUE
01. BLO: (WH: 1sc, BL: 1sc)x11, WH: 1sc [23]
02. (BL: 1sc, WH: 1sc)x11, BL: 1sc [23]
03. (WH: 1sc, BL: 1sc)x11, WH: 1sc [23]
Keep working only in BLUE
15 16
04. BLO 23sl st [23]
Change to WHITE
05. BLO 23sl st [23]
06. BLO 23sc [23]
07. 5sc, 1dec, 8sc, 1dec, 4sc, 1dec[20]
08. 5sc, 1dec, 7sc, 1dec, 4sc [18]
®2023 The Wizard of Oz - Ocaso Collection - by Isadora Lima
@ocasoentrelinhas - All rights reserved.
joining the arms
Continue working in WHITE
09. 3sc | joining the 1st arm: 4sc | in the front: 5sc | joining the 2nd arm: 4sc
| in the back: 2sc [18] - Image 17 -
10. 3sc |in the 1st arm’s left over stitches: 4sc | in the front: 5sc | in the 2nd
arm’s left over stitches: 4sc | in the back: 2sc [18]
Place the wire structure in the body, if you want to, fill the remaining
spaces with fiber, and continue working. - Images 19 and 20 -
11. 9dec [9]
12. BLO 9sc [9]
13. 9sc [9]
Continue to make the head, don’t fasten off.

17 18 19 20

head 21 22
Continue in LIGHT BEIGE
01. 9inc [18]
02. (2sc, 1inc)x6 [24]
03. (3sc, 1inc)x6 [30]
04. (4sc, 1inc)x6 [36]
05-12. 36sc [8 rows]
EYES: Position the eyes between rows 7 and 8, with 7st apart;
NOSE: With the same yarn as the skin, make 1 central stitch between rows 5 and 6.
EMBROIDERY: Embroider a white line on the side of each eye. With black thread,
make a diagonal embroidery right on top of the eye to create the outline.

13. (4sc, 1dec)x6 [30] 23

14. (3sc, 1dec)x6 [24] Stuff it
15. (2sc, 1dec)x6 [18]
16. (1sc, 1dec)x6 [12]
17. 6dec [6] Finalize it making a reverse MR
®2023 The Wizard of Oz - Ocaso Collection - by Isadora Lima
@ocasoentrelinhas - All rights reserved.
Attach the WHITE yarn to the 1st stich on row 01 of the Blouse, made in BLO.
- Image 24 - You will also add the BLUE yarn to the weft, and you will work
simultaneously with both the WHITE and BLUE yarns. Alternating colors, from
stitch to stitch, one stitch with one color, another stitch with another
color, (including in increases), throughout the rows of the skirt. 24
Caption: WH - WHITE| BL- BLUE
01. 1sc, 22inc [45] Alternating colors, from st to st(WH/BL)
02-11. 45sc [10 rows] Alternating colors, from st to st
12. FLO 45HDC [45] Alternating colors, from st to st
Fasten off the Blue yarn and keep wotking in WHITE
13. in the loops of the stitches from the previous row, which are on the wrong
side of the weave, make: 3chains and 1sl st in every loop - Image 26 -
Fasten off and hide the yarn tail.
DETAIL: Working in DARK BLUE, embroider in sl st between rows 11 and
12 of the skirt. - Image 27 -
25 26 27 28

29 30
Attach the WHITE yarnto the loops of the
stitches in row 12 of the blouse, and make:
1 sc, 2 ch, in each stitch.


PART 1 - In BLUE, make a 28 chain cord,

and sew it to the doll's waist. - Image 31 -

®2023 The Wizard of Oz - Ocaso Collection - by Isadora Lima

@ocasoentrelinhas - All rights reserved.
continuing the suspenders
PART 2 - In BLUE, make a cord with 40 chains, and sew it to the doll's body, as
shown in - Images 32 and 33 -
DETAIL: in DARK BLUE, embroider the buttons, making a French knot for each
end of the suspender - Image 34 -, then, using the same yarn, embroider
between rows 04 and 05 of the shirt, to finish the detail. - Image 35 -
32 33 34 35

hair 36

Make it in DARK BROWN
01. 6sc in a MR [6]
02. 6inc [12]
03. (1sc, 1inc)x6 [18]
04. (2sc, 1inc)x6 [24]
05. (3sc, 1inc)x6 [30]
06. (4sc, 1inc)x6 [36]
07. (8sc, 1inc)x4 [40]
08-11. 40sc [4 rows] Fasten off and hide the yarn tail.

In DARK BROWN, chain 52 and from the 2nd chain from the hook, make:
12inc, 1sl st[This sl st will be the base st], from the st you’re at, make (twice):
chain 13 and from the 2nd chain from the hook, make: 12inc, 1sl st in the
base st
Continue in the initial chains, making: 1sc, 3HDC, 1HDC inc, 1DC, 1DC inc,
1DC, 1HDC inc, 1HDC, 2sc, 1sl st, 2sc, 1HDC, 1HDC inc, 1DC, 1DC inc,
1DC, 1HDC inc, 3HDC, 1sc. Make 1sl st [this is the new base st] repeat the
underlined sequence above twice. Then, in the final chains (of the 52 you’ve
made), make: 12inc. Fasten off - Observe - Images 37, 38, 39 and 40 - in the
next page ®2023 The Wizard of Oz - Ocaso Collection - by Isadora Lima
@ocasoentrelinhas - All rights reserved.
39 40
37 38

41 42

Glue or sew the Wig to the doll's head

- Images 41 and 42 -

Position the large Strand at the front

of the head, and sew the center of the
strand, taking the chains where you 43 44
made the strand, and sewing them to
the front stitches of the wig, making
the side strands remain loose. In total,
there are 3 loose strands on each side,
which will NOT be sewn into the wig. -
Images 43 and 44 -

With a tapestry needle, go though, using the DARK BROWN yarn, the center stitches of
the Strand, to make the finishing. “Embrace” these stitches, one by one, as I show in
- Image 45 -
In BLUE tie the strands, leaving 1cm of the strand loose, in relation to the wig - Image
46 -
To secure the front design, attach some side stitches of the strand - Image 47 - and
1 central stitch - Image 48 -
EARS (2x) - Make 3sc in a MR. Sew the ears to the sides of the head, at eye level.
- Image 49 -

45 46 47 48 49

®2023 The Wizard of Oz - Ocaso Collection - by Isadora Lima

@ocasoentrelinhas - All rights reserved.
By Isadora Lima

®2023 The Wizard of Oz - Ocaso Collection - by Isadora Lima

@ocasoentrelinhas - All rights reserved.
arms 2x
Start working in LIGHT BEIGE
01. 6sc in a MR [6]
02. (1inc, 2sc)x2 [8]
03. 8sc [8]
04. (1inc, 3sc)x2 [10]
Change to GREEN
05-06. BLO 10sc [2 rows]
07. (1dec, 3sc)x2 [8]
08-18. 8sc [11 rows]
Flatten and close the arm making: 4sc - Image 01 -
Fasten off and hide the yarn tail.

DETAIL: In GREEN, vgo back to the loops in row 06- Image 02 - and make:
10HDC - Image 03 -

STRAW: Cut small pieces of LIGHT BROWN yarn (10 pieces of approx. 4cm
for each arm), and apply them using the loop and hook technique in the
loops of the stitches in row 10. - Images 05 and 06 - Then adjust the size with
scissors, then unravel the yarn a little - Images 07 and 08 -

01 02 03 04

05 06 07 08

®2023 The Wizard of Oz - Ocaso Collection - by Isadora Lima

@ocasoentrelinhas - All rights reserved.
feet/legs 2x
Start working in DARK BROWN, Chain 7 and from the 2nd chain from the
hook, make:
01. 5sc, 1Tinc, on the other side of the chains: 4sc, 1inc [14]
02. 1inc, 4sc, 3inc, 4sc, 2inc [20]
03. 20pbsc [20]
04. 5sc, 9HDC, 6sc [20]
05. 6sc, (1dec, 1sc)x3, 5sc [17]
06. 5sc, 6HDC, 6sc [17]
07. 5sc, 3dim, 6sc [14]
08. 14sc [14] stuff as you work
09. BLO 14sc [14]
Change to DARK RED
10. 14sc [14]
11. BLO 14sc [14]
12. 1dec, 12sc [13]
From this moment on, the rows change depending on which leg you will
make, whether right or left.

left leg
13. 13sc [13]
Add LIGHT GREEN yarn to you work trama, and work with both colors
14-16. DR: 3sc | LG: 4sc | DR: 6sc [13-3 rows]
Keep working inly in DARK RED
17-22. 13sc [6 rows]
Fasten off and hide the yarn tail.

13-17. 13sc [5 rows]
Add LIGHT GREEN yarn to you work trama, and work with both colors
18-20. DR: 7sc | LG: 4sc | DR: 2sc [13-3 rows]
Keep working inly in DARK RED
21-22. 13sc [13-2 rows]
Fasten off and hide the yarn tail.

®2023 The Wizard of Oz - Ocaso Collection - by Isadora Lima

@ocasoentrelinhas - All rights reserved.
feet/legs 2x
DETAIL: With a beige thread embroider around the patch created with Light
Green yarn on the legs - Image 09 -

DETAIL: In DARK RED, go back to the loops in row 11

- Image 10 - and make:
01. 14HDC
02. (1sc and 1DC together)x14 - Image 11 - Fasten off

Straw: Cut small pieces of LIGHT BROWN yarn (14 pieces of approx. 5cm for
each arm), and apply them using the loop and hook technique in the loops of
the stitches in row 10. - Images 12, 13 and 14 - Then adjust the size with
scissors, then unravel the yarn a little - Images 15 and 16 -

09 10 11 12

13 14 15 16

joining the legs

Position the legs with the feet slightly turned inwards, attach the DARK RED yarn
to a central lateral stitch on the right leg - Image 18 - , chain 2, and attach it to
a central lateral st in the left leg with 1sc (this is the 1st stitch of the joining
row) - Image 19 -
01. 13sc (in the left leg), 2sc (in the chain loops), 13sc (in the right leg), 2sc (in the
chain loops) [30]
02-05. 30sc [4 rows] Change to GREEN
®2023 The Wizard of Oz - Ocaso Collection - by Isadora Lima
@ocasoentrelinhas - All rights reserved.
17 18 19 20

21 22
Continue in GREEN
01. 30sc [30]
02. BLO (3sc, 1dec)x6 [24]
Change to DARK BROWN
03. BLO 24sl st [24]
04. BLO 24sc[24] 23
Change to VGREEN
05. BLO 24sl st [24]
06. BLO 24sc [24]
07-11. 24sc [5 rows]

joining the arms

12. 5sc | joining the 1st arm: 4sc | in the front: 8sc | joining the 2nd arm: 4sc
| in the back: 3sc [24] - Image 21 - Stuff it
EMBROIDER the belt using LIGHT BROWN- Image 23 -
13. (2sc, 1dec)x6 [18]
14. (1sc, 1dec)x6 [12]
15. 12sc [12]
16. BLO 12sc [12]
Continue to make the head, don’t fasten off.

shirt detail 24
Go back using GREEN to the loops in row 02 of the shirt
- Image 24 - and make:
01. (9sc, 1inc)x3 [33]
02. (5sc, 1inc, 5sc)x3 [36]
03. 36sc [36]
04. 36rsc [36] Fasten off
®2023 The Wizard of Oz - Ocaso Collection - by Isadora Lima
@ocasoentrelinhas - All rights reserved.
Continue in LIGHT BEIGE
25 26
01. 12inc [24]
02. (3sc, 1inc)x6 [30]
change to LIGHT BROWN
03. BLO 30sl st [30]
change to LIGHT BEIGE
04. BLO 30sc [30]
05-10. 30sc [6 rows]

EYES: Position the eyes between rows 6 and 7, with 6st apart;
NOSE: in DARK RED, embroider 2 central stitches between rows 4 and 5.
EMBROIDERY: Embroider a white line on the side of each eye. With brown thread,
make a diagonal line right on top of the eye to create the eyebrows.

11. (3sc, 1dec)x6 [24] Stuff as you work

12. (2sc, 1dec)x6 [18]
13. (1sc, 1dec)x6 [12]
14. 6dec [6] Finalize it with a reverse MR
27 28

Attach the LIGHT BROWN to the
loops in row 16 in the Shirt
- Image 27 - and make:
01. 12HDC inc [24]
02. (1HDC, 1HDC inc)x12 [36]
03. 36rsc [36]
Fasten off and hide the yarn tail.
Make it in LIGHT BROWN
01. 6sc in a MR [6]
02. 6inc [12] 06. (4sc, 1inc)x6 [36]
03. (1sc, 1inc)x6 [18] 07-10. 36sc [4 rows]
04. (2sc, 1inc)x6 [24] 11. 36rsc [36]
05. (3sc, 1inc)x6 [30] Fasten off and hide the yarn tail.

®2023 The Wizard of Oz - Ocaso Collection - by Isadora Lima

@ocasoentrelinhas - All rights reserved.
30 31
Glue the Cap to the Scarecrow's
head, and with a Tapestry needle
and LIGHT BROWN yarn, attach the
sides of the Collar to the Cap, with
sewing stitches.
- Images 30 and 31 -

hat HAT STRAP: 25corr

STRAW: Attach the pieces of LIGHT
Make it in DARK BROWN BROWN yarn to the loops of the
01. 6sc in a MR [6] stitches in row 13, and do the
02. (1sc, 1inc)x 3 [9] same process of making the straw
03. (2sc, 1inc)x3 [12] details that you did for the arms
04. (1sc, 1inc)x6 [18] and legs.
05. (2sc, 1inc)x6 [24] 32 33 34
06. 24sc [24]
07. (3sc, 1inc)x6 [30]
08. (4sc, 1inc)x6 [36]
09. 36sc [36]
10. (5sc, 1inc)x6 [42]
11. (6sc, 1inc)x6 [48] 35 36
12. FLO 48sc [48]
13. (3HDC, 1HDC inc)x12 [60]
14. 60rsc [60]
Fasten off and hide the yarn tail.

Make it in 37 38 39
Chain 45, and from the 5th
chain from the hook, make:
embroider the scarf and
also a vertical line on the
scarecrow's face.
®2023 The Wizard of Oz - Ocaso Collection - by Isadora Lima
@ocasoentrelinhas - All rights reserved.
bonus pattern
by Isadora Lima

®2023 The Wizard of Oz - Ocaso Collection - by Isadora Lima

@ocasoentrelinhas - All rights reserved.
Start working in RED

01 02
01. 5sc in a MR [5]
02. 5inc [10]
03. 10sc [10]
04. (1sc, 1inc)x5 [15]
05. 15sc [15]
06. (3sc, 1dec)x3 [12]
Attach the BLUE yarn and work with both colows, follow the caption:
07. RE: 3sc | BL: 2sc | RE: 2sc | BL: 2sc | RE: 3sc [12] Stuff it.
Keep working only in red.
08. BLO 6dec [6]
Finalize cis with a reverse MR

Attach the BLUE yarn to the first loop on row 08 - Image 03 - and:

chain 4, and from the 2nd chain from the hook, make: 1sl st, make another
2chains, go back to the 1st chain of these last 2 you’ve made and make: 1sl
st, go back to the left over chains, of the 4 you’ve made in the beginning, and
make: 2sl st. In the next blue stitch in the base of the Heart, make 1sl st,
2chains, skip the 2 central red stitches and in the next loop in row 08, make
1sl st, - Image 04 - and continue working to make the Vena Cava

Continuing from the stitch where you left off, chain 3 and from the 2nd chain
from the hook, make: 2sl st. Make 1sl st in the loop of the next blue stitch from
the base, and repeat: 3ch, 2sl st in the chain loops. Fasten off.

03 04 05

®2023 The Wizard of Oz - Ocaso Collection - by Isadora Lima

@ocasoentrelinhas - All rights reserved.
Attach the RED yarn to the loop of the first of the 2 stitches that are between
the blue stitches in row 08 - Image 06 - and:

chain 6 and from the 2nd chain from the hook, make: 5sl st, and, in the loop
of the next red stitch in the base of the Heart, make: 1sl st.
Fasten off and hide the yarn tail.

Attach the RED yarn to the loop of the 1st stitch of row 08, and make: 1sl st
joining the tip of the AORTA - Image 08 - and continue with the next
stitches of row 08 making: (3 chains and from the 2nd chain from the hook,
make: 2sl st, in next base stitch: 1sl st)x2
Fasten off and hide the yarn tail.
06 07 08

To embroider the Veins, I divided the yarn of the same blue that I used
for the heart and embroidered them with an embroidery needle.

®2023 The Wizard of Oz - Ocaso Collection - by Isadora Lima

@ocasoentrelinhas - All rights reserved.
Your pieces are done!
Now just take some nice pictures and post your work!
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I'll LOVE to see your characters from The Wizard of Oz Collection!

Thank you so much for your support, respect and trust in my work!

If you have any questions about the pattern, please don't

hesitate to send the support an e-mail:

Um xeiro, Isa!

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