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Policy Making


Having policies on staff absence and leave helps an organization to be more organized and also prevent
loopholes that can damage existing standards.

Personnel Involved
 Administrative officer
 Head of department
 Personnel manager

 Any staff that intends to be absent from work must officially do so in writing and submit to his or her
head of department
 He or She must state the reason for absence.
 He or She must give the management 72 hours notice.
 He or she must understand that the need for informing the management ahead of time is to make
appropriate adjustment plans and to also let the management know that he or she will be coming
 He or She must keep in touch with his or her head of department in the case of any change in plan.
 He or she must know that no payment would be made for each of the days absent from work.
 He or she must note that any form of “French leave”, which is leaving without any prior notice
would attract no pay at all, irrespective of the number of days spent in that payment period.
 He or she must also note that leaving without prior notice is an automatic discontinuation of the job

 Any staff that intends to be absent from work must officially do so in writing and submit to his or her
head of department
 He or She must know that only 1 (one) permission for leave is entitled to him or her.
 He or She must know that every leave is for a duration of 1(one) month only.
 He or she must know that staff are still entitled to benefits during a leave period.
 He or she must know that any stay beyond the agreed leave period would mean an end to the paying
of benefits, which automatically means he or she is absent and there will be no payment for missed


This policy is meant to keep our customers safe.

Personnels involved
 Financial department
 Head of departments.
 Administrative officer

The following policies are to adhered to:

 All customers must note that evry payment for transaction is to be taken directly to the
 All customers should make sure they receive a receipt for every of their transaction with the
 Any customer making a transfer to the organization must make sure they call the financial
department before and after the transfer.
 They must note that any receipt that has been tampered with must be returned immediately to the
 All customers must have the contact line of any of the administrative officer or head of departments
so that, any suspected case of fraud or corruption can be reported immediately.

 All staff must submit to declaration of assets at the end of every month
 Any staff suspected to be involved in fraud or corruption shall be placed in police custody until
investigations are over.
 Depending on the case penalties would range from cut of from benefits, discontinuation of job
contract and/or arrest.
 He or she will pay for any damage that occurred during any case.
 Any case of bribe shall attract a fine as deemed fit by the management.


These policies help to ensure the safety of children

Personnel involved
 Security department
 Administrative officer
 Head of department

Missing Children
 All missing child cases must be reported to the management immediately
 If possible, pictures of the child or children in question must be submitted to aid investigations.
 Any suspected movements must be brought to the attention of the authorities immediately.


Ordelines is a top priority. So to be able to make it achievable, we have formulates the following policies
 Administrative staff
 Head of departments
 Class teachers

 All students are to follow the dress pattern a sinclided in the school prospectus.
 Any child wearing sleepers to school would be severely punished and the slippers seized.
 All students are to buy a pair of white. Sock...
 All students must put on their socks all the time.

 Every staff is to be corporately dressed on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday
 Staff vests are to be gotten and worn for the remaining part of the week (Wednesday and Friday).
 Wrong dressing shall apply a fine as deemed fit by the management
 No native attire is allowed.
 No party outfit for either male or. Female is permitted
 No colorful or extravagant hairstyle will be allowed.


Managing the performance of the students is paramount to success.

Personnel involved

 Guidance Counsellor
 Administrative officer
 Head of departments

Managing performance


 Personnels in charge of the students must be properly handpicked or screened in the process of
 The guidiance counsellor must make sure student's general accessment are done after the end of
every session.
 Student scores must also be monitored after the end of every term.
 The counsellor must be vast in various test performance instruments, so that student's performances
can be accurately gotten and thereafter managed.


 Staff must be conversant with the various teaching techniques to make them adaptable to the needs
of the students
 Any child noticed to have issues in their performances must be taken to the guidance counsellor
 Teaching strategies must be flexible enough to aid performance growth.


Personnel Involved

 Administrative officer
 Head of departments

 No teacher is allowed to speak or interact with the students in vanacular. All interaction must be
done in the accepted language.
 A Student is not to be seen alone with a teacher. They should always be in groups of two or more.
 No teacher is permitted to receive any thing, cash or kind from any student.
 Teacher must be able to develop a good class relationship with the students. It makes learning better
for them.
 Teachers must be approachable for the students. It is another way for them to learn easily, once they
can easily meet up with their teacher without been scared or afraid.
 Students must be careful not to follow teachers to secluded places
 Whenever a student is to see a teacher, he or she must look for a partner to excort him or her.
 No student is allowed to give a teacher anything whether in cash or kind.
 Students are to obey their teachers at all times.


The conduct of every school personnel is important to the growth of the students and the organisation as a

Personnel Involved
 Administrative Officer
 Head of departments

To Parents
 School personnel are to treat parents as Kings and Queens.
 No staff is to talk back to a parent. They are to always refer them to the management.

 All drivers are to be neatly dressed whenever they are on duty
 All vehicles are to be cleaned before work resumes on Monday mornings
 No driver is to be caught drinking for any reason. If found guilty, the management will issue a
punishment equal to the crime.
 All drivers are to remain in the school premises no matter what. Any movement whatsoever should
be reported to the administrative officer or any head of department.

 All cleaners must be in school immediately after school closes to clean up the environment.
 All cleaners must ensure that all classes and the compound is clean before work resumes on Monday

 All caretakers must ensure the safety of the children to and fro the toilet daily.
 They are to ensure the toilets are cleaned up before and after school hours.
 They should ensure a proper cleaning up of every child after they mess up themselves.
 In collaboration with the teachers, caretakers are to ensure the children are neatly dressed before the
arrival of their parents or the closing hours.

 All teachers are to resume by 7am every Monday and then make sure they are in school before
7:30am from Tuesday to Friday.
 They are to be properly dressed with the assig Ed dress code for each day.
 They are not to flog any student for any reason. Just punishments are sufficient.
 Injury inflicting punishment must be avoided at any cost. The approved punishments must be gotten
from the management.

 All personnel must treat the properties of the school as their and make sure they are well taken care

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