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The provided chart gives information about the

proportion of Canadian high school pupils who study

variety different second languages over a period of 8
years starting form 2006.
In general, while the number of students learning
French, Spain and Chinese witnessed an upward trend,
the opposite was true for that of Japanese, German or
others. In addition, it is clear that French, Japanese and
Spanish were the most popular choice, while German,
Chinese and others were less common.
In detailed, there was a slight increase in the number of
French learner form 29% to 30% and this language was
the most famous language over the recorded period
time. Similarly, starting at 20% in 2006, the percentage
of students studying Spain gradually rose to 22% in
2014. In contrast, Japanese experienced a downward
trend from 29% to 20%.
By contrast, Chinese, which was the least commonly
learned language at the first year of period time,
significantly grew up and reached the highest point of
13% in 2014. German, which was the most popular
choice among three bottom language, declined sharply
and hit a low of 5% in 2014.
Additionally, the number of students who study others
language fluctuated from 7% to 14% and stood at 7% in
the last year of period time.

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