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Go the extra mile - to do some extra actions for

achieving your aim.
Take a rain check - to reschedule something.
On the same page - think of something the same way
(do the same fault twice)
Bite off more than you can chew - take on more
responsibilities than you can manage
Continue sentence

Diving is a sport that requires a lot of skill, especially when...

Playing outdoor sports helps me connect with nature and...
When it comes to school projects, I always try to go the extra mile
Dancing is a form of self-expression that allows me to...
My experience in sports teams or clubs has helped me develop
skills in...
My friend invited me to an event, but I had to take a rain check and
reschedule because...
Indoors activities ♥
Solving Puzzles - Розв'язування головоломок
Knitting - В'язання
Doing Crafts - Виготовлення рукоділля
Doing Yoga - Займатися йогою
Meditating - Медитація
Baking - Випікання
Exercising - Виконання фізичних вправ
Doing Home Improvement Projects - Виконання домашніх ремонтних
Practicing a Hobby - Зайняття хобі
Do you enjoy solving puzzles in your free time?
How does solving puzzles make you feel?
Have you ever tried knitting? If so, what did you make?
What kind of crafts do you like to do at home?
Do you find crafting to be a relaxing activity?
Do you practice yoga regularly?
How does yoga benefit you physically and mentally?
Do you incorporate meditation into your daily routine?
Have you ever taken on a home improvement project?
What was it?
How do you feel after completing a home improvement
Would you rather spend a day hiking in the mountains or visiting
art galleries in the city?
Would you rather play a team sport outdoors or do individual
exercises indoors?
Would you rather have a picnic in the park or have a fancy dinner at a
Would you rather spend a rainy day reading a book by the fireplace or
dancing at a lively party?
Would you rather go birdwatching in a nature reserve or visit a
historical museum?
What would you recommend?
Your friend is feeling bored at home and doesn't know what to do.
Your younger sibling wants to start a new hobby but doesn't know where to begin.
Your cousin is visiting from out of town and wants to experience something unique
to your area.
Your friend is feeling stressed and needs a way to relax.
Describe Your Favorite Activity

I really enjoy ... because it’s ....

Weekend Plans
This weekend I’m going to ...
Discussing Team Sports

I joined the ... team because I've always ...

Explain these activities
Playing Musical Instruments
Hiking and Outdoor Activities
Yoga and Meditation
Gardening - Taking care of plants and flowers in a garden.
Playing Musical Instruments - Producing music using
instruments like a piano, guitar, or violin.
Volunteering - Offering to do work without being paid, often
to help others or contribute to a cause.
Hiking and Outdoor Activities - Walking in nature and
participating in outdoor recreational activities.
Yoga and Meditation - Engaging in practices that promote
relaxation, mindfulness, and inner peace.

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