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Date: Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Objective 1: Ask for meaning and translations using

greetings and teacher´s expressions

English Spanish
How are you doing today? Muy bien en verdad
I’m doing well, how about you? Nos vemos la próxima semana
What’s up? Cuídate!
Raise your hand He estado mejor
Let´s begin/start Un poco estresado
Listen and repeat Estoy orgulloso de tu esfuerzo
Pay attention, please Sigan trabajando así
Great job! Trabajemos en silencio, por favor
Have a great day! Estudien para la prueba
Be quiet! Se acabó el tiempo
Objective 2: Practice the dialogue

- Hi, what’s your name?

- My name is ______. And you?
- My name is ______.
- Nice to meet you _____!
- Nice to meet you too _____!
- How do you spell _______?
- It spells _______. And how do you spell _______?
- It spells_______.
- How old are you?
- I’m ____ years old. And you?
- I’m ____ years old.

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