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Build your own summary - Focus 2 – Unit 3 & 4

Learning goal: 3.2: I can use all forms of comparative and superlative
adjectives to make comparisons
A: What happens with short adjectives when making a comparison?

B: What happens with long adjectives when making a comparison? What is the difference
between comparative and superlative?

Use the comparative and superlative and write down 2 sentences: long, interesting, funny,

Learning goal: 4.2: I can use the Present Perfect with FOR & SINCE
A: Write down what the Present Perfect looks like = what verbs do you
need to use? Time expressions?

B: Write down when do we use FOR & SINCE & give 3 examples for each:

FOR rule: SINCE rule:

Example 1: Example 1:

Example 2: Example 2:

Example 3: Example 3:

C: Write two full sentences in the Present Perfect (6+ words).

1. FOR sentence:

2. SINCE sentence:
Learning goal: 3.5: I can use the Present Perfect with just and already
A: When do you use just? Write one full sentences in the Present Perfect
(6+ words), with the word just:

B: When do you use already? Write one full sentences in the Present Perfect (6+ words),
with the word already

Learning goal: 3.5: Past simple

When do you use the Past Simple? Which time expressions do you use?

Write one full sentence in the Past simple:

Learning goal: 3.7: Review

Which topics are discussed in a review?

Which adjectives can you use to describe your opinion?

Write a short review about a videoclip, play or movie you watched:

Learning goal: 4.5: I can use the 3 future forms
A: What are the 3 future forms?

1. 2. 3.

B: Write down when do we use each future form and create an example sentence:

1. We use ____________ to talk about

Example sentence:

2. We use ____________ to talk about

Example sentence:

3. We use ____________ to talk about

Example sentence:

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