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I. Directions: Read the questions carefully and choose the best answer from the given
options. Write the letter of the correct answer in your MAPEH notebook.

1. What term refers to a cloth that involves weaving using natural fibers or artificial threads?
A. Dye B. Textile C. Loom weaving D. Motif

2. Which principle of arts refers to the created center of interest in an artwork?

A. Balance B. Perspective C. Emphasis D. Unity

3. What is the purpose of Wau kite used by the Malaysian farmers?

A. pastime B. for bountiful harvest C. for good weather D. for success

4. What type of cap is widely worn by male Muslims in Indonesia, Brunei, Malaysia, Singapore, and
Southern Thailand?
A. Non La B. Salakot C. Turban D. Songkok

5. The enormous Buddha statues in Wat Pho Thailand are made of what material?
A. bronze B. metal C. bamboo D. stone

II. Directions: Identify the following crafts, accessories and everyday objects found in
different Southeast Asian Countries. Encircle the correct answer.

6. Sky Lantern
a. Cambodia
b. Indonesia
c. Thailand
d. Singapore

7. Wau Kite
a. Brunei
b. Laos
c. Malaysia
d. Singapore

8. Sa Paper
a. Indonesia
b. Laos
c. Malaysia
d. Singapore

9. Wayang Kulit
a. Cambodia
b. Indonesia
c. Thailand
d. Singapore

10. Songkok
a. Brunei
b. Laos
c. Malaysia
d. Singapore

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