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GE 3 (4457)


Submitted To: Ma’am Sar Carino

Submitted By: Britney Shin A. Tero
Submitted On: January 29, 2024
1. What is the importance of studying globalization?

Exploring globalization is important in our progressing world, offering

insights into diverse knowledge, cultures, and opportunities beyond our
comfort zones. This study expand our understanding of global events, from
historical occurrences in Asia to contemporary happenings on other
continents. It helps us understand our interconnectedness and
interdependence. It emphasizes that "no man is an island."
Learning globalization prepares us for the real world, developing
adaptability as we encounter new people and places. In essence, studying
globalization isn't just an academic pursuit. It prepares us to navigate an
interconnected global landscape, promoting a comprehensive insight into the
world we live in.

2. Why is the word “globalization” given emphasis or importance in

today’s contemporary world?

In today's contemporary world, the emphasis on "globalization" is

fundamental as it signifies the interconnectedness of nations, fostering
collaboration and mutual development. The term's essence lies in its root,
"global," symbolizing the integration of nations worldwide. It catalyzes shared
progress, emphasizing the interdependence of states and their collective role
in shaping a more interconnected and cooperative contemporary world.
As nations embrace this interconnectedness, they navigate shared
challenges, contributing altogether to innovations that motivate humanity
forward. In essence, globalization emerges as a defining feature, uniting
diverse societies in a world of mutual influence and progress.

3. How do economic forces facilitate the deepening of globalization?

The complex process of globalization is dynamically driven by

economic forces. They are essential to revealing the complex components of
its material. Regarding international trade, countries pass laws to prevent
illegal activities such as smuggling and to ensure controlled and legal
international trade. This systematic framework of economic governance aids
in the orderly development of globalization.
Economic forces essentially play the role of professionals, creating a
route through the complexity and promoting interconnectedness within our
globalized world. Under their influence, globalization emerges, tying together
networks of trade and cooperation across different settings.

4. How is the Philippines Central to the history of economic globalization?

Throughout our history, the Philippines has been a resilient nation in
the global economic aspect. From ancient times to the present, our
adaptability and competitiveness have fueled a thriving economy. Delving into
our past, the Philippines emerges as a key figure in the narrative of economic
globalization. Even in pre-colonial eras, our ancestors engaged in trade with
Malays and Indo-Chinese, exchanging gold for foreign goods through barter.
And for the Filipinos, the establishment of the gallon trade appointed the
country to the crucial beginning of economic globalization. This early
commerce laid a foundation for the globalization we recognize today.

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