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Mack Junuel Fabio BSBA 2G

1. Is philosophy really needed in doing business ?
- Yes, philosophy can be valuable in business as it provides a framework for critical
thinking, ethical decision-making, and strategic planning. Philosophical concepts
such as ethics, logic, and epistemology can help business leaders navigate
complex issues, understand different perspectives, and make informed choices
that align with their values and long-term objectives.
2. Does philosophy have any relevance in business?
- Yes, philosophy can have relevance in business. Philosophical principles can help
business leaders make ethical decisions, develop a strong company culture, and
think critically about complex issues. Concepts from ethics, logic, and
metaphysics can be applied to areas such as corporate social responsibility,
decision-making processes, and strategic planning. By incorporating
philosophical thinking into business practices, companies can enhance their
decision-making processes and create a more thoughtful and ethical
organizational culture.
3. Is it a passport to a successful business venture?
- Philosophy by itself is not always a ticket to success in business, even though it
can offer insightful opinions and insights that are useful to an organization. A
strong company strategy, market research, financial savvy, strategic decision-
making, strong leadership, creativity, and adaptability are just a few of the many
components that are usually needed for business success. Nonetheless, integrating
philosophical ideas into business operations can undoubtedly help to develop a
more moral, deliberate, and comprehensive strategy for managing a profitable
4. What does integrity have to do in doing business?
- Since integrity entails being truthful, acting morally, and acting consistently, it is
essential in business. When it comes to establishing trust with stakeholders such
as employees and consumers, integrity plays a crucial role. It supports the upkeep
of a favorable reputation, the development of solid bonds, and the establishment
of an open and accountable culture inside the company. Integrity-driven
companies are more likely to draw in devoted clients, skilled staff, and sustained

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