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The Property /Properties utilized : the property utilized by the technique/method are the particle
size or the solubility of

When is it used : Filtration is used to separate a liquid from a suspended or settled solid.

Separated Parts of the Mixture :

The part of the mixture trapped on filter paper is called the Residue.

The part of the mixture that passes through the filter paper is called the Filtrate.


The Property /Properties utilized : the property utilized by the technique/method are the weight
particle or the solubility of a solid

When is it used : Decanting is used to separate a liquid from a suspended or settled solid.

Separated Parts of the Mixture :

The part of the mixture left behind in the container is called the – .

The part of the mixture that is poured out called the – .

Separating Funnel

The Property /Properties utilized : is the differences in the densities

When is it used : Separating funnel is used to separate and retain two immiscible liquids .

Separated Parts of the Mixture :

The part of the mixture left behind in the evaporation basin container is called the – .

The part of the mixture that is poured out called the – .


The Property /Properties utilized : is the sublimation point of a solid solute.


When is it used : Sublimation is used to separate and retain the solids in a two solid mixture if the
solids do not decompose on heat .

Separated Parts of the Mixture :

The part of the mixture left is called the – .

The part of the mixture that called the – .


The Property /Properties utilized : is the solubility of solutes in a solvent.

When is it used : Chromatography is used to separate and retain several solutes that are dissolved
in a solvent.

Separated Parts of the Mixture :

The part of the mixture is called the – .

The part of the mixture called the – .


The Property /Properties utilized : is the solubility of a solid

When is it used : Evaporating is used to separate and retain the solid solute from a solution if the
solute does not decompose on heat or contain water of crystallization.

Separated Parts of the Mixture :

The part of the mixture left behind in the evaporation basin container is called the – .

The part of the mixture that is poured out called the – .


The Property /Properties utilized : the weight of the particle or the solubility of a solid solute.

When is it used : – Crystallization is used to separate and retain the solid solute from a solution
especially if the solid contains water of crystallization.

Separated Parts of the Mixture :


The part of the mixture left in evaporation basin .

The part of the mixture that is called the .

Simple Distillation

The Property /Properties utilized : is the large difference in the temperatures between the
solvent and solute in the solution.

When is it used :

Distillation is used to separate and retain a liquid solvent from a solution.

Separated Parts of the Mixture :

The part of the mixture that condensed and collected is called the distillate.

The part of the mixture is called the .

Fractional Distillation

The Property /Properties utilized : is the small difference in the boiling temperatures – (boiling
points b. p.).

When is it used :

Fractional Distillation is used to separate and retain two miscible liquids.

Separated Parts of the Mixture :

The part of the mixture that is condensed and collected is called the distillate.

The part of the mixture is called the .

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