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Lanao School of Science and Technology Inc.

Maranding,Lala,Lanao del Norte


Bachelor in Secondary Education Major in Mathematics



Field Supervisor


Department Coordinator



Education is one of the keys to success it has become a great equalizer to the

majority. There are no one who will be choosing who will become an educated

person. This gives every child the chance to go to school and can level the playing

field for disadvantaged children. Educators or teachers are the ones who gives the

services in imparting knowledge, skills and values to the future nation builders of

our nation.

Teaching is said to be the “noblest profession” I do agree with that since we are

not only teaching our students the knowledge they need to acquire. But we also

touch their hearts and inspire them to become a better person in our society. With

this teacher are look up to by all person in the community as they serve as role

model among the youths and the future generation of our nation.

Teaching internship is the training grounds of the future agent of learning. This

is where all future teacher will firsthand experience on what they will likely
become. During this internship, interns will apply all the knowledge, theories,

pedagogies they have learn so far in an actual situation.

John Dewey emphasized “learning by doing”, it is said that in order for a person

to learn an individual should be doing a hands-on approach learning, meaning a

person should be put in an environment in order to experience it first hand, to adapt

and learn. Therefore, teaching internship is crucial to us teaching interns since for us

to become the best in our future profession. We should hone ourselves and practice

our skills and abilities to be ready and prepared to become a great teacher who will

lead the future generation


Lord, thank you for everything

Thank you for your daily blessings and guidance for us teachers

Thank you for giving us the chance to touch the heart of our students

Lord, we know that we are still lacking in many ways

Please give us the will and determination to avoid making a sin

Lord, you know that us teacher have our own plans

As a teacher, please give us the wisdom to impart our knowledge

And also give us the heart that can show compassion

Please give us teachers strength and endurance to perform our task

Lord, for you we will be your instrument in leading our students to the right path

Please keep on molding us to be a better version of ourselves

I pray all of these things in your powerful name Jesus Christ our savior




Nickname: Deo

Gender: Female

Height: 5’5

Weight: 42

Date of Birth: June 17, 2001

Place of Birth: Lanao del Norte

Religion: Baptist

Father’s Name: Roderick Luna Occupation: farmer

Mother’s Name: Jocelyn Luna Occupation: OFW


Elementary: Camp 3, Elementary school


Junior High School: Salvador National high school


Senior High School: Salvador National High School


Students learn differently in each educational environment, from preschool to college. Because
of his or her learning talents and preferences, each students is both talented and challenged. My
teaching method is based on Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligence, which helps me
discover students' learning style because everyone learns differently. In the classroom,
a"concept" might be a new ability, information, or any mix of the two. We are not experts at the
notion of driving the first time we get behind the wheel, but we begin to master the concept
with each practice session. The same is true for classroom learning. Teachers expand on what
students learned the day before, the week before, or even the year before. Repeating a lesson on
a subject enhances learning, therefore the instructor can reinforce the learning using various
sorts of activities based on the notion of multiple intelligence. Students with high mathematical-
logical intelligence, for example, would excel in paper-and-pencil job of adding basic fractions.
Through a rhythmic-clapping practice, students with a predisposition for musical intelligence
would learn how quarter notes and eight "add up" to a whole measure. Using both exercises
reinforces the concept of adding fractions for all children, providing them with the extra
practice they require. By varying the teaching technique, the instructor is able to keep the
learning environment new. An exercise to begin the day might include movement that engages
the bodily-kinesthetic intelligence. By varying your teaching approaches, you may keep
students engaged in the session. Students who feel they have failed may misbehave, become
indifferent, fail to pay attention, or disrupt the class. The multiple intelligence idea has the
potential to reintroduce pupils learning. Using several intelligences to teach a subject gives each
of your varied learners a chance to succeed. The student who excels in visul-spatial intelligence
will excel at drawing and puzzle. Students who thrive in linguistic intelligence would benefit
more from a written report than a reading assignment, but those who excel at interpersonal
intelligence flourish at classroom discussions of what was read. Problem behavior reduces when
pupils feel successful in their studies. Teaching to a student's strengths aids in his or her
learning achievement.

Teaching Internship is a six unit course. It is the last stage of the sequential approach of the
extended practicum program. Teaching Internship links with the 6-unit principles of
teaching. Teaching Internship gives the pre-service teachers the opportunity to teach child-
friendly attitudes as they observe the applied principles, methods, strategies, approach to
teaching, the art of questioning, and skills in responding to questions. Indicators
effective teaching shall be carefully observed. It is expected that pre-service teachers will learn
from their observations and can practice these observation through micro-teaching. Micro-
teaching involves the PST in working with small group of learners in three ways: tutorial
teaching, remedial teaching and enhancement teaching. In the first mode of micro-teaching, the
pre-service teacher provides tutoring sessions under the guidance of the cooperating teaching.
This is done with 1 to 3 learners per teacher, while in the second mode, the remedial teaching
is provided to 3 to 5 learners. The final mode of micro-teaching shall demonstrate a
particular strategy presenting a lesson in enhancement teaching. A micro-teaching lesson
guide shall be prepared by the PST’s with the guidance of the cooperating teacher. The PST’s
are required to use technology in the preparation and delivery of instructional materials.
The micro-teaching activities may be conducted either or outside of regular class hours but must
be under the guidance of the cooperating teacher.

Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSEd) is a four-year program that prepares its

students for the art and science of teaching. It builds know-how in pedagogy, such
as foundations of education, principles of teaching, facilitating learning, curriculum
development, child and adolescent psychology, assessment of student learning,
educational technology and instructional materials preparation, and classroom
management, among others, as well as would-be teachers’ disciplinal expertise. The
areas of specialization offered by the program are: Science, English, Filipino,
Mathematics, Religious and Values Education, and Social Studies. The program
culminates with an intensive one-year practice teaching in the laboratory school of
the College and in the cooperating public and private (local and international)
schools, where student teachers receive active mentoring from highly-experienced
professional teachers.




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