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Natasha Jumbo

Prof. Cheng
ESL 043_003
February 29th, 2024

Successful Academically

Academic preparation is something we take for granted. We have learned to

have a good guide since we started the kindergarten. We can continue to be young
specimens if we take the right paths, that is, we must know how to move forward
without stopping. To have a good academic preparation we must have two very
important things: discipline, and responsibility.

First, Discipline is the basis of our behavior. We can develop very agile skills if
we have order in our life. The behavior that we generate is important to have
academic success, for example, if we do not have a good attitude at college we will
not be able to reach the goal we set ourselves, but if we have positive attitudes we
will have the possibility of being successful academically. Therefore, being
disciplined will allow you to reap great achievements.

Secondly, To be responsible for our own decisions is to have to accept everything we

choose. If we want to be professionals in life, we must take into account the maturity of
things, that is, we have the obligation to continue advancing with our studies because
through our effort we will achieve every goal set, but if we do not have responsibility we
will not be able to reach that goal. Presenting each homework, or work on time, is a
fundamental part of being responsible. Therefore, we must begin to be aware of the
burden, and responsibility we have in order to succeed.

In summary, It is absolutely clear that in order to have an excellent academic

preparation we must start by being disciplined young people, and that we show that you
can become successful by having good responsibility. In my point of view, so that I can
learn English better, I must start taking the advice of being a lady with an academic order.
Keep in mind that I want to be an excellent nurse, and therefore be very responsible, and

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